Cyclalone: ​​how to take, reviews, drug analogues

Cyqualon is a choleretic drug that promotes the formation and secretion of bile and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Used for cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystohepatitis.

It is taken 0.1 g orally 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 21–28 days. Repeated therapeutic courses are carried out with a break of 1 month. You should not take Cyclalon if you have liver dystrophy or blockage of the bile ducts. This article provides more detailed information about the drug.

Questions, answers, reviews on the drug Cyclalon

You can look at questions about the drug, as well as ask your question to a specialist, using a free consultation with a pharmacist or pharmacist.
The information provided is intended for medical and pharmaceutical professionals. The most accurate information about the drug is contained in the instructions supplied with the packaging by the manufacturer. No information posted on this or any other page of our website can serve as a substitute for personal contact with a specialist.

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Instructions for use

Indications for use

Cycvalon (Latin name Cycvalonum, synonyms - Beveno, Cyclovalon, Flavogal, Vanillon, Divanil, Syncolin) has a choleretic effect. It promotes the formation and secretion of bile, effectively eliminates or reduces the severity of inflammatory processes, relieves pain in diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, reduces the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines, preventing bloating, stool disorders and some other digestive disorders.

Tsikvalon is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • chronic inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis);

  • cholangitis (angiocholitis) – infection of the bile ducts;
  • cholelithiasis (cholelithiasis);
  • cholecystohepatitis – simultaneous inflammation of the gallbladder, ducts, and liver;
  • to enhance bile secretion before the upcoming duodenal intubation (method of diagnosis, treatment for diseases of the liver and biliary tract);
  • constipation caused by impaired flow of bile.

Cyclalone is a modern choleretic. It is characterized by a milder effect than medicines based on bile, but is inferior to the latter in terms of the range of positive effects and does not improve the properties of bile, like herbal medicines.

Pharmacological properties

According to the instructions for use, Tsikvalon has anti-inflammatory, choleretic and cholekinetic effects. Dragees stimulate the process of formation and secretion of bile. Tsikvalon has a choleretic effect, the duration of which is up to 3 hours.

In addition, the medicine helps remove cholates, bromsulfalene and cholesterol.

The choleretic effect of the drug is based on the activation of hepatocytes and a decrease in the absorption of bile in the biliary system. Increased secretion of cholates is caused by the enterohepatic cycle.

  • Cyclalon reduces the intensity of symptoms or completely stops them during inflammation.
  • The medication relieves pain when the functioning of the bile ducts and bladder is impaired.
  • The drug relieves bloating, prevents the development of ammonification and fermentation processes, due to which stool is normalized.


Analogues of the drug are:

  • Allohol;
  • Aristocholus;
  • Artichol;
  • Berberine bisulfate;
  • Billicante;
  • Glutargin;
  • Liobil;
  • Nikodin;
  • Odeston;
  • Oxafenamide;
  • Tanacehol;
  • Flamidin;
  • Holagol;
  • Holiver;
  • Holenzyme;
  • Holaflux;
  • Holosas;
  • Choludexan;
  • Hotifol.

The following herbal remedies have a similar choleretic effect:

  • immortelle sand flowers;
  • peppermint leaf briquette;
  • corn silk;
  • peppermint leaves.


There is no data on the body's reaction to exceeding the dose of Cyqualon.

But if undesirable effects occur after taking a higher dose - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, skin rashes and redness, swelling, abnormal bowel movements, convulsions, visual disturbances, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Ambulance workers should show the packaging of the drug and remember the time of administration. Before the team arrives, you must follow the recommendations received over the phone.

Conditions, shelf life

Cyclalon is suitable for use within two years from the date of release . Store it in dry places, protected from sunlight, where children cannot reach. Buy the medicine at the pharmacy without a prescription.

Indications for use

Cyclalone is indicated for diseases and conditions such as:

  1. cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder,
  2. cholelithiasis – formation of stones in the bile ducts and bladder,
  3. cholangitis is an inflammation that occurs in the bile ducts,
  4. cholecystohepatitis is an inflammatory process that occurs simultaneously in all biliary organs,
  5. before performing duodenal intubation,
  6. stool disorders due to the excretion of bile.

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Side effects

Cyclalone, as mentioned above, has a fairly gentle effect on the body and is well tolerated by most patients. However, some patients, after using it at the very beginning of therapy, feel heaviness, pressure in the liver and gall bladder, and a bitter taste in the mouth. This occurs due to more active bile secretion. Undesirable symptoms usually go away on their own; there is no need to interrupt treatment.


