Indicators of progesterone norms in women by day of the cycle


One of the most important hormones in the body is progesterone. This is a steroid hormone that is synthesized in women and men. In the male body, small amounts of progesterone are produced by the adrenal glands and testes. In a woman’s body, progesterone is involved in regulating the functioning of the reproductive system.

Progesterone is sometimes called the pregnancy hormone. This name did not appear by chance. Progesterone is required for the successful attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, and is also responsible for many processes that occur during pregnancy.

Progesterone test

Progesterone is one of the main steroid hormones of the human body, the production of which is responsible for the adrenal cortex. Progesterone has high hormonal activity and is also a direct precursor to estrogens, androgens and corticosteroids.

Progesterone is present in the body of both men and women. The hormone circulates in the blood serum - it is by studying it that the concentration of this substance in the body can be determined. In the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the content of progesterone in the blood during the analysis remains low. The concentration of this substance in a woman’s body increases significantly after ovulation - active production of the hormone by the corpus luteum begins. Progesterone has a direct effect on the launch of a number of processes in the body of women, including preparation for implantation of a fertilized egg. If fertilization has occurred, the body begins to produce hCG - it is by its level that one can confirm or deny pregnancy in the earliest stages. This substance supports the corpus luteum and the secretion of progesterone in it.

By the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the placenta takes on the main role in the secretion of progesterone in the female body. As pregnancy progresses, the concentration of the hormone in the blood serum continues to increase steadily. If implantation of a fertilized egg does not occur within a certain period of time, the corpus luteum is destroyed, after which the amount of progesterone circulating in the body decreases significantly. After just a few days, the level of this hormone reaches the level observed in the follicular phase.

Steroid synthesis is a very complex biological process. It begins with the synthesis of cholesterol from acetate. The direct precursor of progesterone is pregnenolone. The main metabolite of progesterone in the liver is pregnanediol, which is synthesized by the body and then excreted by the kidneys. Progesterone is transported throughout the body exclusively in conjunction with other steroid hormones.

Pregnant women have a blood test for progesterone to assess the progress of pregnancy. If the concentration of progesterone increases, pregnancy proceeds normally. If the level of progesterone in the blood has not increased, a number of other specific tests, including ultrasonography, must be performed to confirm the viability of the fetus. Serum progesterone concentrations peak and stabilize at approximately 8–10 weeks of pregnancy. If this does not happen or the hormone level decreases, a disruption in the normal course of pregnancy may occur.

After 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, the concentration of progesterone in the blood serum begins to increase again, however, analysis for this hormone in late pregnancy is not informative in diagnosis. This test is best suited to determine the time of ovulation and the presence of a functioning corpus luteum. In this way, it is possible to diagnose luteal phase dysfunction - but only if ovulation has occurred, and progesterone production during this period is significantly lower than normal levels.

Explanation of progesterone analysis

Progesterone levels depend on the age and gender of the patient, in a woman - on the day of the menstrual cycle, and during pregnancy - on the period. Units of measurement: nmol/l. Alternative units: ng/ml. Conversion of units: ng/ml x 3.18 ==> nmol/l. Reference values

AgeProgesterone level, nmol/l
< 9 years

< 1,1

< 1,1
9 – 18 years
Puberty, Tanner stages
Stage 1

< 1,1

< 1,1
Stage 2

< 1,1

< 1,8
Stage 3

< 1,1

0,3 — 14,4
Stage 4

< 3,5

0,3 — 41,6
Stage 5

0,7 — 2,6

0,3 — 30,4
> 18 years old

0,3 — 2,2

After puberty and before postmenopauseFollicular phase0,3 — 2,2
Ovulatory phase (mid cycle)0,5 — 9,4
Luteal phase7,0 — 56,6
Postmenopause< 0,6
PregnantI trimester8,9 — 468,4
II trimester71,5 — 303,1
III trimester88,7 — 771,5

Why is progesterone elevated?

