Dioxyzol-Darnitsa solution for external approx. in fl. 50g per pack. No. 1 (dioxidine + lidocaine)

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The drug has an antibacterial and local anesthetic effect. Reduces inflammation in the wound and perifocal inflammation, stimulates repair and active phagocytosis in the wound. It has hyperosmolar activity, due to which it absorbs wound exudate.

The antibacterial effect is due to the presence of dioxidin , which acts on gram-negative and gram-positive microflora, aerobic and anaerobic, and bacterial strains with resistance to other drugs. The mechanism of antibacterial action is associated with the ability to damage the DNA of bacteria, as a result of which the synthesis of nucleases , the structure of the cell is disrupted, the cell membrane thickens and the structure of the membranes changes.

Lidocaine , as a local anesthetic, interrupts the conduction of impulses along nerve fibers, does not have an irritating effect, and the analgesic effect occurs within 1-5 minutes. In general, the drug does not have a general toxic effect or local irritation, and does not damage granulation tissue .


Data not provided.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Dioxisol-darnitsa

Combined preparation for local use. Dioxidin, which is part of it, has a pronounced antibacterial effect on gram-negative and gram-positive, aerobic and anaerobic, spore-forming and asporogenous microflora (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci, streptococci, clostridia, bacteroides, peptococci, etc.) in the form of monocultures and microbial associations, including hospital strains of bacteria with multiresistance to other antibacterial drugs. The antibacterial effect of dioxidin is based on its ability to damage bacterial DNA. As a result of this effect, the synthesis of bacterial nucleases slows down, the ultrastructure of the bacterial cell is disrupted, the cell membrane thickens and the membrane structure is disrupted. The cytostatic effect of the drug is mediated by its effect on parts of the genome responsible for the synthesis of exoenzymes that determine virulence, which is associated with the ability of Dioxyzol-Darnitsa to prevent the development of resistance in microorganisms. Dioxyzol-Darnitsa has a pronounced local anesthetic and moderate hyperosmolar effect, relieves wound and perifocal inflammation, stimulates repair processes and the activity of phagocytes in the wound.

Dioxysol, instructions for use, (Method and dosage)

The aerosol is applied topically in the absence of abundant purulent discharge in the wounds.

Before use, the container is shaken and inverted. When pressed, 1-2 g of foam containing of hydroxymethylquinoxylin dioxide . The wound is completely covered with foam. The daily dose of aerosol is no more than 100 g. The course of treatment is no more than 14 days.

When treating burns, the surface is cleaned of necrotic tissue. After applying foam 1 cm thick, apply a sterile bandage, which is changed every 2 days.

When treating fistulas and wound cavities, foam is injected into them, and then a sterile bandage is applied.

Dioxysol Darnitsa is available in the form of a solution, before use a test is carried out. In the absence of allergies, sterile gauze wipes are soaked in the solution and applied to the burn and wound surface. Cover with sterile napkins and secure with adhesive tape. When treating wounds, dressings are changed every day. The solution is injected into cavities, pockets and fistulas using a syringe or catheter 2 times a day, followed by applying a bandage.

The daily dose is more than 100 g, when used in cavities - 60 g.

Indications for use of the drug Dioxisol-darnitsa

Local treatment of infected soft tissue wounds of various locations and origins (limb stumps after amputation, wounds after surgical treatment of purulent foci, bedsores, trophic ulcers, purulent postoperative wounds and fistulas, paraproctitis, abscess and phlegmon of the maxillofacial area, etc.), treatment of burns II–IV degrees, chronic and acute osteomyelitis, wound preparation for autodermoplasty, prevention of purulent-inflammatory processes in surgery and combustiology when performing various plastic surgeries. Dioxyzol-Darnitsa is used mainly in the 1st phase of the wound process, as well as in the 2nd phase for granulating wounds with areas of necrosis and inflammation.

Analogs of Dioxyzole

Level 4 ATC code matches:
Naftalan oil




Boric ointment



Hydrogen peroxide

Potassium permangantsovka








Diamond green


Sodium tetraborate

Boric acid

Dioxikol , Dioxidin , Hypozol .

Reviews of Dioxyzole

Dioxyzol solution has an antiseptic and local anesthetic effect, which is important for thermal burns. This hypertonic solution is used not only for cleaning the wound surface. Since it is created on a hydrophilic basis, which prolongs the action, promotes the removal of exudate and the release of medicinal substances, it is successfully used in the I-II phase of the wound purulent process.

Reviews on the use of the solution are mostly positive, except for the occurrence of local adverse reactions. It is characterized as effective, fast-acting and inexpensive. Many have it in their home medicine cabinet and use it for cuts, purulent scratches and wounds received at home.

