Immunomodulators and antiviral drugs for HPV

In recent years, the incidence of human papillomavirus infection has been increasing. According to WHO, every year around the world, about 250,000 women with HPV infection die from cervical cancer. Against this background, the search for effective treatments for this infection becomes extremely important. The problem of its diagnosis and treatment attracts the attention of doctors of various specialties: dermatologists, gynecologists, urologists, oncologists, immunologists, virologists, pathomorphologists. At the moment, most scientists have come to a consensus - the manifestations of the human papillomavirus can be combated using immunomodulators with antiviral activity.

  • What are immunomodulators
  • List of drugs
  • Antiviral for HPV
  • Is it possible to use VIFERON Suppositories vaginally?
  • Treatment of mucous membranes in men
  • Alternative Treatments

What are immunomodulators

Immunomodulatory agents include drugs of a chemical and biological nature that can modulate (inhibit or stimulate) immune responses. At the same time, the immunological effect of immunomodulators depends on the initial state of a person’s immunity: these drugs reduce high and increase low levels of immunity. This postulate especially applies to interferon preparations. Immunotherapy also includes treatment methods based on the use of immunotropic agents for diseases in the pathogenesis of which there are disorders affecting the immune system.

The main criterion for prescribing immunomodulators is the clinical picture of the disease (acute or chronic infectious-inflammatory process), which is accompanied by a decrease in immune parameters and is difficult to treat. In this case, immunomodulators play the role of the main assistant, which promotes effective therapy and relieves the manifestations of many diseases.

Since HPV infection is also a disease that is quite difficult to combat, and the outcome of treatment depends on the state of the immune system, various immunomodulators are widely used in the treatment of this infection.

Possible complications

Human papillomavirus infection can cause severe or mild complications. The most severe possible complication is the development of malignant tumors. Oncogenic strains of the virus cause cellular mutations that contribute to the transformation of benign tumors into malignant ones.

Cervical dysplasia precedes the development of cancer. Papillomas on the larynx grow and cause attacks of suffocation. HPV increases the likelihood of cancer of the stomach, intestines, and respiratory system.

Benign formations on the skin seem less dangerous than cancer. But we do not recommend delaying their treatment. Condylomas, papillomas and warts can accidentally come off. In their place, a bleeding wound forms, into which pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate. Large defects can leave unsightly scars if the removal is not carried out in the office of a dermatovenerologist.

Intraurethral condylomas may be accompanied by inflammation and bleeding from the urethra.

Immunomodulators for HPV: list of drugs

Drugs that are synthetic complex purine derivatives

This group of immunomodulators, used in the treatment of manifestations of the human papillomavirus, have immunostimulating activity and a nonspecific antiviral effect. They restore the activity of lymphocytes, which are the main cells of the immune system. It has been clinically proven that low lymphocyte activity is a predisposing factor to the pronounced development of clinical manifestations of HPV. Also, this type of drug increases the functioning of natural killer cells and the so-called T-helpers - T-lymphocytes, the main function of which is to coordinate the immune response.

Some of the drugs in this group have an extensive list of side effects, including problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract. Adverse reactions such as headache, drowsiness, insomnia, itching and joint pain are also possible. Contraindications include children under 3 years of age, pregnancy, kidney disease and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Preparations with the active ingredient glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide (GMDP)

GMDP is a fragment of the shell of pathogenic bacteria that cause infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs and systems. When this fragment enters the body, the immune system perceives it as a foreign pathogenic agent and immediately begins producing antibodies. Thanks to this, there is a general activation of the entire immune system, which promotes recovery or reduces the frequency of relapses of viral infections, including HPV.

Side effects include an increase in body temperature to subfebrile and febrile levels, and diarrhea is also possible. Drugs in this group are contraindicated for metabolic disorders and for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Preparations containing natural plant materials as active ingredients

This group of drugs was created based on the discovery of Nobel Prize laureate N.N. Semenov about the powerful immunostimulating properties of biologically active substances contained in plant cells. Plant extracts and auxiliary components strengthen the nonspecific part of the immune system, which increases the human body’s resistance to various viral and some bacterial infections. The immunomodulatory effect activates leukocytes, which is especially important in the fight against chronic and protracted inflammatory processes.

Allergic reactions are possible when using these drugs. Contraindications for use include diseases of the excretory system, pregnancy, lactation and children under 18 years of age.

Causes of HPV infection and development of the disease

Infection with papillomavirus can occur at the stage of birth of a child, while he is passing through the birth canal. The virus can be transmitted through contact and household contact in the first years of life. In adults, most cases of infection occur through sexual contact.

Risk factors include:

  1. Illness of one of the parents or family members.
  2. Frequent change of sexual partners, unprotected contacts.
  3. Gynecological manipulations: installation of a spiral, abortion.
  4. Long-term use of hormonal contraceptive pills.
  5. Hormonal imbalance caused by other reasons.
  6. Pregnancy and the postpartum period in women.
  7. Various diseases of the reproductive system.
  8. Hypothermia of the pelvic organs.
  9. Smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.
  10. Chronic stress, diseases of the nervous system.

