Review of drugs Levosin and Levomekol | Which ointment to choose

Updated: 04/23/2021 15:12:56

Expert: Abramova Tsilya

Locally applied preparations based on the strongest bacteriostatic, disinfectant and anesthetic agents are Levosin and Levomekol. They are widely used in dermatology, proctology, gynecology, and purulent surgery. Our journalists, the Expertology publication, have collected the most current information plus reliable facts on the topic: a review of the drugs Levosin or Levomekol. This will help in the correct selection of a drug for local use for the treatment of external inflammation or wounds of microbial etiology.

Characteristics of Levosin

Levosin is a domestically produced ointment for external use. The drug for local use is highly effective and well tolerated. The main advantage of the ointment is its unique composition, to which the bacterial flora does not become accustomed.

Composition of the drug

A medicine based on fatty oils, Levosin, has a multicomponent composition. A well-chosen chemical complex effectively copes, that is, inhibits any type of infectious pathogens. Plus, the ointment analgesizes inflamed closed or open wounds.

The main active ingredients of Levosin ointment are:

  1. Chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) is an antibiotic that has a bacteriostatic effect on resistant microorganisms such as salmonella, streptococci, gonococci, hemophilus influenzae, and Escherichia colli. There is no microbial resistance to it. When taken orally, it has a toxic effect on the liver, kidneys, and hematopoiesis. The ointment is slowly absorbed into the bloodstream. But the toxic effect is still taken into account when used in nursing mothers and pregnant women.
  2. Sulfadimethoxine is also an antibacterial drug. It has a pronounced effect on intracellular parasites such as chlamydia, which are resistant to most antimicrobial agents. Inhibits the vital activity of Koch's bacillus, which causes diphtheria, anthrax bacilli, toxoplasma, escherichiosis, and hemophilus influenzae. The wide spectrum of effects allows the drug to be used in cases where other antibacterial agents are practically powerless.
  3. Methyluracil is a powerful stimulating factor in cellular defense. Its mechanism of action is aimed at rapid restoration of the epidermal layer and healing of the wound in the shortest possible time.
  4. Trimecaine is an anesthetic substance that is several times stronger than novocaine. It directly acts on the nerve endings, relieving and relieving pain in the wound area. Does not have an irritating effect on surrounding tissues. Relieves swelling.

The components included in the composition significantly increase the effect of each other, allowing you to achieve a positive therapeutic effect in a short period of time. The wound is instantly cleared of pus, swelling and pain are reduced, and the patient’s general well-being improves.

Important! The main effect of Levosin is to relieve inflammation by destroying pyogenic flora and preventing the spread of the pathological process to other organs and tissues. Stopping the necrotic process and the development of gangrene in any part of the body.

Main therapeutic properties

Thanks to the combined effect, the patient is quickly cured, suffering and pain are relieved. The wound begins to heal quickly, and decay products from the wound and pathogenic microbes do not enter the bloodstream. The earlier treatment is started, the faster the patient’s recovery.

The main therapeutic characteristics of the drug include:

  1. Elimination of pain in the area of ​​the wound surface.
  2. Destroying the bacterial agent in the wound area.
  3. Reducing inflammatory edema.
  4. Prevents bacterial growth and superinfection.
  5. Elimination of dead tissue.
  6. Repair and regeneration of the epidermis and damaged tissues in the wound.

A wide antibacterial spectrum allows the drug to be used on any purulent wound, without waiting for the composition of the flora and sensitivity to antibiotics to be determined. This is a tremendous advantage of this drug, which allows you to stop the process in a short time.

Pharmacological properties

Levosin is a drug for external use that has a low adsorption effect in recommended doses. Widely used to treat purulent wounds.


  1. It has a pronounced antibacterial effect on gram-positive and gram-negative strains of bacteria, and also inhibits the vital activity of most anaerobes that can cause severe diseases.
  2. The ointment base allows the components of the drug to easily penetrate deep into the tissues. Polyethylene glycol transports the associated chloramphenicol and sulfadimethoxin into tissues, having high resorptive activity.
  3. In 2 or 3 days, swelling of the tissue around the wound surface is eliminated due to the high hydration of the ointment. This is also facilitated by cleansing of purulent-necrotic contents.
  4. Stimulation of local immunity with methyluracil triggers a mechanism for rapid tissue repair and epithelial regeneration.
  5. The drug does not accumulate in the body and does not have an unpleasant irritating effect.

Our experts from the “Expertologi” magazine, after studying many information sources, have proven that Trimecain relieves pain for a long time, reduces tissue swelling, and is non-toxic, therefore Levosin is widely used in inflammatory and infectious processes accompanied by pain, necrotic process and swelling neighboring tissues.

Indications for use

First of all, Levosin is used in purulent surgery. The drug effectively treats wounds with mixed microflora and the possibility of the addition of aggressive hospital flora.