  • “... After opening the carbuncle, the surgeon advised making bandages with this solution. The wound was deep, so I thought it would take a very long time to heal. But I was wrong: after 2 days the wound became smaller and narrower.”
  • “... I was buying it at the pharmacy when I got a burn. Everything went away quickly, it didn’t fester and there was no pain during the dressings.”
  • “... The drug was prescribed when a wound on my leg festered. I applied the bandages only in the evening after work. I quickly noticed an improvement and used it for 10 days until complete recovery.”
  • “... It helps well with festering wounds and cuts. The whole family uses it, it’s a shame that it can’t be used by children.”
  • “... Heals any wounds, provides excellent healing and analgesic effect.”
  • “... I couldn’t use this solution because after two days the redness intensified and itching around the wound appeared.”

Many people are looking for Dioxyzol ointment or Dioxyzol gel, but such dosage forms do not exist. With the active ingredient dioxidin there is 5% Dioxidin and Dioxikol . The latter contains the anesthetic trimecaine and methyluracil . These ointments have the same indications for use.

Use of the drug Dioxisol-Darnitsa

Dioxyzol-Darnitsa is prescribed locally. Before use, it is necessary to conduct a skin test to determine drug tolerance (on the inner surface of the forearm, s.c.). In case of a positive reaction, Dioxizol-Darnitsa is not used. In the absence of allergies, the drug is used immediately after surgical treatment of wounds and burns, as well as in the further process of their treatment, after first cleaning the wound surface from exudate and necrotic tissue. Sterile dressing material (gauze wipes or tampons) is generously soaked in solution and applied to superficial burns or inserted into deep wounds, after which sterile wipes are applied and secured with a bandage or adhesive tape. When treating burns, bandages are changed once every 7–14 days, when treating wounds - once a day. The solution is injected into fistulas, wound cavities and pockets through a catheter using a syringe 1-2 times a day, followed by application of a sterile gauze bandage. The amount of drug required for one-time use depends on the size of the wound. The daily dose of Dioxizol-Darnitsa solution when applied topically should not exceed 100 g, and when administered into cavities - 50–60 g. The duration of treatment depends on the period of cessation of purulent-serous exudation and elimination of infection in the wound, as well as the dynamics of wound healing. The treatment period should not exceed 15 days.

Dioxyzol price, where to buy

It is impossible to buy Dioxyzol in the pharmacy chain of the Russian Federation. Pharmacies offer Dioxidin (Biosintez OJSC) 30 g at a price of 365-394 rubles. This drug is available in Ukraine, the cost of a 100 ml bottle ranges from 62-87 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine

LuxPharma* special offer

  • Dioxysol Darnitsa fl.
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  • Dioxysol-Darnitsa 50 ml solution for external use PrAT" Pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa", Ukraine
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11.11.2020 № 2595


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many words: dioxydine, lidocaine hydrochloride;

1 g of dioxidine 12 mg, lidocaine hydrochloride 60 mg;

additional ingredients: propylene glycol, poloxamer, purified water.

Medicine form. Rozchin.

Basic physical and chemical properties: knitting with a light yellow color and a slight specific smell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group. Antibacterial features. ATX code J01X X.

Pharmacological power.


Dioxyzol®-Darnytsia is a combined medicinal product for local stagnation, including dioxidine and iceocaine. The product has a strong local anesthetic and mild hyperosmolar effect, relieves wound and perifocal inflammation, stimulates repair processes and the activity of phagocytes in the wound.

Dioxidine has a strong antibacterial effect against gram-negative and gram-positive, aerobic and anaerobic, spore-forming and asporogenous microflora (pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus, streptococcus, clo striae, bacteroids, peptococci, etc.) in the form of monocultures and microbial associations, including hospital strains of bacteria with multidrug resistance to others antibacterial drugs. The basis of this antibacterial action is the ability to destroy the DNA of bacteria. As a result of this influx, the synthesis of bacterial nucleases increases, the ultrastructure of the bacterial cell is destroyed, the cell membrane thickens and the membrane structure is damaged. The cytostatic action of the medicinal agent is due to the influx into the plots of the genome, which is responsible for the synthesis of exoenzymes, which determines virulence, which is related to the production of the medicinal method, preventing the development of resistance in microorganisms Change.

Lidocaine performs a local anesthetic action based on the blockade of potential-delayed Na+ channels, which interrupts the generation of impulses at the end of sensitive nerves and the conduction of impulses along nerve fibers. In case of local stagnation, the vessels expand, do not perform a local debridement. The effect develops 1–5 days after application to the skin.


Dioxidine, when locally stagnated, practically cannot be absorbed and does not cause local irritation. It is not metabolized in the body and does not accumulate. Be introduced to nirks.

The fluidity of the soaked ice caine and the amount of active substance that is absorbed into the bloodstream depend on the dose, type, size and size of the surface on which it is applied (skin or mucous membrane), as well as the duration of exposure.

Icecaine soaks up well when applied to the mucous membrane and damaged skin, but worse when applied to a healthy skin. The hour for reaching the maximum concentration in blood plasma is up to 1 year. 40–80% of iceocaine is bound to blood plasma proteins. Penetrates through the blood-brain and placental barriers and into breast milk. Metabolized in the liver. The dosing period for iceocaine is 1.6 years. It appears as if it were irritating: 90–95% – in the appearance of metabolites, up to 10% – in the unchanged appearance.

Clinical characteristics.


