Chromium picolinate: how to take for weight loss, instructions, side effects

Chromium picolinate is not a drug. It belongs to the group of dietary supplements with a general strengthening effect. The drug stimulates the activity of insulin, which is produced by the body after eating. Against this background, glucose levels are regulated and fat metabolism improves.

Indications for use

Chromium picolinate helps to normalize and maintain a stable level of sugar in the blood, reduces cholesterol and triglycerides, and normalizes carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.

The use of chromium picolinate helps regulate your appetite and, in particular, cravings for sweet foods, and helps strengthen the muscular system. In patients with arterial hypertension and vegetative-vascular dystonia, dietary supplements help normalize blood pressure.

According to the instructions, chromium picolinate has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of obesity, promotes faster recovery after intense physical activity, activates the immune system and the functional activity of the brain.

Chromium is considered to be a factor in longevity. This is due to its positive effect on the function of the endogenous hormone of youth dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and the ability to protect proteins (including connective tissue proteins) from glycolysis. If a person's insulin levels are elevated, the effect of DHEA produced by the body is inhibited. As a result, in people who are addicted to sweets, the body begins to show a tendency towards faster aging.

The older a person is, the less DHEA is produced in his body, so older people are recommended to periodically introduce chromium picolinate into their diet, which contains the mineral in a biologically active form - it helps maintain normal muscle tone, immune system activity and basic brain functions .

In the course of research, it was found that the use of chromium picolinate made it possible to prolong the life of experimental animals and slow down the process of formation of glycosylated proteins, which cause aging of the body.

There is also a lot of scientific evidence showing that chromium actually improves the functioning of insulin and reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood. This allows us to conclude that with a sufficient intake of this mineral in the body, it is possible not only to prolong life, but also to significantly improve its quality and make it more energetic.

Chromium picolinate helps increase overall muscle mass in the body (has an anabolic effect), which in turn accelerates metabolism and burns excess fat. Thus, for a person on a low-calorie diet, chromium helps avoid muscle loss.

For people who actively use physical activity to lose weight, it is equally important to take a sufficient amount of chromium. This is due to the fact that intense training stimulates an increased release of chromium, which increases the body's need for this trace element. In addition, people losing weight should remember that chromium helps burn calories during physical activity and makes it easier to lose weight.

Considering the above, the use of chromium picolinate as a dietary supplement is advisable for athletes, children, as well as people who have symptoms of chromium deficiency, including signs inherent in diabetes mellitus, increased appetite, excessive weight gain, unmotivated fatigue, increased anxiety, a feeling of fear, decreased fertilizing ability of sperm. Capsules can improve the clinical situation with diabetes, depression, acute infectious diseases, obesity, chronic ulcers, polyneuropathy, hypotension, acne. For preventive purposes, chromium picolinate is recommended to be taken for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

According to the instructions, chromium picolinate is intended for use:

  • In bodybuilding (as a supplement to sports nutrition and physical activity);
  • For non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • For weight correction in alimentary obesity.

An important feature of the dietary supplement is that it has a cumulative effect.


Chromium picolinate is an organic compound. It contains chromium with three amino acid molecules. This form of the substance is characterized by high digestibility. At the same time, chromium in such a compound fully fulfills its functions.

First of all, the substance stimulates insulin activity. This allows you to naturally regulate your blood sugar levels. When chromium enters the body, carbohydrate metabolism improves, which reduces cravings for sweets. Fat metabolism also accelerates.

Chromium has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. This allows you to normalize the production of thyroid hormones. Against this background, stress resistance increases and the overall mood improves.

The positive effect of chromium on the functioning of the autonomic nervous system has been proven. When taking the drug, the risks of developing bulimia attacks, which are associated with overeating, are minimized. The likelihood of causeless stomach pain and feelings of internal anxiety is reduced.

special instructions

Before using dietary supplements, you should familiarize yourself with the following special recommendations:

  1. Despite the fact that chromium picolinate drops are not a medicine, they are not recommended to be taken independently without a prescription from a specialist.
  2. Before use, the bottle with the solution must be shaken. One bottle is designed for 25 days of use.
  3. The dietary supplement does not affect the functioning of the brain and other structures of the nervous system.
  4. For persons over 65 years of age, the dietary supplement is prescribed with caution. Additional consultation is required.

Read more Instructions for using nasal drops for children Nazol Baby

There is no information on possible drug interactions of chromium picolinate with other drugs/substances.


Chromium picolinate is part of many vitamin and mineral complexes. These include:

  • Multi-tabs;
  • Supradin;
  • Vitrum;
  • Centrum.

