What can replace Colme, or Mizo - a “miracle” drug for alcoholism

Mizo drops are intended for the treatment of chronic alcoholism and the correction of disorders associated with alcohol intoxication. The therapeutic effect is based on the main substance included in the drug. Narcologists note the effectiveness, ease of use, and high safety of the drops. Therefore, they are widely used to treat people who have been dependent on alcohol for a long time.

Composition, release form

The healing properties of Midzo drops are based on the active ingredient cyanamide. The additional components are:

  • acetic and sorbic acid;
  • sodium salt of acetic acid;
  • purified water.

The drug is released in the form of drops for oral administration. A clear medicinal solution with a faint odor of acetic acid. One original cardboard box contains 4 bottles of 15 ml each made of dark glass. Each bottle is equipped with a dropper nozzle and a special cap. The medication comes with detailed instructions for use.

Manufacturer: Special Products Line SPA (Special Products Line SPA) (Italy).

pharmachologic effect

The action of Mizo drops against alcoholism is based on the properties of cyanamide. Active substance:

  • inhibits acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in the liver;
  • blocks the oxidation of alcohol to carbon dioxide and water.

The body's sensitivity to alcohol increases and interest in drinking it decreases. If a person decides to drink alcohol after taking the drug, he will experience a whole range of unpleasant symptoms. For example, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, chest pain, chills, convulsions, tachycardia. As a result, a negative reaction to any alcoholic beverages is developed at a subconscious level. Gradually, the person completely abandons the bad habit, the liver is cleansed, and general health indicators are normalized.

Increased sensitivity to alcohol appears within an hour after taking the drops. The duration of this effect is 12 hours.


Anti-alcoholism drops should not be used in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

  • any breathing problems;
  • severe form of cardiovascular disease;
  • chronic pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • epileptic disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the solution;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Read more How to use Alcolock drops: instructions for use and reviews

Children and old age, pregnancy and breastfeeding are direct contraindications to prescribing the drug.

Contraindications to the use of Mizo

This analogue of Colme is usually well tolerated, but there are strict contraindications for its use that must be taken into account:

  1. Individual hypersensitivity to Cyanamide or other components included in the drug.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Breastfeeding period.
  4. Cardiovascular problems in severe forms, acute or chronic.
  5. Acute dysfunction of the liver, severe diseases of this organ.
  6. Kidney damage with decreased function.
  7. Nephritis.
  8. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (in a state of exacerbation of the disease).
  9. Endarteritis.
  10. Respiratory disorders, dysfunction of the respiratory system.
  11. Patient age over 60 years (not an absolute contraindication).

If you have at least one of these problems, the use of not only Mizo, but also other medicines based on Cyanamide in a patient with alcoholism is strictly prohibited.

Mizo: instructions for use

Before using the drug, it is necessary to tell the patient about all possible consequences. Only after this the doctor determines the dosage and duration of therapy. The instructions for use indicate that treatment will require 12-25 drops per day. The reception interval is 12 hours. The duration of treatment is determined individually. But, as a rule, you need to take drops continuously for 3-6 months.

Mizo sobriety drops are consumed regardless of meals. But it is important to consider that the properties of the active substance are destroyed at high temperatures. Therefore, combining the drug with hot drinks or meals is not recommended, because the therapeutic effect may be significantly reduced.

Recommendations for treatment with Mizo

When using Mizo anti-drunkenness drops, the drug will react to the consumption of any amount of alcohol entering the human body. The treating narcologist is obliged to warn his patient that some medications, cough syrups, may contain alcohol, so taking them together with Mizo can be dangerous.

Some foods, for example, kefir and other fermented milk products, as well as kvass, can cause the same negative reaction. During fermentation, a small amount of alcohol is formed in them, which, however, can provoke negative consequences.

After the last intake of any alcohol-containing substance, drops can be taken no earlier than after a 12-hour break.

Particular caution will also be required if the patient has the following diseases and disorders:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • renal failure;
  • cardiac dysfunction.

In the presence of such pathologies, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor and undergo examinations of the affected organs at least once every six months. When treating with Mizo drops, it is necessary to monitor the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Side effects

If you follow all the doctor’s instructions, then adverse reactions from the body rarely occur. In isolated cases, the following unpleasant side effects may occur:

  • noise in ears;
  • transient leukocytosis (temporary increase in the concentration of leukocytes in the blood);
  • increased drowsiness and fatigue;
  • skin rashes.

If a person combines drops with alcohol (even with a small dose), an acute reaction will occur - withdrawal syndrome, which leads to unpleasant clinical conditions. They appear as:

  • chest pain;
  • hot flashes to the head;
  • redness of the skin;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • fever;
  • headache;
  • muscle spasms;
  • decreased vision;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • anxious state.

Increased blood pressure, breathing problems, changes in heart function, profuse vomiting, collapse are side effects that appear when taking drops together and a large dose of alcohol.

The intensity of side effects directly depends on the dose consumed and the percentage of alcohol in the drink. When unpleasant symptoms increase, you must urgently call a doctor. In some cases, hospitalization will be required. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol during treatment.

Reaction to alcohol Mizo

As we mentioned earlier when talking about possible side effects, it is important that Mizo is not consumed together with alcohol. Since this will lead to a sharp deterioration in health, and also lead to possible death, every person who uses Mizo drops should be aware of this.

