Medicines that can cause headaches

Every person experiences headaches from time to time. It is associated with various external factors and goes away quickly without taking pills. 15% of people suffer from frequent, severe headaches. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital conduct their examination using modern instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods.

For headaches, people prescribe analgin, no-shpu, askofen, citramon. They relieve pain, but do not affect the cause of the pain. After determining the cause of the headache, doctors at the neurology clinic carry out complex therapy. Rehabilitation specialists use innovative non-drug treatments.

Professors and doctors of the highest category discuss complex cases at a meeting of the Expert Council. Leading specialists in the field of headache treatment collectively develop further tactics for patient management. Patients have the opportunity to undergo complex examinations and treatment at partner clinics of the Yusupov Hospital.

Top 9 drugs for headaches depending on its cause.

June 1, 2021



  • Why does my head hurt?
  • Groups of drugs for headaches
  • Analgesics
  • Antispasmodics
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • The most effective pills for headaches
  • Aspirin
  • Paracetamol
  • Citramon
  • Tempalgin
  • Pentalgin
  • Spazgan
  • Nurofen
  • No-Shpa

There is probably not a single person who has not experienced a headache at least once in his life. Moreover, this also applies to absolutely healthy people. Headache varies in severity, often impairing quality of life and reducing performance. Therefore, there are head pills in every home medicine cabinet.

But you need to understand that there is no universal remedy for headaches, because there are about 40 causes that cause them. And only a doctor can determine exactly why you have a headache. If you need to quickly relieve pain, we suggest you at least figure out which headache medication you need to take in a particular case.

Read also How to treat migraine: the best drugs Top 5 best drugs against migraine


  • Scripter C. Headache: Tension-Type Headache. FP Essent. 2018 Oct;473:17-20. PMID: 30346680.
  • Espí-López GV, Zurriaga-Llorens R, Monzani L, Falla D. The effect of manipulation plus massage therapy versus massage therapy alone in people with tension-type headache. A randomized controlled clinical trial. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2021 Oct;52(5):606-617. Epub 2021 Mar 18. PMID: 26989818.
  • Marks DR, Rapoport AM. Practical evaluation and diagnosis of headache. Semin Neurol. 1997;17(4):307-12. doi: 10.1055/s-2008-1040943. PMID: 9474710.
  • MacGregor E.A. Contraception and headache. Headache. 2013 Feb;53(2):247-76. doi: 10.1111/head.12035. PMID: 23432442.
  • Allais G, Gabellari IC, De Lorenzo C, Mana O, Benedetto C. Oral contraceptives in migraine. Expert Rev Neurother. 2009 Mar;9(3):381-93. doi: 10.1586/14737175.9.3.381. PMID: 19271947.
  • Friedman DI. Headache and the eye. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2008 Aug;12(4):296-304. doi:10.1007/s11916-008-0050-1. PMID: 18625108.

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Why does my head hurt?

The characteristics of headaches can vary in intensity, location, nature of pain, duration, etc. Among the causes of headaches


  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or cerebral vascular spasms;
  • migraine, vascular problems, otitis media, glaucoma and other problems can be suspected by a throbbing headache;
  • if the headache lasts for a long time, meningitis, encephalitis, tuberculosis and serious damage to the nervous system are possible.

Regarding the location of the headache,

then it is also different for each problem:

  • forehead and eyebrow area: migraine, some eye diseases, inflammation of the sinuses, pneumonia;
  • occipital region: neuralgia of the occipital nerve, spasm of the muscles of the head and neck, osteochondrosis, hypertension;
  • forehead and temples: sinusitis, pneumonia, sore throat, flu, increased intracranial pressure;
  • parietal region: migraine, muscle spasms of the head and neck, tumor processes.

In addition to various diseases, headaches can be caused by weather dependence, stressful situations, lack of sleep, and bad habits. In women, headaches often depend on the menstrual cycle. Men usually have headaches due to overwork, childhood headaches are associated with ARVI, and in old age headaches are caused by problems with the heart and blood vessels.

In any case, uncontrolled use of medications is unacceptable for headaches. If you have frequent headaches, be sure to consult a doctor and get tested to determine the cause.

Description of the disease

Overuse headache occurs due to long-term use of painkillers and sedatives. In addition to painful sensations, this pathology is dangerous because it changes the initial picture of the disease, which blurs the clinical picture and leads to treatment errors. Changing the pattern of primary headaches may lead to changes in therapeutic methods, which will not cure the underlying cause. The patient will fight the investigation.

In addition, uncontrolled and long-term use of analgesics and tranquilizers leads to the development of diseases of other organs and systems: circulatory, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver.

Important! Overuse headache can develop exclusively in patients suffering from frequent headaches. Under other circumstances, even with long-term use of similar drugs, this pathology does not develop.


The active ingredient in Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. We are sure that this drug is in every home medicine cabinet. “Aspirin” can be taken for inflammatory diseases, problems with cerebral circulation, hangover syndrome, to thin the blood (as a prevention of thrombosis). Aspirin is often prescribed in the complex treatment of vascular diseases. Contraindications include bleeding disorders, stomach and intestinal ulcers, etc.

