Sinyak-off (Sinyak-off) with a gel toning effect. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Bruise-off is a means for external use to eliminate hematomas. The medication is produced in 2 forms: regular gel and gel with a toning effect. The first type is more often used to eliminate bruises on closed areas of the body, since it does not stain clothes and does not mask the hematoma.

A drug with a toning property is used mainly on open areas of the body, since the gel has the opposite properties, that is, it tints the hematoma and stains clothes. The following article contains a full description of the gel with a toning effect.

Indications for use

Toning gel Bruise-off helps improve microcirculation of blood and lymph.

Due to these properties, the medication is recommended for use in the following pathologies:

  • hematomas and swelling of soft tissues from bruises;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages and swelling after surgery;
  • hematomas after vacuum massage and similar procedures;
  • hematomas and swelling after rejuvenating procedures (microinjections, laser manipulations). In this case, the use of the gel is possible only after the permission of a specialist;
  • microhematomas from acne rash;
  • severe swelling of the bruise site without hematoma;
  • swelling of soft tissues as a result of a sprain or dislocation;
  • the presence of a subcutaneous mesh due to disruption of the capillaries;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process on the skin.

The gel also helps reduce blueness under the eyes and eliminate puffiness.


Sinyak-off with a toning effect is a multi-component drug. The therapeutic effect of the gel is given not only by active, but also by auxiliary elements.

The healing properties of the external agent are ensured by the following components:

List of gel componentsMain characteristics of the components
Operating elements
Medical leech extractThe component helps thin the blood and normalize its circulation, and also has a thinning effect on microthrombi and prevents the development of inflammation. Additionally, leech extract increases the tissue permeability to the remaining components of the gel, and accelerates the process of restoration of damaged tissue.
PentoxifyllineThe element has analgesic properties, activates blood microcirculation, and also prevents thrombus formation and dilates blood vessels.
EthoxydiglycolThe substance ensures the penetration of gel components into the deeper layers of soft tissue, has moisturizing properties, and is also a solvent (combines elements) and stabilizer (gives the gel the desired texture)
Auxiliary elements
Purified waterThe component gives the helium the necessary thickness
Titanium dioxideThe substance gives the gel the desired shade and extends shelf life
Iron oxide pigmentsThe element is a coloring agent and gives the gel a tinting effect
MethylparabenThe component is a powerful antiseptic
BronopolThe product has bactericidal properties, reduces the growth of fungi, and is also a preservative.
Perfume oilThe component gives the gel a pleasant aroma, facilitates application of the product, and also reduces spasms (resulting in reduced pain)
Polyethylene glycolThe element retains moisture and also combines the components used in the composition
PolyvinylpyrrolidoneThe substance prolongs the therapeutic effect of the gel (PVP gradually releases the active components)
CetearethThe product is a link for the components used
GlycerolThe element is an antiseptic and preservative, and also retains the required amount of moisture on the skin.
StearinThe substance is used as a stabilizer
CyclomethiconeThe product is used as a solvent
TalcThe component gives the gel the desired texture and enhances anti-inflammatory properties
CetearolThe substance is used as a solvent and thickener
Propylene glycolThe element is a solvent, and also enhances the bactericidal properties of the gel and improves the penetration of the product into the skin.
Lanolin anhydrousThe component retains moisture in the skin, resulting in moisturizing and softening of the skin.
Disodium EDTAThe substance is a preservative and stabilizer

Thanks to the correctly selected proportions of the main and auxiliary components, the gel is highly effective and contributes not only to the resorption of hematomas, but also to the improvement of the condition of the skin.

In what form is it produced?

Bruise-off with a toning effect is produced in the form of a gel for external use. The drug has a uniform, creamy consistency, a light pleasant odor and a light flesh color. The gel is placed in a metal tube in an amount of 30 g. A tube of gel is sold in a cardboard package along with instructions for use.

The advantages of this form of medication are:

  • The gel is easy to apply and does not flow. Thanks to this, a small amount of product is spent on treating the affected area. As a result, the bruise-off is spent sparingly;
  • the light aroma does not bother or irritate during the treatment period;
  • The product can be used for all skin types.

An additional advantage of the gel is its low price. In Russia, the cost of medication is in the range of 100-130 rubles. The disadvantage of this form is that it is quickly washed off with water. That is, the product can be washed off when it rains or swims in the pool.

Arnica ointment

Arnica ointment
Another homeopathic remedy for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes, but in the form of an ointment. It consists of extract (tincture) of mountain arnica and petroleum jelly.

