Calluses: causes, types and methods of control


occur in places where the skin experiences constant friction or pressure. By forming a callus, the body tries to protect itself from this adverse effect.

First there is a wet callus

- a bladder filled with liquid - lymph. Lymph is needed for the speedy healing of damaged tissues. If the mechanical irritation stops, new skin forms under the blister and the callus disappears.

If the external influence continues, the body begins to build up a protective layer of dead, horny cells. Dry callus appears

, looking like a white-yellow compaction, usually with round outlines.

Calluses form on the hands (during physical work) and on the feet (on the heels or toes). As a rule, it is foot calluses that worry us.

What is a callus

A callus is a conical thickening of the skin that occurs in areas of constant friction or pressure. Most often, calluses appear on the feet (heel, big toe, side of the foot) and on the hands. In men, a callus may appear on the penis due to frequent wearing of too tight underwear.

The main symptom of the appearance of callous formations is the formation of tubercles of rough skin. Depending on the location and appearance, there are several types of calluses:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • bone.

A dry callus is a small area of ​​thickened, dead skin that is yellowish in color. A wet callus has a thinner surface and is often filled with lymphatic fluid. Callus occurs during the process of bone regeneration after fractures. Separately, bloody calluses, core calluses, and calluses are also distinguished.

Core (root) callus is a type of dry callus and is distinguished by the presence of a thickened keratin core. The external manifestation of a root callus is similar to that of a plantar wart, so a dermatologist can make an accurate diagnosis after performing a dermatoscopy.

Calluses (corns) are wide, flat thickenings of the skin that do not have a hard center. Corns on the feet and hands rarely cause pain when pressed.

A callus with blood is a type of wet callus filled not only with lymph, but also with blood. A callus occurs when blood vessels are too close to the surface of the skin that has been subjected to friction.

 Corns

Removal of complicated corns when pain occurs (1 unit)500
Removal of uncomplicated corns (1 unit)350
Application of unloading material when removing corns - level I (1 unit)350
Application of unloading material when removing corns - level II (1 unit)550
Recommendations and instructions for foot care500
Unloading dressing (1 unit)350
Applying an antibacterial and antiseptic bandage to the problem area - level I (1 unit)550
Applying an antibacterial and antiseptic bandage to the problem area - level II (1 unit)550
Bandaging the problem area (1 unit)500

Causes of calluses

In response to constant friction and pressure, cells begin to synthesize increased amounts of keratin, the skin's protective protein. With calluses, keratin can form a plug in the deep layers of the skin. The main reasons for the formation of calluses on the feet and hands are:

  • wearing shoes of the wrong size;
  • foot deformities (hammer toes, bunions, bone spurs);
  • chafing of the skin due to professional activities (musicians, weightlifters, artisans);

In tight shoes, the skin of the foot is strongly compressed, and in too loose shoes, it slips and rubs, which can cause internal (core) calluses to develop. Calluses on the foot due to toe deformities occur due to improper weight distribution. Due to frequent rubbing of the skin of the hands with professional instruments (strings, bars), calluses appear on the hands.

Effective procedures

Treatment of calluses on the finger is eliminated after diagnosis and examination. A laser is used for removal. It helps get rid of the growth of the stratum corneum. Equipment and experienced doctors help you complete the study. The causes of the disease are identified. It will be treated with modern drugs that protect against formations on the skin.

Laser equipment is painless. After using the product, there are no negative consequences or traces of impact. Dry growths do not cause pain, but constant discomfort. But if you try to remove them yourself, severe pain may occur. The formation appears due to incomplete removal. The beam penetrates into the deep layers, completely eliminating damage to the arm or foot.

Dry and wet calluses

Dry calluses are keratinized areas of skin that form in places where bone presses on the skin of the feet (tops of the toes). If you frequently wear tight shoes, dry subungual callus may form.

