Important rules: how and how long saline solution is stored after opening

After opening the bottle, the saline solution is stored for 12 hours in the refrigerator. A number of conditions must be met: draw with a syringe, do not damage the stopper and protective cap, place in a cardboard box. All these rules are especially important when using a nebulizer to treat pneumonia, bronchiectasis, and damage to the lower bronchi. In case of viral infections of the nasopharynx and the possibility of spraying large particles, allergies, the shelf life can be increased to 1.5-2 days.

A more economical way for inhalation is to purchase ampoules with saline solution; if this is not possible, then syringes can be filled with saline solution to increase suitability. For most factory-made drugs, before opening, the shelf life is 2 years for vials and 3-5 years for ampoule forms and plastic nebulas (mini containers).

How long does saline solution last after opening?

How long the saline solution will be stored without losing its properties after the bottle is opened will depend on the purpose of use:

  • injection into a vein - storage is not allowed, since absolute sterility is immediately lost;
  • dilution of medications for intramuscular injections - if absolutely necessary, stored for 12 hours in the refrigerator, but if the opening rules are followed;
  • inhalation in a nebulizer - good for 2 days if opened and stored correctly;
  • inhalation in a steam inhaler - can be used until completely used up if stored in the refrigerator, becomes unusable when external signs appear - turbidity, sediment, flakes, as well as the expiration date indicated on the label;
  • washing, rinsing, diluting medications for external use - good before the expiration date.

You can store an open saline solution in a bottle for a long time only if you follow the rules:

  • Only the protective cover is open;
  • the rubber stopper and the surrounding foil are not damaged;
  • take a needle from the bottle, which must then be covered with a sterile cloth moistened with alcohol;
  • the solution is placed in a cardboard box and placed in the refrigerator.

Since the drug is cheap, this option is used very rarely. Typically, the question of how long an open saline solution is valid arises when performing inhalations, since 1 ml for a child and up to 3 ml for an adult are enough for one procedure. Even when inhaling a pure solution, the nebulizer is filled with a maximum of 7 ml.

In this case, a bottle of 200-400 ml is consumed slowly. Therefore, a more economical option would be to purchase ampoules of the drug or a smaller volume.

It is also important to know that the shelf life may not be limited if:

  • the device has a function for adjusting the particle size;
  • the mode of spraying droplets from 5 microns is selected;
  • treatment is necessary for the nasopharynx (runny nose, sore throat, sore throat).

Large parts of the aerosol in this case are predominantly deposited in the upper respiratory tract, so complete sterility of the solution is not required.

We recommend reading the article about saline solution for inhalation. From it you will learn about how to use saline solution for inhalation with a nebulizer, features of use in pregnant women, and how to replace saline solution for inhalation. And here is more information about why aminocaproic acid is prescribed for inhalation for children.

Is it possible to store homemade saline solution open?

Homemade saline solution can be stored open for up to a day, but it should be used exclusively for salt inhalations in a steam (heat-moisture device), as well as washing and rinsing. It is prepared by diluting table salt in boiled water. Even if you boil it again and process the dishes, it is impossible to achieve complete sterility at home.

Administration through a nebulizer is permitted only for pharmaceutical drugs. In this case, a liquid that is free of microbes (they die only during autoclaving) and impurities (special filtration is required) must enter the bronchial tract.

Factory-made preparations are prepared not with ordinary, but with distilled water. This is especially important when diluting medications, since foreign salts can interact with the medication and interfere with its activity.

How long does open saline solution for inhalation in ampoules or bottles last?

After opening, saline solution for inhalation is stored unopened for 12 hours in a bottle, and in an ampoule for 6 hours. The reduction in time in the latter case is due to the fact that after breaking off the tip, the hole must be closed with a cotton swab, which, by definition, will not be completely sterile. Therefore, a glass or plastic container (nebula) can be successfully divided into no more than 2 parts.

