Valikaps forte caps. soft 300 mg No. 30 Solution Pharm

Alicaps is an over-the-counter dietary supplement intended for men. It has a stimulating effect, increases sexual desire and increases the number of sexual acts. Alicaps, according to reviews, helps make erections longer and more pronounced. In addition, the volume of seminal fluid increases significantly and the refractory period between erections is reduced, as well as the duration of orgasms increases.

The drug is not a medicine.

Before using Alicaps, consultation with your doctor is required.


1 soft gelatin capsule contains:

  • active ingredients: isovaleric acid menthyl ester -73.7 mg (mg),
  • menthol - 26.3 mg (mg),
  • spearmint oil -5 mg (mg);
  • Excipients:
      Refined sunflower oil, gelatin, glycerin (E422), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218), azorubine (E122).
  • Nutritional and energy value of 100g (g) product:

    • proteins - 6.39 g (g);
    • fats - 31.6 g (g);
    • carbohydrates - 0.05 g (g);

    1278.6 kJ (kJ) / 310 kcal (kcal)

    Not a medicine.


    Alicaps is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to any of the substances included in its composition. In addition, the nutritional supplement should not be taken in cases of severe atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, diabetes, cardiac dysfunction, increased nervous excitability and insomnia. It is recommended to take the product only after consultation with a specialist.

    The supplement is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, since one of the substances in its composition, namely damiana, is traditionally used to terminate pregnancy.


    Description of the drug Valikaps forte caps. soft 300 mg No. 30 Solution Pharm on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
    Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.


    Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common health problem among mature men. American researchers have calculated that about 150 million men on the planet suffer from it.

    Problems with potency greatly worsen the quality of life of patients. It also takes a toll on men's psychological well-being.

    The problem of ED can be treated with pharmaceuticals. One of these medications is Ali Caps - it increases desire and helps achieve ejaculation in men suffering from sexual dysfunctions.

    Composition and description

    Dietary supplement for combating erectile disorders, produced in capsules of 4, 8 and 12 pieces per package.

    This is a natural herbal medicine, the action of which is based on:

    • eurycoma root extract (0.1 g, or 100 mg/1 cap.);
    • extracts of the fruits of dwarf palm (0.04 g, or 40 mg/1 cap.);
    • damiana leaf extract (0.04 g, or 40 mg/1 cap.);
    • extracts of creeping palm leaves (0.04 g, or 40 mg/1 cap.).


    Bioactive substances from extracts of these plants help correct the hormonal levels of men when taken regularly, and have a direct stimulating and indirect anti-inflammatory effect.

    The medication helps improve erection, has a positive effect on the quality of ejaculate and sperm fertility, increases sexual desire and the intensity of sensations when achieving orgasm.

    With its long-term use, patients with prostate diseases experience a decrease in pain during erection, ejaculation, and sexual intercourse.

    Alicaps plus

    An improved version of the drug, in which, in addition to the main plant components, auxiliary compounds are added that enhance the effect of plant extracts:

    • zinc oxide - 9 mg/1 cap.;
    • vit. B5 (pantothenic acid) - 4 mg/1 cap.

    These additional components enhance the effect of dietary supplement extracts and prolong their properties. Zinc is indirectly involved in the regulation of NO and cGMP, improving blood flow to the penis.

    In conjunction with Vit. B5, a course of medication strengthens the nervous system and helps fight the effects of mental stress. This reduces the psychogenic effects on potency inherent in all patients with ED.

    Alicaps Forte

    Thanks to plant raw materials, the dietary supplement has a mild effect. It is optimal for the treatment of initial or moderate ED. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is recommended to be used in the treatment of prostatitis.

    It has a composition similar to the “classical” product, but the active ingredients in it are in the “impact” state, i.e. maximum permissible concentration for single use.

    Patients who have not noticed results from taking the classic drug should try Forte. Men who have been suffering from ED for a long time should start taking the “strengthened” formula.


    Eurycoma root extract is a strong natural aphrodisiac that can increase libido and arousal in men.

    Extracts of dwarf palm and damiana leaves can have aphrodisiac properties due to the abundance of aromatic compounds. Flavonoids in the extracts of these plants help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and make them more elastic, as well as reduce excessive blood viscosity and capillary permeability.

    The main medicinal effect of damiana and dwarf palm is the presence of β-sitosterols. These active compounds bind to a catalyst that converts testosterone into degditestosterone (DHT), a substance whose excess leads to prostate enlargement, erectile dysfunction, and decreased fertility.

    Sitosterols also promote the breakdown of excess DHT and its rapid elimination from the body; have an anti-inflammatory effect. They also contain caffeine, which can increase blood pressure and have a tonic effect on the nervous system.