Chromium picolinate is also added to many dietary supplements intended for weight loss. Turboslim “Appetite Control” is the most popular product. Turboslim “Appetite Control” tablets are designed to quickly eliminate feelings of hunger, help you avoid evening overeating and make it easier to follow a diet. They help control body weight and are a source of chromium and L-carnitine. Fat-X drops are another biologically active food supplement containing chromium picolinate.

Additional Information

Chromium Picolinate drops for weight loss are available from pharmacies without a prescription. The manufacturer recommends storing the bottle of solution in the original package at a temperature not exceeding 20°C. Freezing the product or storing it in the refrigerator is prohibited. Keep away from sunlight, children and pets. Shelf life – 3 years from the date of manufacture.

You can buy a dietary supplement at any pharmacy at a low price. The average cost in Russia of a 50 ml bottle of chromium picolinate drops is 230 rubles. The average price in Moscow is 300 rubles.

Chromium deficiency

Chromium deficiency is rare. People whose diet is rich in refined foods are more susceptible to falling victim to Cr deficiency. Also at risk are people with obesity, diabetes or atherosclerosis. Frequent stress, hard physical work, and protein deficiency can provoke a decrease in chromium levels.

A lack of substance is fraught with disturbances in metabolic processes in the body, as well as the development of decreased sensitivity to insulin.

Some sources convince us that chronic Cr deficiency can cause the development of diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome, as well as cause reproductive dysfunction in men. Even a relatively small deficiency of a microelement affects the concentration of glucose in the blood, causing anxiety and a feeling of fatigue. Impaired cholesterol metabolism caused by insufficient chromium intake contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Possible growth retardation in children, long healing of wounds after injuries and surgical operations.

A deficiency of Cr in the body can also manifest itself:

  • numbness of the limbs;
  • hair loss;
  • coordination disorders;
  • insomnia.

You can understand that the body does not have enough chromium by a strong desire for sweets, a constant feeling of hunger, profuse sweating and frequent dizziness.

Contraindications for use

Chromium is an essential trace element, and picolinic acid is a vitamin-like analogue of nicotinic acid. Therefore, they are not capable of harming our body even in increased dosages. But still, some people should be careful. After all, the drug may contain other substances that provoke allergic reactions. It is not recommended to take chromium picolinate for weight loss:

  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • If you are prone to allergies;
  • The presence of severe chronic liver and kidney diseases.

You should not overestimate the dosages prescribed in the instructions, since excess chromium can lead to nausea, flatulence and indigestion. If you notice similar effects in yourself, you need to reduce the dosage of the drug.

Chromium picolinate: which drug to choose for the best effect

Due to its high popularity, many pharmaceutical companies and sports nutrition manufacturers have included this compound in their product lines. The GoodTabs online store offers several chromium picolinate preparations:

  • Capsules from Solgar. They are presented in two versions - 200 mcg, pack of 180 pieces and 500 mcg - 120 pieces. Both forms are good in their own way: one jar is enough for a full course of use, but if the first one has to be taken 2-3 times a day, then the second one needs to be taken only in the morning, which is convenient for people with a tight work schedule;
  • Scitec Nutrition Chromium Picolinate tablets – 100 pieces, 200 mcg each. This option is good due to its affordability. But it is worth keeping in mind that the duration of treatment is 2-3 months, and this package will only last for 30-33 days;
  • NOW Chromium Picolinate capsules are radically different from their analogues in their organic composition. If in previous preparations the formative base is represented by magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose, then rice flour and gelatin are used here. They are much better absorbed by the body. Therefore, people with sensitive digestion and gastrointestinal pathologies are better off choosing this option.

Sources[edit | edit code]

  1. Davidson JR, Abraham K, Connor KM, McLeod MN (2003). "Effectiveness of chromium in atypical depression: a placebo-controlled trial." Biological Psychiatry 53(3):261–264.
  2. Stearns D. M. (2000). “Is chromium a trace essential metal?”
  3. Docherty JP, Sack DA, Roffman M, Finch M, Komorowski JR (September 2005). "A double-blind, placebo-controlled, exploratory trial of chromium picolinate in atypical depression: effect on carbohydrate craving." J Psychiatr Pract 11(5):302–14.
  4. . Evans 1989
  5. Vincent JB; Sack, D. A.; Roffman, M; Finch, M; Komorowski, J. R. (2003). "The potential value and toxicity of chromium picolinate as a nutritional supplement, weight loss agent and muscle development agent." Sports Medicine 33(3):213–230.
  6. Risk assessment: Chromium Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals, 2003

Contraindications and negative reactions

An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Dietary supplements should be used with caution when diagnosing liver and kidney diseases.

