Piracetam (injections, capsules, tablets): instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues, radar, recipe

Price and release forms

The nootropic comes in several forms.

Approximate cost:

  • tablets 200 mg (60 pcs) – 35 rubles;

  • tablets 400 mg (60 pcs) – 70 rubles;

  • 800 mg tablets (30 pcs) – 85 rubles;

  • capsules 400 mg (20 pcs) – 100 rubles;

  • ampoules 5 ml (10 pcs) – 60 rubles.

Regardless of the release form, you can buy the drug only with a prescription from a neurologist.

Recipe in Latin

The sale of the drug is carried out strictly upon presentation of a prescription in Latin from a doctor.

When purchasing tablets, you must present a prescription in the following form:

Rp.: Tab. Pyracetami 0.2 N. 60

DS 2 tablets 3 times a day.

When purchasing ampoules, the prescription form is as follows:

Rp.: Sol. Pyracetami 20% 5 ml

DtdN 6 in ampull

  1. Administer intravenously (or intramuscularly) no more than 20 ml per day.

The prescription must be stamped and signed by the doctor.

Indications for use

Why is a nootropic prescribed (use in complex and monotherapy):

  • for viral infections of the central nervous system;
  • for sickle cell disorders;
  • for dementia in case of detection of Alzheimer's disease;
  • for vascular dementia;
  • for dementia of an unspecified nature;
  • with organic amnestic syndrome;

  • for mild cognitive impairment;
  • with postencephalitis syndrome;
  • for personality disorders associated with brain damage/disorders;
  • with alcohol addiction;
  • for drug addiction;
  • with an inorganic form of psychosis;
  • for depression;
  • with neurasthenia;
  • in an emotionally unstable state;
  • for disorders of speech and development, activity and attention (prescribed to children);
  • for epileptic seizures;
  • with cerebral palsy;
  • with cerebrovascular syndromes occurring against the background of cerebrovascular disease;
  • with intracerebral hemorrhages;
  • with cerebral form of atherosclerosis;
  • for dizziness, headaches.

Also prescribed for severe drug and alcohol intoxication.

What does Piracetam help with?

How to use piracetam for the purpose of “biohacking” and maintaining good health in general? At this time, more research is still needed to confirm the safety and effectiveness of this substance. However, based on existing data, the following areas of application of piracetam can be assumed:

  • Increasing the fluidity of cell membranes, necessary for proper functioning, viability, growth and division of cells
  • Prevention of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia
  • Preventing Memory Loss
  • Reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Help in controlling epilepsy, including its type, cortical myoclonus
  • Improving recovery from stroke and traumatic brain injury

  • Prevents vasospasm (narrowing of blood vessels) and improves blood circulation
  • Prevention of blood clots and deep vein thrombosis, in part by reducing the adhesion of red blood cells to the vascular endothelium (cells inside blood vessels)
  • Help with systemic vertigo
  • Support for rehabilitation after alcohol and drug (including heroin) addiction
  • Help with dyslexia
  • Monitoring the condition of sickle cell anemia

Treatment of tardive dyskinesia - complications after long-term use of antipsychotics associated with recurrent involuntary movements

Instructions for use

How to take Piracetam is determined by the doctor individually, according to the patient’s diagnosis.

General recommendations:

  1. Dosage of capsules . Take on an empty stomach or with food. The last capsule taken per day should be drunk no later than 17:00. At the initial stage of treatment, the maximum dosage is prescribed, 800 mg three times a day. After the patient's condition improves, the dose is reduced to 400 mg. The duration of therapy is from 2 weeks to 3 months, depending on the patient’s diagnosis and the severity of his disease.
  2. Dosage of solution . Administered intravenously or intramuscularly (at the discretion of the doctor). The initial dose is up to 12 grams per day, such therapy should last at least 2 weeks. Then the dosage is reduced to 4.8 g per day.
  3. Dosage of tablets . The tablets must be taken on an empty stomach or with meals. The recommended dose is from 2.8 grams per day, divided into several doses. Therapy can last from 2 weeks to 4 months.