Bayer Schering Pharma (Bayer), Germany

The drug Aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties.
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This remedy is suitable for eliminating headaches of various etiologies and is well tolerated by the body. Paracetamol is an affordable and at the same time very effective antipyretic. An antipyretic drug for children, Panadol, is produced based on paracetamol. Paracetamol for headaches can be taken once, or up to four times a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed five days to prevent overdose.

Paracetamol MS
Medisorb, Russia

Paracetamol is used for: relieving moderate or mild pain (headache, toothache, migraine, sore throat, neuralgia, myalgia);
reducing elevated body temperature during colds and other infectious and inflammatory diseases. Paracetamol is intended for symptomatic therapy, reducing pain and inflammation at the time of use, does not affect the progression of the disease. from 4

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Any disease that is not treated in a timely manner has its consequences for a person. In some cases, the consequences are minimal and go away with proper therapy. Sometimes it happens that a seemingly “frivolous” disease, like a snowball, gains momentum, turning into truly catastrophic consequences for a person. In the case of the abuse factor, sleep disturbances and increased headaches are noted, nausea appears and excessive anxiety appears.

These symptoms last from several hours to 6-8 days, depending on the severity of the initial condition. Therefore, doctors recommend taking care of sick leave or a short vacation in advance during treatment. This measure will allow you to endure the withdrawal of painkillers and sedatives in the most comfortable conditions and without additional stress. As a rule, 2 weeks after stopping medications that provoke abuse factor, the intensity of headaches decreases by more than 50%.


Citramon is one of the most frequently purchased and affordable headache medications. Take it if the headache is not severe (against the background of elevated temperature or inflammatory processes). "Citramon" improves vascular tone and stimulates blood circulation. These headache tablets contain caffeine, aspirin and paracetamol, that is, Citramon has a complex effect. But you should not take this drug for a long time so that “side effects” do not develop. The daily dose is a maximum of 8 tablets (no more than three days).

JSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty", Russia; Anzhero-Sudzhensky Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant, Russia; Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC, Russia; PrJSC Pharmaceutical Company “DARNITSA”, Ukraine

The drug Citramon is an analgesic drug that has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.
The components that make up the drug enhance each other's effects. from 4


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A complex drug for headaches with a sedative effect. Consider this nuance if your work involves increased concentration. "Tempalgin" is good for relieving headaches of various types. These headache pills can be taken for headaches of varying severity. You can take no more than three Tempalgin tablets per day (if there is persistent pain). The duration of headache treatment should not exceed five days.

Sopharma, Bulgaria

- moderate or mild pain syndrome (including headache, migraine, toothache, neuralgia, radicular syndrome, myalgia, arthralgia, algodismenorrhea), especially in patients with increased nervous excitability;
- mild pain of visceral origin (including renal, hepatic, intestinal colic) in combination with antispasmodic therapy; — pain syndrome after surgical and diagnostic interventions (as an adjuvant); - increased body temperature during colds and other infectious and inflammatory diseases. from 91


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The symptoms of abusive headaches depend mainly on which drug was most often used to relieve pain. Overuse syndrome develops three or more months after taking high doses of analgesics and/or ergotamine.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • The intensity of pain is observed in the first hours after waking up, i.e. in the morning.
  • Abuse pain is daily in nature and feels like a dull, squeezing pain. Sometimes turning into migraine-like or tension pain - squeezing/tightening.
  • In most cases, the pain is moderate.
  • Increased pain is observed with physical or mental stress.
  • The culmination of pain is associated with the cessation of the use of habitual analgesics.
  • The peak of pain may be accompanied by sound and photophobia, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.
  • The pain relief effect of the drugs is short-lived

Additional symptoms:

  1. constant feeling of fatigue;
  2. decreased performance;
  3. fast fatiguability;
  4. sleep disturbances, problems falling asleep;
  5. irritability;
  6. "fog" in the head.


"Pentalgin" is also a complex medicine that has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antipyretic effects. "Pentalgin" slows down the production of hormones that cause pain. Usually, taking one tablet is enough to relieve a headache. It is recommended not to exceed a dose of three Pentalgin tablets per day; you can be treated with this drug for no more than five days.

OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russia

— pain syndrome of various origins, incl.
pain in joints, muscles, radiculitis, algodismenorrhea, neuralgia, toothache, headache (including those caused by cerebral vasospasm); — pain syndrome associated with spasm of smooth muscles, incl. for chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, postcholecystectomy syndrome, renal colic; — post-traumatic and postoperative pain syndrome, incl. accompanied by inflammation; - colds accompanied by febrile syndrome (as symptomatic therapy). from 57


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The back of the head hurts during a migraine. Causes and treatment

Migraine refers to a primary headache caused by pathological processes in the tissues of the brain itself. Migraine pain feels like a hoop around the head, but can also be localized in the back of the head. They develop periodically, lasting from 2 hours to several days. They can bother people of any age, but more often women 25–40 years old. Migraine is provoked by nervous tension, insufficient rest, and excessive physical activity. The attack can be relieved by taking analgesics. This should be done in the first minutes of discomfort.