Well reduces swelling of soft tissues with hematomas and bruises. Prescribed for resorption of formed hematomas.

The instructions for use indicate that this drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and women during lactation, as well as in case of individual intolerance to its components. Children are also prohibited from using it.

The ointment is applied topically to problem areas of the skin in a small amount and rubbed in for some time. Duration of treatment is up to 14 days.

An allergic reaction may occur in the form of redness, itching, burning.

ObaGlazaRu conducted an analysis of reviews from buyers of the ointment. He says that Arnica ointment is effective, especially at the initial stage. But it does not work on all types of bruises. Sold in all pharmacies, inexpensive.


Bruise-off with a toning effect, thanks to its multi-component composition, has the following effect on damaged areas of soft tissue:

  • the main component is leech extract, normalizes the condition of blood vessels, increases the capacity of soft tissues. As a result, microthrombi dissolve faster and the cyanosis in the damaged area is eliminated. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, the gel prevents the development of complications, and the inflammatory process and swelling (which are caused by the action of microbes) are quickly eliminated.

Also, leech extract helps to activate the process of cell regeneration, as a result, hematomas not only quickly resolve, but damaged tissues are also restored in a short time.

The component activates blood and lymph flow, thins the blood, as a result, blood stagnation in damaged tissues is prevented, and puffiness and swelling in areas of damage are quickly reduced:

  • The active element pentoxifylline improves blood fluidity and promotes vasodilation, resulting in improved microcirculation in the vessels. Oxygen and protective substances produced by the body quickly reach damaged tissues; as a result, hematomas resolve faster. Additionally, the component prevents the formation of new blood clots and reduces pain;
  • the active substance ethoxydiglycol (essential oil from the class of glycols) not only promotes the penetration of gel components into the deep layers of soft tissue, but also helps to moisturize the epidermis, as a result of which the skin is restored faster;
  • iron oxide pigments allow you to mask the hematoma during the period of its resorption;
  • thanks to the bactericidal properties, normalization of blood and lymph flow, the skin is cleansed, and the number of acne (when using the gel on the face and other problem areas) is significantly reduced;
  • normalization of blood flow also improves the condition of the skin, as tissue nutrition with oxygen and nutrients is activated;
  • additional components of the product protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Thanks to the rapid removal of swelling and the presence of an analgesic effect, the mobility of damaged muscles is restored (facial expressions are restored on the face, and mobility returns to the joints).

Active ingredients

The instructions included with the SinyakOff product indicate several components that help fight swelling and hematomas. The main active ingredient in the medicine is leech saliva extract. Absorbed into the skin, the substance dilutes blood clots, soothes inflamed tissues, and normalizes the function of damaged capillaries. The healing extract restores blood circulation in the injured area. Biologically active polypeptides in the structure of leech saliva accelerate the healing of injured tissues. The component activates the protective properties of the immune system in the problem area.

The synthetic compound pentoxifene in the drug reduces blood viscosity. Small vessels dilate. There is an effect of better nutrition of bruised tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Due to the action of the substance, metabolic processes at the cellular level are normalized. Pentoxifene is well absorbed into the skin, improving the plasticity of red blood cells. Damaged cells are quickly replaced by healthy ones. In a short period of time, the area of ​​the hematoma is significantly reduced. Severe pain disappears, and the former mobility of the injured area of ​​the body is restored.

Another element of the “Bruise-Off” product is ethoxydiglycol. The substance qualitatively moisturizes the skin and increases the elasticity of the epidermis. The effect promotes better penetration of other active ingredients into the deep tissue structures.

The instructions for SinyakOff ointment contain information about the presence of a number of excipients in the drug:

  • Bronopol is a chemical compound that is safe for the body and has a disinfecting effect on tissues.
  • Methylparaben – prevents the formation of a fertile environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Carbomer is a component that acts as a thickener for the structure of the drug.
  • Titanium dioxide – protects the injured area of ​​​​tissue from the negative effects of sunlight.
  • Distilled water acts as a base for dissolving the active ingredients of the drug.


Bruise-off is intended for external use only and after the patient reaches 6 months of age. It should be taken into account that in childhood and old age the gel with a tinting effect must be applied extremely carefully.

