Rectal cancer according to ICD 10: description of the disease, first symptoms, signs and therapy

Oncology is one of the most famous incurable diseases. Cancer is a malignant tumor in which chaotic cell proliferation occurs, accompanied by invasion into underlying tissues and metastasis to distant organs through the flow of lymph or blood. In simple terms, the disease causes cell mutation. Cancer cells do not die in the human body, but accumulate and thereby form a tumor. This can happen in any person's body - the disease does not select victims based on gender or skin color. However, there is one important factor - the general condition of the body and immunity, which determines whether our body can cope with the fight against diseased cells or not.

In most cases, oncology is perceived by patients as a death sentence. But not all cancers lead to death. Some patients still get rid of the disease and remember it as a bad dream. However, there are also a large number of deaths.

Doctors distinguish several types of cancer depending on the organ affected. A malignant tumor can occur in any human organ, which is why cancer can be called a group of diseases.

Types of cancer:

  • Melanoma is a lesion of the skin;
  • Leukemia is a formation in the hematopoietic system;
  • Carcinoma is a lesion of the epithelial tissue of an organ;
  • Lymphoma – damage to the lymphatic system;
  • Sarcoma is a malignant tumor of the nervous, connective, or supporting tissue of the body.

There are other types of disease, such as teratoma, glioma, choriocarcinoma, blastoma. But they are much less common than those listed above. But this is their danger - they have not been studied so well, so they are more often fatal.

A variety of symptoms can indicate the presence of cancer. They also depend on the organ that is affected by the disease. The list of cancer symptoms is very long, so it is worth understanding this issue in detail.

Cancer of the rectosigmoid junction, treatment stages 1, 2, 3. Symptoms, signs, metastases, prognosis.

The rectosigmoid junction is a transition zone between the sigmoid and rectum at a distance of 13 to 17 cm from the anal line during rigid rectoscopy.


In civilized, economically developed countries, colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors.

In the structure of cancer incidence in the world, colorectal cancer currently ranks fourth. Every year, about 800 thousand newly diagnosed patients with colorectal cancer are registered in the world, more than half of them (440 thousand) die. Colorectal cancer causes death in approximately 3.4% of the general population and is the second leading cause of death in the United States.

In the European population, the risk of developing colorectal cancer is 4–5%. This means that one in 20 people will develop cancer of this location during their lifetime.

Although all economically developed countries have seen a steady increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer, nevertheless, this indicator is not a fatal companion to civilization. Thus, in some US states, a slight decrease in the incidence of colorectal cancer has been observed among the white population over the past decade, while among the non-white population this figure has been steadily increasing.

This is due to a number of preventive measures taken:

  1. changing the nature of nutrition as a result of enhanced sanitary propaganda (reducing the consumption of animal fats, increasing the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, combating excess weight);
  2. early diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

Symptoms of bowel cancer

This is one of the types of malignant tumors located on the mucous membrane of the colon. Today, this disease is the second most common disease in people over 45 years of age. Colon cancer differs from other cancers in its more severe course, serious complications and unfavorable prognosis. The location of intestinal cancer can be any, since the tumor forms on the mucous membrane of any part of the intestine.

The main difficulty is the complete absence of acute painful manifestations at the initial stage. Because of this, people discover the presence of the disease late; approximately half of cases are detected in late stages.

With bowel cancer, the symptoms are the same for women and men, but vary for everyone depending on the location of the tumor. The case in which a neoplasm occurs in the ileum, jejunum and duodenum is a fairly rare occurrence. In this case, the following symptoms appear:

  • Aversion to food;
  • Heartburn;
  • Belching;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain in any part of the abdomen;
  • Feeling of pressure in the stomach;
  • Dark coloration of stool.

If the cancerous tumor is in the large intestine, then the patient is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • Kidney tumor (cancer): symptoms, stages and treatment
  • Impaired bowel function;
  • Development of anemia;
  • Cramping pain in the abdomen;
  • Irregular bowel movements (constipation alternates with diarrhea);
  • Bloating on the left side of the abdomen;
  • Partial intestinal obstruction develops.

Types of adenocarcinomas

To choose the most effective treatment, you first need to understand what kind of adenocarcinoma we are dealing with. The main criterion for classifying tumors of this type is the stage of their development. There are four in total:

  • First. The tumor is located within the intestinal walls.
  • Second. It increases in volume and begins to spread to other abdominal organs.
  • Third. Regional metastases occur in the lymph nodes.
  • Fourth. The disease enters the most dangerous stage, distant metastases form.

According to another classification, based on the results of histological studies, adenocarcinomas are grouped according to the degree of their differentiation. There are four groups:

  • Highly differentiated.
  • Moderately differentiated.
  • Poorly differentiated.
  • Undifferentiated.

The lower the differentiation index, the less chance of successful treatment. Therefore, you should not delay your visit to the proctologist.

Symptoms of colorectal cancer

This disease develops against the background of a previous chronic disease. People with chronic intestinal pathology should undergo regular medical examination. This is required in order to detect the disease in the early stages and avoid complications.

