Venarus 500 mg 30 pcs. film-coated tablets. obol.

Hemorrhoids are a common pathology characterized by inflammation, dilation, tortuosity and thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal veins. In less advanced stages, it is treated conservatively with medications in the form of tablets, ointments, and suppositories.

The most common drugs for internal use are Detralex and Phlebodia 600. They are effective, well tolerated by most patients, but have a high price. As an alternative, Venarus is often prescribed for hemorrhoids. This is a cheaper Russian-made drug with a similar effect. It refers to both angioprotectors and venotonics.

Available in biconvex, oblong tablets in a pink-orange coating. The tablets are packaged in a cardboard box, 10 or 15 pieces per blister.

Composition and action

Venarus for hemorrhoids is no less effective than Detralex, since it contains the same active ingredients - diosmin (0.45 g) and hesperidin (0.05 g), which belong to the group of bioflavonoids. In addition to active substances, they contain auxiliary substances: magnesium stearate, talc, cellulose, gelatin and others.

Diosmin has a tonic effect on the walls of blood vessels, making them stronger and more elastic. It strengthens the ligamentous apparatus that holds the veins in the rectum. In addition, it normalizes blood flow in the capillaries, promotes the formation of a new vascular network, which means it improves blood flow, prevents congestion, relieves inflammation, eliminates itching and burning in the anus.

Hesperidin complements the actions of diosmin. Along with strengthening the vascular wall and improving blood circulation, lymph outflow increases, as a result of which swelling goes away.

Together, these components have the following effects:

  • They make vascular walls more elastic, and therefore less extensible.
  • Reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries.
  • They promote the outflow of blood from the veins, therefore preventing its stagnation and thrombus formation.
  • Improves lymph outflow from tissues and blood circulation in capillaries.

Thus, Venarus for hemorrhoids strengthens the walls of blood vessels, while acting on both capillaries and veins.

As a result of taking the drug, patients experience significant improvements. Symptoms such as pain and swelling disappear. The node itself decreases in size, becomes softer and less tense, and moves away from the area of ​​pinching by the sphincter muscles in case of strangulated hemorrhoids.

To improve absorption, diosmin is micronized, that is, the particles are crushed to smaller sizes.

The drug is absorbed in the small intestine and excreted from the body by the kidneys.


Venarus, like other venotonics, is indicated for chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins of the legs and hemorrhoids. It is prescribed as a prophylactic agent, as well as during the rehabilitation period after surgery to remove hemorrhoids.

The drug is prescribed both for acute hemorrhoids and as a prevention of its exacerbations


Venarus (INN hesperidin + diosmin) is a combined venotonic and venoprotector from ZAO FP Obolenskoe (Russia). Reduces the distensibility of venous walls, increases venous tone, prevents stagnation of blood in the vessels of the venous bed, has a beneficial effect on capillaries (reduces permeability, increases elasticity, reduces fragility, makes them resistant to stress, normalizes microcirculation and lymph outflow). With regular use, it softens the clinical picture of chronic venous insufficiency (hereinafter referred to as CVI). If previously this disease was treated exclusively with a surgeon’s scalpel, today phlebologists have a number of effective drugs that have a beneficial effect on venous outflow, and Venarus is one of them. This drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits the adhesion of neutrophilic leukocytes to the walls of blood vessels, exerting a protective effect on capillaries. The combination of hesperidin and diosmin normalizes lymphatic drainage. Venarus has proven itself positively in clinical trials in patients suffering from CVI. One of them compared the effectiveness of the drug in relation to compression therapy. Tangible results when taking Venarus were achieved already in the first month of pharmacotherapy. Over the next two months, the positive effect accumulated, but with less intensity, i.e. consolidation of the results obtained at the initial stage was noted.

In a comparative analysis of the relief of such a manifestation of CVI as swelling, it was noted that in the Venarus group the positive dynamics were much more pronounced than in the control group. The vast majority of patients taking Venarus noted a significant improvement (subjective assessment of effectiveness) that persisted throughout the entire period of pharmacotherapy. Improving the quality of life of patients was based on the normalization of phlebohemodynamics, which had a positive effect on well-being and social activity.