For the treatment of children, the administration of tablets and capsules in a minimum dosage is allowed.

You should refrain from using the solution for injection.

If necessary, the treatment course with Piracetam can be repeated. Before taking the nootropic again, a break of at least 2 weeks is required.

How to give intramuscular injections?

Parenteral administration of piracetam is prescribed when it is impossible to use oral forms of the drug (unconsciousness, difficulty swallowing). Intravenous administration is preferred. Intravenous infusion of the daily dose is performed through a catheter at a constant rate for 24 hours a day (for example, in the initial stage of treatment of severe myoclonus). The drug is first diluted in one of the compatible infusion solutions:

  • Dextrose 5%, 10% or 20%;
  • Fructose 5%, 10%, 20%;
  • Sodium chloride 0.9%;
  • Dextran 40 10% (in sodium chloride solution 0.9%);
  • Ringer's solution;
  • Mannitol solution 20%.

The total volume of solution intended for administration is determined taking into account the clinical indications and the patient's condition. Bolus intravenous administration (for example, emergency treatment of a crisis in sickle cell anemia) is carried out for at least 2 minutes, the daily dose is distributed over several injections (2-4) at regular intervals so that the dose per injection does not exceed 3 g The drug is administered intramuscularly if administration through a vein is difficult or the patient is overexcited.

The volume of solution administered intramuscularly cannot exceed 5 ml. The frequency of administration of the drug is similar to that for intravenous or oral administration. When the opportunity arises, switch to oral administration of the drug (see instructions for medical use of the corresponding forms of release of the drug). The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the disease and taking into account the dynamics of symptoms.

Side effects

During Piracetam therapy, the patient may experience:

  • allergic reaction;
  • nervousness, anxiety;
  • aggression;
  • hallucinations;
  • confusion of thinking;
  • unsteadiness of gait, loss of balance;
  • seizures;
  • depression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • digestive tract disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatitis (more often observed when using Piracetam in ampoules).

Many patients (mostly males) noted a sharp increase in libido when taking Piracetam.

Piracetam during pregnancy

At the moment, there is not enough data on the effect of piracetam on the body of pregnant women.

Animal studies have not revealed any significant negative effects of the substance on fetal development, pregnancy and childbirth.

However, experts strongly do not recommend prescribing this nootropic, preferring to replace it with lighter medications.

The use of the drug is permissible only in emergency cases, when the woman’s health and life are at risk, and replacement therapy does not have the desired therapeutic effect.

How long can you take it without a break?

Due to the effect of piracetam on platelet aggregation, the drug should be prescribed with caution to patients with impaired hemostasis, during major surgical operations or patients with symptoms of severe bleeding, as well as patients using anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, including low doses of aspirin. With caution in severe diseases of the cardiovascular system with severe arterial hypotension, impaired liver and kidney function. In patients receiving antiepileptic drugs, piracetam should be used against the background of ongoing primary therapy with antiepileptic drugs, since the seizure threshold may be lowered in predisposed patients.

The duration of treatment is regulated only by the doctor.

If sleep disturbance occurs, it is recommended to cancel the evening dose and add this dose to the daytime dose. In hyperthyroidism, the use of piracetam requires special caution due to the risk of central effects (tremor, restlessness, sleep disturbance, confusion). When treating cortical myoclonus, abrupt interruption of treatment should be avoided, which may cause resumption of attacks. During long-term therapy in elderly patients, regular monitoring of renal function parameters is recommended; if necessary, dose adjustment is carried out depending on the results of a creatinine clearance study.


Prescribing the drug is prohibited for:

  • individual intolerance to piracetam;
  • Huntington's disease (a severe genetic disease of the nervous system);
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • intense psychomotor agitation;
  • renal failure;
  • liver pathologies.

Despite the fact that the instructions for the drug indicate permission for the use of the drug for children from one year of age, experts do not recommend prescribing it before reaching the age of three .

Which is better: Nootropil or Piracetam?

