Apis mellifica c30 Granules, box, 5 g, sublingual, monocomponent preparation of animal origin


Honey bee. This remedy was introduced into therapy by Dr. Marcy from New York, who in 1847 drew attention to it after treating one of his patients with dropsy, whose kidneys stopped working as a result of ingesting powder from oven-dried bees.

Pure tincture is prepared from bees. They are turned into a dough-like mass in a mortar, which is infused in 90° alcohol. Rubs are also made from live bees by rubbing them with milk sugar.

The original pathogenesis of Apis mellifica appeared in American Medicine. A summary of the symptoms is found in the British Homeopathic Journal, Volume II, page 392 and in the American Homeopathic Review for July 1865. Konstantin Hering gave a summary of his own tests in his Pathological Studies.

Where can I buy?

All varieties of the homeopathic medicine Apis can be purchased at online pharmacies, and a prescription from a doctor is not required.

The price of the drug depends on the form of the drug:

  • granular form of Apis varies from 30 rubles. up to 450 rub. (depending on dosage);
  • Apis rectal suppositories can be purchased at a price of 200 rubles. up to 250 rub.;
  • the cost of oral drops Apis Comp Job-Plus varies from 3,000 rubles. up to 3500 rub.;
  • ampoules of Apis Gommacord Hel can be purchased at a price ranging from 130 rubles. up to 180 rub. for 1 ampoule.


R. Hughes always uses the 3rd decimal dilution for acute edema. For dropsy, Dr. Marcy generally prefers lower dilutions, below 3; for skin diseases he uses above 3rd. As for bladder irritation, it never goes below 6. The most striking cases of cure of eye diseases have occurred at 30.

The consequences of a bee sting will always resemble the main characteristic symptoms of Apis

: burning prick, pinkish swelling, severity of symptoms.
may be indicated in all diseases involving edema or dropsy. Excessive sensitivity to the slightest touch, aggravation from heat and lack of thirst will be excellent guiding symptoms, as will the sensation of constriction that may appear in various organs.

Antimonium tartaricum Contents Argentum nitricum

Combined medications containing Apis

The pharmacological industry currently produces a large number of medicines that contain apitoxin or bee venom.

Apilak Grindeks tablets:

  • the main active ingredient of the tablets is the secretion of the bee glands apitoxin, milk sugar, floury wheat carbohydrate, silicate powder, stearic acid with calcium;
  • the effect of the drug is due to the main component, which fights inflammatory processes in the body, strengthens the immune system, has a calming effect on the nervous system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and normalizes blood pressure;

Apisatron injection:

  • the drug consists of honey bee venom in dry form;
  • the drug has the property of influencing the central nervous system: it eliminates increased excitability and impaired motor skills. It has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol, and normalizes triglyceride levels. Improves blood quality in the form of thinning it and reducing thrombus formation, and affects the stabilization of pathological blood pressure numbers. Improves blood movement through capillaries, thereby helping to fill the body's cells with oxygen.

Virapin in ampoules:

  • the composition of the medicinal liquid for injection includes honey bee venom, the anesthetic procaine, and a medical sterile liquid;
  • the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, helps reduce pain, stimulates the immune system, and promotes overall strengthening of the body.


Works on the study of the effect of bee venom on the human body and animals are very numerous. The oldest of these must be the works of Philouse, published in the Annals of the Linnean Society in 1860. Arthus considers bee venom as a proteotoxin. Indeed, it has been established that the alarming symptoms, which sometimes appear after just one bite, resemble in their nature and the speed with which they develop anaphylactic shock: respiratory distress, shortness of breath, swelling, urticaria, rashes and fainting. To remember and understand the action of Apis

, you just need to pay attention to the consequences of a bee sting, which acts instantly and very strongly: inflammation immediately appears, fluid leaks out: it causes swelling in the subcutaneous tissue, and exudate in the serous tissue.


acts on the mucous membranes, but especially on the conjunctiva of the eye, large respiratory tract, intestines, and bladder neck. It irritates the serous membranes - the meninges, pleura, peritoneum, joints.

It deeply affects the liver and especially the renal parenchyma. Apis

has a noticeable effect on the genitals and, in particular, on the right ovary.

It causes a rush of blood to the lung and produces swelling of the brain. All of these changes, established at autopsies, explain such characteristic symptoms of this powerful remedy.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

According to scientific research and descriptions of instructions for use, Apis preparations can be used during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding. But the situation in which the woman finds herself should be taken into account. The body's reaction may not be the same as that of an ordinary person, even if the drug was taken before pregnancy and there were no negative manifestations.

If it is necessary to use the drug Apis, in any form, the woman should be under the supervision of a gynecologist who will monitor the amount of the drug and the patient’s condition.


Edema and dropsy, local and general (in the absence of thirst).

The pain is burning and stabbing, as from hot needles, always relieved by cold.


Lack of thirst even during attacks of fever.

Can't stand heat.

Extreme sensitivity to the slightest touch. The slightest touch is very painful, a feeling of bruising and squeezing.

Urine scanty with dark, coffee-like sediment.

