Neo-Penotran Forte L – first aid before surgical treatment

Neo-Penotran Forte

Neo-penotran forte is an antibacterial, antiprotozoal and antimycotic drug for topical use, used for the treatment of so-called “female diseases.” We are talking here, first of all, about vaginitis and vaginosis of bacterial etiology, which today occupy a leading position in the general structure of gynecological diseases. The anatomical structure of the vagina ensures a consistently normal biocenosis, the constancy of which determines the degree of protection of the genitourinary tract from invasion of pathogenic microorganisms and the subsequent deployment of large-scale “combat operations” by the latter. The vaginal microflora of a healthy woman is represented by more than 40 types of bacteria. Among the permanent “residents” of the vagina, it is necessary to highlight Lactobacillus spp. (L. acidophilus, L. fermentans, L. plantarum, L. Paracasei species). The stability of the microbiological status of the vagina is determined by a number of external and internal factors. The fundamental reason for the development of a series of dysbiotic processes in the vagina is maladaptation. It is quantitative changes in bacterial species diversity that ultimately lead to the development of the infectious process. If one pathogenic or facultative-pathogenic species of microorganisms “killed off” another species, then this will most likely result in infectious and inflammatory symptoms in the near future. Treatment of bacterial vaginal infections, first of all, should solve the main problem, namely: the elimination of pathogenic microflora and restoration of the normal bacterial status of the vagina. A set of therapeutic measures in this regard should include the use of antibacterial, antiprotozoal and antifungal drugs. The most effective topical drug, which exhibits both antibacterial and antiprotozoal effects equally, is metronidazole, which in addition has a beneficial effect on the immune system by stimulating the production of interferon.

This substance is active against Trichomonas vaginalis and Gardnerella vaginalis, as well as a number of anaerobes, incl. anaerobic Streptococcus. One of the best antifungal agents is miconazole, which has a wide spectrum of action, including pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida albicans. The drug neo-penotran forte includes both of these substances as active components, which gives it significant advantages over other drugs of this pharmacological group. Neo-penotran forte is effective for diseases such as bacterial vaginosis, vaginal candidiasis, trichomonas vaginitis, mixed vaginal infections. It is believed that therapy with the drug at the initial stage is optimal from the point of view of preventing vulvo-vaginal mycoses. As the results of clinical trials have shown, the frequency of successful treatment outcomes when using neo-penotran forte in comparison with other drugs is close to 100%. The drug can be used, incl. and pregnant women (though only starting from the 2nd and 3rd semesters). The dosage form of neo-penotran forte - vaginal suppositories - gives the drug better tolerability compared to oral medications. Even taking neo-penotran forte alone is considered a combination therapy, which has undeniable advantages over monotherapy, especially for complex infections caused by several pathogens. In addition to this, combination therapy minimizes the risk of adverse reactions (due to the use of lower dosages) and often eliminates individual intolerance in patients. Neo-Penotran Forte can also be used as a means of preventive sanitation before surgery. It can be used for a week both before and after surgery. According to clinical trials, the use of neo-penotran forte can halve the risk of developing postoperative complications.

NEO-PENOTRAN (suppositories)

Zia of the cervix is ​​a kind of defect, it is benign.
It looks like a wound, but in fact that is what it is. (Yes, I saw it with my own eyes; as a paramedic I had to see a lot while I was preparing to become an independent doctor). The causes of erosion are various factors: from infections and injuries, to decreased immunity. I don’t know where the breakdown occurred, but I was diagnosed with this quite a long time ago, when it was discovered for the first time and I was sent for some infections. The most important thing is to rule out HPV (human papillomavirus), ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea - the doctor will prescribe them for you too. Several years ago, I had an increased permissible level of ureaplasma, so I was treated with the antibiotic “Vilprafen Solutab” and that was where my interest in erosion and the interest of the gynecologist ended. Next on to honey. commissions told me: “There is erosion, but it’s nothing to worry about.”

And this year, during honey. commission at work, took smears and made a modified diagnosis, which frightened me and finally shook me out of sleep. Now it turns out that I have not just “Cervical Erosion”, but “Endocervicosis with inflammation”. Sorry for the details, but for the common good we have to reveal our secrets.

Now I remember how shortly before this I told one of my patients about this diagnosis and she burst into tears; my persuasion that it was not scary had no effect. But when I read the answer from my analysis, I realized how unpleasant it was for her in her own skin. Moreover, without preparation, this abstruse word can be mistaken for the designation of some kind of tumor. But in fact, nothing has changed, they just called my erosion that - endocervicosis - which means that it is true erosion. But the inflammation upset me.

