Results of a pilot study of the nutraceutical “Anti-stress Health Standard” for everyday distress


Doctors of almost all specialties are forced to deal with emotional problems in their patients.
However, only a portion of such cases account for severe mental disorders. Much more often we are talking about milder forms of psychological ill-being - psychological distress caused by excessive emotional stress of everyday life. Distress manifests itself most clearly as functional disorders, accounting for one third to half of cases seen by gastroenterologists, neurologists, therapists and gynecologists [1]. Excessive stress often causes the onset or intensification of somatic symptoms. Accumulated excess stress makes itself felt not only psychologically (anxiety, restlessness, decreased mood and irritability), but also in the form of sleep disturbances, tension headaches, asthenia, functional disorders of the digestive system , autonomic imbalance, sexual problems and many other somatic symptoms [2, 3].

Regardless of the nature of the disorder (functional or organic), psycho-emotional problems can become an additional factor in the deterioration of general well-being and self-control. They also negatively affect compliance, complicate the interaction between the doctor and the patient, and increase the risk of interruption of therapy. In addition, the very situation of a somatic disorder, the discomfort caused by the disease, fears of worsening the condition and medical procedures can act as a stress factor.

It becomes a practical necessity to have in the doctor’s therapeutic arsenal means of overcoming such emotional states. Moreover, such means should not only be adequate to the objective (relatively mild) severity of psycho-emotional problems, but be subjectively perceived by the patients themselves as acceptable.

Nutraceuticals have good prospects in this regard. "Antistress Health Standard" is a nutraceutical intended to help with manifestations of psychological distress and sleep disorders. The components of the nutraceutical are extracts of passionflower, lemon balm and catnipa, standardized for active ingredients.

According to modern scientific data, passionflower increases the tone of the GABAergic system, which manifests itself in a calming effect, helps reduce anxiety and relaxation after a stressful situation [4, 5]. A large number of studies have found that passionflower is effective in reducing anxiety associated with medical procedures [6, 7, 8]. Thus, Movafegh et al. revealed the superiority of passionflower over placebo in eliminating preoperative anxiety [6]. In another study by Aslanargun et al, the sedative effect of passionflower was observed in patients undergoing spinal anesthesia [7]. A number of studies have shown that passionflower reduces anxiety associated with dental procedures (including tooth extraction) [8, 9]. At the same time, most studies note the good tolerability of passionflower, the absence of excessive sedation and negative effects on cognitive processes when taking it [6, 7].

Melissa officinalis also has an effect on the GABAergic system, reduces the level of cortisol (the “stress hormone”), protecting against the negative effects of stress, and helps restore the natural sleep-wake cycle [10]. The stress-protective properties of lemon balm and its ability to reduce anxiety have been noted in a number of studies, including clinical trials [10]. A study by Alijaniha et al found lemon balm to be superior to placebo in reducing anxiety and palpitations [11]. Another study noted decreased anxiety, depression, and improved sleep in patients with stable angina [12]. Of particular interest is the study by Cases et al. [13]. It not only documented the general anxiolytic effect of lemon balm in patients with anxiety disorders, but also examined the effect of lemon balm on individual manifestations of anxiety. The most pronounced effect was recorded for such manifestations as: psychosomatic disorders, eating disorders, fatigue, cognitive difficulties, feelings of guilt and decreased self-esteem.

Katnip has pronounced anti-anxiety and stress-protective properties [14]. In a study by Kolouri et al., katnip showed superior anti-anxiety effects to placebo in patients with depression [15]. Another study where Katnip was used together with lemon balm found that their combined use in patients with depression had a positive effect on mood, had a calming effect and reduced symptoms of insomnia [16].

The combination of components of the Antistress Health Standard nutraceutical allows you to have a comprehensive effect on various manifestations of psychological distress, including anxiety, depressed mood, sleep disturbances, impaired concentration and other cognitive difficulties, asthenia.

The purpose of this study

was an assessment of the effectiveness of the nutraceutical “Antistress Health Standard” in healthy people in situations of excessive emotional stress in everyday life.

How to get rid of stress

Correction of nervous activity from the physical side is important. Namely, with vitamins. The fact is that with a lack of certain substances and minerals in the body, the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted, as a result - hormonal imbalance, and as a result - a stressful, depressive, nervous state. Therefore, monitoring your physical condition and its correction is not only an important component of getting rid of stress, but also preventing it.

