Pemo back ear drops (Remo Vax) for children and adults

Sulfur plugs often occur in people of any age. It must be removed from the ear canal, otherwise, in addition to hearing loss, other complications of the pathology will begin to develop. In addition to medical methods for removing a lump of compacted wax by washing the ear canal, using a vacuum device or a special instrument, there are also a number of medications that help with the problem. It is best, of course, to visit a doctor if there is a problem, but, as a last resort, you can try to use these medications yourself, but only taking into account all the contraindications.

Normally, wax, which is produced in the ear to cleanse the ear canal of bacteria, viruses, dust and foreign bodies, is itself released when a person chews, yawns or talks. If this process is disrupted, the secretion begins to accumulate in the ear cavity and is gradually compacted, which ultimately leads to the formation of a dense lump that completely blocks the canal and causes hearing loss and discomfort in the ear. The main reason for the development of a plug is improper ear hygiene, when cotton swabs or matches wrapped in cotton are used. They only push the secretion into the depths of the ear and compact it there, making its natural release impossible.

Composition and release form

Solution for topical use1 fl.
allantoin3 mg
benzethonium chloride1 mg
butylated hydroxytoluene1 mg
phenylethanol5 mg
sorbic acid2 mg
liquid lanolin
mink oil
fillers and emulsifiers
purified waterup to 1 ml

in plastic bottles with a dispenser of 10 ml.


The procedure is carried out using a large-volume syringe, as well as saline or antiseptic solution. The second option is better, as it will prevent inflammation from occurring due to infection. As an antiseptic solution for washing, it is best to use a weak solution of manganese or a solution of furatsilin, prepared at the rate of 2 tablets per 1 liter of water.

Before washing the ear, wipe it with chlorhexidine. After this, bending over the sink with the affected ear down, pour liquid into it in small portions. There should be no pain during this procedure. When it appears, rinsing is stopped immediately. If it is not possible to wash the cork three times, stop trying to remove it on your own.


To remove excess earwax in children from birth and adults.

Earwax is a secretion of the glands of the external auditory canal, contains proteins, lipids, immunoglobulins and lysozyme, which maintain skin hydration and protect it from damage and bacteria. It usually removes itself when chewed. The secretion of sulfur increases many times with irritation from dust, water, in-ear headphones or earplugs, cotton swabs, metabolic disorders, sudden climate change or skin diseases; it does not have time to be removed and, accumulating, can form a sulfur plug, which can cause hearing loss, headache, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting.

How to remove a cork at home

Removing ear plugs at home is a last resort, which can be resorted to only if there is no way to visit a doctor. If, after several attempts, a positive result has not been achieved, treatment on your own must be stopped and you must find an opportunity to contact an otolaryngologist.

There are three ways to remove a lump of wax from your ear yourself:

  • washing the ear canal using an antiseptic solution and a syringe without a needle;
  • phytocandles for sulfur plugs - they create a vacuum effect and thanks to this, like a vacuum cleaner, they pull out the plug;
  • drops from earwax plugs - a special composition allows you to soften and dissolve the plug, after which it will be removed from the ear.

If these procedures are carried out carefully, they cannot cause harm. Unfortunately, if the plug is very dense, it may not be possible to remove it using home remedies. This phenomenon is most often observed if the lump is in the ear cavity for a very long time, or if it consists not of compacted wax, but of crumpled desquamated epithelial cells. In the latter case, the formation is tightly connected to the walls of the ear canal, and therefore removal of such a lump is possible only by a doctor using local anesthesia and further antiseptic treatment of damage to the ear mucosa.

Directions for use and doses

Locally, after holding the bottle in your clenched palm for 1–2 minutes to warm it to body temperature.

1. Lie on the side opposite the ear being treated. To straighten the external auditory canal, you should gently pull the ear lobe down and back (in newborns and children under 1 year old, carefully move the auricle up and back), drip about 20 drops of Remo-Vax along the back wall (the amount depends on the size of the ear canal, the level of the solution should approximately reach the border of the transition to the auricle. However, less than 10 drops do not completely cover all the walls of the ear canal).

Important! You should not try to drip into the center of the ear - an air plug may form (especially if the ear canal is narrow, tortuous or deformed, including as a result of previous otitis media).

You should not place cotton wool or cotton pads in your ear, because... they absorb the solution before it has a chance to take effect.

2. Wait 5–10 minutes. Then let the solution drain for 1 minute, turning over on the other side (or leaning over a sink/napkin). The solution may turn light or dark brown (due to dissolved sulfur). No additional rinsing is required.

For regular hygiene, it is enough to use the drug once every 2 weeks.

To remove wax plug, it is necessary to increase the action time to 20–40 minutes. In very rare cases, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure daily - up to 5 times in a row.

Clinical experience has confirmed the safety and lack of irritation even with long-term use, incl. in young children with severe skin and allergic diseases.

Hydrogen peroxide

In most cases, hydrogen peroxide can even cope with a dense plug, which requires strong softening, which a phytocandle is not capable of. The use of this remedy may not be very pleasant, as it often causes discomfort and burning, but it is effective and helps prevent infection. In addition to a 3% peroxide solution, cotton wool is required for the procedure.