Moreover, the analysis did not show any infections (bacteria, fungi, etc.) but only leukocytes and red blood cells. A doctor I knew advised me to strike immediately with a strong agent, which will be discussed after my long introduction.

These are vaginal suppositories - Neo-Penotran. It comes in 14 candles and 7 fortes. Accordingly, 14 simple - insert 7 days 2 times a day, and 7 forte - 7 days 1 time a day. I trust the double use of this drug more, so I took 14. It cost me 724 rubles, but there are cheaper ones, for example, at the Maxavit pharmacy (592 rubles there)

Here is such a simple small box of suppositories. This drug is produced in Turkey by the pharmaceutical company Embil.

There is a barcode on the side, which I decided to check for authenticity in a special program.

My fears were not confirmed; the drug is genuine, and in fact was made in Turkey. The candles are packed very carefully, of course, hermetically sealed, so much so that it is difficult to remove them. They are of an unusual shape, like droplets. Each cell has an inscription: name, composition, expiration date. It is very comfortable.

As you noticed, the drug has several directions of action: antibacterial, antiprotozoal and antifungal. This drug has a very wide spectrum of action, which allows you to overcome several problems at once, if any. In this case, we are treating inflammation that is caused by an unknown flora, but it is there, otherwise there would not be a large number of leukocytes and red blood cells in the smear.

So that you can thoroughly familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of the drug, I provide instructions! I will not rewrite the obvious, everything is indicated in the annotation.

Before starting treatment, make sure that your periods will not start within the next week. You understand - combining critical days and treatment with suppositories is not the best option.

Suppositories should be used 2 times a day - morning and evening. And she performed the manipulation at 8 pm and at 8 am - 12 hours later. The key to success is precision of application.

For convenient use, the manufacturer included a bag with disposable finger pads in the packaging. Be sure to use them from the first to the last procedure, this will make the introduction of suppositories safe, easy and convenient. Moreover, it will have to be entered deeply.

The bag is opened with scissors. We remove all the bags, take one, and put the rest back. They are big in size, but that doesn't matter. It is better to trim your nails to avoid injury.

Before use: unfasten one suppository in the blister, open it and remove the suppository. Try not to let it out of your hands, keeping it clean and hygienic.

Now let's summarize. I have already finished treatment. After the first injection, I felt a slight burning sensation, but this is normal, you need to be patient a little. Then I felt almost nothing. It is convenient to insert them, they stay inside well due to their unusual shape. I didn’t notice any leakage back, but it’s a must to stick a panty liner on your underwear.

There is an effect, and it’s great! We neutralized all the harmful flora, the beneficial flora was not harmed (but in general I am not prone to thrush), the symptoms of inflammation went away, but my treatment did not end there.

I remind you that if you have any abnormalities in the female part, contact your gynecologist immediately! Any neglected case will be very expensive both for your condition and for your wallet and nerves. Many infections and other diseases can become chronic and difficult to treat.

Thank you all for your attention.

Neo-Penotran Forte L – first aid before surgical treatment

The results of a study of the effectiveness and safety of the drug Neo-Penotran Forte L, which was prescribed before surgical interventions for various genital pathologies, are presented. The use of Neo-Penotran Forte L allowed to normalize the vaginal microflora and contributed to a more rapid restoration of the vaginal epithelium.

Preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment of gynecological patients is a complex task. A necessary condition for performing surgical intervention on the pelvic organs using transvaginal, laparoscopic, or laparotomic approaches is the absence of an inflammatory process in the genital organs. With a large arsenal of conservative treatment methods proposed in recent years, it is not always possible to achieve complete sanitation and rapid epithelization of the wound surface. The wide range of bacteria, viruses and fungi in the vaginal microbiocenosis makes it difficult to find a reliable agent that would act on all possible types of microorganisms [1–3].

In this regard, it is interesting to evaluate the effectiveness, safety and tolerability of the drug Neo-Penotran Forte L, used for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes and healing disorders during surgical interventions through transvaginal access for various genital pathologies.

