Zinerit powder for preparing a solution for external use with an applicator, 30 ml

A combined antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug for external use is one of the most effective for clearing acne from the skin. In just a few applications, Zinerit dries and eliminates painful rashes, allowing you to avoid subsequent troubles with scars and uneven complexion.

Composition of Zenerite

Zinerit contains two bottles with a complex of drugs and a solvent, intended for further mixing.
The first bottle with a complex of drugs includes 1200 mg of erythromycin and 360 mg of micronized zinc acetate dihydrate - the active ingredients.

The second bottle of solvent includes 8.36 ml of diisopropyl sebacate and 21.6 ml of ethanol - additional components.

1 milliliter of prepared lotion consists of 40 mg of erythromycin and 12 mg of micronized zinc acetate dihydrate , as well as 250 mg of diisopropyl sebacate and 550 mg of ethanol.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Zinerit is an erythromycin-zinc complex drug characterized by anti-acne effectiveness, which is manifested due to the combined effect of its active ingredients.

The effects of the antibiotic erythromycin are aimed at suppressing the replication of microorganisms ( bacteriostatic effect) that cause acne : epidermal streptococcus (Streptococcus epidermidis) and acne .

The activity of zinc lies in its astringent effect and reducing the secretion of sebaceous glands (sebum).

The complex combination of all the ingredients of the drug creates good conditions for their penetration into the skin. The bulk of zinc binds to follicular epithelial cells and does not penetrate into the systemic circulation. A small fraction of erythromycin undergoes systemic absorption and is subsequently excreted from the human body.

Zinerit, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

To use Zinerit correctly, you should mix the complex preparation and solvent , which are in different bottles to extend the shelf life of the medicine. Before mixing both components of the future lotion, you need to make sure that the shelf life of the drug and the integrity of both bottles correspond. Below are recommendations on how to make a Zenerit solution for acne at home, suitable for further direct use.

Making lotion

  • first of all, you need to unscrew the caps (lids) from both bottles and at the same time keep the cap from the bottle with the complex of drugs;
  • pour the solvent into the bottle with the powder and screw the lid tightly on;
  • Shake the mixture immediately and thoroughly (for 60 seconds);
  • remove the cap;
  • remove the applicator ;
  • insert the applicator into the neck of the lotion bottle and screw on the cap.

The solution prepared in this way is ready for use and can be stored at a temperature of 15-20°C for 5 weeks. To control the expiration date, you can write the date of manufacture on the lotion bottle.

Further instructions for the use of Zinerit involve its external application only. After unscrewing the cap from the bottle with the prepared lotion, you need to attach the applicator to the affected areas of the skin and apply the drug in a thin layer, lightly pressing on the base of the inclined bottle. Applications made to previously cleaned areas of the skin with a frequency of 2 times every 24 hours (morning and evening). The speed of application depends on the force of pressure on the base of the bottle. The average single dose is 0.5 ml. The duration of the full treatment course can reach 10-12 weeks.

Photos before and after using Zenerit for 10 weeks:

The data on whether Zinerit helps against acne in a shorter period of use is purely individual. In some cases, an improvement in the condition of the patient's skin was observed after only 14 days of using the drug.

Which is better: Skinoren or Zenerit

Skinoren belongs to the group of drugs based on azelaic acid. Drugs in this group are used to treat acne, and not to treat papulopustular acne (pimples). In turn, antibacterial drugs are used only to treat either acne or nodules. Therefore, it is simply pointless to compare the effectiveness of these drugs - each of them is designed to treat different forms of acne. We hope that our article on the topic: Does Zinerit help with acne was useful to you!


1. Textbook of dermatology “Fitzpatrick's Dermatology” (8th edition), 2. “Modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with acne vulgaris” (Barinova), 3. “Acne from the position of evidence-based medicine” (Anisimova), 4. “Cellular mechanisms of barrier protective functions of the skin and their disorders in skin diseases” (Medelets).

special instructions

After applying the drug to the skin and completely drying, the lotion becomes invisible.

With long-term use of Zenerit, it is theoretically possible to develop cross-resistance with other macrolides , Clindamycin and Lincomycin .

When carrying out applications , precautions should be taken to prevent application of the drug to the mucous membranes of the eyes , nose and mouth , in order to avoid irritation and/or burns .

Zenerit or Baziron: which is better?

Baziron contains a highly effective bactericidal component for the treatment of acne, such as benzoyl peroxide. To date, there are no strains of bacteria that are resistant to benzoyl peroxide and are associated with the development of acne. But the choice between these drugs is not as simple as it seems - it all depends on the type of inflammatory elements.

Let us remind you that acne can be in the form of papules or pustules (with pus). If you mainly have only papules that do not contain pus, it is optimal to use a combination of “benzoyl peroxide + topical retinoid” (for example, Baziron + Clenzit). If you have acne in the form of pustules with pus, then you need a combination of “benzoyl peroxide + antibiotic + topical retinoid”. These are the treatment protocols that are professional, and you can familiarize yourself with them using the link below.

Why is it important to give benzoyl peroxide along with an antibiotic for pustules? Studies have shown that in this case, not only the effectiveness of therapy increases, but also the risk of the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes developing resistance to the antibiotic is sharply reduced.

