Vitamins Alphabet for women over 50: how to take, reviews

Composition of vitamins Alphabet 50+ for women

The medicine is produced for different age groups. Therefore, depending on its purpose, the composition changes.

In Alphabet 50+, the composition of vitamins and minerals is taken into account in such a way as to meet the needs of women of this age.

The complex consists of tablets of 3 colors with a different list of components

Important! The effect of the drug Alphabet 50+ has been confirmed by numerous studies of the composition.

The effect of a particular tablet is determined by the properties of the components that make up it.

Pink pill

Vitamins Alphabet 50 + ascorbic acid (35 mg), B1 (1.5 mg), B9 (100 mcg), as well as minerals Fe (10 mg) and Cu (1 mg). Doctors advise using it during the last meal or breakfast.

The substances included in the medicine prevent the occurrence of anemia and accelerate catabolism.

Blue pill

The pill has an antioxidant effect on the body. Contains magnesium (60 mg), Zn (15 mg), Mn (2 mg), iodine (150 mg), Se (70 mg), lycopene (0.75 mg), lutein (0.75 mg), beta carotene (2 mg), PP (20 mg), E (15 mg), pyridoxine (2 mg), B2 (1.8 mg), C (35 mg).

The blue pill supports the health of the choroid and retina of the eye, reduces the risk of developing partial or complete clouding of the lens of the eye.

Lycopene is a powerful factor in the fight against aging in a woman’s body. It slows down oxidative processes and blocks the effects of free radicals. Blue pills are recommended to be taken at lunchtime.

White pill

Contains biotin (50 mcg), folic acid (100 mcg), D3 (5 mcg), K1 (120 mcg), B12 (3 mcg), B5 (5 mg), calcium (300 mg) and chromium (50 mcg) .

White pills are recommended to be taken in the evening. They contain a lot of calcium, which helps strengthen teeth and bones. This tablet prevents the development of osteoporosis and reduces the likelihood of fractures.

When taking the white pill, blood clotting improves and the elasticity of blood vessels is restored.

Active components

In AlfaVit® vitamin and mineral complexes, the daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals is divided into three tablets. Each of the three tablets of the AlfaVit® vitamin and mineral complex is an independent, balanced and safe complex that has a specific, clearly defined effect on the body of adults.

The Calcium D3+ tablet is recommended to be taken with breakfast. Contains vitamin D3 and calcium, which help strengthen bones and teeth, help prevent osteoporosis, reduce the likelihood of severe fractures, and vitamin K1 regulates calcium absorption, improves blood clotting, and helps maintain vascular elasticity.

The Antioxidants + tablet is recommended to be taken during lunch. Selenium, zinc, vitamins C, E, A (in the form of beta-carotene), included in the tablet, strengthen the immune system, protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis, help the body resist harmful environmental factors, vitamins PP, B2 and B6 play an important role in metabolism substances. The tablet also contains vital microelements such as magnesium, manganese and iodine.

The Iron + tablet is recommended to be taken with dinner. Iron and vitamin C included in the tablet prevent the development of anemia, vitamin B1 is involved in energy metabolism.

Indications for use

Direct purpose of vitamins Alphabet 50+ is an additional source of useful components. Vitamin complex substances are used to prevent pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Due to the high amount of calcium, the vitamin complex is used in the treatment of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Since the medicine contains enough lutein and lycopene, it is prescribed to women whose vision begins to decline. These substances slow down the rapid aging of retina.

We recommend reading: Vitamins for hemoglobin: which ones are necessary, how to take them

Other indications for use:

  • long-term treatment with antibiotics or other drugs;
  • chemotherapy;
  • prevention of hypovitaminosis.

Attention! The degree of lack of nutrients is an individual indicator. Therefore, before use, you should find out the reason for their deficiency.

Taking vitamin Alphabet 50+ is recommended if you have an inadequate or unbalanced diet


  • The AlfaVit® 50+ complex, in addition to all the necessary vitamins and minerals, includes carotenoids. Lycopene and lutein support the health of the choroid and retina, reduce the risk of developing cataracts and other age-related diseases of the organs of vision;
  • lutein protects the retina from ultraviolet radiation, plays an important role in the prevention of various forms of retinal dystrophy and prevents the occurrence of glaucoma;
  • due to the antioxidant effect of lycopene, the risk of developing vascular atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases is reduced;
  • Lycopene is a powerful factor in the fight against aging of the body, slows down oxidation processes, blocks the action of free radicals, and reduces the risk of certain types of cancer.

How to take vitamins Alphabet 50+

You need to take 3 pills of different colors per day. The interval between applications is 4-6 hours. During this period of time, all substances will be absorbed and will not be combined with the components of another pill.

You can use it three times a day, this will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the drug. You can also drink Alphabet 50+ twice a day. In one dose, 2 tablets. Thanks to this separation, negative interactions between the components of the drug are eliminated.

Advice! If your dosage schedule is broken, you can resume it by taking the missed pill along with the next one.

The number of tablets recommended per day cannot be exceeded; take with meals

To obtain benefits and eliminate existing health problems, you need to take 3 courses. Take a 2 week break between them.

Mode of application

1 tablet of each type (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3) once a day with meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

The interval between taking tablets is from 4 to 6 hours. If the recommended dosage schedule has been violated, it is allowed to resume taking any of the tablets, including taking the missed tablet along with the next one, but the daily dose must not be exceeded.