Venarus is available in tablets. Elimination from the body occurs mainly through the rectum along with feces, and only a small part of the drug leaves the body with urine. The half-life is 11 hours. Venarus undergoes active metabolic transformations, as evidenced by the presence of phenolic acids in the urine. Venous and lymphatic insufficiency is not the only indication for taking the drug: it is also prescribed to relieve symptoms of acute and chronic hemorrhoids. Venarus has two direct contraindications: individual intolerance and the period of breastfeeding. The duration of taking the drug can be several months. Treatment is recommended to be accompanied by lifestyle correction, including limiting standing during the day, weight loss measures, and wearing compression garments.

How to be treated

Doctors do not advise self-medication. How many tablets to take and for how long is determined by the attending physician. The instructions for use contain, as a rule, a standard regimen, according to which the course of treatment of acute hemorrhoids with Venarus lasts seven days:

  • For the first four days, it is recommended to take six tablets (two doses of three).
  • The remaining three days - four tablets (two doses of two pieces).

Venarus must be taken with meals and washed down with plenty of water. It is recommended to take the medicine in the afternoon. Usually the first appointment is for lunch, the second for dinner.

If there is no improvement after a week's course, it is not recommended to continue taking Venarus. You may need to reconsider your treatment regimen or undergo additional examinations.

As a preventive measure, Venarus is taken for two months, one tablet per day.

The doctor may prescribe another course of treatment, it all depends on the specific case. The dosage and duration of treatment may differ from those given in the instructions for the drug.

Instructions for use "Venarus"

The drug is taken orally - the tablets are not chewed or broken. They should be washed down with plenty of water. The maximum daily amount is 2 tablets. Moreover, during the first week it is better to take them separately: for example, 1 pc. in the morning and 1 pc. In the evening. Starting from the second week (from the 8th day of treatment), 2 tablets can be taken simultaneously. In this case, the daily dosage remains the same.

When treating acute hemorrhoids, in the first 4 days the daily amount is increased to 6 pieces, and over the next 3 days - to 4 pieces. Then they move on to the standard rate: no more than 2 tablets per day. The general course of treatment is quite long and takes 3 months. In some cases, it can be reduced or increased - the doctor decides on the duration, total number of tablets and frequency of administration.

Contraindications and side effects

Venarus is well tolerated by most patients; it can even be prescribed to pregnant women. There are only two contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to active substances;
  • lactation period.

In most cases, there are no side effects, but they cannot be ruled out. And although they do not pose a threat to life and health, if they appear, you should stop taking them and be sure to tell your doctor about it. With the current wealth of choice of medications for hemorrhoids, you can easily choose another remedy. And now about the possible side effects:

  • Disturbances in the digestive system: feeling of fullness in the stomach, nausea, belching, bloating, diarrhea.
  • Autonomic disorders: pressure surges, hot and cold, frequent or, conversely, rare pulse, increased sweating, dizziness, headache, weakness.
  • Allergic reactions: rash, skin itching.
  • There may be a sore throat and chest pain.

Venarus 500 mg 30 pcs. film-coated tablets. obol.

pharmachologic effect

Venotonic and venoprotective agent.

Composition and release form Venarus 500 mg 30 pcs. film-coated tablets. obol.

1 tablet contains:

  • active ingredients: hesperidin - 50 mg, diosmin - 450 mg;
  • excipients: microcrystalline cellulose 62.0 mg, sodium carboxymethyl starch (sodium starch glycolate) 27.0 mg, gelatin 31.0 mg, talc 6.0 mg, magnesium stearate 4.0 mg;
  • shell: hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 20.7 mg, macrogol 6000 (polyethylene glycol 6000) 3.38 mg, sodium lauryl sulfate 0.1 mg, magnesium stearate 1.24 mg, titanium dioxide 3.94 mg, iron oxide red 0.3 mg, iron oxide yellow 0.34 mg.

Film-coated tablets, 500 mg.

10 or 15 film-coated tablets in a blister pack.