Wet (water) calluses are whitish-gray in color and have a softer texture because they form in areas of increased sweating on the feet and hands. Water calluses often form between the fingers and toes. If a wet callus on the foot is damaged, an infection can enter the wound, so it is important to treat the damaged area of ​​skin with antiseptic agents.

Recommendations after removing dry calluses on feet

After hardware removal of calluses and corns, it is recommended to wear loose shoes made from natural materials. It is better to give up high heels for 2 weeks, and also not visit swimming pools and saunas for a month. It is better to treat the skin with a disinfectant composition.

Patients who successfully get rid of dry calluses experience lightness in their legs and no pain while walking.

It is better to prevent the occurrence of corns and regularly remove rough skin on the feet. By periodically undergoing a medical hardware pedicure procedure, you will not be aware of such problems as rough skin on your feet and the occurrence of complications.

If you want to remove dry callus, contact the SM-Cosmetology clinic. At the initial consultation, the podologist will conduct an examination and select the optimal method to solve your problem. You can remove calluses and corns after one visit to a cosmetology clinic.


Callus formation is an important step in the process of bone tissue repair after injury because it helps connect the parts of the damaged bone. After a fracture, the callus is enriched with calcium and gradually turns into normal bone tissue.

Due to insufficient immobilization or poor circulation at the fracture site, callus may form too slowly (delayed fracture consolidation). Its slow formation can cause the bone to heal incorrectly and cause pain.

How to prevent skin problems in the future

A patch for calluses on the heel and other areas will help speed up recovery and relieve discomfort. But it is easier to prevent the formation of calluses than to treat the consequences. Preventive measures include the following:

  • regular pedicure, daily foot hygiene;
  • moderate skin hydration;
  • wearing comfortable shoes of your size with a hard back and wide toe;
  • changing and cleaning shoes several times a season;
  • therapeutic exercises, foot massage;
  • preventing the risk of microtrauma;
  • refusal to wear wet socks and gloves.

The listed preventive measures will reduce the risk of callus formation (wet, dry, core). If trouble cannot be avoided, it is advisable to immediately begin treating the calluses and should not cut them off.

How to get rid of calluses?

To get rid of calluses, it is enough to temporarily eliminate activities that cause chafing of the skin. You can remove dry calluses manually: you need to steam the skin of your hands and remove rough areas using pumice. In addition, the surgeon may recommend the use of keratolytic agents, which soften the skin. You cannot remove calluses on your own with the help of keratolytics if you have diabetes or pathologies of the immune system, since after removal a wound may form through which an infection can enter the body

You should see a doctor if the callus is painful to step on or touch, as this symptom may indicate the presence of a heel spur, a calcified growth on the surface of the bone. Removal of the callus core is performed by a doctor because removing the callus at home is ineffective and unsafe.

To quickly cure a water callus and avoid its damage, it is necessary to reduce the contact of the inflamed skin with the shoes: you can put a foam insert or a cotton ball between your toes. If the water callus bursts, the doctor prescribes the use of wound healing agents with an antiseptic effect.

Callus removal is performed surgically using local anesthesia. First, the surgeon cuts off the keratin growth on the skin, and then pulls out the rod. To speed up the healing process and prevent the wound from becoming infected, it is recommended to wear a sterile dressing for several days after the callus removal procedure. The surgeon also prescribes local use of antiseptics for two to three weeks after removal of the callus.

Prevention measures

A callus is a skin injury comparable to a cut or burn. It is difficult to insure yourself against education. It appears after a long walk, with concomitant diseases.

It is necessary to monitor your health regularly. Measures that will help:

  • choose your shoes carefully;
  • Don’t walk around in high heels all day;
  • do not wear new shoes if you expect long walks;
  • if a fresh corn appears, do not wear the same shoes again;
  • consult a doctor if there is suppuration or inflammation;
  • Cover the blister with a bandage in time, avoiding opening the wound.