Do not take this product before reaching the age of 16 years. Also contraindicated during pregnancy. Caution when using the product should be exercised by people with deviations in body weight from the norm. This is due to the fact that the dietary supplement reduces appetite.

Chromium picolinate, the instructions for use indicate this, does not cause negative reactions in the body, provided the permissible dosages are observed. Only with hypersensitivity to the active substance are unpleasant dyspeptic symptoms and allergic skin reactions observed. This is most often expressed in a feeling of nausea and the appearance of an itchy rash on the skin. Sometimes, when taking the drug, headaches and dizziness were noted, and in severe cases, with prolonged use of the drug, a gag reflex occurred.

An overdose of the drug is dangerous. Large doses may impair the functioning of the liver and kidneys. A symptom of an overdose is disruption of the digestive system. In this case, the dosage should be reduced, but if the unpleasant symptoms do not disappear, then you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. Excess chromium in the body can result in insomnia and depression.

Side effects

During observation of the effects of chromium picolinate on the body, no serious consequences or side effects were identified. Isolated cases of nausea or vomiting, flatulence and dizziness have been observed, which usually disappear after reducing the dosage.


The instructions give several warnings when using chromium preparations:

  • individual sensitivity to components;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

Intolerance to components is a standard contraindication for any medicine or dietary supplement. As for pregnant and lactating women, studies have not yet been conducted on these consumer groups, so it is better for them to refrain from using the product.

TOP 48 products with chromium

Among food sources of chromium, several groups can be distinguished.

Table 2: Food Sources of Chromium

ProductChromium, µg/100 gProductChromium, µg/100 gProductChromium, µg/100 gProductChromium, µg/100 g
Tuna90Som55Chicken legs20Peas9
Anchovy55Herring55Chicken egg20Pearl barley13
Carp55Carp55Quail egg14Corn grits22
crucian carp55Shrimps55Chicken breast20Oats13
Flounder55Beef liver32Duck15Fresh champignons13
Salmon55Beef heart30Broccoli22White mushrooms6
Pink salmon55Beef tongue20Potato10Bell pepper6
Catfish55Turkey11Radish11White cabbage5
capelin55Rabbit8Beet20Cucumbers (fresh)6
Cod55Chicken10Beans10Tomatoes (fresh)5

Release form

Chromium preparations are manufactured in different release forms:

  • in capsule form – (highly digestible 60-90%)
  • in tablets – Yeast-free chromium picolinate; (average digestible up to 40%)
  • in drops or syrup (low-absorbable up to 25%)

All chromium preparations are dietary supplements, and in terms of biological properties they are analogues of each other.


The cost of such drugs depends on the form of release, the number of pills in the bottle, as well as the manufacturer. The most expensive - over 2,000 rubles - are dietary supplements made in the USA; Russian analogues can be purchased at a price of 160 rubles.

Where can I buy

The most reliable way to purchase a high-quality dietary supplement is to order it on official website or in an online pharmacy. In regular pharmacies it is not always available and the cost increases by at least 30%.


For our readers, we analyzed and collected reviews from reputable resources and qualified specialists. These are mainly positive assessments of the effectiveness of the drug. Unfortunately or fortunately, Russian chromium producers are not popular on the Internet; preference is given to American producers, especially Reglukol, not only women are happy with them, but also men who have gained weight and decided to get off carbohydrate addiction.


In the video below, nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov talks very clearly about the benefits of chromium preparations for the body and how to use them.

Nutritionist Kovalkov about chromium and types of carbohydrate addiction

And for the most patient, I will share my coupon 2888 , it gives a 5% discount on your order.

Friends, if you still have questions about chromium picolinate and what it is, write in the comments below and I will be happy to answer you.

See you later!

Form and composition of the medicine

The dietary supplement Chromium Picolinate is produced in the form of gelatin-coated capsules and drops for oral administration. Chromium picolinate is the active ingredient. The composition also contains some additional components:

  • picolinic acid (trinitrophenol);
  • E422 – distilled glycerin;
  • E330 - tribasic carboxylic acid (citric acid);
  • E201 - sodium salt of benzoic acid (sodium benzoate);
  • E202 - potassium salt of sorbic acid (potassium sorbate);
  • E420 – sorbitol syrup;
  • sodium salt of acetic acid (sodium acetate);
  • chromium chloride trivalent (III).

The base is purified water, to which “Orange” flavoring has been added. Drops for oral administration are packaged in 50 ml dark glass bottles.

The bottle is equipped with a built-in dropper for precise dosing. The branded cardboard box contains 1 bottle of medicine and detailed instructions, which present all the characteristics of the dietary supplement. Manufacturer: Kurortmedservice, Russia.

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