To achieve a quick effect and avoid the development of complications, the product should be applied to the skin according to the following rules:

  1. Remove the tube from the cardboard packaging and remove the protective membrane (in the tube) using the cap. To do this, you need to turn the cap over and press it onto the membrane (you can twist the cap, as if screwing it on).
  2. After this, it is necessary to exclude the presence of an allergic reaction to the composition of the medication. To do this, you need to wash and dry your hands and apply the gel to your wrist. Leave the product on for at least 1 hour (preferably 4 hours). If during the allotted period of time the skin does not turn red, rashes or itching do not appear, then the drug can be used for its intended purpose.
  3. Next, you need to wash the affected area with running water (preferably with soap or other cleansers). Remove remaining moisture with a towel from the washed area and from your hands. Moisture must be completely absent, otherwise the process of applying and absorbing the gel will deteriorate. If there is no possibility of treating the injury site, then the gel can be initially applied to the skin without washing the wound.
  4. Squeeze a small amount of gel from the tube (a pea with a diameter of 2-3 mm is enough) onto the place where the product is applied or onto the palm.
  5. Then rub the gel into the affected area with light massage movements. There is no need to press hard. The process of rubbing the product should last approximately 7-10 minutes. When rubbed, the gel penetrates better into the layers of the dermis and will have a greater therapeutic effect.

It is important that when applying the product, you need to ensure that the components of the drug do not get into open wounds or mucous membranes (eyes, mouth).

If, after rubbing in the gel, the toning effect is weak, then you can apply a small amount of Bruise-off to the skin and carefully even it out.

  1. The gel can be applied to the affected area up to 5 times during the day. In this case, in case of repeated application of the product, it is necessary to wash the affected area and hands again. You cannot use the drug over the old one. Since the area becomes contaminated with dust, as a result, the pores become clogged and the medication will be less readily absorbed by the skin.
  2. After completing the manipulations, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap. Otherwise, the composition of the product may get into the mucous membranes and oral cavity.
  3. You can use the gel until the skin tissue is completely restored. In the presence of major damage, normalization of the condition of the epidermis is noted on the eighth day. If the damage is small or only swelling is present, an improvement in the condition of the skin is noted on the third day of using the medication.

Important. If there is no effect from using the gel, or, conversely, the hematoma grows and pain increases, then it is necessary to urgently consult a traumatologist. More serious tissue damage is possible, and internal bleeding cannot be ruled out.

For children under 18 years old

From 6 months to 7 years, the gel should be applied carefully. If a child reaches the treated area with his hands and there is a possibility of the drug getting into his mouth, then it is recommended to apply Bruise-off to the affected area in a thicker layer. After this, you need to apply a bandage (do not bandage tightly).

When repeating the manipulations, it is necessary not only to rinse the affected area, but also to change the bandage to a clean one. The frequency of gel applications can reach up to 3 times a day.

Bruise-off after 7 years can be used according to the instructions (that is, on clean skin and up to 5 times a day). There is no need to bandage the area where the gel is applied.

For adults

After 18 and up to 65 years, the gel should be used according to the instructions. There are no restrictions or special conditions for using the product.

For pregnant

When carrying a child and lactation, the gel is advised to be used with caution. Since it has not been studied whether the components of the drug penetrate into the fetus and into breast milk. It has also not been studied what harm this composition can cause to the developing organism. Additionally, it should be taken into account that the components of the product cause blood thinning.

If there is a need to use the gel, then consultation with a specialist is required.

For the elderly

In old age, the gel should be used with caution (up to 3 times a day), since the presence of chronic diseases should be taken into account. These restrictions are based on the fact that if the product accidentally gets on the mucous membranes or in the oral cavity, serious complications may develop.

How to use Bruise-Off correctly

  1. Apply a thin layer of product to the skin in the elbow area. If a rash and red spots do not appear within an hour, the drug can be used to treat bruises.
  2. Before applying the cream to your face, it is advisable to clean it with a makeup remover tonic. Pierce the membrane designed to protect the product from environmental influences. This can be done using the top cap equipped with a spike. This is very convenient from a consumer point of view.
  3. For the gel to be completely absorbed, you need to wait about 5-10 minutes. Be careful when applying the product. Do not allow the gel to come into contact with open wounds and mucous membranes. The gel should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug.


Bruise-off gel for external use cannot be used if the victim has the following restrictions:

  • increased sensitivity to the main and auxiliary components of the drug, including an allergic reaction;
  • when diagnosing poor blood clotting. The drug may cause internal hemorrhage;
  • the presence of open wounds on the surface of the injury. Open wounds may cause increased bleeding;
  • use the gel on the skin around the eyes very carefully so that the composition does not get on the mucous membrane;
  • It is strictly forbidden to apply the composition to mucous membranes, since the alcohol derivatives and other components included in the composition can cause severe burns to mucous membranes.

