Eye drops Taufon - instructions for children

The drug Taufon is useful vitamins that will help maintain eye health. After their use, the dullness of the eyes will disappear, they will become more expressive. Vitamins also help fight fatigue of the visual apparatus and nourish them with useful substances. Drops help fight various eye diseases, have minimal contraindications and, in rare cases, cause adverse reactions.

How to apply Taufon eye drops correctly

The drug is used as an infusion of drops into the eye. 1-2 drops are enough for one eye. This procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day for 3 months. You can resume the course only after taking a break for 30 days.

In case of dystrophic problems of the cornea, as well as in case of eye injury, vitamins should be used in the same amount for a month.

For open-angle glaucoma, it is also necessary to drop 1-2 drops into the eye 2 times a day. The product should be used 15-20 minutes before taking antihypertensive medications. In this situation, the treatment course lasts 1.5 months. You need to stop using the drug gradually, over 10-14 days.

Elderly people use drops in the same way and in the same dose. There is no need to adjust the dose.

Indications for use

Taufon drops, as prescribed by an ophthalmologist, can be used by people over 18 years of age, but in some cases a specialist may recommend this remedy for minors.

The drug is prescribed as part of the complex treatment or prevention of myopia, glaucoma, cataracts, farsightedness, dystrophic changes in the cornea or retina, and retinal pathologies.

The use of this remedy helps relieve spasm of accommodation, improve nutrition of the retina, normalize blood circulation in the eye tissues, reduce pressure, reduce the risk of complications, and stop the progression of pathology.

Taufon Tabs product

For maximum effect, Taufon Tabs vitamins can be additionally prescribed along with the drops. The drug is available in tablet form. The composition contains 14 components that have a beneficial effect on the visual apparatus. These include minerals, vitamins and carotenoids.

The composition is designed in such a way that it can improve eye function. It is used for large and frequent visual loads, as well as for eye fatigue.

The instructions say that the tablets should be taken once a day, regardless of meals. The duration of the therapeutic course is 90 days.

What are the benefits of taurine?

The active ingredient of the drug "Taufon" is taurine - a sulfonic acid containing sulfur. The body can synthesize taurine on its own, but if the production of this sulfonic acid is insufficient, a person may experience various health problems - in particular, vision deteriorates.

A sufficient amount of sulfonic acid has a positive effect on the visual organs. Taurine improves metabolism in eye tissues, helps stabilize intraocular pressure, promotes the normal functioning of the retina, and accelerates tissue regeneration after injuries and other damage.

In a healthy person, the body independently synthesizes taurine, but with ophthalmic diseases, the production of this substance and its concentration in the eye tissues are noticeably reduced. To increase the level of taurine and improve the metabolism of eye tissue, an ophthalmologist may prescribe Taufon drops, which contain this sulfonic acid.

Shelf life of Taufon

For each form of medication, a certain expiration date is established, during which you can store unopened packages .

  • drops in a bottle - 4 years;
  • in a dropper bottle - 3 years;
  • in a dropper tube - 2 years;
  • solution - 3 years;
  • tablets - 2 years.

After the box of medicine has been opened , you will have:

  • for drops - 30 days;
  • for solution - 28 days;
  • for tablets - 1 year.

After these periods, it is strictly not recommended to use the drugs. In an open bottle of tablets, after 10-12 months, staphylococci, E. coli, and salmonella begin to multiply intensively. In droppers and tubes, after 20-30 days, the effect of the paraben preservative, which suppresses the growth of bacteria and mold fungi, wears off. Instead of treatment, the patient faces the risk of new complications.

The same rules apply to sealed containers. Sealed packaging protects Taufon from bacterial contamination, but over time this effect weakens. When there is less than 1 month left before the date stamped on the package, it is better to purchase fresh medicine.

IMPORTANT: If during storage “Taufon” experienced temperature changes (over +20 ° C, below +5 ° C), the taurine in it was partially or completely destroyed. This product cannot be used for treatment; all that remains is to throw it away. Vials with a cloudy solution or with sediment are prohibited from being used - the medicine in them has already deteriorated, is defective or counterfeit. If you find any external damage to the bottle (chips, cracks, holes, the protective membrane under the cap is missing or torn, etc.), get rid of it. It is dangerous to use such a product.

Results and discussion

The initial indicators of VRSP, OSDI and PRS in all groups did not differ significantly (see table)


During control examinations carried out after 7, 30, 60, 180 days of wearing SCLs, it was found that in the 1st group of patients who received instillation eye drops of a 4% solution of the drug Taufon, pathological pathologies were recorded significantly less often than in patients of other groups. changes in the cornea, bulbar and tarsal part of the conjunctiva ( p


All patients of group 1 who received Taufon noted an improvement in the condition of the eyes after instillation, the disappearance of redness and eye fatigue, lacrimation, burning and stinging in the eyes, and increased sensitivity of the eyes to light. Subjective improvement in vision after instillation of drops was noted by all patients. In all eyes, biomicroscopy with a fluorescein test revealed the absence of deepithelialization phenomena, regression of limbal neovascularization, which did not exceed 0.5 mm, and flattening of the tarsal conjunctival papillae with a decrease in their number. At the end of the study, an increase in tear film stability time (TST) was reliably established, and signs of reverse development of dry eye symptoms were identified, which indicated the effectiveness of the drug used.

