Aqualor soft shower runny nose for irrigation and rinsing 150 ml

It has long been noted that sea air has a beneficial effect on the condition of the respiratory system. People suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, when moving to a maritime climate, note the disappearance of symptoms and the absence of exacerbations.

The Stada company presents a line of drugs based on natural sea water Aqualor for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the ENT organs.

Healing properties of sea water:

  • relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa, “pulling” excess fluid from the intercellular space due to the osmotic effect;
  • is a natural antiseptic - destroys the cell wall of bacteria;
  • mechanically removes bacteria, viruses, allergens, dust particles, desquamated epithelium from the surface of the mucous membrane;
  • normalizes the activity of the ciliated epithelium and glands, helps soften and remove crusts and mucus from the respiratory tract.

What types of Aqualor are there?

The fundamental differences between the products in the line are the concentration of salts in the seawater solution and the type of spray nozzle.

Depending on the percentage of salt, there are two types of preparations:

  • isotonic solution (8-11 g/l or 0.9%) - approximately the same concentration of salts in the blood and all human biological fluids. Most preferable for rinsing the nose to prevent acute and exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases;
  • hypertonic solution (19-23 g/l or 1.9-2.3%) - the density and concentration of salts is higher than in the body. It relieves swelling and nasal congestion well.

All bottles are equipped with a convenient ergonomic nozzle. Spray types:

  • shower - a sprayer creates a cloud of tiny drops of the drug, which evenly fall on the mucous membrane.
  • jet - with its help the drug penetrates deeper and reaches the nasopharynx.
  • soft shower and drops - special options for children from birth;
  • dosed spray - a sprayer for small volume bottles (30 ml).

Some types of Aqualor sprays contain additional medicinal ingredients - extracts of brown algae, aloe vera, Roman chamomile, carbon dioxide bubbles.

How to replace Aqualor. Are there any cheap analogues to Aqualor?

The cheapest replacement option is sea salt and boiled water, with which you can easily prepare an analogue of Aqualor at home. Follow a simple recipe: add a heaped teaspoon of salt to boiled water (1 liter), cooled to 40 degrees, and mix well. “Homemade aqualor” is ready.

You can also search on pharmacy websites for a list of cheaper analogues of Aqualor, but most likely you will hardly find any of them.

If we consider the well-known salt pharmaceutical products, their price will be as follows:

  • marimer (spray 100 ml) - 430 rubles;
  • humer (spray 50 ml) - 400 rubles;
  • morenasal (spray 50 ml) - 300 rubles;
  • otrivin sea (spray 100 ml) - 420 rubles;
  • quickx (spray 30 ml) - 350 rubles;
  • dolphin (30 sachets of 1 g) - 300 rubles;
  • aqua maris (spray 30 ml) - 280 rubles;
  • aqua-rinosol (spray 20 ml) - 70 rubles;
  • aquamaster (spray 50 ml) - 200 rubles.

Based on the prices given, we can conclude that all drugs are more expensive than Aqualor. Even if there is a price, for example, 70 rubles for the drug Aqua-Rinosol, then you should pay attention to its quantity, it is only 20 ml. This means that a dose of 100 ml will cost about 350 rubles.

Sometimes patients do not pay enough attention to the amount of the drug, and consider it cheaper, comparing only the number of rubles.

Therefore, cheap analogues of Aqualor for children and adults are ordinary homemade saline solutions, or pharmacy 0.9% sodium chloride (saline solution) is perfect.

Unfortunately, analogues of Aqualor Aqua-Rinosol (Russia) or No-Sol (Ukraine) are no cheaper, and manufacturers are trying to keep the price quite high. No-salt spray (10ml) costs approximately 100 rubles. You can’t help but begin to wonder whether we really have so little sea space to produce cheap analogues of the foreign drug Aqualor.

For small children, as a cheaper analogue of Aqualor Baby, it is better to use a pharmacy saline solution, however, it is prepared under sterile conditions and has long been tested in practice. After a year, switch to home dilutions of salt and water.

When purchasing analogues of Aqualor at a pharmacy, especially when the price is not so important for the patient, sometimes the question arises: “What is better to choose, for example, Aqualor or Kwix?” As the famous doctor Komarovsky says - let's figure it out.

Comparative characteristics of saline pharmaceutical solutions

Analogues are drugs that replace the main drug, but the therapeutic effect of the substitute should be almost identical. Of course, in addition to saline solutions, one could look for analogs of Aqualor that are completely different in composition, but they will have a more pronounced therapeutic effect. Such substitutes include herbal infusions, furatsilin, chlorhexidine, miramistin and others.


– Life Hack. How to inexpensively rinse the nasopharyngeal cavity. How and with what to fill the Aqualor bottle yourself at home. If there is no difference, then why pay more?

Isotonic solutions Aqualor for the nose

Aqualor Soft with a shower head and Aqualor Norm with a jet spray are ideal for moisturizing and rinsing the nasal cavity. Common indications for both:

  • prevention and treatment of seasonal colds and ARVI;
  • nasal rinsing for allergic, medicinal and vasomotor rhinitis;

Aqualor Soft with “shower” spray helps with dry mucous membranes, for washing the respiratory tract after being in a dusty room. Suitable for daily care of the nasal mucosa and prevention of inflammatory diseases.