At the beginning, the symptoms are not pronounced, but their regular appearance should alert you and serve as a reason for examination. The following symptoms indicate colon cancer:

  • Anemia;
  • Pain;
  • General fatigue;
  • Mucous or purulent discharge;
  • Acute pain in the lower abdomen and perineum, occurring before and during bowel movements;
  • False urge to defecate;
  • Incontinence of gas and feces;
  • Discharge of blood during defecation.

Particularly dangerous is the presence of blood in the stool - it is worth noting that this symptom is not an early one, it indicates an already developed tumor in the body, but often it is the first one that attracts the patient’s attention.

Nutrition after surgery

After surgery on the sigmoid colon, patients at the Yusupov Hospital are provided with dietary nutrition. The chefs prepare dishes from quality ingredients. They contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. The menu includes kefir, yogurt, bifido products, fresh vegetables and fruits. All dishes are prepared using gentle technologies: steamed, boiled, baked in the oven or grilled. If indicated, the food is crushed. Patients eat regularly, in small portions.

During the rehabilitation process, the patient should follow certain rules:

  • eat only fresh foods;
  • products must contain a sufficient complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • reduce meat consumption to a minimum;
  • consume kefir, yogurt, and bifido products more often;
  • eat more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • include cereal porridges and products made from wholemeal flour with bran in the menu;
  • periodically include boiled or steamed sea fish in the menu;
  • Take food in crushed form, chew thoroughly;
  • do not overeat, eat small meals and regularly.

Symptoms of stomach cancer

Experts consider stomach cancer to be one of the most common types of oncology. However, as in previous cases, it is quite difficult to detect its presence. The clinical picture is smoothed out, the pathology is easy to confuse with a common ailment. The first symptoms of stomach cancer do not reveal the pathology until later stages.

The first signs of the disease:

  • Weakness;
  • Decreased performance;
  • Apathy;
  • Lethargy;
  • Prostration;
  • Mild discomfort;
  • Heartburn;
  • Attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • Belching air;
  • Headache;
  • Heaviness in the abdominal area.

Main symptoms:

  • Sudden and causeless weight loss;
  • Anorexia;
  • Bloating;
  • Bleeding;
  • Nodules;
  • Goiter;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Feeling of quick satiety;
  • Jaundice;
  • Anemia.

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer

For a long time the disease is asymptomatic. Often, the first complaints appear already in the later stages, when the tumor compresses neighboring organs, leads to blocking of the lumen of the ducts, and intoxication of the body with decay products.

The first symptoms of pancreatic cancer:

  • Gastrointestinal adenomas (adenomatous polyps)
  • Heaviness and discomfort in the upper abdomen;
  • Thirst;
  • Apathy;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Increased blood sugar levels;
  • Frequent loose stools.

Disease prognosis

The prognosis of survival for anal cancer largely depends on the stage at which the tumor is detected, as well as the involvement of regional lymph nodes in the process. The histological form of the tumor affects survival to a lesser extent.

When a tumor with a diameter of less than 3 cm is detected and chemoradiotherapy is administered in a timely manner, cure is achieved in 80% of patients, while relapses occur in less than 10%.

Surgical treatment allows you to achieve stable remission: a five-year survival rate of 55-70% of patients in the absence of metastases in regional lymph nodes, 20% - if they are present.

It was noted that the prognosis is worse for men, and the disease is more severe and has a worse prognosis in smokers and those infected with HIV.

Symptoms of breast cancer

The human mammary glands are composed of three types of tissue - connective, adipose and glandular. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in glandular tissue. There is a myth that this disease affects only the female part of the population, but this is not true; there are men with this diagnosis. However, in women this type of cancer is 100 times more common. Mutations leading to the development of oncology can be hereditary or acquired.

Like many other malignant tumors, breast cancer develops asymptomatically. Often, the disease is discovered by patients themselves or discovered by chance during preventive studies. Experts identify a number of symptoms of breast cancer:

  • The appearance of a palpable formation, discharge from the nipple;
  • The presence of asymmetry due to changes in the size of the affected gland;
  • Wrinkling of the chest;
  • Flattening of the skin over the tumor;
  • Appearance of “lemon peel”;
  • Forga's symptom – on the affected side the nipple is higher than on the healthy breast;
  • Krause's sign - the nipple is thickened, the folds of the areola are noticeably pronounced;
  • Redness;
  • Bloody or purulent discharge;
  • Edema.

Signs and symptoms of liver cancer

In Russia, the annual number of newly diagnosed cases over the past 10 years has increased from 3,500 to 5,000. Men get sick 3 times more often than women.

Liver cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from liver cells as a result of their transformation. The disease develops against the background of prolonged inflammation in the organ, usually in patients with cirrhosis. Experts divide the disease into primary and secondary cancer. They have the same characteristics. Symptoms of the disease are nonspecific and can occur with other diseases, for example, hepatitis, cirrhosis, bile duct cancer

Early signs of a malignant liver tumor:

  • Constipation and diarrhea;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Constant malaise and fatigue;
  • Weight loss;
  • Feeling of discomfort due to bloating;
  • Nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • Chills;
  • Temperature increase.