It is also not recommended to use the gel on closed areas of the body, as the tinting component stains clothes. In this case, we recommend Bruise-off gel without a tinting effect.

General description of the mechanism of action of the drug

The drug Bruise-Off includes two qualities that are most necessary in the fight against hematomas. Firstly, the gel speeds up the process of resorption of the blue spot and also relieves the pain that accompanies it. Secondly, Bruise-OFF ointment acts as a foundation, masking the bruised area. When using the drug, the hematoma will leave your skin after 3 days.

The composition of Sinyak-Off includes the following components:

  • extract from saliva of medical leech - 15%;
  • ethoxydiglycol - 4%;
  • pentoxifylline - 2%.

The medication is available in the form of a colorless gel, and in the form of a masking ointment that helps give the skin affected by a bruise an aesthetic appearance. The weight of the drug is 30 grams. Sinyak-Off is a topical medication.

The drug received its uniqueness thanks to the medicinal leeches included in its composition. An extract from leech saliva has a complex effect on the human body. The substance hirudin contained in the saliva of a medicinal leech slows down the process of blood clotting and prevents venous stagnation from forming at the site of the bruise.

The mechanism of action of the gel is aimed at relieving swelling and inflammation; the gel reduces the likelihood of thrombosis formation. Pentoxifyline, which is part of Bruise-Off, normalizes the functions of the vascular wall by expanding them, and suppresses enzymes that reduce the regulation of activity in soft tissues.

Ethoxydiglycol promotes deep penetration of the Bruise-OFF gel under the skin, for an immediate therapeutic effect of the drug on the affected area. The substance complements the healing properties of other substances included in the gel, increasing their effectiveness. The drug can be used for a long time until the hematoma completely disappears.


Bruise-off with a toning effect is an external remedy, so an overdose of the gel is practically impossible. An exception is the use of the drug if you are allergic to the composition, then swelling, severe redness and itching may appear on the skin. The development of anaphylactic shock cannot be ruled out.

An overdose of the medication is also possible if the drug accidentally enters the digestive tract.

If the gel is swallowed, the following symptoms may occur:

  • pronounced development of an allergic reaction. For example, Quincke's edema;

  • repeated loose stools;
  • increased amount of urination;
  • abdominal pain accompanied by repeated vomiting;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system (increased blood pressure, increased number of heartbeats).

Immediately after swallowing the gel, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take sorbents. If no improvement is observed or more than 1 hour has passed since the medication was swallowed, then you need to call emergency help. Further symptomatic treatment is selected by a specialist based on the condition of the victim.

Side effects

Side effects from the use of the gel are recorded extremely rarely and manifest themselves in the form of:

  • if an allergy has not been ruled out, itching, redness and swelling of the skin may appear;
  • If the composition accidentally gets on the mucous membrane, a strong burning sensation, redness and itching is felt.

To eliminate side effects, you must immediately remove the gel from the skin (if you have allergies) or mucous membranes. Rinse with clean warm water for at least 10 minutes. If the medication gets into the mucous membrane of the eye, you may need to visit an ophthalmologist.

How to use it correctly

The instructions describe in detail how to use the drug Synyak-OFF.

An allergy test must be performed before starting treatment. To do this, do the following:

  1. Apply a small amount of gel or ointment to the skin.
  2. Observe for an hour to see if an allergy appears at the application site in the form of skin rash, itching, or red spots.
  3. If the skin remains clean, then the drug can be used.

When using Sinyak-OFF for the first time, it is necessary to pierce the membrane of the tube in which the medicinal composition is packaged. This can be done using a cap equipped with a special spike.

Before applying the medicine, you should cleanse the skin using a cosmetic tonic used to remove makeup. Then you need to squeeze out a small amount of the product and distribute it with light movements over the entire surface of the treated area. It is necessary to avoid contact of the medicinal composition with open wounds and mucous membranes.

If you need to apply ointment to a black eye, you should proceed with caution. The skin in this area is delicate, so rough movements can cause harm to it.

The gel is absorbed within 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to apply the medicine 5 times a day. The instructions for use say that the hematoma will begin to disappear gradually. Within the first three days of treatment, results will already be visible.