Areas of use of Levosin:

  1. Burn disease with the development of purulent complications, as well as for the prevention of infection of damaged tissue structures (open wounds).
  2. Difficult-to-heal ulcers prone to infection due to weakened immunity.
  3. Purulent rashes such as acne vulgaris, furunculosis, carbuncles, boils, extensive streptoderma.
  4. Bedsores in bedridden patients.
  5. Postoperative and post-traumatic wounds to prevent infection with pyogenic flora.
  6. Hemorrhoids, fissures and fistulas of the anus, proctitis.
  7. Panaritiums.

The wide range of applications is due to the wide spectrum of antibacterial action and safety of the drug.

Mode of application

Use only as prescribed by a doctor. Dressings are carried out under sterile conditions daily by a dressing procedure nurse under the supervision of a physician.

The ointment is applied externally to a gauze swab after preliminary washing and treating the wound with antiseptics. This allows you to eliminate necrotic masses and purulent discharge from the wound. The tampon is applied to the wound and secured with a bandage.

For deep lesions, the wound is washed with an antiseptic and dried with a sterile swab. Then it is loosely filled with sterile napkins soaked in Levosin ointment in case of extensive damage. A sterile dressing is applied. Dressings are carried out as necessary. If the dressing becomes saturated with the contents of the wound, the dressing must be changed.

After washing with an antiseptic, ointment is injected into the wound cavity using a syringe. It should be body temperature. A sterile drainage tube is installed for outflow, which is changed daily.

Side effects

In certain doses calculated by the doctor, the ointment practically does not cause side effects. Sometimes there may be an allergy to the components of the drug, manifested in the form of itching and redness. Before use, you can conduct a sensitivity test by applying a small amount of the product to intact skin. If after 30 minutes there is no redness or itching, you can use it without fear.


History of hypersensitivity to components.

Despite the fact that the drug practically does not enter the general bloodstream, it is nevertheless better not to use it for pregnant women or to use it for a limited time. These points should be decided by the attending physician, assessing all the risks.

In nursing mothers, use is limited due to possible resorptive effects. Sometimes used for purulent mastitis, but feeding from the affected breast should be prohibited. The ointment is used for a limited amount of time until a positive effect occurs.

The neonatal period is an absolute contraindication. Up to 1 year - under the supervision of a pediatrician with extreme caution.

In case of impaired bone marrow circulation.

Acute intermittent porphyria.

Caution during radiation therapy, liver and kidney damage.

Not compatible with alcohol.

Interaction with other drugs

Levosin is an effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent for combating wound infections. A wide spectrum of antibacterial action and restorative properties help to achieve a quick effect in many cases, alleviating the patient’s condition. Over many years of use, most bacteria have not developed resistance to it. A minimum of side effects allows the drug to be used in all cases of purulent infection of the skin.

For your information! Ointments based on Levosin and Levomikol cannot be used with drugs that are used to treat cancer and autoimmune pathologies. Not prescribed together with sulfonamides.

Are Levosin and Levomekol the same thing?

Has there been a wound on your skin? It urgently needs to be treated with an antiseptic to protect yourself from the development of inflammation. And so you go to the doctor, and when you leave the office, you carefully study the prescription. The doctor prescribed Levomekol or Levosin for you, claiming that both drugs are absolutely similar. But before you buy ointment at the pharmacy, I would like to find out whether these products are really so similar.

Both pharmacological agents have a healing effect on the affected areas of the skin. These antibacterial ointments are the development of domestic pharmacists, and therefore their price category is affordable and acceptable.

Levomekol and Levosin contain two main components:

  • chloramphenicol;
  • methyluracil.

This concludes the list of substances included in Levomekol. But Levosin contains two more components:

  • sulfadimethoxine;
  • trimecaine.

As you understand, the active ingredient is the same - the antibiotic chloramphenicol. Generally speaking, the effect of using the described drugs is the same precisely because of it. But the additional substances contained in Levosin help fight infectious agents, in particular:

  • chopsticks;
  • chlamydia;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • salmonella, etc.

Hemorrhoids kill the patient in 79% of cases

Both pharmacological agents are considered effective. But still, let's make a list of the main differences between Levosin and Levomekol. Let us list the distinctive features of Levosin:

  • after application, an analgesic effect is felt;
  • affected areas of the skin regenerate faster;
  • the antibiotic chloramphenicol is contained in larger quantities.

Characteristics of Levomekol

Levomekol is an ointment for external use, an analogue of Levosin. Contains chloramphenicol and methyluracil.

pharmachologic effect

Has antibacterial and reparative effects. Acts on various gram-positive flora, E. coli. It has a powerful local effect, stimulating wound healing and providing an anti-edematous effect.

Indications for use

  1. Lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  2. Traumatic and post-surgical interventions with subsequent infection.
  3. Bedsores.
  4. Haemorrhoids.
  5. Furunculosis, streptoderma and other purulent skin lesions.

It is used in almost the same cases as Levosin.

Mode of application

It is used in the same way as Levosin. The ointment is applied externally or internally to the wound. The time of use is regulated by the attending physician. Long-term use should be under the control of blood and biochemical parameters.

Side effect

Possible allergies, irritation, rash.


Newborn period.

Pregnancy and lactation – according to health indications.

Up to 1 year – for health reasons.

Sensitivity to the composition of the ointment.

Cannot be combined with alcohol!