Symptoms of stress

The two main signs of stress and anxiety are uncontrollable worry and restlessness. But stress is not just a bad mood and emotional fallout. Stress is a condition that has a period of flow. It is long-term stress that can lead to serious consequences, such as depression and mental disorders.

This is important: there is such a thing as “smiling depression.” It is called the silent killer, because nothing in a person’s behavior, at first glance, betrays real depression: he is cheerful, active, and has a rich social life. Meanwhile, depression is a serious mental illness that is dangerous and requires real medical and psychological treatment.

Symptoms of stress may also include muscle tension, fatigue, irritability, impatience, insomnia or sleep disorders, and difficulty concentrating. A more complex form of stress, or a long-term stage - headaches, back pain, constipation and diarrhea, alcohol, drug use, smoking, increased blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, dizziness, neuralgia, depression. Needless to say, if you detect at least one of the listed signs, it’s time to act decisively. Also because stress aggravates the lack of valuable substances in the body and provokes its development. Vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiency, in turn, aggravate the stressful state.

Cure for stress

If taking vitamins is indicated not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of nervous diseases, then when their manifestation is pronounced, correction is required with medications, of which there are quite a lot. They are able to effectively cope not only with symptoms, but also create a long-lasting, sustainable effect after their withdrawal. Provided that medications will not be the only weapon against stress.

Antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs



It has a calming effect and helps cope with anxiety without causing drowsiness or addiction. Does not depress the central nervous system and improves tolerance of psycho-emotional stress. It has a stress-protective, nootropic, antidepressant effect. In addition, the drug is indicated for intoxication, hypoxia, and after acute cerebrovascular accident. It has a neuroprotective effect, limits the area of ​​damage, and normalizes learning and memory processes in the central nervous system. Tenoten

indicated for neuroses and in complex therapy of psychosomatic diseases.
In conditions of human urbanization and the dictated pace of life, the drug helps to overcome nervous disorders associated with increased nervous tension, stabilize the emotional background and cope with irritability and anxiety. Similar drug: Tenoten for children


It is used in adults for anxiety disorders and neurasthenia. Effective in the complex treatment of somatic diseases of neurasthenia, such as VSD, bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, coronary heart disease and arrhythmia of various origins, hypertension, dermatological diseases of any origin, cancer and other diseases. Indicated for sleep disorders and premenstrual syndrome. Afobazole

may be prescribed to eliminate post-alcohol syndrome when quitting smoking.


Herbal composition, combined:



prescribed to eliminate anxiety and improve sleep.
This is a sedative medicine based on herbal ingredients. It is also used to relieve pain, improve the condition of the nervous system and eliminate symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies. To develop an anti-anxiety effect, a single use is sufficient. Prescribed to patients over twelve years of age. All active ingredients are natural substances. The advantage of the drug is the rapid development of the therapeutic effect. According to the classification, it belongs to sedative and anti-anxiety medications. The therapeutic effect is due to the complex of herbal components included in the dosage form. The elimination of anxiety is due to the effect of guaifenesin on the patient’s central nervous system. Dry extracts have a sedative effect. Helps eliminate symptoms such as causeless anxiety, fear, emotional stress, irritability and insomnia. Similar product: Novo-passit tablets


Persen is used as an anti-anxiety and mild hypnotic. This is a drug based on herbal ingredients that can be taken during the daytime and before bed. The drug contains dry extract of valerian, dry extract of peppermint and lemon balm. The substances contained in lemon balm have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. eliminate or significantly reduce the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Persen improves the quality of sleep and helps you relax.
Indicated for nervous excitement and high anxiety. The medicine eliminates psycho-emotional stress and normalizes sleep. Single use and a short course of therapy are possible. Prescribed to patients over twelve years of age. Dietary supplements, herbal composition

Balm “Altai” anti-stress

Altai balms are famous for their quality and effectiveness. This is because they are produced directly in the raw material growing area. Moreover, the nature of the Altai region is unique and pure. Anti-stress balm

recommended for those who lead a busy lifestyle: students, athletes, and those who are constantly susceptible to the harmful influence of electromagnetic radiation and the environment. The balm contains herbs that help normalize the functioning of the nervous system: mint has a calming effect, eliminates pain and tension, normalizes sleep and lowers blood pressure.


is actively used to treat diseases and disorders of the nervous system. Helps cope with stress, relieves spasms of brain vessels and regulates heartbeat. Its natural and safe composition makes it an affordable and effective means for improving health.

