Boro Plus ointment: what is it used for and how to use?

Almost every person in his life has encountered problems with skin lesions, which cause a lot of discomfort. To eliminate such defects, there are a large number of products for external use, one of which is Boro Plus ointment.

The product has an antiseptic effect and is used to eliminate a large number of problems that arise on the skin.

What is Boro Plus used for?

Boro Plus is a specially developed ointment that has a wide range of effects on the epidermis, has antiseptic properties and eliminates various skin imperfections, including acne.

The drug is produced in various compositions and differs in the color of the packaging.

The drug has a large number of advantages that make it possible to distinguish the ointment from similar agents.

The advantages include the following factors:

  • All components of the ointment are natural, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the epidermis;
  • The drug is approved for use at any age;
  • The effect of the ointment is designed to eliminate several skin problems at the same time;
  • Using the ointment brings results in a short time;
  • The product has an affordable price.

For preventive skin care measures, you can use the drug without a doctor's prescription. To resolve more complex problems, it is recommended to undergo appropriate consultation with a specialist.

Features and varieties

Boro Plus creams can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. These are drugs based on natural ingredients, made in India. The Boro Plus line includes:

Multifunctional ointment "Boro Plus" (in a green tube). It is used as a cosmetic product, a drug for the treatment of dermatological problems, and as an anti-burn drug. The ointment contains extracts of kapur kachari, turmeric, and sandalwood. Consumers love it for its versatility.

Boro Plus ointment purple - a classic cream from the line is used as an antifungal and antiseptic agent. It is successfully used to relieve itchy skin, for example, after an insect bite. The ointment contains lanolin and paraffin, so there are several contraindications: using the cream for oily skin, acne, allergic reactions..

"Boro Plus Acne Relief" is a targeted drug for the treatment of acne, that is, acne. The product contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components: camphor, clove and eucalyptus oil, as well as others. Active components quickly cope with inflammatory processes of the skin, stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and have regenerating properties.

Antibacterial soap is an excellent addition to the anti-acne complex.

Hand and nail product is a skin-restoring and vitamin-rich treatment for problem areas of the hand and brittle nails. The gel contains a complex of oils and red lily extract. The cream significantly restores dry, weakened hand skin and saturates the nail plates with vitamins.

Cream for rough skin of elbows and knees “Intensive therapy”. Dry skin in the elbows and knees is a serious problem that causes quite a bit of discomfort: cracks, wounds, and rough calluses appear. Boro Plus fights them, nourishing and restoring the skin. In addition, the cream actively fights against pigmentation disorders. Acts as a restorative and regenerative agent.

Lotion based on rose water, extracts of basil, lemon, acacia, turmeric. Used as a body care product. Has a healing, toning and moisturizing effect on skin of any type.

Foot care cream “Boro Plus” is a specialized remedy for calluses and corns, and perfectly heals cracks on the feet and heels. Contains nutmeg oil and chamomile infusion, which have an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and healing effect.

Antibacterial talc powder. It has a deodorizing and tanning effect.

Protective cream for all skin types. Used as an additional means of protection against the adverse effects of wind and frost.

Antiperspirant. A highly effective product regulates sweating in risk areas.

All products in the line are developed based on ancient Indian potions. The ointments contain only natural ingredients, which makes them quite popular among consumers.

Boro Plus for feet

Dosage forms

The drug is available in the form of an ointment, which has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Correct use of the drug allows you to start the process of natural restoration of epidermal cells.

To get a better result, you need to choose the right ointment. The drug comes in various forms, and has different effects on existing problems on the epidermis.

Boro Plus Regular

Boro Plus Regular ointment is available in purple packaging and is designed specifically for use for all ages.
The product is based on natural ingredients that are intended for daily skin care, without any prescription.

The ointment can be used as a daily remedy to protect the skin against environmental factors.

And also for men as a means to soften the skin after shaving.

Regular use of the ointment helps prevent the occurrence of damage and inflammatory formations on the epidermis.

The formation of a protective film protects the skin surface throughout the day, without the need for reapplication.

Boro Plus Bouquet of Herbs

The medicinal product Boro Plus Bouquet of Herbs is available in green packaging.
Contains a large number of medicinal Indian herbs and has an increased antibacterial effect on the skin.