What does an elevated 17-OH progesterone level indicate? When assessing the results, not only the fact of its increase in the blood flow is considered, but also the degree of difference from normal indicators:

  1. A slight change in the concentration of the hormone suggests infertility, the occurrence of a tumor in the ovaries or adrenal glands. A woman may develop a hormonal imbalance, as a result, a whole “bouquet” of diseases, including diabetes.
  2. A noticeable deviation from the norm is observed in congenital adrenal hyperplasia, as well as in premature infants.
  3. High rates appear against the background of the growth of hormone-dependent tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands.

Decoding indicators

If in the transcript of the analysis the progesterone indicator is indicated in ng/ml, then to obtain the most accurate indicator it is necessary to divide the figure by 3.18. The level of progesterone in the blood of boys and girls before puberty is the same and is less than 1.1 nmol/l. With the entry into adolescence, the beginning of hormonal changes and the active formation of sexual function, norms become different for children of both sexes. The production of progesterone outside of pregnancy largely depends on the stage of the menstrual cycle.

The main functions of progesterone in the female body

In a woman’s body, progesterone controls the following processes:

  • Stimulates the growth of the endometrium of the uterus so that the egg can implant.
  • It prevents contraction of the uterine muscles and, as a consequence, miscarriage, which often occurs in the early stages.
  • Helps stop menstruation in pregnant women.
  • Regulates the enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Necessary for the formation and transformation of fetal tissue.
  • Since progesterone plays a huge role not only in the onset of pregnancy, but also in its course, its level increases several times immediately after implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall.

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Progesterone and pregnancy

Undoubtedly, if they talk about an important hormone during pregnancy, they mean progesterone. Progesterone was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century and since then more and more data have emerged about its importance for the female body.

Each monthly cycle, throughout the reproductive period of a woman's life, progesterone prepares the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. If conception does not occur, then rejection occurs - menstruation.

By default, a fertilized egg with paternal antigens is the enemy. The female body tries to reject and destroy it. Normal progesterone levels prevent this process and pregnancy continues naturally. This happens due to the fact that progesterone changes the response of the expectant mother’s immune system, and the immune system allows the hostile, in its opinion, future organism to pass through.

In addition to the safety of the fetus, progesterone is involved in the following processes during pregnancy:

  • reduces uterine tone by blocking the hormone oxytocin;
  • creates conditions for attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus;
  • improves the general well-being of the uterus and prepares it for further tests;
  • affects the cervix and locks it during pregnancy, which ensures additional safety of the fetus.

During pregnancy, the developing placenta becomes the main source of progesterone. From it, progesterone enters the mother’s blood and directly to the unborn child2.

When to take a blood test

It is important to consider that progesterone begins to rise on day 5 of the cycle and reaches a maximum at the luteal stage, on days 20–21. It is during this time period that it is recommended to go to see a doctor if the cycle is standard and does not exceed 28–30 days.

With an extended and shortened cycle, a number of factors must be taken into account:

  • the onset of ovulation - with an irregular cycle, you have to determine its day by measuring basal temperature;
  • It is better to donate blood 4–5 days after ovulation;
  • ideally, do a couple of test samples - from the 19th to the 23rd day of the cycle, so that the doctor can comment on the growth of the hormone level and its compliance with the norm;
  • donate blood on an empty stomach, eating is prohibited for the last 12 hours before going to the treatment room;
  • abstain from sexual activity for the same time.

If during the period of the test a woman is taking medications, drinking alcohol in large quantities, or has recently suffered a severe cold, the doctor should be warned about this. Otherwise, she will not be able to obtain a properly reliable transcript of the analysis.

Indicators indicating the absence of pregnancy

Doctors recommend taking the test on days 21–22 of the cycle, but to calculate the progression of hormone growth, it is better to repeat several testing procedures - from days 19 to 23, or on days 24 or 25. The level of progesterone drops sharply before the onset of menstruation, so the absence of pregnancy can be determined by reading the test result.

PhaseCycle dayVolume of hormone in blood ng/mlThe volume of the hormone in the blood nmol/l
Menstruation1 to 6–70,2–0,90,34–2,31
0,41–4,39 0,39–4,79
0,13–2,9 2,4–18,10,51–9,72 7,1–56,89
PostmenopauseNo more than 0.60,5–2,2

As can be seen from the table, the maximum progesterone peak is reached during the luteal phase, which is why taking the test before or after days 19–23 of the cycle is not recommended - the result will be incorrect.

