Ferlatum Fol solution for oral administration 15 mg fl PE 100 mg powder N10

Ferlatum Fol oral solution 15 ml N 10

Active substance

calcium folinate

ATX code

B03AB09 (Ferric proteinsuccinylate)

Release form, packaging and composition of the drug

Oral solution.

The solution for oral administration is transparent, brownish in color, with a pleasant characteristic cherry odor.

1 fl.
iron protein succinylate800 mg,
 which corresponds to the Fe3+ content40 mg

[PRING] sorbitol, propylene glycol, sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, cherry flavor (concentrated wild black cherry flavor, vanillin, amyl acetate, small amounts of other esters, benzaldehyde, clove bud oil, propylene glycol, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, water), sodium saccharinate, purified water.

Powder for the preparation of oral solution is white with a yellowish tint, odorless (in a sealed dispenser cap [container cap]).

100 mg
calcium folinate pentahydrate235 mcg,
 which corresponds to the calcium folinate content200 mcg
 or corresponds to folinic acid content185 mcg

[PRING] mannitol.

15 ml - polyethylene bottles (10) with a container cap containing 100 mg of powder - cardboard packs. 15 ml - polyethylene bottles (20) with a container cap containing 100 mg of powder - cardboard packs.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antianemic drug

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Hematopoiesis stimulator-iron drug

pharmachologic effect

Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug are not provided.

Indications for use

  • treatment of latent and clinically significant iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia) and folate;
  • prevention of iron and folate deficiency during pregnancy, lactation, active growth, after prolonged bleeding, against the background of inadequate and unbalanced nutrition.


Ferlatum Fol should be taken orally before or after meals.

For adults

1-2 bottles/day in 2 doses (in an amount equivalent to 40-80 mg of ferric iron and 0.235-0.470 mg of calcium folinate pentahydrate) or as recommended by a doctor.

Children (from the neonatal period)

1.5 ml/kg/day (in an amount equivalent to 4 mg/kg/day ferric iron and 0.0235 mg/kg/day calcium folinate) in 2 divided doses or as recommended by a physician.

1 bottle (15 ml) contains: iron protein succinylate - 800 mg (equivalent to 40 mg ferric iron) and 0.235 mg calcium folinate pentahydrate (equivalent to 0.185 mg folinic acid).


the prevention of iron deficiency anemia
- 1 bottle/day.
For the treatment of latent or clinically pronounced iron deficiency
- 1-2 bottles/day in 2 divided doses.

After achieving normal levels of serum iron and hemoglobin, treatment is continued at a maintenance dose for at least 8-12 weeks.

Rules for preparing the solution

To prepare a solution for oral administration, press firmly on the perforator of the dispenser cap so that the powder pours into the solution in the bottle. Then you should vigorously shake the contents of the bottle, remove the dispenser cap and drink the solution from the bottle.


  • hemochromatosis;
  • violation of iron utilization (including lead anemia, sideroachrestic anemia);
  • non-iron deficiency anemia (including hemolytic anemia, megaloblastic anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12);
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Carefully _

the drug should be used for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, malabsorption in pathologies of the small intestine (including enteritis, malabsorption syndrome, resection of the small intestine, gastric resection according to Billroth II with the inclusion of the duodenum).


To date, no signs of intoxication or excessive intake of the drug Ferlatum Fol into the body have been described.

Side effects

the appearance of gastrointestinal disorders that disappear when the dose is reduced or the drug is discontinued.


With simultaneous use, there was no interaction of the drug Ferlatum Fol with other drugs.

Iron absorption can be increased with simultaneous use of Ferlatum Fol with ascorbic acid in a dose of >200 mg.

Iron absorption may be reduced when Ferlatum Fol is used concomitantly with antacids.

Chloramphenicol causes a delayed response to iron therapy.

There is no pharmacological interaction with the simultaneous use of Forlatum Fol with histamine H2 receptor antagonists.