If a rough patch of skin has formed, you cannot always act on your own. If you can’t cope with improvised means, contact a specialist. He will conduct a visual examination and prescribe diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Get treatment for dry calluses in Moscow at the Tatyana Krasyuk Medical Center. We offer comprehensive services, reliable equipment, and the work of experienced doctors. Book a consultation with a qualified specialist. Leave a request on the website, call an employee.

Callus or wart?

A wart is a small growth that is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Calluses and warts may be similar in appearance. A wart can be distinguished by its more granular structure and location (warts can appear on any part of the body). To accurately make a diagnosis (callus or wart) and select treatment, the surgeon can conduct a dermoscopic examination and additionally prescribe a test for human papillomavirus (HPV).

Operating principle depending on the variety

Each adhesive plaster for calluses and corns has its own purpose. The choice depends on the type of education. Most often, people experience dry calluses on their feet and toes. Sometimes manual workers get chafing fingers and palms from tools.

For dry calluses

To eliminate dry callus, you need a patch with acids. They will soften dead skin and allow it to gently exfoliate. First, steam your leg or arm in warm water for about 10 minutes. Carefully remove the crust and disinfect the skin. Next, use a patch for dry calluses on the toes, leaving the bandage on for 1–2 days. The dressing is repeated until the skin becomes smooth.

For wet calluses

Wet calluses contain liquid inside them. If the bubble ruptures, erosion will occur. A patch for wet calluses protects them from breaking through and prevents infection from entering the wound. Before applying a bandage, the damaged area is disinfected, cleaned and dried. Then a patch is applied. Change it according to the instructions.

For calluses with a core

Calluses with a core are more difficult to treat because they are not simple superficial damage. This is a cartilaginous cone that extends deep into the skin. The patch for core callus softens the keratinized skin and dissolves the core due to impregnation with alkali or acid. Recovery will take longer than with dry and wet calluses. The skin is first steamed in warm water, and then a heated patch is applied (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions) and left for 2 days. If necessary, the dressing is repeated.

In difficult cases, it is worth consulting with a dermatologist, who will determine the condition of the skin and give recommendations for use. As a rule, 2 days are enough to get rid of a small dry callus. Large and medium calluses are removed in 7–10 days. You can understand that the process is moving in the right direction by the condition of the callus. If the keratinized area turns white and is easy to clean off, then everything is in order.


Complications of bedsores (especially pressure ulcers) can be life-threatening and include:

  • Phlegmon

Acute purulent inflammation of the skin and soft tissues. People with nerve damage (neuropathy) or a spinal injury often feel no pain in the area affected by inflammation and pressure sores. Cellulitis can cause severe intoxication and even general blood poisoning (sepsis).

  • Heel ulcer

A chronic heel wound that does not heal for a long time significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life, as it leads to impaired support and walking function. A trophic heel ulcer can occur as a result of a bedsore, not only in spinal patients, but also in postoperative and post-resuscitation patients due to their prolonged immobilization.

  • Damage to bones and joints

Infection from an ulcer can affect joints and bones. Infection in the joint cavity can cause general blood poisoning. Bone infections (osteomyelitis) can lead to destruction of the heel bone.

  • Cancer

Wounds that do not heal over time can eventually develop into squamous cell skin cancer.

  • Sepsis

General blood poisoning develops with weakened immunity, diabetes mellitus and other severe concomitant diseases and often causes death.

Treatment at the Innovative Vascular Center

Doctors at the Innovative Vascular Center, treating severe vascular patients with many concomitant diseases, know firsthand about the problem of pressure sores on the heels. Often patients already come to us with such pressure ulcers, sometimes they develop during long-term vascular diseases. The complexity and danger of this problem prompted our surgeons to develop methods for the prevention and effective treatment of bedsores, cleansing the affected tissues in a sick person, because the appearance of bedsores leads to a change in the course of the underlying disease for the worse. We are able to close any pressure ulcers using reconstructive plastic surgery methods.

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