2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 strip packaging along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Description of the dosage form

Orange-pink film-coated tablets, biconvex, oblong in shape with rounded ends, scored. On a cross section, the kernel is grayish-yellow to brownish-gray in color.

Directions for use and doses


The recommended dose for venous-lymphatic insufficiency is 2 tablets per day (in one or two doses): morning, afternoon and/or evening, during meals.

The duration of treatment can be several months (up to 12 months). In case of recurrence of symptoms, on the recommendation of a doctor, the course of treatment can be repeated.

The recommended dose for acute hemorrhoids is 6 tablets per day: 3 tablets in the morning and 3 tablets in the evening for 4 days, then 4 tablets per day: 2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening for the next 3 days.

The recommended dose for chronic hemorrhoids is 2 tablets per day with food.


It has an angioprotective and venotonic effect. Reduces the distensibility of veins, increases their tone and reduces venous stagnation; reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries and increases their resistance; improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. When used systematically, it reduces the severity of clinical manifestations of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities of an organic and functional nature.


The main excretion of the drug occurs in the feces. On average, about 14% of the administered amount of the drug is excreted in the urine.

The half-life is 11 hours.

The drug undergoes active metabolism, which is confirmed by the presence of phenolic acids in the urine.

Indications for use Venarus 500 mg 30 pcs. film-coated tablets. obol.

Treatment of symptoms of venous-lymphatic insufficiency: pain, cramps of the lower extremities, a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the legs, “fatigue” of the legs. Treatment of manifestations of venous-lymphatic insufficiency: edema of the lower extremities, trophic changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, venous trophic ulcers. Symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids.


Hypersensitivity to the active components or excipients included in the drug.

The drug is not recommended for nursing women.

Effect on the body

Venotonic and angioprotective

Application of Venarus 500 mg 30 pcs. film-coated tablets. obol. during pregnancy and breastfeeding


Experiments on animals did not reveal teratogenic effects. To date, there have been no reports of any side effects when using the drug by pregnant women.

Breastfeeding period

Due to the lack of data regarding the excretion of the drug into breast milk, taking the drug is not recommended for nursing women.

special instructions

In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the prescription of this drug does not replace the specific treatment of other anal disorders.

The duration of treatment should not exceed the periods specified in the section “Method of administration and dosage”. If symptoms do not disappear after the recommended course of therapy, a proctological examination should be performed and the therapy used should be reconsidered.

In the presence of venous circulation disorders, the maximum effect of treatment is ensured by combining therapy with a healthy (balanced) lifestyle: it is advisable to avoid long exposure to the sun, long periods of standing, as well as reducing excess body weight. Walking and, in some cases, wearing special stockings helps improve blood circulation.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles, operate machinery and engage in other activities that require increased concentration: no effect.


No cases of overdose have been described.

In case of drug overdose, seek medical help immediately.

Side effects Venarus 500 mg 30 pcs. film-coated tablets. obol.

The frequency of adverse reactions is presented as follows: very often (≥1/10 cases), often (≥1/100 and

Adverse reactions, the frequency of which cannot be estimated from the available data, are designated “frequency unknown.”

From the central nervous system: rarely - dizziness, headache, general malaise; frequency unknown - convulsions.

From the gastrointestinal tract: often - diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting; infrequently - colitis; frequency unknown - abdominal pain.

From the respiratory system, chest and mediastinal organs: frequency unknown - sore throat, chest pain.

From the skin: rarely - rash, itching, urticaria; frequency unknown - allergic dermatitis, hyperemia, isolated swelling of the face, lips, eyelids, in exceptional cases angioedema.

If any of the adverse reactions indicated in the instructions worsen, or you notice other adverse reactions not listed in the instructions, notify your doctor.

Drug interactions

Not noted.

You should inform your doctor about all medications you are taking.

Venarus during pregnancy

Bearing a fetus is often accompanied by hemorrhoids and varicose veins of the lower extremities, so a woman may absolutely need venotonics, but, as you know, practically no pills should be taken at this time.

