Instructions for use of eye drops Natural tear

The eyes constantly suffer from adverse environmental influences. Dust, smoke, strong wind, chemicals, and electromagnetic radiation negatively affect the health of the visual organs. Systematic contact with computer equipment dries out the mucous membrane, causing discomfort and redness. Belgian pharmacologists offer eye protection - Natural Tear drops, imitating natural human tears. Drops replenish the deficiency of natural tear fluid, keeping the mucous membrane moisturized.

Composition and packaging

The Natural Tear eye drops contain a unique development - the water-soluble polymer system Duasorb, which completely replicates the structure of the tear secretion. It consists of active components: dextran 70 (1 mg),

disodium edetate (500 mcg). Additional components are sodium and potassium chloride (7.7 and 1.2 mg, respectively), benzalkonium chloride solution (100 mcg), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, or hypromellose (3 mg). Excipients in the solution Natural tear: hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide, purified water.

The drug in the form of a colorless (sometimes slightly yellowish) liquid is packaged in transparent polymer bottles with a dropper attachment. The packaging is cardboard, each contains instructions for use.


Each component of the Duasorb polymer system has special properties:

  • hypromellose - imitates the natural secretion of the organ of the visual system, tear fluid, accelerates regeneration at the cellular level;
  • dextran - plasma-substituting effect, stimulates the secretion of natural tears,
  • benzalkonium chloride - antiseptic;
  • disodium edetate - increases local immunity, is an antidote, antioxidant and performs detoxification functions;
  • sodium chloride - restores the volume of intracellular fluid;
  • potassium chloride - protects against dirt, dust, ultraviolet radiation;
  • concentrated hydrochloric acid - softens the complex effects of active components, protects the mucous membrane from injury.

In combination with the natural physiological secretion, Natural Tear increases the stability of the tear film, moisturizes the cornea, and eliminates discomfort - irritation, the feeling of a “foreign body in the eye,” dryness.
Replenishes the lack of tear fluid, stimulates secretion. There are no data on pharmacokinetic properties.

Contraindications and side effects

In rare cases, individual intolerance to individual components or to the complex composition develops. Symptoms indicate allergic reactions:

  • irritation of the conjunctiva and area surrounding the eyes,
  • rashes;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • general discomfort;

Short-term blurred vision immediately after instillation is not considered a side effect. If painful signs appear, treatment is stopped and the ophthalmologist is notified. If drops were introduced into a therapeutic regimen, replacement is not carried out independently.

Read more Instructions for using Alcaine drops

No studies have been conducted on exposure during pregnancy and lactation. Despite the fact that the drug is not detectable in blood plasma, use by women in a “special status” is permitted only if the benefit is higher than the possible harm. There are no instructions on the effect on the children's body, so it is not recommended for use in patients under 18 years of age.

No overdose was detected. If pain or burning appears immediately after instillation, rinse the eyes with running water. No symptomatic therapy is required.

special instructions

Natural tears are not recommended to be combined with other ophthalmic agents. If coadministration is required, take a 15-minute break. Before instillation, contact lenses are removed and replaced after 15-20 minutes.

Do not allow the pipette tip to come into contact with fingers, parts of the eye, or any surface to avoid compromising sterility. Instillations do not affect the speed of reactions, but after administration, for safety reasons due to the possibility of blurred vision, you should not immediately drive or perform operations that require high coordination.

Bottom line

Natural Tear - eye drops from the Belgian company Alkon. The solution is aimed at moisturizing the mucous membrane and preventing dry eyes. However, this tear substitute contains the preservative substance benzalkonium chloride, which negatively affects eye health. If you are intolerant to this substance, you should replace the Alkon drug with another similar one without a preservative, but after consultation with an ophthalmologist in the clinic.

Sources used:

  • Atlas of Clinical Ophthalmology / D.J. Spalton. - M.: MEDpress-inform, 2007.
  • Objective study of pupillary reactions and movements of the eyeballs / A.R. Shakhnovich, V.R. Shakhnovich. - M.: Medicine, 2005.
  • Damage to the organ of vision in infectious diseases / Yu.Ya. Vengerov. - M.: Medicine, 2006.
  • The University of Chicago's Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
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