Liver cancer symptoms:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders manifest themselves as changes in stool - diarrhea, constipation or flatulence;
  • Abdominal pain due to tumor growth;
  • High concentration of fluid in the abdomen;
  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Jaundice.

Causes of tumors

Sigmoid colon cancer originates from glandular epithelial cells. Accounts for 34% of the total number of colorectal cancer cases. In 60% of cases, a malignant tumor is detected in patients aged 40-60 years. Men suffer 1.5 times more often than women.

The high probability of developing sigmoid colon cancer is due to the characteristics of the organ. The sigmoid colon is located on the left side of the abdomen, above the rectum. It has an S-shape. If the movement of contents through the intestines slows down, it remains in the sigmoid colon for a long time. This increases the time of contact of toxic food processing products with the organ mucosa.

Sigmoid colon cancer can develop under the influence of the following unfavorable factors:

  • Unbalanced diet - eating large amounts of fatty and meat foods, insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber;
  • Compounded heredity - the risk of developing a malignant neoplasm increases if close relatives had sigmoid colon cancer;
  • Chronic inflammatory processes in the intestines - nonspecific ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, Crohn's disease;
  • A sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which the evacuation of intestinal contents slows down;
  • Multiple intestinal polyps, which are prone to degeneration into a malignant tumor; Constipation, in which the mucous membrane not only comes into contact with carcinogens for a long time, but is also injured by the solid contents of the intestine;
  • Age-related intestinal atony.

Smoking, alcohol abuse, and consumption of foods containing carcinogenic food additives lead to the development of sigmoid colon cancer.

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Throat cancer symptoms

The disease is characterized by the appearance of a malignant epithelial neoplasm that affects different parts of the larynx.

Among the most common causes of throat cancer and the negative factors that provoke the disease are the following:

  • Long-term smoking;
  • Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Significant changes in tissues, the presence of benign formations - cysts, fibroids, untreated inflammation in the body;
  • Constant inhalation of harmful gases, acids, alkalis, gasoline and exhaust gases, as well as dusty air entering the lungs.

During the first few months, patients experience:

  • Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder
  • sore throat;
  • dryness;
  • sensation of the presence of a foreign body.

Later the following symptoms appear:

  • swallowing disorder;
  • fatigue;
  • dull voice;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • morning pain when swallowing, and later - constant.

It is worth noting that such symptoms may also indicate the presence of laryngitis and pharyngitis. The clinical picture of damage to this area is as follows:

  • weakness and hoarseness of voice;
  • rapid fatigue during vocal stress;
  • later – difficulty breathing, aphonia.

Symptoms of lung cancer

Lung cancer is a malignant tumor, the source of which is the cells of the bronchial and alveolar epithelium. This dangerous disease is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in the lung tissues and a tendency to metastasize. If untreated, the tumor development process can spread beyond the lung to nearby or distant organs.

The cause of lung cancer, in the vast majority of cases, is long-term smoking. The disease is less likely to occur in people who do not have this bad habit. In this case, a combination of genetic factors and exposure to radon, asbestos, second-hand smoke or other forms of air pollution may be to blame.

Experts identify the following symptoms of the disease:

  • Severe frequent cough;
  • Cough with blood discharge;
  • Chest pain;
  • Long experience as a smoker;
  • Change in voice - hoarseness;
  • wheezing;
  • Sudden weight loss.

Any cancerous tumor, in addition to local symptoms, causes intoxication of the body; when the focus is localized in the lungs, these manifestations are especially pronounced.

Stages of anal cancer

To stage cancer, the TNM classification is used, in which T is the size of the tumor, N is the condition of the regional lymph nodes, M is the presence of distant metastases.

TNM classification

Tumor size
TTxthere is no way to evaluate the primary tumor
T0no signs of a primary tumor
Tiscancer in situ
T1less than 2 cm
T2from 2 to 5 cm
T3more than 5 cm
T4any size, the tumor grows into neighboring organs
Regional lymph nodes
NNxit is not possible to evaluate regional lymph nodes
N0there are no metastases in regional lymph nodes
N1there are metastases in perirectal lymph nodes
N2metastasis to the unilateral internal iliac and/or inguinal nodes
N3metastases are determined in the perirectal and inguinal lymph nodes and/or bilateral internal iliac and/or inguinal lymph nodes
Distant metastases
MMxthere is no way to assess the presence of distant metastases

Clinical staging

In addition, there is clinical staging based on the most significant component of the TNM classification. According to him, the following stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • 0 – tumor in situ, no involvement of regional lymph nodes or distant metastases;
  • I – tumor up to 2 cm, no metastases in regional lymph nodes and distant organs;
  • II – tumor from 2 to 5 cm or more than 5 cm, without damage to regional lymph nodes and distant metastases;
  • IIIA – tumor less than 2 cm, from 2 to 5 cm, more than 5 cm, regional lymph nodes are affected, there are no distant metastases, or a tumor of any size with invasion of nearby organs and tissues without affecting regional lymph nodes and distant metastases;
  • IIIB – tumor less than 2 cm, from 2 to 5 cm, more than 5 cm, regional lymph nodes affected at the N2-3 level, or a tumor of any size with invasion into nearby organs and tissues and damage to regional lymph nodes at stage N1;
  • IV – distant metastases are present with any size of the primary tumor or its absence/impossibility to assess, and with any degree of involvement (its absence) of regional lymph nodes.