    Saw palmetto extract improves erectile and urinary function by reducing prostate hyperplasia.

    How long does it take to work?

    According to the manufacturer, an erection occurs after the first dose of the medicine.

    The therapeutic effect is observed 40-60 minutes after taking the capsule.

    How to use

    Take in short courses of 8 days, drinking 1 capsule daily. It is recommended to drink 1 hour before upcoming sexual intercourse.

    The capsule should be taken during meals with a sufficient amount of water. Manufacturers recommend using the supplement in the first half of the day due to its tonic effect on the nervous system.

    After completing the full course, you should take a break for 1-2 months. Before using the supplement again, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    After completing the therapeutic course, one-time appointments are allowed “as needed” 1 hour before intimacy.

    Being a dietary supplement, it is not able to stimulate an erection at the physical (biomechanical) level. The supplement enhances the initially present sexual desire. Therefore, it can be assessed only after achieving at least slight arousal. To do this, it is recommended to watch erotic films, mutual stimulation of the genitals with a partner, etc.


    Despite its herbal composition, it should not be taken by people:

    • with moderate and severe atherosclerosis;
    • with severe heart problems;
    • with excessive excitability of the central nervous system;
    • in case of sleep disturbance;
    • in case of an individual reaction to the components.

    If you have any heart problems, hypertension or cholesterol metabolism disorders, self-medication with Alicaps is unacceptable. You need to come for a consultation with a doctor. He will assess your general health, the course of chronic diseases (if any) and determine how much the benefits of the dietary supplement outweigh the possible harm.

    Side effects

    Possible side effects in the instructions include headache and flushing of the face.

    In the reviews, some patients mentioned that during use in the presence of insomnia, sleep disorders intensify.

    When testing the drug in people with rhythm disorders, an increase in arrhythmic attacks was noted.

    Patients who took the supplement during severe psycho-emotional stress complained of a rise in blood pressure, nausea and vomiting after taking the medicine.

    In rare cases, patient reviews included complaints of rapid heartbeat. People with increased feelings of anxiety noted increased anxiety towards the end of the therapeutic course, which disappeared almost immediately after discontinuation.

    Alicaps and alcohol

    Dietary supplements most often have a mainly herbal composition, which makes them safer for consumption. Therefore, many patients do not see anything wrong with combining them with alcohol. But the problem is that plant materials contain many bioactive compounds that can conflict with alcohol and increase its harm.

    The main danger of taking the supplement and alcohol at the same time is that alcohol together with the drug increases blood pressure. This effect is due to caffeine from domiana leaves.

    One of the arguments against simultaneous consumption of alcohol with this dietary supplement is the increased load on the liver. Although it is made from plant materials, many compounds from it undergo fermentation in the liver. Alcohol seriously increases the load on the organ (85% of alcohol is processed in the liver).

    It is especially important to follow these recommendations for people with pathologies and functional disorders of this organ, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

    The half-life of caffeine from the blood is about 3 hours, and it is completely excreted after 8-10 hours. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about an absolute ban during treatment - a small amount of alcohol is allowed if at least 3 hours have passed between alcohol and the last supplement taken.

    If possible, it is recommended to abstain from alcoholic beverages, as they can provoke increased side effects, as well as neutralize or weaken its effectiveness.

    Manufacturer's secret

    In 2021, a scandal erupted that Rospotrebnadzor had identified the prohibited pharmaceutical drug tadalafil as part of dietary supplements, and it was contained in a gelatin capsule shell and exceeded the maximum therapeutic doses several times.

    claims that all dietary supplements and medicines it produces fully comply with the composition stated on the packaging, and Rospotrebnadzor’s claims are nothing more than lobbying interests and dividing the sphere of influence in the domestic pharmaceutical market.

    Tadalafil is used in medical practice as a means to improve potency. Contrary to statements about its toxicity, the only side effects of tadalafil are dyspeptic symptoms, headache, hot flashes and (rarely) swelling of the nasal mucosa and conjunctiva.

    Assessing customer reviews, strong doubts arise about the reliability of studies that found tadalafil in dietary supplement shells, since the achievement of an erection is not observed in all patients.

    The gradual improvement of the condition during a course of treatment (from reviews) also casts doubt on the presence of a pharmaceutical drug for potency in the supplement.

    In the examination results published by Rospotrebnadzor, the specified amount of counterfeit tadalafil raises the most questions. It exceeds the limit dosage several times. With such an amount, it should give results in 100% of cases of its use.


    It has no complete analogues in composition on the pharmaceutical market.