Similar remedies: Valerian, Evening, Motherwort Forte Evalar, Stressovit
Regulators of nervous system metabolism

Magnelis B6

Magnesium is an essential mineral for a strong nervous system. And its deficiency in the body leads to the development of chronic fatigue and stress. Symptoms such as increased irritability, emotional instability or, conversely, lethargy, fatigue, impaired sleep and performance, may be a signal of magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is an obligatory participant in the synthesis of all substances that affect the emotional state.
The lack of this substance makes nerve cells easily excitable, but the relaxation stage does not occur. As a result, a person becomes easily susceptible to stress, becomes susceptible to the processes surrounding him and reacts inadequately to them. Taking magnesium helps cope with nervous tension, overcome irritability and agitation. Even more similar drugs:
Magne B6, Magnesium B6 Evalar

Vitamin dietary supplements:

Formula Lady's Antistress enhanced formula

Dietary supplements for evening intake and improvement of falling asleep and sleep: Sleep formula Evalar Tea Evalar Bio Soothing evening tea

Materials and methods

The study involved 24 patients (15 women; 9 men) aged 30 to 55 years who had no experience of seeking psychiatric help.

Study design

"Anti-stress Health Standard" was taken three times a day, one tablet with meals. The duration of treatment was one week.

To assess the effects of taking the phytonutrient, patients were asked to fill out the Spielberger questionnaire or provide a free self-report. The Spielberger Inventory (STAI) is a widely used and reliable tool for measuring anxiety and worry. In the present study, only the first part of the questionnaire was used, aimed at assessing the current state of anxiety (STAI “Situational Anxiety”). The questionnaire was filled out twice. The first time - the day before the start of treatment; and the second time - immediately after the end of the reception.

Free self-report was a description by patients in free form of those changes in well-being and mood that occurred while taking the nutraceutical and immediately after its completion.

All patients, regardless of the type of self-report they provided, were additionally questioned about the occurrence of undesirable effects while taking them.

Statistical data processing

Statistical data processing was carried out in the Statistica 10.0 software package to analyze the differences between patient assessments before and after taking the nutraceutical, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was used for a selected level of statistical significance of p<0.05.

Research results

All study participants had higher education and most of them were practicing doctors.

All participants completed the study completely. 19 patients completed the Spielberger questionnaire. Free self-reports were obtained from 10 patients (five provided data in two forms).

Spielberger questionnaire data

Analysis of differences revealed a statistically significant decrease in anxiety as a result of taking the nutraceutical “Antistress Health Standard” (Fig. 1). Before the start of treatment, situational (actual) anxiety averaged 56.32 points, which corresponded to a high level of anxiety. However, upon completion of taking the nutraceutical, its level decreased to moderate (on average for the group) and amounted to 39.58 points, which indicates the severity of the observed effect.

The frequency of occurrence of the effect from taking the nutraceutical was also calculated (Fig. 2). In 16 patients, the effect was pronounced (a decrease in anxiety scores by 10 points or more). In two study participants, the effect of taking it was weak (a decrease in anxiety of more than 5, but less than 10 points). And only one patient had no effect from taking it.

Free self-report data

In the process of analyzing data from free self-reports, the observed effects were divided into three main groups: changes in emotional state; changes in sleep quality; other effects. Data from free self-reports are presented in Table 1.

Satisfaction with taking the nutraceutical was noted in all 10 free self-reports. All 10 patients who provided free self-reports mentioned the positive effect of “Antistress Health Standard” on the emotional state. Most often, this action was specified in the form of a decrease in anxiety and anxiety (“became calmer”; “anxiety decreased”).

Half of the study participants reported a positive effect of the nutraceutical on sleep, not only in the form of easier falling asleep, but a greater feeling of rest after sleep (“I got better sleep”).

About a third of patients (30%) mentioned increased performance (“more strength”).

Undesirable effects

The frequency of occurrence of undesirable effects was low, which indicates that the Antistress Health Standard nutraceutical was well tolerated. Of the 24 patients, adverse effects were noted in only 2 (8%).