Some antitumor and antileukemic drugs (including aminopterin, methotrexate and other pterin derivatives) exhibit folate antagonist properties.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: 2 years.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

Special Instructions

The continuous period of use of the drug Ferlatum Fol should not exceed 6 months, with the exception of cases of chronic blood loss (including menorrhagia, hemorrhoids) and pregnancy.

Due to the possible development of allergic reactions, the drug should be prescribed with caution to patients with milk protein intolerance.

Ferlatum Fol contains sorbitol, so the drug should not be used in patients with hereditary fructose intolerance.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The drug does not affect engagement in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving).


The drug Ferlatum Fol contains the active substances: iron protein succinylate and calcium folinate pentahydrate .
As well as auxiliary components: sorbitol, sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium saccharinate, cherry flavor, mannitol and purified water. Ferlatum also contains the protein iron succinylate . Auxiliary components: sorbitol, propylene glycol, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium saccharin, sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate, flavoring and water.

Ferlatum price, where to buy

Price Ferlatum Fol in oral solution for 10 pcs. varies between 493-652 rubles.

You can buy Ferlatum for a price starting from 414 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Ferlatum solution for internal
    approx. 800 mg 15 ml 20 pcs. Italfarmako S.A. RUB 892 order
  • Ferlatum fol solution internal 15ml n10Italfarmako S.A./Dobrolek LLC

    RUR 637 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Ferlatum solution 800 mg 15 ml No. 20Italfarmaco

    880 rub. order

  • Ferlatum Fol solution 15ml No. 10Italfarmaco

    RUB 634 order

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Ferlatum during pregnancy

As a rule, iron supplements are often prescribed to pregnant women. Ferlatum Fol is usually used, since with the help of this remedy it is possible to compensate for the deficiency of iron and B vitamins, known as folates, which are involved in the production of red blood cells. A similar state of the body can be observed in young mothers.

In the majority, reviews during pregnancy are positive. The drug is characterized as quite effective and fast-acting, fully restoring hemoglobin . Moreover, the body absorbs this product better than other iron-containing products .

Contraindications for use

It is not recommended to take any iron supplement if:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • hemosiderosis;
  • anemia caused by impaired iron utilization, for example, lead and sideroblastic, as well as non-iron deficiency - hemolytic and B12 deficiency;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • liver cirrhosis.


Ferlatum Fol is well tolerated by patients and its use does not lead to overdose.

Cases of Ferlatum overdose are characterized by the development of epigastric pain , nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, pallor, shock and coma.

In this case, treatment is carried out using emetics, gastric lavage, and adequate supportive therapy.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug Ferlatum Fol includes iron and calcium folinate . Therefore, when taking it, the lack of iron and folate in the human body is compensated.

The main function of iron in these preparations is to transport oxygen to tissues. This component is one of the components of hemoglobin, myoglobin and iron-containing enzymes-cytochromes . It also carries out electron transfer and functions as a catalyst for oxidation reactions, hydroxylation and other metabolic processes.

The active component, iron-protein succinylate , is a complex compound in which ferric iron atoms surround semi-synthetic protein carriers, which helps prevent damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The protein carrier can dissolve in the duodenum, optimally releasing iron.

The entry of ferric iron into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract occurs through active absorption, preventing the possibility of overdose or poisoning.

Reviews about Ferlatum

It should be noted that iron-containing preparations are especially often discussed by parents of young children and women during pregnancy . This is not surprising, since it is during these periods that the body requires additional components and blood composition indicators are regularly monitored. Moreover, almost everyone who has used this drug leaves positive reviews about Ferlatum Fol. With its help, it is possible to quickly and reliably increase hemoglobin and normalize the general condition of the body.

Numerous reviews of pregnant women about Ferlatum report that this is one of the most effective remedies and put it in first place among similar drugs.

However, some women note that taking such drugs, on the contrary, worsens their well-being. This was manifested by the development of general ailments - fatigue, drowsiness, and external disorders - redness around the eyes, dulling of the complexion.

In any case, problems such as iron deficiency in the body or the development of suspected side effects should be addressed with your doctor. Timely prescribing or discontinuation of therapy will allow you to avoid complications and properly maintain your health.

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