Symptoms of cervical cancer

One of the most common types of cancer among women. This type of malignant tumor occurs mainly at the age of 35-55 years. Less common at a younger age.

In the early stages, the tumor does not make itself felt. Doctors identify the following main symptoms of uterine cancer:

  • Heavy vaginal bleeding that occurs after a visit to the gynecologist, sexual intercourse, during menopause, in the intervals between menstruation;
  • Bloody or purulent discharge with a pungent and unpleasant odor;
  • Prolonged spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen and uterine area, radiating to the lower back;
  • Pelvic pain during sexual intercourse and excessive vaginal dryness;
  • Sudden weight loss over several weeks;
  • The presence of blood in the urine and a sharp increase in urination;
  • Swelling of the limbs;
  • Unreasonable high sweating;
  • Increased temperature without signs of a cold (37.5 and 37.8℃).

Complex therapy

Oncologists at the Yusupov Hospital provide combined treatment for malignant tumors of the sigmoid colon.
It includes surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The leading role is given to surgical treatment, which is aimed at radical removal of the tumor. The extent of surgical intervention depends on the extent of sigmoid colon cancer. In the early stages of the disease, endoscopic techniques are used in some cases. For this purpose, resection of the sigmoid colon is used. In case of widespread tumor processes, surgeons perform resection of the sigmoid colon with a section of the mesentery and nearby lymph nodes. The affected area of ​​the sigmoid colon is removed along with five centimeters of intact intestine located above and below the tumor. Surgery for sigmoid colon cancer can be one-stage or two-stage. When performing one-stage operations after tumor removal, the surgeon restores intestinal continuity by performing an anastomosis. In advanced cases, the intestine is resected and a colostomy is formed. The integrity of the intestine is restored several months after the first operation.

Surgery can be typical, combined, extended or combined. A typical operation involves resection of the area of ​​intestine containing the tumor. A combined treatment method is used if it is necessary to perform surgery on the cancer-affected segment of the intestine and other organs into which the tumor has grown. Extended surgery is performed when the tumor grows or there are synchronous neoplasms. A combined operation involves removing the affected segment of the intestine along with other organs due to concomitant diseases.

In the presence of cancer metastases, doctors at the oncology clinic administer chemotherapy. Treatment with antitumor drugs for sigmoid colon cancer after surgery is used with caution - in some cases it can cause negative results. Most often, the use of chemotherapy is advisable for inoperable tumors - it helps to reduce the size of the tumor. Sigmoid colon cancer does not respond well to radiation treatment. Radioactive rays can damage normal tissue, so this method is not used to treat sigmoid colon cancer.

In advanced cases of cancer, palliative therapy is carried out to reduce pain and ensure intestinal patency. Sometimes emergency surgery is performed for sigmoid colon cancer. They are aimed at sanitizing the abdominal cavity in case of peritonitis and eliminating intestinal obstruction.

Skin Cancer Symptoms

Skin cancer is a malignant neoplasm that poses a serious threat to health. Every year the number of patients with this diagnosis is growing steadily. The main symptom of this malignant tumor is the appearance of a neoplasm in the form of a small compaction, colored dark brown, red or even black, although the color of the tumor may not differ much from the color of healthy skin.

  • Kidney cancer, stage 4: how long do patients with this diagnosis live, what are the treatment features?

Doctors identify the following main symptoms:

  • Bleeding and ulceration;
  • Change in skin color;
  • Pain in the area of ​​the formation, which may intensify with pressure;
  • Burning and itching;
  • Soreness and enlargement of the lymph nodes near the tumor;
  • Thickening of the skin area.


If possible, radical removal of the tumor node with underlying tissues within the limits of possible damage and removal of lymph nodes are always performed. Often the required extent of surgery becomes apparent only upon direct examination of the affected area.

The basic principles of oncosurgery are applied:

  1. Radicality. Elimination of all malignantly damaged tissues, removal of regional lymph nodes.
  2. Ablasticity. Extraction of tumor cells without even the slightest particles getting into intact areas. Creation of conditions during surgery to prevent the dissemination (spread) of cancer cells.
  3. Organ preservation - the surgeon must maintain a balance between complete removal of tumor tissue, thereby saving the patient’s life, and preservation of organs (if possible) to reduce disability and ensure a good quality of life for the patient in the future.
  4. Restoring intestinal patency.

Often operations are carried out in two stages, when the tumor is first removed and a stoma (unnatural opening) is created to drain feces. This creates conditions for rapid healing of the operated area. Then, in the second stage, the normal path of bowel movement is restored.

Among the surgical methods, typical operations, combined operations (remove the tumor site and organ affected by metastasis), and extended interventions for widespread or synchronous tumor processes are used. For colon cancer, the prognosis for survival after surgery directly depends on the stage of the disease and the degree of tumor differentiation. The smaller the malignancy, the earlier radical treatment is started, the greater the chances of a complete cure and maintaining quality of life in the future.

