Viru-Merz serol gel for external use. approx. 10mg/g in 5g tube (tromantadine)

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Antiviral agent. The active substance is active against DNA-containing viruses - herpes and herpes zoster . The mechanism of action is due to inhibition of the penetration of viruses into the cell. The use of the drug prolongs periods of remission. An important property is that viral resistance to the active substance does not develop. Viru-Merz is also effective against human papillomavirus .


When applied to the skin, it is practically not absorbed, so the active substance is not detected in the blood and urine.

Viru-Merz Serol, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Viru-Merz gel is applied to the affected areas up to 5 times a day (more often) and lightly rubbed. Treatment is carried out for 2-3 days, but if there is no improvement in the condition, it is stopped earlier. The gel is not applied to the eye area.

The earlier treatment is started, its effectiveness is much higher. It is advisable to start treatment in the first 2-3 hours from the onset of the disease before the appearance of blisters, which prevents further development of the infection. At the stage of their formation, the use of gel is not recommended. During the treatment period, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse.

Viru-merz serol 5g gel

Dosage form:

gel for external use

Composition per 100 g of the drug:

Active substance:

Tromantadine hydrochloride 1,000 g
methyl parahydroxybenzoate; sorbic acid; hyaetellosis; sorbitol (sorbitol), 70% solution; lactose monohydrate; purified water.


Transparent gel from colorless to light yellow and light brown.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Antiviral agent for topical use.

Pharmacological properties

Has antiviral properties. Active against herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2, herpes zoster. Inhibits the attachment of the virus to the surface of the cell membrane, prevents the penetration of viruses into the cell. Prevents cell fusion and makes it difficult for the virus to spread by changing the synthesis of glycoproteins.


When applying the gel to the skin, absorption is minimal, the active substance is not detected in the blood and urine.

Indications for use

Inflammatory diseases of the skin caused by the herpes simplex virus, herpes zoster.


Hypersensitivity to tromantadine, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sorbic acid or other components of the drug.

The drug is contraindicated in children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the lack of clinical data.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the lack of clinical data.

Directions for use and doses

Externally. The gel is applied to the affected areas of the skin 3-5 times a day (more often if necessary), lightly rubbing. The course of treatment is usually 2-3 days. Treatment with the drug should be discontinued if no improvement is observed during use.

Side effect

Not often (more than 1/1000 and less than 1/100): allergic reactions; very rare (less than 1/10000): contact dermatitis.

Interaction with other drugs

Not installed.

special instructions

The effectiveness of treatment will be higher the earlier it is started (at the first signs of infection within the first 2-3 hours from the onset of the disease). At the stage of bubble formation, the use of external antiviral agents is not recommended. It does not prevent the sexual transmission of herpes, therefore during the treatment period it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse, even in the absence of clinical manifestations in the sexual partner. The gel should not be applied to the eye area.

Release form

Gel for external use 1%, 5 g in an aluminum tube with a polyethylene cap. 1 tube per cardboard box with instructions for use.

Best before date

3 years.

Analogues of Viru-Merz

Level 4 ATX code matches: Aldara
Zovirax Duo-Active


Fenistil Pencivir






Epigen Intim






Alpizarin , Acigerpin , Acyclovir , Gervirax , Zovirax .

Reviews of Viru-Merz Serola

None of the drugs can completely remove the herpes virus from the body - its constant carriage and reactivation are noted under favorable conditions. Drugs can only slow down, and some completely suppress, the replication of the virus, thereby preventing the spread of infection, reducing the duration of the disease and the frequency of relapses. A relatively new drug based on tromantadine , when used correctly, can significantly reduce the manifestations of herpes . Most of the reviews are related to the use of Viru-Merz gel for herpes lips. Almost everyone notes its effectiveness: pain, swelling , inflammation and burning are quickly eliminated, and the duration of the disease as a whole is reduced. None of the users noted any side effects. However, this drug is not without its drawbacks - it is effective only in the initial stages of the disease.

  • “...Only he helps me with herpes. I noticed that there have been no exacerbations for 5 months, but previously there were once every 2 months.”
  • “... I consider Viru-Merz ointment to be the most effective for herpes on the lips. At least for me".
  • “...It works much better than acyclovir, which no longer helps me, maybe because I’ve been using it for many years.”
  • “... I used different ointments and gels and changed Acyclovir to this drug because I see a difference.”
  • “...Helps without exception! If you use it at the first symptoms, bubbles do not appear at all.”
  • “... I often use it, it’s quite an effective remedy, but you need to not miss the moment and start treatment immediately as soon as lip swelling and pain appear.”
  • “... My irreplaceable assistant, who has repeatedly proven his effectiveness and helped me out. You need to apply a little, because the film on the lip will be very noticeable.”
  • “... It turned out to be ineffective for me - the pain progressed, the swelling progressed, the blisters grew.”
  • “... Expensive and ineffective. It turned out to be useless for me."