That is why the doctor should always consult his patient and tell him what may happen in certain cases. Otherwise, information not conveyed can result in dire consequences.

special instructions

Before prescribing Mizo drops for alcohol, the patient must be informed about the possible consequences of consuming them simultaneously with alcohol. Only after the patient’s consent is an individual dosage selected. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. If the course of therapy is long (more than 6 months), then it is necessary to monitor blood counts and the condition of the thyroid gland.

In case of severe damage to the liver and kidneys with decreased renal function, the use of the drug is contraindicated.

Mizo overdose

There is no documented evidence of overdose symptoms. If there is reason to suspect that the standard dose of the drug has been exceeded, the same measures should be taken as for any other poisoning. The patient undergoes gastric lavage and is prescribed treatment aimed at eliminating signs of overdose and maintaining the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular activity.

In severe cases, the patient must be hospitalized and the state of blood functions and hematocrit monitored.

Treatment is mainly symptomatic, aimed at eliminating signs of intoxication. It involves taking antihistamines to relieve intoxication, mainly in the form of intravenous infusions to speed up the action.

Be sure to read what else you can do to treat alcoholism here:

Vivitrol - placebo or panacea? Narcologist's opinion

Selincro (Nalmefene): new in the treatment of alcohol dependence

Why should everyone take Succinic Acid?

Drug interactions

Mizo should not be used together with the following drugs:

  • Metronidazole;
  • Furazolidone;
  • Phenotoin;
  • Furamide;
  • Isoniazid.

Read more Children's Anaferon in drops: treatment and prevention

Simultaneous use threatens increased intoxication, because The listed medications affect the products of ethanol metabolism.

If, before prescribing Mizo drops, the patient used the drug Disulfiram for alcoholism, then it is necessary to take a break of 10-14 days. And only then take Mizo drops according to the scheme.

Let's sum it up

To summarize, we want to say that it is important to use this drug if the case is really severe and other methods will be less effective. The drug Mizo is used only in complex cases of chronic alcoholism.

It is important to take into account all the doctor’s recommendations and understand the importance and side effects of such a procedure.

And, of course, in this case the patient needs support from loved ones. This is also very important to consider. We hope that our recommendations were useful to you. We wish you good health!

Analogues of Mizo

A direct analogue of Mizo drops is the drug Kolme. Cyanamide is also an active ingredient. Treatment of chronic alcoholism is the main indication. The treatment solution is in ampoules of 15 ml. Each package contains 4 ampoules with a special dropper attachment.

Analogs are also:

  1. Lidevin. A combined drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence, it is a combination of disulfiram with B vitamins.
  2. Teturam. It has an inhibitory effect on the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, which is involved in the metabolism of ethanol. Disulfiram is the active substance.
  3. Antabuse. Effervescent tablets containing disulfiram. The drug is indicated for the treatment and prevention of relapse of chronic alcoholism.
  4. Esperal. On the territory of Russia, only one dosage form of Esperal is officially registered and included in the register of medicinal products - tablets. The active substance is disulfiram.
  5. Metadoxyl. Anti-alcohol, hepatoprotective and detoxifying agent, a derivative of pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Accelerates the removal of ethanol and acetaldehyde from the body, activates enzymes involved in the metabolism of ethanol.

Substitutes should be prescribed by the attending physician if for some reason Mizo drops are not suitable for the patient. For example, if side effects occur during treatment.

Who can take Mizo for alcoholism?

Colma's analogue, Mizo drops, is prescribed for the treatment of chronic alcoholism and as a prophylactic against relapse in people who have already stopped drinking alcohol. It is important to understand that Mizo is absolutely contraindicated for a drunk person!

The medicine is prescribed by the treating narcologist after a thorough, full examination of the patient and obtaining data on his state of health. It is recommended to treat Mizo with the knowledge of the person suffering from alcoholism, since drinking alcohol together with Midzo can lead to an acute deterioration of the condition and dangerous consequences.

You can find out how to get sober at home quickly and without health consequences on my blog (click on the blue link!).

For the same reasons, treatment with the drug is carried out under the constant supervision of a narcologist.


The remedy Midzo appeared in Russia quite recently, but both doctors and patients are familiar with the effects of its main component, cyanamide, on the body. It was successfully used to develop an aversion to vodka, beer, wine and other strong drinks. Alcohol addiction will never return provided you completely give up alcohol and change your lifestyle.

The price of the drug is quite high. The average price for Mizo solution 60 mg/ml, 15 ml No. 4 is 1999 rubles. The cost depends on the region and the pricing policy of the pharmacy.

Composition of Midzo for alcoholism

INN Mizo - Cyanamidum. The basic active substance of the drug is cyanamide. What to choose, Colma or Mizo? The active ingredient is the same, which means that these two drugs are analogues, their effect on the body is the same. There are other medications that treat alcoholism. I wrote about them in this article.

Mizo can provoke a strong dislike for drinking any alcohol, since negative sensations are recorded by the subconscious and associated with alcohol consumption. As a result, a person is physically unable to drink, which gradually forms the habit of sobriety, provokes cleansing of the liver from intoxication and frees one from a painful and dangerous addiction.

Additional active ingredients in Mizo:

  • specially prepared water;
  • acetic acid;
  • sorbic acid;
  • sodium acetate trihydrate.

The medicine looks like a colorless liquid with a subtle sour odor, characteristic of vinegar. Why is it important? Did you guess it? It is impossible to notice the Mizo drug if it is mixed discreetly into food.

Mizo can be added to non-hot foods and non-alcoholic drinks.

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