Very often, patients self-medicate, believing that choleretic drugs, including Cyclalone, are completely safe. However, they are wrong. For some diseases that you need to be aware of, this remedy cannot be used.

Such ailments include:

  • blockage of the bile ducts (obstruction);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract - stomach, duodenum;
  • obstructive jaundice - a dysfunction of the liver, in which there is difficulty in the release of direct bilirubin into the gallbladder and the flow of bile into the intestinal tract;
  • pancreatitis - acute, chronic with exacerbation.

Tsikvalon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the first trimester, choleretic drugs are not prescribed, as they can lead to miscarriage due to increased uterine tone.

At later stages of pregnancy, in most women ( approximately 75–80% ), the outflow of bile is disrupted. The reason for this is compression of the extrahepatic bile ducts by the uterus and changes in the properties of bile, which becomes more viscous.

This negatively affects the health of mother and child. The appointment of Tsikvalon helps correct this condition. But pregnant women are allowed to use it only on the recommendation of a doctor, when the benefits of taking the drug for the mother’s health outweigh the risk to the unborn child.

Indications for the use of Tsikvalon during pregnancy are:

  • gestosis (toxicosis) in the second half of pregnancy;
  • throbbing pain in the hypochondrium on the right, which radiates to the lower jaw and arm on the same side;
  • stool disorders - constipation;
  • general indications discussed above.

If Tsikvalon is prescribed during breastfeeding , the child is transferred to artificial formula for the duration of treatment. You can start feeding no earlier than 24 hours after stopping the medication. The child's body reacts to choleretic drugs taken by the mother and obtained through her milk with colic, weight loss, diarrhea, and skin rashes.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Cyclalone should not be taken in the 1st trimester of pregnancy due to the high risk of miscarriage. In the last months of pregnancy, the drug may be prescribed to normalize the functioning of the gallbladder. In addition, the medication is prescribed for constipation, gestosis, pain localized in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the right arm or jaw.

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If there is a need to use Tsikvalon during breastfeeding, the baby is transferred to artificial formula. It is allowed to resume lactation one day after taking the last dose of the medicine.

Release form, composition

Cyclalon is produced in the form of coated tablets with a slight vanilla odor, each package contains 20 pieces. Active substance - 2,6-divanilal-cyclohexanone or 2,6-bis-(3-methoxy-4-oxybenzylidene)-cyclohexanone - 0.1 g.

Mode of application

The tablets are taken orally (inside). The following regimen and doses are recommended:

  • the first two days of therapy – 0.3 g (3 tablets);
  • other days - one tablet three to four times.

All choleretic medications are taken before meals , washed down with the required amount of water (usually a quarter glass). If you do not take food after taking the pill, you may experience undesirable effects - general malaise, nausea, diarrhea.

The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. The recommended course is 3–4 weeks . If the doctor considers that this is not enough, the course is repeated with a break of one month. Treatment continues as long as the disease persists.

For bacterial exacerbation of cholecystitis, Tsikvalon is used with antimicrobial drugs.

Interaction with other drugs

Cyclalon can be used with antibiotics.


The tablets must be taken orally according to a specific schedule. In the first 48 hours of treatment, drink 3 pills. In the following days, take one tablet 3-4 times a day.

The medicine is taken before meals with ¼ glass of water. Eating food after taking the pills should be mandatory. Otherwise, diarrhea, weakness and nausea may occur.

The average duration of therapy is up to 4 weeks. If necessary, the doctor can extend treatment after a thirty-day break. Up to 4 treatment courses are carried out per year.

Cyclalon - instructions for children under 7 years of age: 1 tablet once a day.

For bacterial cholecystitis, Tsikvalon is introduced into complex treatment along with antibiotics.

Side effects

The medicine has a gentle effect on the body; the drug is well tolerated by most patients. However, some patients after taking Cyclalon at the very beginning of the therapeutic course may experience heaviness, pressure in the gallbladder and liver, and bitterness in the mouth. The reason for this is the increased activity of bile secretion.

Unpleasant symptoms usually disappear on their own.

There have been no cases of drug overdose. Presumably, the use of the drug in large dosages can cause a number of the following symptoms:

  • swelling,
  • redness of the skin,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • convulsions,
  • stomach ache,
  • stool disorders,
  • vertigo.

If such symptoms appear, you should interrupt the therapeutic course and consult a doctor.

Cyclalone has good compatibility with most drugs. In addition, the pills are allowed to be used together with antibacterial drugs.

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