Normalization of progesterone levels

As you already understand, it is very important to maintain normal progesterone, which is responsible for women’s health. If a girl wants to become a mother in the near future, then she just needs to make sure that this hormone is within normal limits. It determines how quickly she can get pregnant and carry the baby without complications.

If the level is low, it can be increased with the help of various medications, injections and even vaginal gels. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, do tests and jointly choose the appropriate therapy.

If progesterone needs to be reduced, medications can also be used and in addition you will need to carefully monitor your diet. Among the drugs that help reduce:

  • Tamoxifen;
  • Mifepristone;
  • Valproic acid;
  • Clomiphene.

To help with drug therapy, it is best to avoid nuts, legumes, dairy products, beef and poultry. You don’t need to give up these foods completely, but their amount in the diet should be very small. Remember that drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, and a specialist should also prescribe a specific therapeutic diet. You will not be able to calculate on your own how much of these products you can consume daily, depending on the test results.

Progesterone is an important hormone that helps the female body experience ovulation every month with the possibility of conception. For those trying to get pregnant and carry a child to term, it is very important to monitor your overall health and monitor your progesterone levels. If you and your spouse decide to have a baby, visit a doctor, get the necessary tests, review your diet and give up bad habits. All this will help not only to get pregnant quickly, but also to go well throughout your pregnancy. Take care of your health and do not neglect the rules, then all the hormones in your body will cope with the task.

The influence of hormones on processes in a woman’s body

Many important processes and functions of the female body depend on the level of hormones. For example, the ability to reproduce depends on gonadotropic hormones (FSH, LH, prolactin).

An excess or, conversely, a deficiency of thyroid-stimulating hormone can have a negative effect. And female sex hormones, which are produced by the ovaries, interacting with pituitary hormones, are responsible for the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

The development of the endometrium during the menstrual cycle depends on the level of the hormone estradiol; the maturation of the endometrium is influenced by the hormone progesterone.

Norm of progesterone when taking oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are one of the most effective ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy if used correctly. With the help of hormonal contraceptives, ovulation is suppressed in the body, so that the egg cannot attach to the wall of the uterine mucosa.

There are two types of oral contraceptives - mini-pills and combined pills. The first type contains only progesterone, they are more gentle. Combined ones also contain estrogen. With the help of combined contraceptives, a certain amount of estrogen and progesterone are present in the body, which helps inhibit the production of other hormones. Ovulation is blocked and sperm are unable to fertilize the egg.

Treatment for low progesterone

You may not need treatment if you are not planning to have a child. However, you can do the following things to naturally increase your progesterone levels.

How to increase progesterone naturally

1. Taking vitamins.

Increasing your intake of vitamins B and C (which are responsible for producing progesterone) may help. Foods rich in vitamin B include whole grains (brown rice, barley and millet), meats (red meat, poultry and fish), eggs and dairy products (milk, cheese), legumes (beans, lentils) and dark leafy vegetables (broccoli , spinach). Foods rich in vitamin C include black currants, citrus fruits - oranges, limes and lemons, berries, kiwi, chili peppers, broccoli, sprouts.

2. Consumption of zinc-rich foods.

You can also boost your progesterone levels by eating more zinc-rich foods, such as meat, shellfish (these are low-calorie sources of zinc), legumes such as chickpeas, lentils and beans, seeds, nuts, dairy products, eggs and whole grains.

3. Stress management.

Excessive stress leads to the release of cortisol (the stress hormone), which in turn reduces progesterone production. You can reduce stress and emotional tension in general by exercising, meditating, yoga, taking deep breaths, and avoiding caffeine and nicotine.

Hormone therapy

The use of natural or synthetic hormones may be indicated to treat certain symptoms of low progesterone, such as menstrual irregularities and abnormal bleeding. If you experience severe symptoms, you may be given a combination of estrogen and progesterone. Hormone therapy is also advice for women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant sooner.

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