In both cases, undesirable effects occurred in the first days of use and were mild and transient in nature. In the first case, drowsiness was noted when taking the nutraceutical in the morning. At the same time, it was independently leveled by postponing the appointment to a later time. In the second case, epigastric pain was noted against the background of chronic gastritis. When I chewed the tablet and took the nutraceutical strictly with food, the pain stopped occurring.

Given the transient nature of the adverse effects, both patients who experienced them were able to continue and complete their participation in the study.

The discussion of the results

The results obtained showed the effectiveness of using the nutraceutical “Anti-stress Health Standard” as an aid to excess emotional stress in everyday life. Even a short-term (1 week) course of taking the nutraceutical had a positive effect on the emotional state of the study participants, which manifested itself, first of all, in a decrease in actual anxiety.

Thanks to the inclusion of qualitative assessment methods in the study, it was found that the effect of taking nutraceuticals is not limited only to the anti-anxiety effect. In self-reports, study participants noted increased tolerance to stress, decreased irritability, and improved mood. A separate significant group of effects was the positive effect of the nutraceutical on sleep, which was found in half of the study participants (who provided free self-reports).

The nutraceutical showed good tolerance. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that only in one case was drowsiness noted during administration. At the same time, some patients reported that taking the nutraceutical not only did not reduce, but on the contrary increased their performance.

Despite certain limitations of the study (related to the small sample size and the lack of placebo control), its results indicate the promise of using the Antistress Health Standard nutraceutical under increased, but still everyday, emotional stress.

Often, obstacles in overcoming psycho-emotional problems (as well as sleep problems) lie in patients’ distrust of the available remedies and the doctor’s lack of confidence in his skills in prescribing such drugs. These may be prejudices towards psychotropic drugs, the risk of addiction, and reluctance to experience the excessive sedation they cause. Or - doubts about the effectiveness of non-prescription (and non-drug) products and the need for long-term use before their effect becomes noticeable.

The presence of positive changes in the emotional state and during short-term use, the low incidence of excessive sedation and the natural composition make the Antistress Health Standard nutraceutical more acceptable to patients. In addition, the use of nutraceuticals also does not require the doctor to have special knowledge and skills in the field of psychiatry, which facilitates their use in the practice of an internist.

The problem of everyday emotional overload has become increasingly acute in recent years. The difficult epidemiological situation and the financial pressure of the economic crisis cannot but have an impact on the psychological state of people. This is reflected in increasing fears for their health and the health of loved ones, fears of losing a job or loss of ability to work, and increasing everyday difficulties. At the same time, against the backdrop of social problems, such constant sources of stress as personal and everyday conflicts do not disappear anywhere, but only intensify.

It is characteristic that in the present study, where the participants were persons who did not suffer from mental disorders, a high level of anxiety was revealed on average in the group.

Often ways to cope with growing emotional problems are increasing alcohol consumption and abuse of addictive sedatives. In such a situation, it becomes important for people to have accessible and non-damaging means that could help cope with the emotional discomfort that arises and increase resistance to stress.

Antistress complex (Consumed), 30 capsules (Pharmacor production)

St. John's wort is used in the food and alcoholic beverage industries for the preparation of bitters, and as a spicy-flavoring seasoning for fish dishes and products. At home, tea and other drinks are prepared from St. John's wort, which have a very diverse and beneficial effect on the body. St. John's wort extract is used to make over-the-counter herbal antidepressants. The use of St. John's wort alleviates the course of chronic fatigue syndrome, facilitates the treatment of drug addiction and drug dependence, and reduces the intensity of persistent headaches. Hawthorn flowers and fruits have long been used in medicine and nutrition, and the bark is used to obtain dyes. The fruits are of particular interest for therapeutic and dietary nutrition, for expanding the range of products (bread additives, pie fillings, jam bases, marshmallows, purees, etc.). At home, various drinks, jelly, jams, and marshmallows are prepared from hawthorn fruits. Hawthorn extract has a cardiotonic and calming effect and is used for stress, sleep problems and other nervous disorders.