Modern methods and equipment used in our clinic make it possible to remove both low-lying colon cancer (rectum) and large tumors in the overlying sections. Without large incisions on the abdomen (endoscopically), it is possible to perform:

  1. Transanal resection of the lower ampullary rectum.
  2. Transanal microsurgical excision of neoplasms.

Sectoral resection of the rectum and anal canal is performed for stage 0-1 cancer located below the dentate line, which allows preserving the obturator apparatus of the rectum.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer

This is a malignant tumor that occurs due to uncontrolled growth of cells in the ovarian tissue. At the beginning, the disease is asymptomatic and makes itself felt only in the later stages.

Experts identify the following main symptoms:

  • Pain syndrome caused by torsion of the tumor stalk;
  • Weakness;
  • Bloating;
  • Malaise;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract - flatulence, constipation and nausea;
  • Development of ascites;
  • Development of tumor pleurisy;
  • Cardiovascular and respiratory failure
  • accuracy;
  • Edema of the lower extremities;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Metastases in the liver, lungs and bones.

Chemotherapy treatment of sigmoid colon cancer

Chemotherapy for sigmoid colon cancer can be used as part of a combination treatment. In addition, it can be used as an independent method of therapy for unresectable tumors or when it is impossible to perform surgery due to general contraindications.

As part of combination treatment, adjuvant chemotherapy is performed. The feasibility of its use is determined based on the stage of the tumor and the results of an urgent intraoperative examination of the removed intestinal fragment for the presence of malignant cells.

As part of adjuvant chemotherapy, fluoropyrimidine therapy (5-fluorouracil, then 5 FU) is used together with 3rd generation platinum drugs (oxaliplatin). If the patient develops severe complications from two-component regimens, therapy is continued with fluoropyrimidines in monotherapy. The goal of adjuvant chemotherapy is to destroy remaining tumor cells and prevent relapses of the disease.

Independent chemotherapy is palliative in nature and is aimed at containing the tumor process, prolonging the patient’s life and improving its quality.

In addition to regimens with oxaliplatin and 5-FU, regimens with irinotecan are used. Treatment may be supplemented with targeted drugs. In the absence of BRAF and RAS mutations, cetuximab and panitumumab are used. Bevacizumab can be prescribed regardless of the presence of mutations, but it is effective only in conjunction with cytostatic therapy. Cetuximab and panitumumab can be used as 3rd line monotherapy.

Symptoms of brain cancer

This cancer can also be asymptomatic and affects tissues and areas of the brain. This disease is less common than other tumor diseases. It is distinguished by its rapid development and metastasis.

Signs of brain cancer are divided into general cerebral, that is, manifested in all types of disease without exception, and focal, from the totality of which one can form a primary idea of ​​​​the localization of the tumor.

Common symptoms of brain cancer include:

  • sudden dizziness, nausea and vomiting, fainting;
  • feeling of constant fatigue, drowsiness;
  • the appearance of problems with visual perception – blurred vision and hallucinations;
  • the appearance of constant headaches, which intensify with sudden movements of the head and are not relieved by medications;
  • violation of spatial orientation and coordination.

Classification of the disease

In most cases (70-80%) anal tumors are squamous cell carcinoma. Adenocarcinoma develops in 10-15% of cases, other tumors account for no more than 3-5%.

In turn, squamous cell (cloacogenic) cancer is divided into:

  • large cell non-keratinizing;
  • large cell keratinizing;
  • basaloid.

Adenocarcinoma of the anal canal can be of the intestinal type, and also develop from the anal glands and rectal fistula.

Rare types of anal cancer include:

  • small cell carcinoma;
  • poorly differentiated cancer;
  • neuroendocrine tumors;
  • melanoma of the anal canal;
  • non-epithelial tumors;
  • unclassified neoplasms;
  • secondary tumors.

Symptoms of kidney cancer

The disease can be represented by a single kidney tumor. In some cases, there are simultaneous lesions of both kidneys, or 2 or more tumors in one organ. Cancer cells provoke the destruction of healthy kidney tissue, due to which they subsequently grow. Toxins released during tumor growth lead to poisoning of the body, which can be fatal.

A number of main symptoms of kidney cancer:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Protein metabolism disorder;
  • Exhaustion or weight loss;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • Fever;
  • Changes in the blood - increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, anemia, hypercalcemia, polycythemia;
  • liver dysfunction.