According to the instructions, Venorus is not prohibited for pregnant women; whether it can be taken during this period must be decided with your doctor. If necessary, it is prescribed no earlier than the fourth month, that is, starting from the second trimester. Sometimes it can be indicated before childbirth as a prevention of exacerbation of hemorrhoids during delivery.

As for breastfeeding, things are different here: Venorus is prohibited during lactation, since it is not known how much of the drug passes into breast milk and how it can affect it.

special instructions

For hemorrhoids, complex therapy is usually indicated. To achieve a good therapeutic result, you need, in addition to taking the pills, to follow other doctor’s recommendations. Typically, when treating hemorrhoids, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Follow a diet. Avoid spicy, smoked, fried, fatty foods, as well as alcoholic drinks, coffee and mushrooms. Include in your diet porridge cooked in water, lean broths, white poultry meat, fermented milk products, vegetables, and fruits. Completely eliminate alcoholic drinks, it is advisable to give up strong coffee and tea. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. For drinks, give preference to compotes, herbal teas, juices, plain and mineral still water.
  • Treatment with Venarus should not be long-term. As a rule, a week's course is enough, after which there should be an improvement, and the pills should be stopped.
  • Use external agents in the form of ointments, gels, lotions, as well as rectal suppositories.
  • Take vitamins, especially ascorbic acid.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity and prolonged exposure to the sun.

Venarus and Detralex - which is better for hemorrhoids

We can say that these drugs help equally well, since they are very similar in composition. Patients who have taken these medications have different opinions about the effectiveness of each of them: one drug is better for some, and another for others.

The advantage of Venarus is that its cost is lower than that of imported analogues

Unlike Detralex, it is absorbed into the blood more slowly and takes longer to be eliminated from the body.

Detralex is an original drug that has passed all studies in terms of effectiveness and safety for patients. Generic Venarus has not yet been fully researched by manufacturers.

Detralex often causes side effects from the digestive system, while Venarus mainly leads to unpleasant consequences from the nervous system.


There are quite a lot of reviews about Venarus for hemorrhoids, some positive, negative, and neutral.

Tamara: Not long ago I had to deal with such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids. I took Venarus tablets and I must say that they eliminated the unpleasant symptoms quite quickly. I was also pleased with the price: this medicine is one and a half times cheaper than other similar drugs.

Lada: Hemorrhoids appeared during pregnancy and have been periodically worsening since then. At first I didn’t go to the doctor, I treated myself with suppositories, but in the end I had to go to the hospital. The doctor prescribed Venarus tablets. The pain and lump disappeared after a week, in addition, the heaviness and fatigue of the legs, which had also been tormenting me lately, disappeared.

Galina: I’ve had hemorrhoids for quite a long time, but I didn’t go to the doctor, I treated myself with ointments and suppositories. When I started to worry more often, I decided to go to the hospital. A course of treatment with Venarus was prescribed. I drank strictly following the doctor’s recommendations. Within a week, not a trace of hemorrhoids remained, and now I forgot about it. Several years passed, but it never worsened.

Anna Petrovna: My daughter took Detralex for exacerbation of hemorrhoids, but the pharmacy worker, with the best intentions, offered a cheaper option with exactly the same effect, according to her. These were Venarus tablets. After two days of taking it, she developed dizziness, headaches, weakness, and palpitations. I immediately stopped drinking them, and after a few days the symptoms disappeared. I won’t say anything bad about Venarus, perhaps it’s just not suitable for her, and she now treats hemorrhoids only with Detralex.

Venarus (diosmin+hesperidin) tablets 1000 mg No. 60

A country

The country of production may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.