Infection with a virus does not always lead to the development of disease. Human papillomavirus infection can be suppressed by a strong human immune system. Therefore, the HPV treatment regimen sometimes includes taking immunomodulator pills.

Antiviral drugs against HPV

After infecting a cell, the virus can remain free or penetrate the cell’s genome. In either case, the virus alters normal cellular processes. And instead of producing everything necessary for its life, the cell provides mechanisms for the synthesis of viral DNA molecules, which will later be used to create new viral particles. But viruses are not always capable of causing disease. With an adequate immune response, the body gets rid of the virus on its own. If the body's immune response is ineffective, long-term carriage of the virus is possible, which can lead to benign or malignant, depending on the type of virus, manifestations of the disease.

In order to break the chain of endless reproduction of the virus and subsequent development of the disease, the need to treat HPV infection with immunomodulators with antiviral activity has been recognized, because To date, not a single antiviral drug against HPV has been developed that specifically targets the human papillomavirus.


Are there drugs that fight viruses and at the same time help restore the immune system? Of course, such drugs exist. One of these drugs that helps restore the immune system and has a wide spectrum of antiviral activity is the drug VIFERON.

Recombinant interferon alpha-2b, which is part of this drug, prevents the synthesis of viral DNA and blocks the reproduction of the virus, helps restore the immune system, and also has antiproliferative properties. It is identical to human interferon alpha-2b, but is produced using modern technology without the use of donor blood.

The drug, which is available in the form of suppositories, gel and ointment, was developed as a result of fundamental research in the field of immunology, which has proven that in the presence of antioxidants (vitamins C, E), the antiviral effect of interferon is enhanced.

Method of use and dosage of VIFERON suppositories for HPV

VIFERON Suppositories are produced in the form of bullet-shaped rectal suppositories of white-yellow or yellow color. During the treatment process, the drug suppresses the activity of viruses and increases the effectiveness of the body's own immune response to pathogenic microorganisms.

The drug in the form of suppositories can be used during pregnancy (from the 14th week), as well as during breastfeeding and when treating children.

The recommended dose for adults is VIFERON 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours every day for 5-10 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued.

Pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy (starting from the 14th week of gestation) are prescribed VIFERON 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours daily for 10 days, then for 9 days 3 times with an interval of 3 days (on the fourth day) 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours. Then every 4 weeks until delivery - the drug in a dosage of 150,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 5 days. If necessary, the drug is prescribed before delivery (from the 38th week of gestation) at a dosage of 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours every day for 10 days.

Stages of HPV development

After infection, the latent stage of the disease begins. The virus is already present in the body and is localized in epithelial cells. But so far there are no symptoms that would suggest a human papillomavirus infection. When the virus is dormant, laboratory tests may show a negative result. The latent stage lasts from a couple of weeks to tens of years.

Papillomavirus multiplies in epithelial cells. The number of affected cells increases, and the disease enters the subclinical stage. The first small tissue pathologies appear, not yet visible to the naked eye. The presence of papillomavirus can be determined in a laboratory. The affected epithelium becomes more sensitive to bacterial and chemical influences.

At the clinical stage, formations appear on the skin. To stop the spread of infection and prevent complications, you should consult a doctor in time.

Degrees of oncogenicity of strains

  1. Non-oncogenic. Provoke the development of benign tumors. The DNA of these viruses is not prone to mutations that cause cancer.
  2. Low degree of oncogenicity. They can lead to the formation of a cancerous tumor in combination with other risk factors (heredity, weak immunity, bad habits).
  3. High degree of oncogenicity. Directly provoke the growth of malignant tumors.

Is it possible to use VIFERON Suppositories for HPV vaginally?

Antiviral suppositories VIFERON are produced only for rectal use. Vaginal use is not provided for in the instructions for the medicine. The use of the drug in complex therapy is aimed at increasing the level of immune defense of the body as a whole. Therefore, inserting suppositories directly into the site of infection is not required.

There are many blood vessels in the rectum that absorb the medicine directly injected into the rectal cavity. Blood from the rectum, bypassing the liver, directly enters the systemic circulation. This ensures the systemic effect of the drug. Moreover, the liver does not undergo additional stress, which is an undeniable advantage of drugs with rectal administration.

Briefly about the main thing:

If you decide to get rid of papillomas, there are 2 ways: The first is to remove papillomas in the clinic, preferably from an oncologist. The advantages of this method are obvious - maximum efficiency and safety. The second method is removal at home using drugs that can be bought in pharmacies. The advantage of this method is its low cost, however, for safe removal, I recommend first consulting with an oncologist. If treatment of papillomas with none of the above methods is effective, it is worth checking your immunity. To do this, it is better to consult an immunologist.

Have you decided to part with your papillomas? This can be done at addresses in St. Petersburg (Asafieva 7/1)

Treatment of mucous membranes with HPV in men

When treating manifestations of the papilloma virus on the mucous membrane in men, rectal suppositories VIFERON are also used, which will help get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of the virus and will help strengthen the immune system.