Causes of precancerous diseases, cancerous degeneration of cells

The length of the large intestine is on average up to one and a half meters, and its lumen (diameter) is 6-7 cm. In the large intestine, the digestion process is completed and feces are formed. Here, through the intestinal mucosa, the reabsorption of water and the electrolytes contained in it, glucose from liquid hummus takes place. Liquid hummus is a mass of digested food soaked in digestive enzymes and acids. There are a lot of bacteria in the large intestine (1010-1011 per gram of contents). Most of them are symbionts, they help break down fiber. The processes of fermentation and putrefaction are a normal part of the digestion process. With balance, normal microbiosis, the contents of the digestive tract are acidic. This pH level prevents unwanted microbes from multiplying. If the basic principles of a healthy diet are violated, with inflammatory diseases in the intestinal lumen, putrefactive bacteria begin to predominate; with constant constipation, stagnation of the contents contributes to the toxic effect of putrescine, methyl mercaptan, hydrogen sulfide, indole, skatole, phenol, etc. on the walls of the intestinal tube. There is a theory that endotoxins can also affect the malignant degeneration of normal cells of the intestinal wall; they pathologically change the nervous regulation of vital processes in the intestine. The harmful effects of autointoxication were noted at the beginning of the 20th century by great physiologists.

Chronic autointoxication and inflammatory changes can lead to failure of regeneration processes, activation of cellular prooncogenes, restructuring of mucosal cells (intestinal metaplasia) and the appearance of tumor foci. Exogenous toxins (aggressive substances from the external environment) can also come from food - if it contains a large number of food additives, preservatives, or is prepared in violation of technology (for example, due to improper smoking).

Where is cancer treated in Krasnoyarsk?

For help from a qualified oncologist in Krasnoyarsk, contact the Medunion clinic. With us you can get advice from various highly specialized doctors, take laboratory tests and undergo treatment. And everything is in one place!

Take care of your health and sign up for the Medunion clinic by phone number.

Full Russian-language electronic version of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, with changes and additions WHO 1990-2019. (current in 2021)

A temporary code for COVID-19 has been added to section U00-U49

- U07.1

Codes U00-U49 should be used to temporarily assign new diseases of unknown etiology. In emergency situations, codes are not always available in electronic systems. Category U07 specifications allow them to be used in every electronic system at any time on behalf of WHO immediately.

Why does colorectal cancer occur?

There is no single reason that is associated with the occurrence of an oncological process in the rectum. Scientists identify two main risk factors: dietary habits and hereditary predisposition. Also, the occurrence of colorectal cancer is influenced by other causes. Let's take a closer look at them.

Dietary features that increase the risk of colorectal cancer:

  • the predominance of animal fats in the diet or their high quantity;
  • low content of plant fiber in the diet;
  • eating more food than the body needs;
  • alcohol abuse.

Foods rich in fiber and low in saturated fats and trans fats protect the intestinal mucosa from the harmful effects of carcinogens. Foods that contain calcium, vitamin D and C are also beneficial.

Hereditary predisposition to the disease has been proven by a number of studies in which scientists studied the family history of patients with various forms of colorectal cancer. The connection between genetic mutations and the formation of polyposis and hereditary non-polyposis cancer is especially clear.

At the molecular level, this connection is explained by mutations in a complex of genes. The most frequently affected genes are MLH1 and MSH2. This is important so that if this mutation is detected in a patient, the whole family will be tested. If a person is at risk, it is better to undergo screening from time to time in order to detect the process in the early stages.

Other reasons for the development of the disease include the following factors:

  • the presence of adenomas, polyps, benign neoplasms of the rectum;
  • chronic colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • exposure to carcinogens;
  • immune system deficiency;
  • chronic infectious processes;
  • damage to the body by the human papillomavirus;
  • the presence of an oncological process in the tissues of the mammary gland or genital organs in women;

The causes of cancer affect the body in a complex manner; the risk of disease especially increases when several factors act or when they have a long-term effect on the body.

It is worth paying attention to polyps, since rectal cancer often forms at the site of their origin. This is initially a benign neoplasm, which can become malignant over time.

How to recognize the disease?

As with other oncological processes, the insidiousness of rectal cancer lies in the fact that the early stages are asymptomatic. But at this stage, complete recovery is possible, since the tumor has not yet grown into the muscle layer of the intestinal wall and does not spread metastases.

A little later, symptoms begin to appear, among which are:

  • the appearance of blood in the stool;
  • discharge of mucus from the anus;
  • stool is disrupted - it may become irregular, constipation is replaced by diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdomen and anus;
  • causeless weight loss;
  • weakness;
  • signs of anemia - increased heart rate, shortness of breath, pale skin, drowsiness and lethargy;
  • there is a painful urge to defecate.

Many patients underestimate some of these symptoms and hesitate to talk to their doctor about them. And in vain, because it reflects the functioning of the body. An experienced specialist will always delicately clarify the presence of certain symptoms and will not miss the key signs of the disease.

At the stage that is not accompanied by symptoms, the only diagnostic method is preventive colonoscopy. This is worth remembering for patients over 45-50 years of age, as well as those who are at risk.


The only effective treatment for rectal cancer is radical removal of the tumor. There are a number of techniques, the choice of the appropriate one depends on the stage.

0polypectomy during colonoscopy or transanal excision of the tumor
Iresection, less often abdominoperineal extirpation of the rectum
IIresection or extirpation, possibly with chemotherapy after surgery
IIIresection in combination with pre- and postoperative chemotherapy and radiation
IVresection with chemotherapy, removal of metastases, pelvic evisceration

Along with surgical treatment for rectal cancer, radiation and chemotherapy are used. Treatment tactics are selected for each patient individually. In some cases, preoperative radiation is recommended, the purpose of which is to destroy cancer cells and reduce the risk of recurrence. For some types of tumors (for example, squamous cell carcinoma), only chemoradiotherapy is effective. Chemotherapy can be prescribed both before and after surgery.