If there is a need to store the drug for a long time, you can use sterile syringes. For example, each procedure requires 2 ml of the drug. Then this amount is drawn into a syringe of appropriate capacity or 5 ml and stored in the refrigerator, closing the needle with a cap. In this form, the inhalation drug can be used for 5-7 days, which is enough for a standard course of treatment.

Saline solution in disposable containers

It is convenient to warm the saline solution in syringes and ampoules to body temperature. To do this, they are immersed in hot water at 38 degrees for 3-5 minutes. This preliminary preparation helps to avoid reflex bronchospasm. It is strictly forbidden to pour the drug into the nebulizer directly from the refrigerator or place it on an open fire or in a microwave oven.

Why is saline solution prescribed?

Saline solution is administered intravenously in the form of infusions when indicated:

  1. Severe and critical dehydration of the body, disturbance of water-salt balance.
  2. Reduced plasma volume with large blood losses, dyspepsia, severe burns, diabetic coma.
  3. Carrying out surgical procedures, postoperative period.
  4. Intoxication of the body due to infections and poisonings of various origins.
  5. Epigastric, ileocecal, pulmonary bleeding.
  6. Digestive pathologies: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chronic and acute constipation.
  7. Lack of Na and Cl in the body.

When introducing droppers of saline solution with additional components, the list of indications expands.

Shelf life of saline solution

Saline solution, or 0.9% sodium chloride, in glass bottles (50, 100, 200, 250, 400, 500, 800 ml, 1 liter) most often has a shelf life of 2 years. It is produced by a number of domestic and foreign enterprises according to various technical regulations. Therefore, the same release form may have a longer period of use (for example, 3 years), and ampoules are stored until opening for 3 to 5 years.

The drug prepared in a pharmacy, as well as in plastic containers, is less suitable for use. When purchasing, it is important to carefully study the production date and expiration date stamp. If the labeling is unclear or there is no series on the bottle, you must request documentation for the drug (certificate of conformity with a seal).

Saline solution in plastic containers

Instructions for use for dropper

Before introducing sodium chloride inside, it must be heated to a temperature of 36-38 degrees. The dosage of the drug is calculated individually, based on the patient’s condition, medical history, age and weight.

The average daily dosage of the drug varies in the following values:

  1. Adults: 500-3000 ml.
  2. During pregnancy: 300-1200 ml.
  3. Children: 20-100 ml per kg of weight.

To instantly replenish the lack of Na and Cl, 100 ml is administered once. The average dropper speed is 540 ml/h. The hypertonic solution is injected in a stream.

For dilution and drip administration of other drugs, from 50 to 250 ml of physiological solution per dose of the drug is used.

Why does sodium chloride have a short shelf life after opening?

After opening, 0.9% sodium chloride has a shelf life of no more than 12 hours, which is due to the loss of its sterility. Even if the opening rules are followed, the bottle or ampoule will no longer be completely sealed, since it is in contact with air. Therefore, microbes will penetrate through a small hole.

Saline solution in ampoules

The sterility of the solution is considered very important in the treatment of the lower respiratory tract, bronchiectasis, pneumonia, and alveolitis. In case of colds and allergic pathologies, the normal state of immunity, the shelf life of the drug in the refrigerator can be slightly increased - up to 1.5-2 days.

Side effects

Rare negative effects that occur with prolonged or heavy use of sodium chloride include:

  1. In neurology: anxiety, severe headaches, dizziness, increased sweating, weakness, constant feeling of thirst.
  2. In gastroenterology: stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
  3. In gynecology: failures in the circulatory system, delays, dysmenorrhea.
  4. In cardiology: increased heart rate, arrhythmia, high blood pressure.
  5. In dermatology: dermatitis, acne.
  6. In hematology: anemia, hypokalemia.
  7. In endocrinology: increased acidity of the body, edema.

If such complications occur, the administration of saline solution is stopped, and the patient is given assistance to eliminate the side effects.