It is advisable to use Aqualor Norm with a jet nozzle for the treatment and prevention of adenoiditis (inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil).

The preparations do not contain preservatives or other harmful substances and are suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Can be prescribed to children from 6 months of age.

Aqualor forte shower congestion for irrigation and rinsing from 1 year hypertonic 150ml

A product for irrigation and rinsing of the nasal cavity for children and adults (aerosol) in the form of a transparent, colorless, odorless liquid with a salty taste.

100 ml
natural sea water 70-77 ml
with hypertonic concentration of NaCl - 19-23 g/l pH 6.0-8.5

Excipients: purified water. Does not contain preservatives.

125 ml - metal cylinders (1) with an anatomical nozzle for the nose with spray in the form of a “shower” - four-layer bags (1) with a one-way valve - cardboard packs. 150 ml - metal cylinders (1) with an anatomical nozzle for the nose with spray in the form of a “shower” - four-layer bags (1) with a one-way valve - cardboard packs.


Aqualor forte and Aqualor forte mini are used for the prevention and complex treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx (infectious, allergic, atrophic), conditions after surgical interventions in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, during the period of onset of colds.

The product is intended to remove mucus, reduce secretions, soften and remove crusts, and moisturize the nasal mucosa.

The use of Aqualor Forte and Aqualor Forte Mini has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, helps reduce nasal congestion and restore nasal breathing.

A hypertonic solution of sea water reduces swelling of the nasal mucosa due to the removal of excess fluid from the intercellular space due to the difference in osmotic pressure.

After rinsing the nasal cavity with Aqualor Forte or Aqualor Forte Mini, the therapeutic effectiveness of medications applied to the nasal mucosa increases, the duration of respiratory diseases is reduced, and the risk of infection spreading to the paranasal sinuses and ear cavity is reduced.

Application area

  • prevention and complex treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx (infectious, allergic, atrophic), including:
  • rhinitis (including allergic and vasomotor);
  • sinusitis (including sinusitis);
  • adenoiditis.
  • prevention and comprehensive treatment of respiratory infections (including ARVI);
  • condition after surgical interventions in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

Recommendations for use

The drug is used intranasally.

Aqualor forte and Aqualor forte mini are used in children aged 1 year and older and adults.

Before using the medical device, it is necessary to treat the anatomical attachment with boiling water or a solution of ethyl alcohol.

Mode of application

Nasal rinsing in young children (up to 2 years) is carried out in a lying position:

  • turn the child's head to the side;
  • insert the tip of the balloon into the nasal passage located on top and rinse the nasal cavity for several seconds;
  • remove the remaining washing liquid using an aspirator, repeat the procedure if necessary.

Carry out the procedure with the other nasal passage.

Nasal rinsing in children over 2 years of age and adults:

  • tilt your head to the side;
  • insert the tip of the balloon into the nasal passage located on top and rinse the nasal cavity for several seconds;
  • remove the remaining rinsing liquid using a child’s aspirator/blow his nose, repeat the procedure if necessary.

Carry out the procedure with the other nasal passage.

Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

The method of administration and dosage regimen of a particular drug depend on its release form and other factors. The optimal dosage regimen is determined by the doctor.

Storage mode, interactions and side effects are indicated in the instructions.


- individual intolerance to components.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindications to the use of Aqualor forte and Aqualor forte mini.

Nasal decongestants

A hypertonic solution of sea water (2.1%) helps to remove swelling of the epithelium and facilitate the discharge of mucus. Products based on it:

  • Aqualor Forte with shower spray;
  • Aqualor Extra Forte with aloe vera and Roman chamomile extracts and “jet” spray. Plant components enhance the antiseptic effect of sea water, have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote healing.

Hypertonic solutions restore nasal breathing even with severe nasal congestion, bacterial and medicinal rhinitis. It is used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of adenoiditis, sinusitis, and for rinsing the nasal cavity after surgical interventions.

Indispensable for the treatment of colds in pregnant and nursing mothers, when the use of vasoconstrictor drops is undesirable.

Aqualor Extra Forte is prescribed to children from the age of 2.

Aqualor Forte is approved for children from 1 year.


This remedy for the common cold includes portioned powders for preparing a solution and a special container for rinsing the nasal cavity.

The composition of the classic “Dolphin” includes a mineral complex and plant components: licorice and rose hip extracts. When the powder is diluted with water, the patient receives an isotonic solution, which, due to additional components, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and immunomodulatory effects.

For people prone to allergic reactions, a special “Dolphin for allergies” was created, which contains only a complex of minerals, without the addition of herbal ingredients.

Drugs for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis

For the treatment of bacterial rhinitis, it is advisable to use Aqualor Active medical products.

These varieties of Aqualor contain bubbles of carbon dioxide CO2 (concentration 0.4%).