→ International acne treatment protocols → International acne treatment protocols

Zenerit's analogues

Level 4 ATC code matches:


Erythromycin ointment



Before replacing a drug with its analogue, you should consult a dermatologist who will help you choose an effective drug in each individual case.

Zenerit analogue drugs can be produced in various dosage forms and can be ointments, creams, lotions, solutions or gels.

Today, analogues of Zenerit for their main purpose (acne treatment) are represented by the following drugs:

  • Aknesept;
  • Dalatsin;
  • Aknestop;
  • Nadoxin;
  • Clindatop;
  • Azogel;
  • Duak;
  • Ugricil;
  • Curiosin;
  • Clearan Zinc;
  • Klindovit;
  • Zerkalin;
  • Indoxyl;
  • Acne-Derma;
  • Skinoren.

Which is better: Zenerit or Skinoren?

When comparing these two drugs, you need to remember that although both drugs have a similar basic effect, they still belong to different pharmacological groups and include different active ingredients.

In the case of Zinerit it is erythromycin-zinc complex , and in the case of Skinoren it is azelaic acid . Both ingredients bacteriostatically active, have anti-inflammatory effectiveness and, according to most dermatologists, are among the top five drugs used to treat acne .

In fact, giving a definite answer to the question of which of these drugs is better is not so simple, because, based on the individual differences of the human body, it can be understood that a drug that is suitable for one patient may be completely ineffective for another. Thus, Zinerit, due to the presence of an antibiotic , is characterized by a faster action and a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect , although for the same reason, acne- causing bacteria may develop resistance to its effects, and the drug will simply become ineffective. When Skinoren , the activity of its active ingredient develops more slowly, but the treatment results are longer lasting. It is also noted that Zinerit is more suitable for the treatment of superficial acne , while Skinoren copes well with blackheads ( comedones ).

In any case, when choosing an anti-acne drug , it is better to consult a dermatologist rather than follow the lead of videos or online advertising, which often pursue only their own material interests.

Contraindications and side effects

It is necessary to refuse treatment for acne with Zinerit if the body has developed immunity to macrolides or there is intolerance to one or more pharmaceutical components of the solution. Signs of an allergic reaction to Zinerit can be: increasing redness of the skin at the sites where the drug is applied, increased pain, unbearable itching, swelling.

Normally, after using the solution, a feeling of tightness, dryness, and a slight burning sensation is likely to appear. The discomfort is short-term and goes away on its own within a few hours. Most people who use Zinerit do not have any unpleasant symptoms.

Reviews about Zinerit

Reviews about Zinerit on forums created specifically for discussing methods, methods and drugs for combating acne , in terms of the effectiveness of this medicine, are in most cases positive. Patients note the fairly rapid action of the drug, especially in comparison with acne gels and ointments of the previous generation, the absence of serious side effects, as well as the ease of use of the lotion itself, thanks to the bottle with an applicator .

The most significant negative effect of Zinerit is the dryness of the skin after its use, and therefore this drug may not be suitable for people with initially dry skin. The question has been repeatedly raised about the development of resistance to the active ingredient of the drug - erythromycin , which can indeed develop in the case of constant use of the drug. Also considered negative aspects of Zinerit is the short shelf life after preparing the solution (5 weeks) and its cost.

In general, reviews of Zinerit for acne give a positive assessment of this drug, which allows us to recommend it for acne treatment , naturally, after consultation with a dermatologist.

Indications for use –

The Zinerit instruction contains only 1 indication for the use of the drug - this is “acne treatment”. But in fact, this requires an important explanation, because... The instructions are written frankly illiterately. With acne, we have only non-inflammatory elements - these are either whiteheads (closed comedones) or blackheads (open comedones). Antibiotics are generally not used to treat non-inflammatory elements of acne.

Antibiotics are needed to treat specifically the papulopustular form of acne (pimples). It is in this case that we have inflammatory elements - papules and/or pustules, which we will treat with antibiotics. In addition, we will use topical antibiotics only for papulopustular acne of mild or moderate severity, because in severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed only orally (in tablets).

Zenerite price, where to buy

The cost of Zinerit lotion in Russia varies depending on the region and pharmacy chain and, compared to ointments, creams or gels for acne from a domestic manufacturer, is an order of magnitude higher. For example, in Moscow you can buy Zenerite for an average of 550-600 rubles, and the price of Zenerite at the Ozerki pharmacy in St. Petersburg is around 460 rubles. Although the pricing policy of Ozerki pharmacies is considered quite loyal, you can purchase this medicine in online pharmacies for approximately the same price (460-480 rubles).

The price of Zenerit in Ukraine does not differ much depending on the region, that is, as much as Zenerit costs in a pharmacy in Kyiv, it will cost about the same in a pharmacy in Kharkov, with some slight variability. The average price of the drug in Ukraine is 120 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Zinerite powder for preparing a solution, for external use, solvent + applicator 30 mlAstellas Pharma
    RUR 798 order

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  • Zinerit powder Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., Netherlands
    220 UAH.order


  • Zenerite Zenerite por. d/p. r-ra d/nar. fl. with app. 30 ml Netherlands, Astellas Pharma Europe

    256 UAH order

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