The patient lies on his side with the blocked ear up and pours a few drops of peroxide into it. It is required to remain in this position for a quarter of an hour. This time is enough to dissolve the plug. During this process, hissing and foam formation occur. It is also possible that severe deafness may occur, which should not frighten you - your hearing will return after the plug is removed. When the effect of the peroxide ends, the patient, applying cotton wool to his ear, turns over to the other side and allows the liquid to flow out. If the plug is not completely removed, then the antiseptic is refilled. The sulfur plug and peroxide usually come out quickly after this.

special instructions

You should not try to penetrate deep into the ear canal with a cotton swab or other object (they cause microtraumas that will facilitate the penetration of infection and can lead to injury to the eardrum). In children under 3 years of age, using cotton swabs to remove wax is a common cause of otitis externa.

Cotton swabs can only be used to clean the ear!

The shelf life is not reduced by opening the bottle and regular use of the product.


Do not use drops if the eardrum is perforated

Although Remo Vax does not contain aggressive components, there are cases when its use is prohibited:

  • inflammation in the ear of any location and severity;
  • traumatic ear injuries;
  • presence of pain;
  • damage and defects of the eardrum;
  • individual intolerance to at least one of the components of the product;
  • leakage of blood, pus and other fluid from the ear canal;
  • in the presence of a shunt and in the first 6-12 months after its removal.

Side effects

As a rule, there are no side effects when the product is used correctly. Only in rare cases may the following occur:

  • feeling of stuffiness in the ear;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic reactions of local and general nature;
  • a feeling of dryness in the ear, as well as irritation and itching;
  • painful sensations during use of the product.

Important! If you notice any disturbing symptoms while using Remo Vax ear drops, including pain, stop the procedure immediately and consult a doctor.

About the drug Remo-vax

Ears can become clogged for a variety of reasons, but the most common one is excess earwax.

Earwax is a substance produced naturally in the ear canals. Has a yellowish tint. Sulfur helps keep your ears clean and helps filter out dust and small debris. The function of sulfur, in addition to cleansing the ears, includes protection against fungi, viral bacteria and even insects.

This is exactly what sulfur plugs look like.

Pay attention to the health of the body if you or your child has:

  • feeling of irritation in the ear;
  • after using headphones or earplugs, redness appears in the outer ear;
  • When water gets in, itching occurs.

You will understand that sulfur has begun to be released more actively in the very first days. Accumulated wax presses against the eardrum, leading to partial hearing loss.

In addition, the following symptoms are identified:

  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • convulsions;
  • noise in ears.

It is known that these ear drops solve the problem of the formation of wax plugs more delicately than others. This is due to the structure of the medicine and its ability to clean the ear without physical action. Use drops in cases such as:

  • the appearance and growth of sulfur plugs;
  • with excessive secretion of wax in the ear canals;
  • for cleaning the ears and maintaining hygiene in children, including up to one year;
  • for clearing the ears of older people with natural hearing loss;
  • care and cleansing for children suffering from allergic reactions;
  • caring for ear hygiene in pregnant women;
  • ear care for nursing mothers;
  • with frequent use of headphones or earplugs, as well as a hearing aid;
  • for hygienic prevention.

The instructions for the drug warn that when using this medication, the use of ear sticks is prohibited!

The medicine contains active elements that allow it to penetrate into the core of the plug and dissolve it. The resulting liquid is eliminated from the body naturally.

The structure of active substances includes:

  • organic compound phenylethyl alcohol;
  • water-soluble colorless crystals;
  • a natural food preservative produced from rowan juice;
  • antiseptic for disinfection of the oropharynx;
  • food additive E321.

The listed elements practically do not cause allergic reactions.

In addition, the composition includes acetylated lanolin obtained by anhydride treatment; fat obtained by processing removed mink skins; additives that ensure the combination of emulsions from different liquids; purified water.

Thanks to the listed components, Remo-Vax ear drops allow irritated skin to quickly calm down.

Ear drops "Remo-vax" - instructions for instillation

Before instilling the drug, do not forget to warm the bottle to body temperature. To do this, you can use a water bath or hold the medicine in your hand for a few minutes.

Tilt your head depending on which side of the ear will be treated.


If you decide to find a cheaper analogue of Remo-wax, you should remember that there is no completely similar drug in terms of its constituent components. Before replacing the drug with any analogue, you should consult your doctor. The following medicinal solutions are distinguished, similar in action:

  • a-cerumen;
  • cerumex;
  • Audi baby;
  • audio spray.

Treatment of a sore ear with drops

For effective treatment of otitis media and other ear diseases, doctors usually prescribe specialized ear drops.

However, certain remedies are not always suitable for every family member. Since the medicine may contain elements that are not suitable for the individual characteristics of the body, before purchasing the drug, carefully study the instructions.

In addition, there are certain types of ear drops:

  • antibacterial substances in the medicine. They are present in medications such as Tsipromed, Otofa, Normax;
  • drops with glucocorticoids are contained in Dexon, Anauran and Sofradex;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs - "" and "Otinum".

To determine the type of drops needed, consult an otolaryngologist.

It is worth knowing that loss of ear sensitivity and poor hearing of sounds can be caused by the accumulation of earwax.

It is known that the human ear cleans itself and wax is removed independently during the period of active jaw work, for example, at the time of eating or communicating.

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