The healing properties of the ointment effectively fight acne and other types of purulent formations on the face; it is used in a special course of treatment.

It is used to combat pathogenic fungi, including foot fungus.

Herbal-based components help not only eliminate the problem, but also penetrate deeply into the epidermis and eliminate the causes of defects.

Not suitable for daily use, as it can cause addiction and reduce the healing properties of the ointment.

Boro Plus Odorless

The ointment is aimed at effective care for all skin types and contains a large number of useful components.
It has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect on the epidermis.

It is produced specifically for that category of users who prefer to use drugs without specific odors.

In terms of its effect, the ointment is in no way inferior to Boro Plus preparations in other forms of administration.

Boro Plus Daily Protection

The drug is designed specifically to protect the skin from the effects of negative environmental factors.

The cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin, recommended for application before going outside, especially in winter.

The components of the substance are aimed at accelerating the process of natural cell regeneration, thereby reducing the risk of skin damage.

For women, it is used as a remedy against the first signs of aging of the skin and can be used as a base for makeup.


Svetlana, Penza

I like Boro Plus in the green box better than in the purple box. After applying it, there is no feeling of a greasy film on the skin. Extracts of medicinal plants quickly relieve itching and irritation, eliminate rashes.

Evgenia, Chelyabinsk

Boro Plus contains many herbs that enhance each other's effects. The product helped me get rid of large acne on my face and body in just a month.

Boro plus cream (review) from 50 rub.


  • Efficiency
  • Price
  • Safety
  • Availability


  • Economical consumption
  • Efficiency
  • Price
  • Wide range of applications


  • Fatty
  • Smell
  • Compound


The Indian company Himani produces Boro Plus restorative ointment.

Each drug has its own unique composition.

Boro Plus Regular:

  • Neem plant extract has an antimicrobial effect, eliminates the accumulation of bacteria on the epidermis and reduces the development of inflammatory processes:
  • Ginger lily is a powerful antiseptic, the action of which eliminates bacteria and reduces inflammation;
  • Turmeric is a substance aimed at an antibacterial effect and helps eliminate toxic compounds in the pores of the epidermis;
  • Licorice - the extract of this plant has wound-healing properties and nourishes the skin;
  • Aloe vera – nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • Sandalwood – eliminates redness and has a healing effect, due to which epidermal cells launch the process of natural restoration.

Boro Plus Bouquet of Herbs:

  • Ginger lily – antiseptic effect;
  • Sandalwood – reduces burning sensation and eliminates various symptoms of skin diseases;
  • Aloe – helps nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • Vetiver – normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates the development of pathogenic fungal infections;
  • Talc – used to smooth the skin;
  • Tea tree extract – has antioxidant properties and eliminates inflammatory formations.

Boro Plus odorless:

  • Kalgan – eliminates the causes of skin diseases;
  • Turmeric - has an antibacterial effect and tones the skin;
  • Aloe Vera – nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • Neem – has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Sandalwood – launches the natural processes of restoration of the epidermis;
  • Licorice – promotes healing and elimination of skin damage.

Boro Plus Daily Protection:

  • Boric acid – eliminates and dries inflammatory formations;
  • Zinc – improves the condition of the skin and promotes natural cell rejuvenation;
  • Aloe Vera – nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • Basil – nourishes and tones;
  • Acacia betel - fights damage and soothes the epidermis;
  • Star water lily - accelerates natural regeneration processes.

Regardless of which cream is chosen for use, it is recommended to test for allergic reactions before application.

Effect of active components

The instructions describe in detail all the ingredients and their purpose. The components of the cream are presented:

  • sandalwood – suppresses inflammation, relieves obsessive itching, burning, due to the cooling effect, painful sensations are quickly eliminated, unpleasant odors are neutralized;
  • tulsi – counteracts bacterial and microbial pathogens, is effective in the treatment of dermatological pathologies, additionally moisturizes the skin;
  • kapur kachari - an antiseptic, active against fungal infections, used to treat skin mycoses;
  • nim - relieves rashes, suppresses obsessive itching, and is characterized by a tonic effect;
  • turmeric – successfully heals wounds, can be used for cuts, injuries, dermatitis, abrasions;
  • licorice – accelerates the healing of wound surfaces, stops inflammatory processes, is used for dermal fungus;
  • aloe – has an antiseptic spectrum of action, moisturizes the skin, is effective against furunculosis, increases the firmness and elasticity of the dermis;
  • vetiver – has a positive effect on all types of skin, is responsible for strengthening the epidermis, cleaning pores, relieving inflammation, treating skin rashes, and normalizing the functioning of the sweat glands.