1 tablet contains: active ingredients: hesperidin (in terms of 100% substance) 100 mg, diosmin (in terms of 100% substance) 900 mg; excipients: microcrystalline cellulose 124 mg, sodium carboxymethyl starch (sodium starch glycolate) 54 mg, gelatin 62 mg, talc 12 mg, magnesium stearate 8 mg; excipients for the shell: hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) 41.4 mg, macrogol 6000 (polyethylene glycol 6000) 6.76 mg, sodium lauryl sulfate 0.2 mg, magnesium stearate 2.48 mg, titanium dioxide 7.88 mg, iron oxide red 0 .6 mg, yellow iron oxide 0.68 mg. Description Film-coated tablets of orange-pink color, biconvex, oblong in shape with rounded ends, scored. On a cross section, the kernel is grayish-yellow to brownish-gray in color. Release form: Film-coated tablets, 1000 mg. 9, 10 or 15 tablets in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed varnished aluminum foil. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 contour cell packaging along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics Venarus® has angioprotective and venotonic effects. Reduces the distensibility of veins, increases their tone and reduces venous stagnation; reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries and increases their resistance; improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. When used systematically, it reduces the severity of clinical manifestations of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities of an organic and functional nature. The optimal dose-effect ratio is observed when taking 1000 mg per day. Pharmacokinetics The main excretion of the drug occurs through the intestines. On average, about 14% of the dose taken is excreted through the kidneys. The half-life is 11 hours. The drug Venarus® undergoes active metabolism, which is confirmed by the presence of phenolic acids in the urine.

Indications for use

Venarus® is indicated for the treatment of symptoms of chronic venous diseases (elimination and relief of symptoms). Treatment of symptoms of venous-lymphatic insufficiency: spasms of the lower extremities; feeling of heaviness and fullness in the legs; pain; "tired" legs. Treatment of manifestations of venous-lymphatic insufficiency: swelling of the lower extremities; trophic changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue; venous trophic ulcers. Symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids.


Hypersensitivity to the active components or excipients included in the drug. It is not recommended for women to take the drug during breastfeeding. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding Pregnancy Experiments on animals did not reveal teratogenic effects. To date, there have been no reports of any side effects when using the drug by pregnant women. Breastfeeding period Due to the lack of data regarding the excretion of the drug in breast milk, it is not recommended for women to take the drug during breastfeeding. Effect on reproductive function Reproductive toxicity studies have shown no effect on reproductive function in rats of either sex.

Mode of application

Inside. The recommended dose for venous-lymphatic insufficiency is 1 tablet per day, preferably in the morning, during meals. The score on the tablet is intended solely for scoring purposes to make it easier to swallow. The duration of treatment can be several months (up to 12 months). In case of recurrence of symptoms, on the recommendation of a doctor, the course of treatment can be repeated. The recommended dose for acute hemorrhoids is 3 tablets per day (1 tablet in the morning, afternoon and evening) for 4 days, then 2 tablets per day (1 tablet in the morning and evening) for the next 3 days. The recommended dose for chronic hemorrhoids is 1 tablet per day.

Side effect

The frequency of adverse reactions is presented as follows: very often (≥1/10 cases), often (≥1/100 and From the central nervous system: rarely - dizziness, headache, general malaise. From the gastrointestinal tract: often - diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting; infrequently - colitis; frequency unknown - abdominal pain. From the skin: rarely - rash, itching, urticaria; frequency unknown - isolated swelling of the face, lips, eyelids, in exceptional cases angioedema. If any of the adverse reactions indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice other adverse reactions not listed in the instructions, inform your doctor.


No cases of overdose have been described. In case of drug overdose, seek medical help immediately.


Not noted. You should inform your doctor about all medications you are taking.

special instructions

Before you start taking Venarus®, it is recommended to consult your doctor. In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the use of Venarus® does not replace the specific treatment of other anal disorders. The duration of treatment should not exceed the periods specified in the section “Method of administration and dosage”. If the symptoms do not disappear after the recommended course of therapy, you should be examined by a proctologist, who will select further therapy. In the presence of venous circulation disorders, the maximum effect of treatment is ensured by combining therapy with a healthy (balanced) lifestyle: it is advisable to avoid long exposure to the sun, long periods of standing, and it is also recommended to reduce excess body weight. Walking and, in some cases, wearing special stockings helps improve blood circulation. Contact your doctor immediately if your condition worsens or does not improve during treatment. Effect on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery No effect.

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