If the medicine gets into your eyes, you should rinse them with plenty of running water to avoid burning. This is a remedy for external use: if it accidentally gets inside, then unpleasant consequences are possible in the form of increased blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythm, and increased urination. It is necessary to ensure that the drug is stored in a place that is inaccessible to children.

The medication does not have side effects if you follow the instructions. It is convenient to use. The medicine has an affordable price. No one is immune from bruises and hematomas, so it is recommended to have this drug in your home medicine cabinet.

Drug interactions

Bruise-off with a toning effect is not recommended to be used simultaneously with blood thinners. The combination of drugs can cause bleeding.

Also, when using several external medications, it is necessary to wait for a period of time (at least 40 minutes), otherwise the composition of the external medications may become mixed, resulting in an increased likelihood of developing allergies and other side effects.


Advice. The gel will have little effectiveness if applied over a greasy cosmetic cream, since the greasy film will prevent the gel from penetrating into the dermis.

Instructions for use of the local drug

The main task of a medicinal product for external use is to eliminate hematomas and subcutaneous bruises that appear as a result of mechanical impact, having a post-operative nature, as well as to eliminate causeless bruises on all areas of the skin. Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components included in the ointment and dysfunction of blood clotting.

Important! The use of Sinyakoff is strictly prohibited if the skin is not intact. Local drug Sinyak-OFF instructions recommend for external use only

The ointment is applied to the damaged area with a light massaging movement. The maximum number of times you can use the gel is 5 times a day. The gel is absorbed in about seven minutes; when using Bruise-Off ointment with a masking effect, experts recommend applying another layer to mask the hematoma

The local drug Synyak-OFF is recommended for external use only. The ointment is applied to the damaged area with a light massaging movement. The maximum number of times you can use the gel is 5 times a day. The gel is absorbed in about seven minutes; when using Bruise-Off ointment with a masking effect, experts recommend applying another layer to mask the hematoma.

Intoxication with the drug is impossible; in some cases, if the drug was used internally, the patient experiences a rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and an increased urge to urinate. Treatment of manifestations is carried out depending on their nature. To avoid the drug getting into children's hands, store Bruise-Off gel out of the reach of children.

If the drug gets into the mucous membrane of the eye, rinse it thoroughly with running water to avoid severe burning. The drug is dispensed at the pharmacy without a prescription from the attending physician. The average cost of the gel is 120 rubles.


If the drug is not available in pharmacies or if you are intolerant to the components of the product, you can replace it with the following medications:

Name and type of drugAge restrictionsFeatures of use
ArnigelThe product can be used in pediatrics from one year of ageThe active ingredient (arnica montana) eliminates pain, promotes the resorption of hematomas and removes tissue swelling. The gel must be applied 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days. The drug has a minimal list of contraindications and side effects. Note. The gel does not resolve old hematomas well.
Badyaga – gel and powder for suspension, applied externallyNo age restrictions specifiedThe drug has a natural base, which helps reduce swelling and pain and accelerates the resorption of hematomas. The medication also helps eliminate age spots. The gel or suspension must be applied to the skin 3-4 times a day for 10-20 minutes. After this, the composition must be removed with water.
Diclogen - gelThe gel cannot be used until the child is 6 years old.The main component diclofenac helps eliminate pain, swelling and prevents the development of inflammation. At the same time, the gel has an unpleasant aroma and contains a large list of adverse reactions. The product must be applied to the affected area 2-4 times a day for no more than 14 days.
Heparin ointmentNo age restrictionsThe ointment has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and also promotes the resorption of hematomas. The composition must be applied to the damaged area 2-3 times a day for 2 to 14 days.

Bruise-off (according to patient reviews) is an effective and budget-friendly remedy. Thanks to its toning properties, the gel allows you to mask the hematoma while the bruise resolves. But an important condition is to strictly follow the rules for applying the composition to the affected skin, then the positive effect is registered already on the third day.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

Ointment Bezornil

Ointment Bezornil
Anti-inflammatory ointment with a drying and antimicrobial effect. It is used topically, mainly to combat the symptoms and consequences of hemorrhoids. But some doctors prescribe it to speed up getting rid of bruises.

It includes: amber, artificial musk, artificial bezoar, pearls, zinc carbonate, borneol.

Apply, according to ObaGlazaРу, to the problem area of ​​the skin 1-2 times a day. There are side effects in the form of allergies and individual intolerance to components.

According to customer reviews, the ointment reduces pain, spasms of muscles and blood vessels, restores blood circulation, and speeds up the process of reducing bruises.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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