An additional ingredient in the composition is talc, which is a natural mineral. Due to it, moisture is absorbed, increasing the feeling of freshness and comfort on the skin. The element eliminates the unpleasant odor of sweat and acts as a deodorant.

How does Boro Plus work?

Operating principle of Boro Plus Regular:

  • Aimed at penetrating deep into the layers of the epidermis and eliminating factors that contribute to the occurrence of the inflammatory process;
  • Regular use of the product reduces the likelihood of dry skin and flaking;
  • Aloe extracts nourish the skin and saturate the cells with all necessary minerals.

Operating principle of Boro Plus Bouquet of herbs:

  • Has enhanced antibacterial effects;
  • Thanks to a large number of medicinal herbs, bacteria are eliminated in the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • Helps reduce inflammatory formations on the surface of the skin;
  • Used as a remedy for foot problems, including foot fungus and cracked heels.;
  • Medicinal herbs nourish and moisturize men's skin after shaving.

Operating principle of Boro Plus Daily Protection:

  • Specially selected components, penetrating the skin, help saturate the cells with the basic necessary substances that help maintain the beauty and youth of the skin;
  • Regular use allows you to launch the natural process of collagen production, with the help of which the skin acquires elasticity;
  • Medicinal herbs help cleanse pores;
  • Reduce the negative impact of ultraviolet rays on the epidermis.

For people who prefer to use ointments without odor, a special Boro Plus Odorless , which has all the qualities of the Regular product, but does not contain a specific herbal odor.

For wrinkles

Another factor that BoroPlus cream helps with is wrinkles. The product contains many preparations of natural plant origin. They stimulate the intracellular production of collagen and elastin, which are necessary to increase turgor and elasticity of the upper layer of the epidermis.

It is a mistake to think that wrinkles appear due to age. In most cases, the cause of their appearance is dry and sagging skin, which can occur even in early youth. This is due to a lack of vitamins, minerals and, most importantly, hydration. Boro replenishes the lack of nutrients in skin cells, thereby restoring its condition and helping to tighten the facial contour.

Mostly the drug is applied by hand along massage lines from the middle of the forehead to the cheekbone, from the middle of the editorial to the cheeks and from the neck up to the chin. By creating a vibrating massage with finger movements, the cream needs to be “hammered” into the skin, and not just smeared.

Due to lanolin and vegetable fats, the drug penetrates through the pores of the skin into the deeper layers and will have the necessary effect there. By increasing blood circulation and strengthening blood vessels, collagen is produced, which gives the skin elasticity and plasticity. Thanks to this, the oval of the face is tightened, the first signs of aging and facial wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and lips disappear.

When applying BoroPlus to your face, avoid the eye area. Specialized components designed for thin eyelid skin should be applied to this area.

BoroPlus can be used not only as a cream, but also as a mask. It will nourish the skin, create an antibacterial effect, and disinfect pores. To do this, apply a thin layer of cream on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Remove the remaining cream with a cotton pad or napkin.

Indications for use

Each form of antibacterial drug has its own individual indications:

Boro Plus regular:

  • Acne;

  • Dry skin;
  • Burns;
  • Cracks;
  • Damage to the skin on the elbows;
  • Calluses;
  • Insect bites;
  • In winter, to eliminate the effects of low temperature on the epidermis;
  • Boils;
  • Herpes;
  • Cracked nipples during breastfeeding.

Boro Plus Bouquet of Herbs:

  • Acne;
  • Purulent formations;
  • Acne;
  • Rosacea;
  • Bacterial type infections;
  • Dry skin;
  • Cracks on the lips;
  • Dry hand skin;
  • Cracked heels;
  • Elimination of foot fungus;
  • To cleanse pores.