Reviews also include the use of Viru-Merz Serol after the destruction of large warts. The drug was prescribed externally for 7-10 days to prevent recurrence of the disease. And according to observations over a period of 8 months, no relapses were noted. The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of small flat warts was also noted when the gel was used for a month once a day. The elements regressed and no relapses were noted.

Antiviral agents Merz Virumerz - reviews

Who cares what, but with the onset of autumn I began to think about sores. As soon as the first autumn breeze blows on my face, I often get a cold in the morning. Or herpes. I don't know if they are different. After many years of selecting remedies to relieve burning on the lips, I finally and irrevocably settled on one remedy - VIRU MERZ herpes ointment.


Information from the manufacturer:

Title: Viru-Merz serol.

International name: tromantadine.

Active substance: tromantadine hydrochloride (1 g per 100 g of drug, that is, 1%)


-active against herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes type 2; herpes zoster.

- makes it difficult for the herpes virus to spread.

Contraindication: pregnancy and lactation.

How to use:

The effectiveness will be higher the earlier treatment is started (preferably within the first 2-3 hours after the onset of characteristic itching. At the stage when blisters have already formed, it is ineffective).

During the treatment period, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, since sexual transmission of herpes does not prevent.


I can’t speak for others, but buying “cheaper analogues” on the advice of friends and pharmacists did not lead to any good results.

I tried:


, which turned out to be too greasy and I didn’t understand the essence of its effect at all. In theory, the medicine should treat herpes by creating a film on the vial and preventing it from getting wet. This same remedy, in my opinion, only aggravated the situation.


, by the way, is an analogue
of Zovirax
, only almost three times cheaper. And so, the same active ingredient - acyclovir 5%

Viferon ointment

- a good thing, but it’s very expensive, considering that the shelf life is 2 weeks after opening. Therefore, what the heck, you won’t get enough.

And I even used Sledocid

, which also promises to solve the problem of cold sore lips. But in fact, it has no effect on her. Although it forms a film like a decent one.

So, for me, as it turned out, the best remedy for herpes is Viru-Merz gel.

. Just as I started with him, I returned to him.

It covers our herpes with a thick film, preventing saliva and other dirt from getting on it.

You should not expect a miracle or instant healing. But: if you apply it as soon as something itches in the lip area, then, as a rule, the problem ends there. If a bubble is already visible, then all that remains is to wait for recovery. Well, it doesn’t matter if you apply it, because with this gel it really itches less)))


I consider it necessary to mention the embarrassment that happened to me once due to the fault of this remedy))

Herpes had just begun to appear, I thickly anointed it with Viru-Mertz at work, walked leisurely to the shops and hurried to meet my lover.

For some reason, the beloved was gloomy and sad all evening. Although there were no signs. Attempts to get to the bottom of the truth led nowhere. But I was persistent, I made the guy crack, and as a result he screamed: “Look at you!!! You cheat on me, and you say that you go shopping!!!! At least I washed my face and wiped my lips!!!!” - and turned away, frowning.

I took out a mirror, looked at the area of ​​my mouth...... Hmmm......if I didn’t know the truth, I would also decide that I had cheated and didn’t wash my face))) the frozen whitish film around the mouth definitely leads to similar thoughts))) especially when applied, I didn’t was greedy...

So there is no need to be overzealous with application.


Now the price and efficiency:

On my VIRU MERZ the price is indicated at 393 rubles. Expensive. But if you consider that it is very economical and the shelf life is 2 years, then it works out fine.

I threw out the previous one only because the expiration date had expired; there was still half a tube left.

How to treat herpes at home with folk remedies in the temporary absence of pharmaceutical drugs:

I will not write about all sorts of fir tinctures and horsetail decoctions, because it is unlikely that they live in your home on a permanent basis. I will only write about what is most likely available.

Egg against herpes:

1) Apply raw protein to the sore. It forms a film and relieves itching.

2) I didn’t find this on the Internet, but my grandmother boiled an egg and I kept it hot (not scalding, at a tolerable temperature) on the sore. It worked well too.

3) apply a film of raw egg with the sticky side to the sore and walk like that :)


They are quite effective against herpes, as they have a drying and antibacterial effect.

Another remedy for herpes - Ice

Take a piece from the refrigerator, wrap it in a handkerchief and apply it to the sore spot for a few minutes. The main thing is not to overcool. Apply 3 times a day. The next day they promise that it will pass.


It will help against herpes if it contains menthol. Lubricate the blister and hold until victory. True, it doesn’t help me, but it always does for my sister.

Well, if there is nothing at all, then there is only one anti-herpes remedy left, which everyone always has in stock (no no, not urine... although I saw a recipe for it too) - earwax

. According to recent research by scientists, it turns out that it helps!!!


Well, don’t forget to boost your immunity and DRINK VITAMINS with a high content of vitamin C.


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