Stages of development of colorectal cancer

The stage of the disease depends on the spread of the tumor relative to the intestinal walls. This affects symptoms and prognosis for recovery.

  1. Stage 1
    is characterized by the fact that the tumor does not penetrate beyond the intestinal wall. Accordingly, there are practically no complaints. There may be a slight appearance of mucous discharge along with the feces. This stage is easily treatable, since the lymph nodes are not involved in the process and there are no metastases.
  2. Stage 2
    of the process is when the tumor grows into all layers of the large intestine and possibly involves the fiber that surrounds the rectum in the process. Metastases are not yet common. Symptoms become more varied: discomfort appears in the rectal area, which some patients describe as a sensation of a foreign body. Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen are disturbing, more abundant impurities appear in the stool, including mucus and blood.
  3. Stage
    3 may coincide with a violation of the patency of the rectum, the tumor becomes so large in size and/or metastases appear in the lymph nodes around the rectum. Malignant tissues grow into surrounding areas, affecting tissue, neighboring organs and lymph nodes. Patients may note a worsening of their condition, the appearance of dyspeptic disorders: rumbling in the abdomen, bloating, and an unreal urge to defecate. Disturbing spasms, pain, inclusions of blood in the stool, constipation and diarrhea appear. The general condition also becomes serious: the patient complains of weakness, pallor, decreased appetite and performance.
  4. Stage
    4 – peak tumor spread. It can stop the functioning of the intestines and (disturb) the functioning of neighboring organs. Metastasis is observed in distant lymph nodes, as well as in the liver, lungs, stomach, and bones. The most severe symptoms are intestinal obstruction, stool and gas retention, and vomiting. I am worried about pain in the abdomen, as well as in those organs that are affected by a secondary tumor. Painful exhaustion often occurs, and disruption of the central nervous system may occur.

The TNM system is used to classify the process stage. The designation T indicates the size of the tumor and its relationship to surrounding tissues. N are regional lymph nodes into which the process spreads. M is the designation of metastases, their number and distribution. This is a generally accepted classification that is used throughout the world.

Complications of the disease

  • tumor growth into neighboring organs;
  • obstructive intestinal obstruction;
  • bleeding from the tumor.

Let's take a closer look at these states.

A tumor from the rectum can perforate the wall and grow in the tissue of the ureters, bladder, female genital organs, and prostate. This leads to disruption of their work and the appearance of corresponding symptoms.

Intestinal obstruction most often occurs if the tumor is located above the ampulla of the intestine or in the anorectum. Depending on the stage of the process, complete or partial intestinal obstruction develops.

Bleeding is most often observed when the tumor disintegrates. This complication is characteristic of exophytic growth of the tumor. If blood vessels pass through the tumor decay zone, they are also destroyed and blood loss occurs. This leads to anemia in the patient. Bleeding opens into the anus, and discharge of scarlet or dark blood is observed. Large blood loss is reflected in weakness and dizziness. The person becomes pale, has tinnitus, increased heart rate and breathing, and possible loss of consciousness.

Tumor growth into the bladder is accompanied by changes in urine. It becomes cloudy, fecal impurities may appear, and an inflammatory process occurs in the tissues of the organ. The patient is concerned about pain, burning, and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. A characteristic symptom is urine leaking from the anus.

Women may experience the formation of enterovaginal fistulas. Gases, feces, mucous discharge with a cloudy color and an unpleasant odor are released from the vagina.

It is important to note that all these complications accompany the late stages of pathology.

Diagnosis of rectal cancer

Screening occupies a special place in the diagnosis of rectal cancer. This is the early detection of cancer at those stages when the disease does not bother the patient. Screening methods:

  • digital examination of the rectum;
  • stool occult blood test;
  • endoscopic techniques.

Please note that about 70% of carcinomas can be detected promptly using the digital method. And about 4-5% of a relatively healthy population gives a positive result on the hemocult test, which reacts to periodic bleeding of rectal cancer.

Of the endoscopic methods, colonoscopy is used. This method allows you to diagnose not only cancer, but also precancerous conditions.

Confirmation of the diagnosis is possible only after a biopsy. To do this, a fragment of tumor tissue is taken for analysis and sent for histological analysis.

Also, a number of studies are prescribed that determine the prevalence of tumor growth:

  • Ultrasound through the abdominal wall and transrectal ultrasound;
  • CT;
  • MRI.

Based on accurate diagnosis, effective treatment can be prescribed. It is important for the attending physician to know the localization, spread of the tumor, the presence of metastases and their location.

Signs of Anal Cancer

The first symptoms of anal cancer are easily confused with other diseases of the rectum, for example, hemorrhoids, so patients often do not realize the full danger of the disease and do not consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Symptoms to be wary of:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the anus;
  • pain in the anal area;
  • itching and burning in the anus;
  • drops of blood after bowel movements or in stool;
  • anal bleeding.