  • Infected wounds of soft tissues of different localization and genesis (amputation ends, wounds after surgical treatment of purulent cavities, bedsores, trophic lesions, purulent and postoperative wounds and fistulas, paraproctitis, abscesses and phlegmon of the cleft-facial area, etc.);
  • tests of stages II–IV;
  • acute and chronic osteomyelitis;
  • preparation of wounds before autodermoplasty;
  • prevention of purulent-inflammatory processes in surgery and combustiology during various plastic surgeries.


  • Increased sensitivity to all speech and to other components of the medicinal system;
  • arterial hypotension, bradycardia, atrioventricular blockade of stages II–III, cardiogenic shock, hypovolemia;
  • lack of measles in the supra-neural veins (including a history of measles);
  • Vaginism and breastfeeding;
  • child's age

Interactions with other medicinal drugs and other types of interactions.

Interactions between the medicinal drug Dioxyzol®-Darnitsia and other medicinal drugs have not been described. It is not recommended to combine the wound simultaneously with other medicinal products for local healing (ointments, creams, etc.).

Features of stagnation.

The doctor's appointment must be made only under the supervision of a doctor.

Care should be taken to administer medical treatment to patients with impaired liver function.

Use caution in case of nitric deficiency; in case of chronic nitric deficiency, change the dose.

Dioxydin is prescribed only for severe forms of infectious diseases or in case of ineffectiveness of other antibacterial drugs, including cephalosporins of the 2nd–4th generations, fluoroquinolones, carbapenems.

If adverse reactions or pigmented spots appear, change the dose, take an antihistamine medication, and, if necessary, institute a medication regimen.

It is important to apply medicinal medication in the first phase of the wound process, as well as in the other phase for wounds that granulate, with areas of necrosis and inflammation.

Dioxydine has been found to be teratogenic and embryotoxic (hence the contraindications during pregnancy); Dioxidine also causes mutagenic action.

Uncontrolled use of dioxidine and medicinal forms, as a result of this, is not allowed.

It is recommended to remove propylene glycol, which may cause skin irritation.

Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Medicinal intake of contraindications during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms.

Before the end of the medical treatment period, treatment with vehicles or robots with other mechanisms must be avoided.

Method of congestion and dosage.

Dioxyzol®-Darnytsia can be used locally for adults and for administration into fistulas, wounds and intestines.

Mіstseve zastosuvannya.

The medicinal plant should be applied immediately after surgical treatment of wounds and dressings, as well as in the subsequent process of their cleansing, in which case first clean the wound surface from exudate and necrotic tissues. Sterile dressing material (gauze bandages or tampons) is carefully cut and applied to the surface of the wound or inserted into deep wounds, after which sterile bandages are applied, which are fixed with a bandage or adhesive tape. Change the bandages when cleaning the wounds once every 7–14 days, and when cleaning wounds – once per day.

In fistula, wounds, empty stomachs and bowels.

The drug is administered through a drainage tube, a catheter, or an additional syringe (without a head) 1-2 times at a time, followed by a sterile gauze bandage.

The dosage and severity of treatment depend on the size of the treated area, the severity of the illness, the tolerance of the drug and are determined by the doctor. In this case, the required dose should not exceed 100 ml when administered empty, and 50–60 ml when administered empty. The treatment course does not have to last 15 days.

If necessary, repeat the treatment course after 1–1.5 months.

Children. The doctor's appointment is not for children.


In case of overdose, it is possible to increase the side effects of the drug, including the development of acute measles deficiency.

Treatment: medicinal administration, symptomatic therapy.

Adverse reactions.

On the side of the immune system:

with the internal administration of a drug or with an overdose, there may be development of systemic side effects associated with dioxidine in the drug: headache, dyspeptic disorders, chills, elevated temperature La, courts, hypersensitivity reactions, photosensitivity, angioedema, and, rarely, malignant hyperthermia.

Systemic adverse reactions with frozen iceocaine as a local anesthetic occur very rarely. The reason for this may be the use of too large doses (more than 15 g) of iceocaine, the use of a drug, hypersensitivity, idiosyncrasy, or decreased tolerance to iceocaine in certain patients . Systemic side effects may manifest themselves as agitation or suppression of the central nervous system, suppression of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypotension, bradycardia and anaphylaxis, seizures, tremor.

From the side of the skin and under the skin:

hypersensitivity reactions, sore itching, hyperemia of the skin, irritation, weeping, colorectal dermatitis, bumps, even if there is a liver at the time of application, which goes away on its own through a splinter of skin and will not require any medical attention.

Term of attribution. 2 rocks.

Save your mind.

Keep out of the reach of children in the original packaging at a temperature of 15 °C to 25 °C.


50 g or 100 g each in bottles or jars; 1 bottle or bottle per patient.

Release category. For the recipe.

Virobnik. PrJSC "Pharmaceutical Firm "Darnitsa".

The location of the distributor and the address of the place of promotion of activity.

Ukraine, 02093, m. Kiev, st. Boryspilska, 13.

I'll look at the remaining date. 11.11.2020.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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