Without consulting a urologist, it is not recommended to use any medicinal creams and ointments, self-medicate, or even refuse therapy prescribed by a doctor. If left untreated, condylomas can grow, covering more and more territories and affecting the urethra and other internal organs. The development of complications can be prevented by timely consultation with a specialist and the use of antiviral drugs.

Classification of viral strains

All HPV strains are divided into cutaneous and mucosotropic. Skin viruses lead to the formation of benign tumors on the skin. Mucosotropic provoke the appearance of neoplasms on the mucous membranes.

Skin strains provoke the development of different types of papillomas:

  1. Flat. Round nodules with a diameter of up to 10 mm. They do not turn into cancer.
  2. Pointed. Shaped like a cockscomb. These are pink formations covered with horny cells.
  3. Thread-like. Round papillomas on a thin stalk. Diameter up to 7 mm.

Mucosotropic strains cause the following diseases:

  1. Bowenoid papulosis. The appearance of spots and plaques on the genitals.
  2. Dysplasia. Pathological degeneration of cervical tissue.
  3. Inguinal condylomas. Ball-shaped tumors on a stalk.

If benign tumors appear, you should consult a doctor. A dermatovenerologist will determine the type of papillomavirus and the degree of its danger, and prescribe a treatment regimen for the infection.

Alternative treatments for HPV on the skin

Drug therapy for manifestations of the human papillomavirus is perfectly combined with the removal of neoplasms in the form of warts, papillomas on the body and condylomas, which are located in men and women in the anogenital area (including the skin of the genitals, anus and the mucous membrane of the vagina, cervix, glans penis, rectum ).

Today, there are several productive methods of getting rid of these tumors, which are mostly painless, safe and do not leave scars.

Methods for removing papillomas and condylomas

Surgical excision

Currently, such an intervention is used infrequently; it is mainly used in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, when wide excision is necessary.

Medical removal (cauterization) for HPV

This is the removal of growths on the skin using medications - solutions of acids, alkalis, salts. New growths on the skin are removed with the help of these drugs by cauterization. As a rule, a crust forms at the site of removal, which disappears within 5-7 days. Complete tissue healing occurs within 10-14 days. For multiple tumors, additional procedures may be required.

Laser removal of papilloma

With this method of removal, papillomas and condylomas are burned using a laser beam. When removed, neighboring areas are not damaged. After the procedure, a microscopic wound usually remains, which heals within 2-3 weeks. You can use a laser to remove both single and multiple formations located on the face and body, including in delicate places (on the eyelids, armpits, perineum).

Radio wave removal for HPV

This method uses the Surgitron device. The main working part of the device is the electrode, which is a thin tungsten filament. High frequency radio waves are concentrated at the end of the electrode. By acting on organic tissue, a beam of waves sets in motion the water molecules in the cell, as a result of which the cell ruptures and it evaporates, resulting in a “cold” tissue cut in the desired area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane. At the same time, the surrounding tissues and blood vessels remain intact, which in some cases allows one to avoid heavy bleeding. After an incision with a radio knife, a fibrin film forms on the surgical wound, and then a crust, which gradually disappears and leaves an invisible scar.

Cryodestruction of papillomas

Cryodestruction of papillomas consists of a targeted effect on the formation with a very low temperature (about -196° C). For this, liquid nitrogen and a special metal point attachment, which acts as a conductor, are usually used. During this procedure, papilloma cells die. Healthy tissue in the area of ​​its formation is covered with a small crust, which falls off after a short period of time.

Electrocoagulation of papillomas with HPV

This method involves the removal of pathological tissues by exposing them to electric current. The procedure is carried out using special devices equipped with an electrode or loop, which are heated under the influence of electric current to high temperatures. A crust also forms at the site of the removed wart, which falls off over time.

All methods of removing papillomas and condylomas have their pros and cons, which can only be assessed with your attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The use of any traditional medicine recipes found on the Internet is also allowed only after consultation with a specialist.

There are no pills or procedures that will get rid of the human papillomavirus once and for all. However, today there are drugs and treatment methods that will help reduce recurrences of infection or even forget about them.

Reference and information material

Author of the article

Belyaev Dmitry Alexandrovich

General doctor


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When to see a doctor

There is no universal way to get rid of the papilloma virus in the body. The treatment regimen is prescribed by a dermatovenerologist after reviewing the test results and the patient’s medical history. When should you visit a dermatovenerologist:

  • Since childhood, your skin has had many warts, papillomas, and condylomas;
  • skin defects have begun to appear en masse recently;
  • you notice strange discharge from the genitals;
  • you began to feel itching and burning in the perineum;
  • unpleasant sensations appeared during sexual intercourse;
  • you started self-treatment for HPV, but did not get results;
  • you are planning to have a child (then both partners should be checked);
  • you have not been tested for sexually transmitted infections for more than a year.

We recommend getting tested regularly for HPV, even if you have no symptoms and are not planning a pregnancy. Sometimes the latent stage of the disease can last for years. The virus may be present in the body, but not manifest itself in any way. Early diagnosis will help avoid the development of complications.

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