Does the shelf life increase if complex inhalations

Complex inhalations with saline solution are prescribed more often than with the pure drug, but its shelf life does not change. It is equally important to use a sterile medication as a solvent. Therefore, it is best in such cases to buy ampoules or plastic containers and open a new one each time . Since 10 pieces cost about 50 rubles, such costs for inhalation therapy will not be too high.

pharmachologic effect

Sodium chloride is used as a detoxification, rehydration and plasma replacement agent. Its use is accompanied by the following effects:

  • normalization of water and salt balance;
  • replenishment of Na and Cl deficiency;
  • temporary increase in blood volume;
  • increased urine output to cleanse the body.

Due to the improvement in the bioavailability of most drugs, saline solution is used in medicine as a means for diluting injection and infusion drugs.

It is incompatible or poorly compatible with the following medications:

  • norepinephrine;
  • corticosteroids;
  • leukopoiesis stimulator Filgrastim;
  • antibiotic Polymyxin B.

In case of arterial hypertension, sodium chloride should not be combined with Enapril and Spirapril: the use of saline solution reduces the hypotensive effect of these drugs.
The saline solution has an osmotic pressure similar to the human blood environment, and therefore is quickly eliminated from the body. Already 1 hour after using the dropper, less than half of the product remains in the body.

Is it possible to use expired saline solution?

For any method of treatment, it is undesirable to use expired saline solution. When used externally (rinsing, washing), it is considered conditionally suitable for one month if:

  • the bottle was closed and placed in a cardboard package;
  • the sun's rays did not fall on it;
  • The storage temperature did not rise above 25 degrees.

If saline solution is used after opening, then it cannot be used after the expiration date.

Contraindications for intravenous administration

Infusion of saline solution is prohibited for the following pathologies:

  • swelling of the lungs and brain;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and heart muscle;
  • abundance of Na and Cl, lack of K in the body;
  • extracellular hyperhydration;
  • dehydration inside the cell;
  • taking large doses of corticosteroid drugs.

A dropper with saline solution is a quick and effective way to replenish blood volume in the body, restore water-salt balance, and cleanse toxins. To prevent the product from causing a negative reaction, it should be used exclusively under the supervision of a physician.

Features of preparing saline solution at home

Self-preparation of saline solution follows the instructions:

  1. filter and boil the water;
  2. dissolve a small heaped teaspoon of table salt in 1 liter (if the grind is fine, then no heap);
  3. wait for complete dissolution, precipitation of possible impurities and carefully pour the solution into a clean dark glass jar or wrap it in thick paper.

This solution is only suitable for use in a heat-moisture inhaler. A salt procedure is carried out with it, then it is heated to 55-60 degrees and 500 ml is poured into the device.

It is possible to add a coffee spoon of soda to the homemade saline solution for 1 procedure to enhance the softening, moisturizing and anti-edematous effect. This composition is also used for gargling and nasal rinsing. The nebulizer is not filled with homemade saline solution.

We recommend reading the article about the use of Dioxidin for inhalation. From it you will learn about the effectiveness of the drug, how to properly use Dioxidin for inhalation, how to dilute it and analogues of the drug for inhalation. And here is more information about how to use Begodual for inhalation.

The saline solution is stored in a dark place at room temperature for 2 years in a bottle and 3-5 years in ampoules. After opening, it remains sterile for up to 12 hours, and ampoule and from plastic containers - 6 hours.

Useful video

Watch the video on how to make a saline nasal spray:

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How is sodium chloride beneficial for the body?

Chlorinated sodium is present in blood plasma and tissue fluids of the human body. It is responsible for the stability of the osmotic pressure of intercellular fluid and blood. When there is a shortage of this substance, water leaves the vascular bed and passes into the interstitial fluid.

This provokes the following conditions:

  • increased blood density;
  • spasms of smooth, skeletal muscles;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Infusion of saline solution returns the water-salt balance to normal, and also cleanses the body of toxins and breakdown products formed as a result of the activity of harmful bacteria.

External use of NaCl improves the secretion of pus, restores microflora, and destroys pathogenic microorganisms of various origins.

In addition, chlorinated sodium improves the absorption of medications. Patients are often placed on a drip with intravenous medications diluted with saline.

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