    All medications aimed at combating erectile dysfunction are considered functional analogues. Some of them:

    • Alisat;
    • Andriol;
    • Allicor;
    • Vasoton;
    • Bromocriptine;
    • Yohimbe;
    • Zyden;
    • Impaza;
    • Viagra;
    • Levitra;
    • Karinat;
    • Omnadren;
    • Sialex;
    • Cialis;
    • Stalon;
    • Testalamin;
    • Himkolin;
    • Euphytol;
    • Erexesil.

    Eurycoma root is included in various dietary supplements for potency. But extracts of dwarf and long-leaf palm are almost never used in other medicines to enhance potency. That is, they do not have the same therapeutic effect on the prostate.

    Alicaps or Viagra

    Unlike Viagra, Alicapsa is a synthetic drug whose action is due to the substance sildenafil. It can cause serious side effects, such as impaired vision and color vision.

    It is extremely life-threatening to take sildenafil together with certain other medications: potassium channel blockers, adrenergic blockers, and when taking pills to lower blood sugar.

    Sildenafil can cause serious health problems in case of overdose: visual impairment, including blindness. It occurs when the retina is damaged by the medication. It also provokes heart attacks in people with its pathologies. There are isolated cases of too long and painful erection, which led to gangrene of the penis with further amputation.

    Viagra is a “first generation” potency drug that activates purely biophysical mechanisms for achieving an erection (creates conditions for blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis).

    Alicaps is a herbal plant that enhances desire and brightness of intimate sensations, and also has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects, and improves the condition of the prostate when it is hypertrophied or inflamed.

    Viagra (sildenafil) acts more roughly, does not have a cumulative effect and is more suitable for severe forms of erectile dysfunction not related to the prostate gland.

    Preference should be given to men whose ED is in its early stages. The supplement is also indicated for those who suffer from prostatitis or enlargement (hypertrophy) of the prostate gland.

    Which is better - Alicaps or Sealex?

    Alicaps and Sealex belong to the category of dietary supplements - plant-based, but have different compositions.

    Sealex contains extracts of yohimbe bark and goat weed, which increase blood flow to the genital area by increasing norepinephrine, dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin.

    Ginseng and arginine promote the production of NO and relaxation of the walls of the cavernous bodies of the penis, which improves its blood flow and the mechanical appearance of an erection. Zinc in the composition of the medicine also plays an indirect role in this.

    Zhgun root, quercetin, indole-3-carbinol (phytoantioxidant), vit. B6, B9, B12 have an anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate and provide a general strengthening and vasoprotective effect.

    Side effects and contraindications for using Sialex and Alicaps are almost identical.

    Both have a mild stimulating effect, but Alicaps has a more pronounced cumulative and therapeutic result for prostate pathologies, so it is better to use it in men with ED due to prostate diseases.

    Alicaps or Lovelace

    Lovelace is a herbal preparation. Its action is also based on the extract of eurycoma. But it also contains an extract of the root of Smilax forget-me-not and Cordyceps chinensis. Combined with other medications and moderate amounts of alcohol.

    The principle of action of Lovelace is similar to Alicaps - it has a cumulative and restorative effect, enhances libido and erection, and aggravates intimate sensations.

    The only contraindication for Lovelace is an allergy to its components.

    Lovelace, unlike Alicaps, requires a longer course of treatment - 1 tablet. three times a day for a month. It will also be ineffective for erectile dysfunction associated with prostate pathologies.

    It is more advisable to take it for patients with prostate diseases. Sometimes it is preferred by those for whom three times a day of medication and a long course of treatment are inconvenient.

    Alicaps or Vuka Vuka

    Vuka Vuka is a herbal dietary supplement that is suitable for a course of taking or one-time use before sexual intercourse. It increases libido, helps prolong sexual intercourse and improve erection.

    The composition includes: extracts of Triumphetta Welwitschia, Sicurinega Virosa and Reticulata Geeria, which improve blood flow to the pelvis and help strengthen erections; edible carissa extract, which has aphrodisiac properties; Heteromorpha arborescens extract, which helps cope with premature ejaculation and restores sexual functions.

    Due to plant raw materials, it contains many flavonoids, tannins and antioxidants, which have an immunomodulatory and mild anti-inflammatory effect.

    The main “emphasis” is on enhancing sensations and prolonging sexual intercourse. Therefore, it should be chosen by men suffering from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

    To achieve a cumulative and therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use the medication for 1 month, 1 tablet twice a day.

    Alicaps is indicated as a medicine for problems with the prostate gland, and can be included in the general treatment complex for prostatitis or prostate adenoma.


    Reviews from patients who took it are quite contradictory. This is due to the fact that dietary supplements do not give 100% results under any conditions, unlike official prescription medications.

    The supplement can only enhance the initial arousal and facilitate the onset of a stable erection. Its additional advantage is that it provides a general healing effect on the male genital organs.

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