Neo-Penotran Forte L contains 750 mg of metronidazole, which has an antibacterial and antitrichomoniacal effect, 200 mg of micronized miconazole nitrate, which has antifungal properties, and 100 mg of lidocaine, which has a local anesthetic effect. Miconazole and metronidazole do not exhibit synergistic or antagonistic effects when administered concomitantly. Lidocaine stabilizes the neuronal membrane by inhibiting the ionic currents necessary for the initiation and conduction of impulses, thereby exerting a local anesthetic effect.

Material and methods

The study included 20 patients aged from 21 to 60 years (mean age 42.6 ± 4.2 years). The duration of the disease ranged from one year to 17 years. The patients had to undergo surgical treatment for various genital pathologies:

  • vaginal hysterectomy for genital prolapse (complete uterine prolapse) (n = 3);
  • strengthening of the middle third of the urethra with a synthetic loop (using the TVT method) for genital prolapse and urinary incontinence and plastic surgery of the vaginal walls (n = 7);
  • colpoperineolevatoplasty (n = 8);
  • Manchester operation (n = 2).

Before surgery, all patients underwent examination (gynecological examination, clinical examination of blood, urine, microbiological and bacterioscopic examination of the vaginal flora, ultrasound examination of the genitals). Infections were excluded: human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis, syphilis.

The results of the study were assessed according to a number of parameters:

  • clinical picture data over time;
  • subjective sensations of patients over time;
  • antibacterial effect according to the results of microbiological studies before and after treatment;
  • anti-inflammatory effect based on clinical observation data (gynecological examination, laboratory tests of blood and urine, bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination of vaginal contents);
  • healing effect according to the results of clinical observation during a gynecological examination;
  • safety and tolerability of the drug based on patient complaints, analysis of the frequency and nature of adverse reactions and complications.

Results and its discussion

Analysis of the state of the vaginal microbiocenosis, leukocyte reaction and the indicator of microbial contamination of lactobacilli before treatment showed that only five (25%) women had no leukocyte reaction and lactobacilli predominated in the vaginal ecosystem.

In six (30%) patients, vaginal cleanliness corresponded to the second degree and was characterized by a small number of lactobacilli, the presence of gram-positive cocci and gram-negative rods, the presence of leukocytes, monocytes, macrophages and epithelial cells.

Five (25%) patients were diagnosed with the third degree of vaginal cleanliness with the complete absence of lactobacilli, abundant polymorphic gram-positive and gram-negative rod and coccal microflora (contamination was over 106 CFU/ml), and a large number of leukocytes. Two of them were diagnosed with Candida

. This group of patients was concerned about the phenomena of vaginitis (profuse vaginal discharge, itching).

In the remaining four (20%) patients, a small number of leukocytes, “key cells,” were detected in smears. The pH value of vaginal discharge exceeded 4.5. Bacteriological examination showed the presence of abundant polymorphic flora (more than 107 CFU/ml), lactoflora was absent. The patients complained of copious discharge, sometimes with an unpleasant odor, which was confirmed by examination (uniform homogeneous grayish discharge with an unpleasant odor).

Before surgery, all patients received monotherapy with Neo-Penotran Forte L. Dosage regimen: one suppository intravaginally at night for seven days.

The results of a bacteriological study of the vaginal flora immediately after completion of treatment with this drug showed clinical improvement: subsidence of itching, a significant decrease in vaginal discharge. The degree of purity of vaginal contents was normalized. The number of leukocytes detected in smears did not exceed 20 per field of view. Treatment had no effect on lactobacilli counts: they remained reduced in those who had low levels before treatment and did not change in those who had previously been within normal limits. The total contamination did not exceed 105 CFU/ml. Candidiasis infection was not detected.

Based on an analysis of complaints before and after treatment, the absence of adverse reactions and complications, the tolerability of the drug in all patients was determined to be good.

After surgical treatment, good epithelization of the wound surface was observed. The sutures on the perineum healed by primary intention in 100% of cases, which contributed to a faster discharge of patients from the hospital.


Normal vaginal flora before treatment was noted in only 25% of patients with various non-inflammatory pathologies of the genitals. It is necessary to examine patients before surgery and, if necessary, correct the vaginal microflora.

The drug Neo-Penotran Forte L has demonstrated high effectiveness in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs and bacterial vaginosis during preparation for surgery. Its use made it possible to normalize the vaginal microflora and contributed to a more rapid and effective restoration of the epithelium of the walls and dome of the vagina. The drug was well tolerated and did not cause side effects. Neo-Penotran Forte L can be recommended for widespread use in practical healthcare.

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