Diseases of the right ovary.

Cramps and contractures, worse from heat.

High-pitched screams in sleep or unconsciousness.

Worse in the afternoon - from 16 to 18 hours.

Alternating dry skin and perspiration during fever.

Pain. At the same time, burning, as if from a hot coal, and piercing, like needles, very sharp, extremely strong and quickly spread throughout the body. They always improve with cold and movement.

Chair. Or constipation, because the patient cannot make any effort to defecate, as he then feels sharp pains in the abdomen, or diarrhea, especially in the morning, extremely smelly, worse after eating, caused by the most insignificant movements. Apis

It is mainly used for a special form of diarrhea observed in children, when the stool is mixed with mucus, blood and food debris, which makes it resemble a tomato.

Menses. Heavy bleeding with a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, poor health and characteristic stabbing, burning pain, a tendency to miscarriage in the 3rd and 4th months.

Amenorrhea with a cerebral phenomenon, after a fright, in girls.

Dysmenorrhea with characteristic pain in the ovaries, especially in the right one.


The main contraindication to the use of Apis is personal intolerance to the main or auxiliary components of the drug.

You should also not use homeopathic medicine for the following pathologies:

  • all types of hepatitis;
  • disorders of the body's hepatobiliary system;
  • history of allergic reactions;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • metastasis of the body;
  • the granules contain carbohydrate, so their use in diabetes is limited;
  • conditions in which the immune system cannot be stimulated.

Chemical composition and release form

Apis (homeopathy is one of the types of traditional medicine) is produced by the pharmacological industry in several varieties: granules, suppositories for rectal use, oral drops and an injection form of the drug.

Apis mellifica are granules that contain:

  • dextrinized starch;
  • honey bee venom.

Apis Plus, drops for oral use, containing:

  • mellifica bee venom;
  • spore-bearing evergreen plant Moss;
  • oxygen compound of silicon;
  • substance from seaweed ash;
  • methylcarbinol.

Apis Hel is an injection drug with the composition:

  • bee apitoxin meliffica;
  • sterile water for injection;
  • sodium salt of hydrochloric acid.

The article discusses in detail the homeopathic remedy Apis and its effectiveness.
Rectal drug Apis - the drug contains:

  • bee apitoxin;
  • extraction of blackened lumbago;
  • black cohosh extract;
  • marigold flowers;
  • extraction from the tree of life;
  • animal wax


EDEMA. Swelling of the genitals, ameliorated by cold. In all cases where phenomena similar to those that cause a bee sting are observed - acute swelling, burning stings, heat, redness, naturally, you need to think about Apis


Swelling of the pharynx, tongue, lips.

Sore throat with swelling. No redness or soreness Belladonna

, nor the parenchymatous process of
Baryta carbonica
, but when examining the throat, it seems as if a bee flew in there and stung in several places, since there is swelling of the entire submucosal tissue covering the tonsils, uvula, soft palate and even the back of the hard palate.

In acute swelling of the skin, whether erysipelas or from urticaria, we will have pathological conditions most characteristic of Apis


With Apis

indicated by edematous swelling,
by inflammation,
by phlyctenes.

Hives. Apis here

, naturally, is an important tool.

SEROUS EFFUSIONS. For pleurisy with Apis

is one of the best means of resorption of liquid.
will cure most of these cases. Synovitis - in particular of the knee. It is indicated when there is pain that is sharp, shooting, stabbing, piercing the joint, worsening with the slightest movement.

Dropsy. Symptoms that are indications for Apis

: translucent pallor of the skin and lack of thirst.
is especially useful in renal dropsy, scarlet fever or other origin.

In meningitis and in irritation of the meninges, symptoms pointing to Apis

, the following: the child presses his head into the pillows and constantly turns his head from one side to the other, wakes up with a sharp, piercing cry caused by pain. In addition, he usually experiences convulsions on one side of the body, while the other remains motionless, as if paralyzed.

DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY AND BLADDER. Inflammation of the kidneys at the beginning. Cystitis. Urinary incontinence, with frequent painful urination; urine mixed with blood, in a small amount.

OVARIAN DISEASE. To the right ovary of Apis

has the same affinity as
for left. Ovarian enlargement. Ovarian cyst.


very often cures scrofulous ophthalmia.
It is especially indicated for corneal lesions. If the connective membrane is predominantly affected, Ipecacuanha
(it is often necessary and beneficial to alternate these two remedies). Retinal detachment.

Storage Features

Each type of homeopathic remedy Apis has its own conditions and storage time.

  1. The rectal product should be stored in a cool place without access to light, but not below 0 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is no more than 24 months from the date of release of the suppositories.
  2. The granulated form of the medicine must be kept in a place protected from light and children, for no more than 36 months, at a temperature of 15 degrees to 25 degrees Celsius.
  3. Apis oral drops must be stored at a temperature of 14 degrees to 24 degrees Celsius, no more than 3 years from the date of manufacture.
  4. The injection drug in ampoules should be stored for no more than 24 months at a temperature of 10 to 20 degrees Celsius.
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