Duration of the course of use: 4 weeks, further period of use is agreed with the doctor. Do not exceed the recommended number of tablets for daily consumption.

Contraindications for use

The drug has few contraindications, but if they exist, you should not take the pills. These include individual intolerance to the components. This means that an allergic reaction may occur from consuming one of the components of the product.

Attention! Do not drink the product with alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, existing liver and kidney diseases will become acute.

Use is contraindicated for hyperthyroidism. Also, women who take iodine should not drink Alphabet 50+. In this case, you need to consult an endocrinologist.

It is not recommended to use a higher dosage. If you miss the drug for 1 day, you should continue using it with the standard dosage the next day. It is contraindicated to take a double portion at once.

Features of application

Individual intolerance to product components.

Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and should not be used as a substitute for various diets.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Do not consume after the expiration date stated on the package.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not recommended to take simultaneously with other mineral-vitamin complexes to avoid overdose. Interactions with other drugs may result in different reactions.

You cannot take white tablets with iron at the same time; they impair the absorption of the latter element. It is also forbidden to combine phosphorus and magnesium, the absorption of magnesium worsens, and its intake with zinc reduces the absorption of the latter.

Important! If you need to combine vitamins, you should first consult your doctor. Only with his agreement can Alphabet 50+ be combined with other medications.

Consumer reviews about Alphabet 50+

Andreeva Marina, Sochi, 55 years old

I advise you to try vitamins Alphabet 50+. I liked it very much. Alphabet 50+ improves skin condition and strengthens hair, supports immunity. For me it has become a ritual in the spring and fall. If I don’t take the course, I start to get sick. Women's problems immediately appear, I catch viruses.

Volkova Larisa, Kazan, 51 years old

During menopause, you feel terrible. Headaches and dizziness are constant companions. I was especially concerned about sweating. Vitamins Alphabet 50 + my salvation. I'm very pleased with them. My health has improved noticeably. I did not expect such an effect from them at all. I gained strength and started taking fewer pills.

Maria Teplova, Nizhny Novgorod, 54 years old

After taking Alphabet 50+ vitamins for a week, I felt a surge of strength. With the advent of menopause, hair began to fall out, irritation towards everything and nervousness appeared. They were recommended to me by a gynecologist. This complex contains all the necessary elements for women's health. But to get results, you need to take it over time, this is the only negative.

ALPHABET 50+ (tablets)

worthwhile moment.
Increased loads are one thing. But seasonal exacerbations of chronic diseases can be mitigated by taking a vitamin complex, which also compensates for age-related needs. For me, this is a lack of calcium, a threat of osteoporosis. And poor vision for many years is caused by a lack of nutrition in the retina of the eyes. With age, many processes in the body's cells, unfortunately, slow down. The condition of the retina also worsens. Of course, you can’t do it with vitamins alone, but this is good support for yourself without unnecessary hassle.

The packaging clearly and clearly indicates who these vitamins are for. Here on the packaging you can read how much and what is contained in each tablet:

Lutein and lycopene are necessary for the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Why not take them along with other beneficial vitamin supplements?

Everyone knows that blood vessels undergo changes - they become thinner, become clogged with cholesterol plaques, and become fragile. For this purpose, a high content of antioxidants was included in the Alphabet 50+ vitamin complex. This is also good for the heart, which, alas, does not get younger throughout its life.

The percentage of the daily requirement is much higher than the average value and at the same time does not exceed the acceptable threshold. The content of vitamin E, one of the main antioxidants, in the blue tablet is as much as 150%. And vitamin B12 is contained in a white tablet as much as 300%, compared to 100% for an adult in the prime of life.

What else makes itself felt in every person without exception who ascends to a certain life trait is the joints. These vitamins contain 3 times more calcium, which is needed to strengthen bones. But all these values ​​do not exceed the maximum permissible values. By helping ourselves, we do no harm. Although for some these needs have a slightly different ratio. Everyone decides for himself how suitable the composition of vitamins is for him, taking into account the recommendations of his attending physicians.

Among other things, with age, the risk of various diseases with metabolic disorders, hormone production, etc. increases. The instructions for the Alphabet 50+ vitamins contain a reminder for those who have type 2 diabetes (age-related) . Another specialized complex has been created for them. The information is highlighted in bright green so you don't miss an important message.

Like all Alphavit complex vitamins, it is better to take them separately for greater effect. All contents are divided into three tablets of different colors to be taken throughout the day: pink in the morning, blue in the afternoon and white in the evening.

I understand the conventionality of the need for antioxidants as such (according to recent studies, their role is exaggerated), as well as the importance of vitamins in general. But this is a way that I can easily afford to improve my health. Moreover, I can see the results of my small efforts.

I also highly recommend that young and active people take care of their parents. Some do not attach importance to vitamins, relying on pills or their waning strength. Someone saves on their health, giving all the best to their children, even if these children have grown up long ago and have children of their own. Think about your moms and dads, find support for them in the form of the “Alphabet 50+” or “Alphabet Diabetes” complex. The price of vitamins is much lower than most medications. 200 rubles for 60 pieces, course for 20 days. Only 10 rubles a day! And the quality of life improves, strength and desire to enjoy life appear. Help yourself. Help your loved ones.

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