These head tablets relieve vasospasm, relieve inflammation and relieve pain. The effect of taking the drug occurs quickly and usually lasts 4-8 hours. And although Spazgan can be bought without a prescription and is indicated for many types of pain, it is still advisable to consult a doctor before taking it. This headache medication is usually taken as a one-time dose. If you need a different application regimen, be sure to read the instructions to avoid side effects.

Wockhardt, India

Mild or moderate pain syndrome due to spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs - renal and hepatic colic, spastic pain along the intestines, algodismenorrhea.
Can be used for short-term symptomatic treatment of joint pain, neuralgia, sciatica, myalgia. As an adjuvant it can be used to reduce pain after surgical and diagnostic interventions. If necessary, the drug can be used to reduce elevated body temperature during colds and infectious and inflammatory diseases. from 97

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The first table excludes

Thus, it is important for the pharmacist to exclude hypertension, which requires mandatory consultation with a doctor. To do this, you need to ask a few questions.

  1. Questions about the nature of GB:
      What is the intensity of headache, its nature and localization?
  2. Are there any accompanying symptoms?
  3. What causes headache attacks?
  4. The presence of an intense headache, spreading to half of the head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, or a typical aura, may indicate a migraine. Severe (even unbearable) unilateral pain in the temple, orbit, or mixed localization, accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and/or autonomic symptoms on the side of pain, indicates the presence of cluster headache. In both cases, the pain syndrome is poorly controlled by conventional analgesics and requires the prescription of specific therapy by a doctor. Headache accompanied by severe pain in the eyes and blurred vision requires exclusion of glaucoma.

  5. Questions about HD treatment:
      What medications for migraines and headaches has the patient already used or is currently using?
  6. With what effect?
  7. Long-term previous use of analgesics allows one to suspect the development of excessive hypertension, which also requires consultation with a neurologist.

  8. Presence of warning symptoms requiring mandatory medical attention:
      Intense headache with a sudden (“explosive”) onset can develop with subarachnoid hemorrhage.
  9. Headache with an atypical aura lasting more than an hour or motor weakness is characteristic of a cerebrovascular accident - transient ischemic attack or stroke, as well as the presence of an aura without headache, although there was previously migraine with aura.
  10. An aura that first appears in a patient taking combined oral contraceptives may indicate a risk of stroke.
  11. Increasing headache that gets worse over several weeks or more, or headache that gets worse with changes in posture, coughing, sneezing, or straining, may indicate the presence of a space-occupying intracranial formation.
  12. Also requires consultation with a neurologist in headaches accompanied by focal neurological symptoms (shaky gait, unilateral and bilateral paralysis, etc.), and headaches with fever of unknown origin.
  13. A previous fall or head injury is a reason to see a doctor to rule out a TBI.


A combined drug with anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects. Nurofen is a good pain reliever. If you have a migraine, and you don’t have the usual medications prescribed by a neurologist at hand, you can take Nurofen once. You can take no more than four tablets per day, with breaks between each dose of at least four hours. It is not advisable to take Nurofen for more than three days.

Nurofen Forte
Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare International Ltd, UK

NSAIDs to eliminate: Headache;
migraine; toothache; algodismenorrhea; neuralgia; backache; myalgia; rheumatic pains; fever with influenza and ARVI. from 83

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Typically, No-Shpu is prescribed for tension headaches (stress, emotional or physical stress). This type of headache is usually mild and without throbbing. “No-Spa” is an antispasmodic that relaxes blood vessels and improves blood circulation. The therapeutic effect occurs literally 15 minutes after taking the tablet. You can take no more than two tablets at a time (no more than 8 per day). Moreover, you cannot take No-Shpu on your own for more than two days unless prescribed by a doctor.



The main, and perhaps the only reason why patients develop an overuse headache is the uncontrolled use of medications or an unauthorized increase in the dose of painkillers recommended by the attending physician. Regular use of analgesics leads to the development of abusive pain. This is a secondary disease that appears against the background of untreated headaches or abuse of prescribed drugs.

Based on 29 studies of more than 2,500 patients, Diener and Tfelt-Hansen concluded that in more than 65% of cases migraine pain is caused by an overuse factor, about 25% suffer from tension pain and approximately 10% remain with mixed pain. According to statistics, women are 3.5 times more likely than men to suffer from the abuse factor. Keeping a special diary allows you to identify the real number of hundreds of tablets consumed. These numbers are different for each patient, ranging from 2 to 25 pieces per day. The average figure is 5 tablets. In more than half of all cases, patients use over-the-counter forms of drugs, only a third of them turn to specialists in a timely manner.

The abuse factor is characterized by a peculiar course; at the beginning of the disease, patients use mainly paracetamol and aspirin, after a while, resorting to complex analgesics, which include:

  1. coedeine
  2. tranquilizer
  3. ergotamine
  4. caffeine
  5. barbiturate.

There are cases of frequent use of pentalgin. Drug abuse is considered recognized when combined analgesics are used more than 10-12 times a month for 3 months or more, and simple analgesics more than 15 times a month. The diagnosis is considered confirmed when taking medications more than 15 days within one month.

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