In group 2, at the end of the study, weakly positive dynamics were recorded in the regression of dry eye symptoms, which was manifested by a decrease in the number of pinpoint areas of corneal de-epithelialization, when stained with a 0.2% fluorescein solution from 5 to 10 loci. The area of ​​perilimbal hyperemia at the beginning and end of the study remained at the same level. Some patients in the same group showed an insignificant decrease in tarsal conjunctival hyperplasia, which did not significantly affect the values ​​of VRSP, OSDI and PRS at the end of the observation period (see table)


In the 3rd group of patients with stationary myopia, a high frequency of subjective complaints of patients about a feeling of discomfort and a feeling of dry eyes was noted. During biomicroscopy after staining with a solution of 0.2% fluorescein, more than 20 point defects of the corneal epithelium, localized in different parts of the cornea, were recorded. A slight expansion of the zone of perilimbal hyperemia of the conjunctiva was also recorded, which increased to 1.5 mm from the scleral part of the limbus. The obtained values ​​of VRSP, OSDI and PrSh at the beginning and end of the observation period are reflected in the table and confirm the identified changes.

The values ​​of corneotopographic and pachymetric parameters obtained at the beginning and end of the study (520±0.32 µm) were relatively constant and stable throughout the study in patients of all three groups. There were also no changes in endothelial cell density (ECD), which corresponded to the age norms of patients, averaging 2630±748 cells per 1 mm2. All these indicators remained unchanged throughout the study.


1. A comparative study of the effectiveness of eye drops for the prevention of dry eye symptoms in patients with stationary myopia who used silicone hydrogel SCLs Air Optix Night & Day (“Ciba Vision”) and Pure Vision 2HD (“Bausch & Lomb”), conducted in three statistical studies comparable clinical groups, revealed significant advantages of using a 4% solution of the drug Taufon in patients of the main group in comparison with the results obtained both in patients of the 2nd group who received natural tears, and in patients in the control group, which is confirmed by an increase in the clinically significant effect.

2. It seems promising to use a 4% solution of the drug Taufon for the prevention and treatment of possible morphofunctional disorders in the cornea and conjunctiva associated with the development of symptomatic forms of dry eye with long-term use of SCL in patients with stationary myopia, which determines the need for further long-term follow-up with a comprehensive study and analysis of the obtained data.

Reviews from parents

Konstantin: My eight-year-old son was prescribed Taufon for a course of 1 month to treat astigmatism. Physiotherapy was constantly carried out, then therapeutic exercises were prescribed. Vision from 0.3 was restored to one within a year.

Valentina: The doctor prescribed Taufon for her daughter; there was a suspicion of developing glaucoma. I took it for 2 months and my vision improved. My eyes began to tire less and my headaches stopped. For six months now, my daughter has not been bothered by anything; the doctor ordered to repeat the two-month course in a year to prevent complications.

How to store Taufon

Taufon preparations are stored out of the reach of children at room temperature +15…+25 °C. This applies to tablets and solution.

The drops are placed in a dark place, protected from light, and stored:

  • in tube droppers - in a cool place at a temperature not exceeding +15 ° C;
  • in vials and dropper bottles - without allowing the temperature to rise above +25 °C.

This medicine should not be placed in the refrigerator, but before instillation it must be warmed by rubbing the bottle or tube in your hands.

The most competent way to store Taufon looks like this: Packaging. After each use, place the bottle, tube or bottle of tablets in the original cardboard packaging. This will protect the medicine from exposure to light. Place. In a sideboard or buffet, locked with a key, away from children. In a closed box of a home first aid kit (with latches and locks). Conditions. Away from heat sources (batteries, heaters), light, in a dry and ventilated area. Marking. Write down the day you opened the medicine on the label or box. Another option is to immediately count the days until the expiration date from the date of opening and mark this on the bottle.


  • freeze Taufon;
  • Keep refrigerated;
  • leave in the light, under a lamp, in direct sunlight;
  • Place in the bathroom or wet areas.

Reviews from doctors

Smutnitskaya Lyudmila Alekseevna, pediatric ophthalmologist: This drug has good results in pediatric ophthalmology. Despite the fact that the instructions indicate that childhood is a contraindication to the use of Taufon, it is often prescribed to children with atrophic diseases and myopia. Side effects for him are very rare.

Timakova Anna Aleksandrovna, pediatric ophthalmologist: I constantly prescribe Taufon to my patients for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Among them are myopia and astigmatism, which are common. Effective in pediatric practice, rarely causes side effects. The benefits of use certainly outweigh the risk of complications.

Can the drops cause harm?

The product "Taufon" is considered relatively safe, since it contains a substance that is synthesized in the human body. However, this is a medical drug that has contraindications and side effects. If they are not taken into account, the use of the medicine may harm the patient. According to the instructions for eye drops, Taufon should not be used by children (permissible only as prescribed by a doctor) and those who are hypersensitive to this sulfonic acid. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should use this medicine after a careful risk-benefit assessment. Possible side effects of using eye drops can be allergic reactions in the form of irritation, itching, rashes, and severe lacrimation. Sometimes there may be a temporary deterioration in visual acuity and a sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

MagazinLinz.ru team

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