As the disease progresses, maceration (wetting) in the anus is observed, ulcerations appear, and the inguinal and perianal lymph nodes become enlarged. In advanced stages, when the anal sphincter is involved in the process, fecal incontinence develops. Also, women can develop rectovaginal fistulas, and when anal cancer grows into the urethra and prostate in men, urinary disorders can occur. The general condition suffers - the patient loses appetite, loses weight, and becomes weak.

You should seek medical help when the first symptoms of anal cancer appear in order to make a correct diagnosis and begin treatment on time.

Modern methods of treating colorectal cancer

Modern methods of treating cancer include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Also, at the present stage, biological and immune drugs are used.

  • Radiation therapy is used if, before surgery, the doctor discovered that all three layers of the intestinal wall are involved in the process, and there are metastases in the lymph nodes. Radiotherapy is indicated before surgery, as one of the stages of preparation for surgery.
  • A combination of chemotherapy and radiation is used for local spread of cancer, damage to the lymph nodes, and tumor invasion of the intestinal fascia (when the tumor is motionless relative to the pelvis).

The specific type and sequence of treatment is determined on the basis of clinical, histological, and instrumental studies. Cancer treatment must be comprehensive. It involves supporting the body during chemotherapy and radiation exposure, and high-quality postoperative treatment.

Operational tactics

  1. 1. If the size of the tumor allows, the intervention is performed endoscopically. This type of intervention is possible if tumor growth affects only the mucosal and submucosal layers.
  2. 2. A modern method of treatment is transanal endomicrosurgery. It allows you to preserve the intestinal walls as much as possible and is characterized by the most comfortable postoperative period.
  3. 3. If the tumor has reached the muscle layer, the entire section of the intestine that is involved in the process is removed. The surrounding tissue and lymph nodes are also removed. An open or laparoscopic technique can be used.

Most often, the location of the tumor makes it difficult to preserve the natural anus and requires the formation of a colostomy. Modern surgeons are maximally focused on preserving the functionality of the organ, so they can form a preventive colostomy, which reduces the risk of infectious complications and inflammatory processes in the suture area. With a favorable prognosis, the colostomy is closed within several months after surgery.

Combined surgical interventions are required if several organs are involved in the process. Distant metastases require sequential removal.

Prevention and life prognosis

Even the best treatment does not exclude the possibility that cancer cells will remain in the body. They are so small that they are difficult to detect using diagnostics. However, they are fraught with danger and can result in a relapse.

The earlier a relapse is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. Therefore, even after surgery and a course of therapy, the patient should undergo diagnostics. After rectal cancer, polyps may reappear and become malignant over time. It is important to diagnose this process and provide treatment before the process becomes uncontrollable.

The first two years after treatment are the time of greatest risk for recurrence of the disease. Monitoring of new cases of the disease should be especially intensive at this time.

It is advisable to be examined by a doctor every six months for the first 2 years and once a year for the 3rd, 4th and 5th year after surgery. According to studies, after 5 years from the moment of treatment, the risk of relapse sharply decreases.

The consultation includes a physical examination, analysis to measure tumor markers, colonoscopy, chest x-ray, CT scan, ultrasound.

Prevention of colorectal cancer includes the following measures:

  • balanced diet high in fiber;
  • preventive colonoscopy for early detection of polyps and chronic inflammation;
  • avoidance of stress, adequate sleep and normal physical activity;
  • maintaining normal metabolism;
  • prevention of HPV infection;
  • it is necessary to minimize exposure to carcinogens;
  • maintaining and strengthening the immune system.

How to get treatment at the clinic?

Free treatment is available for residents of Russia in our clinic. All conditions have been created for high-quality diagnosis of the patient’s condition, his treatment and recovery.

To get to the clinic for treatment of colorectal cancer, you must make an appointment with a doctor. After diagnostic methods have been carried out and the degree and stage of the disease has been determined, the doctor prescribes a combination of treatment methods.

Diagnosis of the disease

Colon adenocarcinoma is a common cancer. It is quite well studied and easy to diagnose. To identify this pathology, the following screening options are used:

  • Examination of stool for fecal DNA. Conducted at the time of application.
  • Analysis of feces for occult blood. Rented once a year.
  • Virtual colonoscopy of the intestines. Performed once every five years.
  • Conventional colonoscopy. It is done once every ten years.

Screening is carried out for patients 45 years of age and older. The frequency and age of completion (80-85 years) depend on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, his state of health, heredity and a number of other factors.

If during screening the proctologist finds a tumor in the patient, he takes samples of it and sends them for a biopsy (laboratory test). In addition, to clarify the stage of development of adenocarcinomas, the following diagnostic procedures are used:

  • Osteoscintigraphy.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Chest X-ray.
  • MRI of the liver.
  • Computed tomography of the abdominal cavity.

If, in addition to surgery, the patient is indicated for conservative treatment (with the help of medications), he additionally undergoes a molecular genetic test. Samples are collected and subsequently tested for microsatellite instability, BRAF, RAS and other mutations. Based on the results of the check, the treatment plan is adjusted.

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