Boro Plus Daily Protection:

  • As a base for makeup;
  • Moisturizing and nutrition;
  • Frost protection;
  • Anti-irritation;
  • In inflammatory processes;
  • Eliminates dryness.

Boro Plus Unscented:

  • Inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • Diaper rash;
  • Purulent formations;
  • Cracks and irritation;
  • The presence of small ulcerative formations;
  • Herpes on the lips;
  • Insect bites.

Very often, the ointment is used as aromatherapy, due to its bright aroma of herbal components.

Description of the cream

The universal product combines the innovations of modern cosmetology and the natural power of medicinal plants. It has a pronounced antiseptic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal effect.

Copes with the following skin defects:

  • suppuration;
  • weathering;
  • scratches, abrasions;
  • frostbite;
  • cuts;
  • superficial burns;
  • eczema;
  • herpes;
  • impetigo;
  • boils;
  • cracks on the chest during feeding;
  • postoperative scars;
  • insect bites;
  • irritation on the face, hands;
  • after shaving.

Thanks to natural ingredients, the cream can be used by children from birth. Suitable for the skin of women and men of any age. The drug has a light, pleasant structure that is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film.

Mode of application

The cream has a high intensity and is used to eliminate various types of problems on the epidermis.

Boro Plus Regular:

  • Use several times a day on previously cleansed skin;
  • It is recommended to apply the product in a thin layer to the affected areas and leave until completely absorbed;
  • To treat burns, it is recommended to apply the product around the burn several times a day;
  • When used against cracked nipples in nursing mothers, the product is carefully removed before feeding;
  • The product must be used until the surface defects completely disappear.

Cream Boro Plus Bouquet of herbs:

  • Used three times a day, specifically on inflammatory formations;
  • For large areas of damage, it is recommended to apply the cream to the entire surface of the epidermis;
  • Used for up to 2 months;
  • Before use, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test;
  • If necessary, can be used as compresses.

Boro Plus Daily Protection:

  • Used morning and evening, regardless of the presence of problems;

  • Can be used under makeup and as protection against ultraviolet rays;
  • The product is applied in a thin layer and left until completely absorbed;
  • If necessary, can be applied to the area of ​​hands and lips for additional nutrition and hydration.

Boro Plus Unscented:

  • Recommended for the most sensitive people who may react to strong odors.
  • It is recommended to use the ointment twice a day as a spot application, or in a thin layer over the entire affected area.

Side effect

Therapeutic procedures can cause non-standard responses of the body. Side effects when using Boro Plus are manifested by allergic reactions:

  • with obsessive itching;
  • hyperemia of skin surfaces;
  • dermatological rash;
  • signs of irritation.

The appearance of non-standard symptoms requires immediate cessation of procedures and a visit to a local dermatologist.

special instructions

For increased effectiveness of using the ointment, it is recommended to follow the following special instructions:

  • The ointment is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees;
  • The shelf life of the ointment is 5 years; after expiration, the drug cannot be used;
  • Can be used with other types of medications;
  • During pregnancy, the use of ointment must be treated with increased attention;
  • If there is no result after a course of treatment, you should consult a doctor.

If any side effects occur, use of the ointment should be discontinued.

Boro Plus for children

Used in children with abrasions and cuts; it is recommended to use an odorless ointment for treatment.
The product is applied in a thin layer several times a day. The duration of treatment should be no more than one week.

If there are no positive results, you should consult a doctor.


Boro Plus cream has practically no drugs similar in composition.

If necessary, you can use products with a similar effect on the epidermis, these include:

  • Panthenol;
  • Bepanten;
  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Rescuer.



Before using any analogue, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

Nuances of action

When used, the drug creates a protective film that protects the dermis from the adverse effects of external factors. During therapy, there is a suppression of the sensation of itching, burning, and irritation of the skin caused by direct contact with toxins or toxic substances.

Boro Plus accelerates microcracks and small wounds on the skin. The nutrients contained in the cream eliminate the deficiency of useful elements and vitamins necessary for the dermis. Due to the product, the structure of the epidermis is improved and it is restored.

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