Levomekol enters the pharmacological arena

So, we have already found out the significant differences between Levomekol and Levosin. For those who are curious, information about each drug separately will be very useful. Of course, it is better to read the abstract, but medical terminology is not accessible to all of us.

Pustules, pimples, wounds, including those with the development of infection or inflammation, are treated externally with ointments. One of the effective and affordable pharmacological agents is Levomekol. Reviews from doctors and patients confirm the effectiveness of the drug.

Most doctors prescribe Levomekol for the treatment of the following pathological conditions:

  • pustules;
  • burn wounds;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • acne;
  • boils.

If pus accumulates in the wound, treatment may take a long time. Over time, bacteria and infection begin to adapt and no longer respond to the product used. Levomekol refutes this, since the antibiotic contained in the ointment actively fights various types of infectious agents.

The described pharmacological agent is used exclusively externally; sometimes treatment can be supplemented by oral administration of pharmacological drugs from the group of antibiotics. The ointment should be applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin, previously treated with an antiseptic. It is extremely rare that the use of Levomekol can cause side effects, in particular:

  • rash;
  • itching;
  • redness.

In case of ingestion of a pharmaceutical product, a gastric lavage procedure must be performed. There are practically no special contraindications to the use of Levomekol, however, the ointment should be applied with extreme caution during pregnancy and the lactation period. Also pay attention to the component composition and find out whether you tolerate the listed substances well. The use of Levomekol should be completely abandoned if a fungal infection, psoriasis or eczema develops.

Similarities of drugs

Levosin and Levomekol are analogues with almost the same composition. They have the same indications, contraindications, and methods of use. It should be borne in mind that the main effect is aimed at combating microbial infection. If the inflammation is viral or fungal in nature, then the ointments will not be effective, since they contain only antibacterial drugs. To destroy the bacterial agent, the ointment cannot be used once; it must be used for 3 to 5 days, even if external manifestations disappear.

Differences between drugs

Levosin, in addition to chloramphenicol and methyluracil, as in Levomekol, contains sulfadimethoxine and trimecaine. This expands the possibilities of using the drug for more persistent infections, increasing the spectrum of antibacterial action. Levosin ointment is prescribed for infections with mixed bacterial flora. The concentration of chloramphenicol in Levosin is higher, which allows it to be used for serious lesions with a risk of anaerobic infection, when Levomekol is powerless.


When you need a quick and powerful response to acute wound infections, it is more advisable to prescribe Levosin. For old, sluggish wounds - Levomekol, as it has a more pronounced wound-healing effect. Trimecaine has an analgesic and antiarrhythmic effect, which makes it possible to use Levosin in patients with arrhythmia.

Which ointment is best - for whom and when

If the patient is allergic, carefully prescribe Levosin due to its more complex composition. Levomekol is more appropriate in this case, since it causes fewer allergic reactions. Levomekol is also used in adolescence to treat acne vulgaris. The ointment does not contain hormones, so it is used very widely. Acne responds well to treatment, but cannot be used for a long time due to possible disruption of the skin microflora.

Levomekol is used in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers and bedsores. Can be used for inflammatory processes of the middle ear and sinuses. Levosin is used for severe pain in the wound area, but is contraindicated in heart and kidney failure due to the presence of trimecaine in the composition. Levosin is used in hospitals for effective wound healing and prevention of hospital infections.

Ointments are interchangeable, but not in all cases. In any case, you should not use such strong ointments that contain antibacterial agents for self-medication

. The drug is prescribed only by the attending physician after a thorough examination and examination. The time of use is also determined by the doctor. This is a guarantee of a quick recovery and successful prevention of purulent complications.

"Levosin" - affordable price and high quality

"Levosin" is a universal panacea for many skin wounds. Thanks to its unique component composition, the ointment copes well with inflammatory and purulent wounds. Levosin ointment has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, healing and nourishing effects. Reviews from patients and doctors confirm the information provided in the annotation.

The described pharmacological agent is prescribed in the presence of the following pathological processes:

  • purulent wounds on the skin;
  • furunculosis;
  • acne;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • burns;
  • bedsores.

Levosin is often recommended for use for the speedy healing of postoperative wounds. Before applying the drug, it is recommended to treat the affected area of ​​the skin with an antiseptic. Regular hydrogen peroxide is suitable for these purposes. If the wound is too deep, then the ointment is injected inside using a medical syringe without a needle or catheter. In this case, it must first be heated to a temperature of 36°.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of Levosin. But it is better not to use the ointment during pregnancy and lactation, since the effects of this pharmacological agent on the fetus and child during feeding have not been studied.

The ointment is well tolerated, so there are practically no side effects. The only exception may be allergic reactions, but they are minor. If you notice redness or itching, then put this ointment aside and select a similar preparation.

The difference between Levosin and Levomekol lies solely in the component composition. In most cases, doctors prescribe these drugs electively and consider them interchangeable. Do not self-medicate. To quickly restore damaged areas of the skin, use domestically produced ointments “Levosin” or “Levomekol”. What to give preference, choose for yourself, based on the doctor’s opinion. Be healthy!

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