Valerian is used in the USA in the production of essences, liqueurs, and tinctures. As a flavoring agent, it is included in the preparation for Havana cigars and Turkish tobacco. As a spice, valerian is used mainly in European countries. In England, fresh leaves are added to salads. Sometimes they are used as a salad side dish for fish dishes. The calming effect of valerian is due to the complex of substances it contains, primarily essential oils and alkaloids. In rhizomes and roots the amount of essential oil reaches 2%. Valerian can be used as a sedative for insomnia, nervous agitation, and neurosis of the cardiovascular system.

Melissa is used in Denmark to preserve meat. Fresh lemon balm leaves, rich in vitamin C, are used for food (before flowering, when they emit a pleasant lemon smell), from which salads are prepared. Dried leaves are used as an additive to soups, fish dishes, mushrooms, salads, compotes, tea, as well as in the production of tinctures, liqueurs and liqueurs. Those who grow lemon balm are convinced that it makes our food more tasty and healthy. Even ordinary soup seasoned with lemon balm is perceived as a completely new dish. The calming effect of lemon balm is due to the content of various biologically active substances, such as citronellal, etc.

Elderberry flowers are used to prepare elderberry water for perfumery and alcoholic beverages. The coloring matter of elderberry fruits is used to tint wines and give them a muscatel taste. In addition to flowers, fruits are widely used as food. They are used to prepare marmalade, mousses, fillings for pies and sweets, jelly, jam, wine, and vinegar. Fragrant, tasty jams are made from flower petals. Flowers are mixed into dough to improve the taste of bread. Elderberry flowers are rich in minerals and various beneficial substances. These include: essential oils, glycosides, carotene, malic, caffeic, ascorbic and valeric acids, resins, lentosan, tannins, organic acids, isoalamine. Elderberry flowers have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Hop cones are used to make beer, liqueurs and baked goods. Sauces prepared with hops stimulate the appetite, improve digestion, and have a calming effect. Young fleshy rhizomes are used in the spring as boiled and fried asparagus, and also as seasonings. Essential oil is used in the perfume industry, for flavoring liqueurs and beer. contains hop acids, essential oil, flavonoids. These substances help with fatigue, insomnia, and general weakness. Hops extract has a calming and anti-stress effect and normalizes sleep. These properties of the extracts are especially useful for use in conditions of high nervous tension, anxiety, stress, depression, panic attacks, and insomnia.

Passionflower or passion flower belongs to the genus of the passionflower family, which has about 500 species. Most plants of this genus grow in subtropical climates, most of all in Latin America. The edible fruits of these plants are known as mara cuya. Passion flower extract is used in the food industry and for flavoring drinks. Passionflower contains flavonoids, glycosides, phenolic compounds, amino acids, organic acids; has antibacterial, antifungal, analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic properties.

B vitamins stimulate energy metabolism and the body's resistance to stress and emotional stress.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is found in dried yeast, rice husks, whole wheat, oatmeal, peanuts, pork, most vegetables, bran, milk, promotes growth, improves the digestion of food, especially carbohydrates. Improves mental activity. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is found in milk, liver, kidneys, yeast, cheese, leafy green vegetables, fish, eggs. Necessary for the human body for the normal functioning of cells, the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and tissue respiration.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) promotes the formation of hemoglobin, nucleic acids and endorphins in the body. The production of the latter helps to improve mood, improve attention and memory, and normalize sleep. Contained in beans, egg yolk, oatmeal.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) stimulates memory, improves mood and helps prevent damage to nerve fibers. Reduces irritability. Improves concentration and memory. Foods rich in B12 - liver, meat, eggs.

L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is used by the brain, along with vitamin B6, to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that carries signals between the brain and one of the body's biochemical sleep mechanisms. Helps induce natural sleep. Reduces pain sensitivity. Helps reduce anxiety and tension, depression. Sources of tryptophan are cottage cheese, milk, meat, fish, turkey, bananas, dried dates, peanuts and all protein-rich foods.

Content of biologically active substances in a daily dose (three capsules):

  • Vitamin B1 not less than 1.35 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 not less than 1.47 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 not less than 1.5 mg;
  • Vitamin B12 not less than 0.0009 mg;
  • Flavonoids in terms of rutin not less than 22.5 mg;
  • Valerenic acid not less than 0.45 mg;
  • L-tryptophan not less than 132 mg;
  • Hypericin not more than 0.045 mg.
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