Used for the treatment of acute and chronic bacterial rhinitis, recurrent rhinosinusitis. The leading role in these diseases is played by bacterial biofilms - colonies of bacteria that build protective polysaccharide membranes. This membrane protects microorganisms from any influence, including antibiotics.

Aqualor Active destroys bacterial biofilms.

Aqualor Active Soft is an isotonic solution of sea water, and Aqualor Active Forte is a hypertonic solution with bubbles of carbon dioxide CO2. Both forms have a "shower" spray. In case of severe nasal congestion, the second option is preferable, as it better relieves swelling of the mucous membranes.

Use during pregnancy and lactation is not limited. Indicated for children from 2 years of age.


This line of nasal rinsing products is represented by several drugs, each of which has specific indications for use:

  • “Aquamaris Strong” is produced on the basis of purified sea water and helps fight a severe runny nose, including in the presence of inflammatory processes in the sinuses: sinusitis, rhinosinusitis.
  • "Aquamaris Sense". A drug whose active ingredients are sea water and ectoine, which protects the cell wall from damage. The product is intended for the treatment of allergic rhinitis.
  • “Aquamaris Plus” - in addition to sea water, contains a healing component - dexpanthenol, which helps irritated mucous membranes recover in a short time.

Aquamaris drugs are relatively inexpensive, which is why they are popular among patients.

Means for activating local immunity

"Aqualor Protect" is a hypertonic solution with a salt concentration of 15 g/l, enriched with brown algae extract. The bottle is equipped with a spray dispenser.

Brown algae is rich in iodine, as well as potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, and selenium. The extract of this culture promotes rapid tissue regeneration, wound healing, normalization of gland function, and activation of the transport function of the ciliated epithelium.

But the main value is to create optimal conditions for the functioning of the immune system, namely macrophages, which are responsible for the active capture and destruction of bacteria, the remains of dead cells, and particles foreign or toxic to the body. Macrophages enter the blood vessels at the site of infection, exit the bloodstream into tissues, where they recognize and destroy foreign particles. These cells phagocytose, that is, they eat bacteria and their metabolic products. Macrophages also participate in the synthesis of antibodies, transmitting information about foreign organisms to the organs of the immune system.

"Aqualor Protect" is used in children from 6 months and adults.

Contraindications: allergies to components, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Types of Aqualor for children

From the first days after birth to the age of three, Aqualor Baby “soft shower” and Aqualor Baby “drops” will come to the rescue for the prevention of colds, treatment and care of the baby’s nasopharynx. Both drugs are a sterile isotonic solution of sea water that helps clear crusts from the baby’s nose and helps thin the mucus.

The “soft shower” sprayer has a convenient shape that matches the anatomical structure of the newborn and a restrictive ring that prevents excessive penetration into the nasal cavity.

After using the spray or drops, parents are faced with the question of how to clear the baby’s nose of mucus and liquid. After all, he doesn’t know how to blow his nose yet. The Aqualor Baby aspirator will come to the rescue - a device for mechanical cleansing of the nasal cavity. It consists of a reservoir with a filter for collecting mucus and two attachments - nasal for a child and oral for an adult.

The nasal end must be carefully inserted into the baby’s nostril and inhaled strongly, but not sharply, through the oral end. Mucus will accumulate in the reservoir. The filter makes it impossible for mucus to enter the adult's mouth and prevents its reverse movement. The procedure is done for each nostril separately. It can be repeated an unlimited number of times during the day.

After each use, the Aqualor Baby mechanical aspirator must be disassembled and washed in warm water and soap.

The kit includes a plastic storage case and three replacement filters.

How to properly rinse your nose?

Rinsing the nasal cavity is a simple procedure, but to perform it you need to know a few rules. First, one nostril is irrigated with the required amount of solution. The head must be tilted in the same direction. After the product helps make the mucus more liquid, you should blow your nose without making too much effort. Then do the same manipulations on the other side.

If the procedure is performed on an infant, the first nostril to be irrigated is the one from below in a position on its side.

To rinse the nose with a stream, for example, using a device from Dolphin, a person is required to have a certain skill, which, however, is quickly acquired through practice. Holding one nostril closed, lean over the sink and pour the solution into the other nostril, squeezing the bottle. Then wait until the liquid comes out of the second nostril. Repeat this sequence of actions on the opposite side.

So, at least one of the preparations for rinsing the nasal cavity should be kept in your home medicine cabinet. These drugs work effectively both for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and colds, and as a component of the treatment of these diseases. A seawater-based spray will help you survive seasonal allergies. Finally, the solutions are sterile and safe and can be used for daily hygiene.

Application for throat

For the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and tonsils, Aqualor Throat with aloe vera and Roman chamomile is used, with a special nozzle. The hypertonic solution of sea water is enhanced with extracts of medicinal plants, which accelerate the healing of the mucous membrane and help eliminate swelling.

The drug is indicated for the prevention of respiratory diseases during the season, as well as as part of complex therapy for the treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, and pharyngitis.

Aqualor Throat is approved for use by pregnant women, nursing mothers and children over 6 months. The drug is harmless if swallowed due to its natural composition.

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