It is quite difficult to talk about the differences between the drugs being compared, since they are completely identical in their main active ingredient. Piracetam is a generic drug and is a domestic analogue of the original with the name Nootropil. In its structure, the main component is close to the neurotransmitter of the central nervous system - GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). The only difference is in the mass of the active substance and the amount of additional auxiliary components (beeswax, starch, sucrose, talc) in one tablet or capsule. Hence the conclusion that the effect on the body is fundamentally identical. Both drugs have a direct effect on the brain and stimulate its activity, both in sick people and healthy people. Both drugs are available without a doctor's prescription, but you must also remember about the existing contraindications, in this case these are:

  • renal failure;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • age up to one year;
  • individual hypersensitivity

The main obvious difference between Nootropil and Piracetam is the price, which gives a definite advantage to the second. On the domestic market, the cost of the generic is approximately ten times lower, which is fully justified by the peculiarities of production, while both medicines are in a price category accessible to the population. However, differences in the dosage of piracetam (the main active ingredient in both drugs) should also be taken into account. A Nootropil tablet contains 800 mg or 1200 mg, while the domestic drug Piracetam has a lower dosage, 200 mg or 400 mg, respectively, which means that the daily norm of the second will be higher (in terms of the number of tablets).

Piracetam and alcohol: compatibility

The nootropic is actively used in the treatment of alcohol addiction, and also allows you to quickly cope with a hangover.

In addition, it helps eliminate headaches, dizziness, hypertension, and relieves the body of severe intoxication (symptoms that are constant companions of a hangover).

However, like any drug, it is prohibited to take it simultaneously with alcoholic beverages.

In this case, there is a high risk of severe intoxication of the body, poisoning, increased adverse reactions of Piracetam, coma, and death.

It is considered safe to take/administer the drug no earlier than 12 hours after drinking alcohol.

Which Piracetam is better to choose?

When analyzing the characteristics of Piracetam synonyms, identifying obvious pros and cons for specific situations or for different approaches, it is worth highlighting the following drugs:

  1. Cinnarizine
    . Possible combination with Piracetam. Everything will depend on the situation, the specific state of affairs. For chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, hypertension, cognitive deficit, acute cerebral ischemia, dizziness, staggering when walking, a complex of these drugs is recommended. The combined complex of these medications is characterized by a pronounced antihypoxic effect, accompanied by vasodilating and nootropic reactions of the body.

  2. Vinpocetine
    . In modern pharmacy, a combined complex of these medications (together with Piracetam) is recommended for diseases of the central nervous system, when the intellectual activity of the brain is reduced, insufficient blood circulation to the head is observed, and patients undergo rehabilitation after strokes. The Vinpocetine+Piracetam complex is recommended after head injuries in Meniere's syndrome, for the effective prevention of akinetosis, and in cases of migraine. Mexidol.

  3. Pantogam
    . Being a nootropic medicine, it at the same time has a different effect on the human body than Piracetam. Like Phenibut, it can effectively reduce brain tension, reducing anxiety, and promoting healthy sleep. Pantogam is characterized by an anticonvulsant effect, reducing excitability, while streamlining behavior, normalizing the psyche and motor skills of movements.

Reviews from people after use

Reviews from patients who took the drug in monotherapy and complex treatment:

Galina, 38 years old, Nizhnevartovsk:

I had problems sleeping for a long time; sometimes I was able to fall asleep only in the morning. All day I was in a broken state, apathy, I really wanted to sleep. I consulted a doctor who prescribed me Piracetam tablets. I took one piece 20 minutes before going to bed. I began to fall asleep quite quickly, my sleep was sound and calm. In the morning I felt cheerful and rested. A good drug that got rid of my problem without any side effects.

Antonina, 47 years old, Saratov:

I have been familiar with Piracetam for a long time, I periodically give injections, it relieves vascular spasms and headaches well. Perhaps the only drawback is that the injections are very painful; swelling and bruising remain at the injection site.

Kristina, 24 years old, Moscow:

I had a difficult pregnancy; doctors discovered a lack of oxygen supply to my baby. This was around 32 weeks. I was prescribed Piracetam intramuscularly. After giving birth, I read on the Internet that it is undesirable to use this drug during pregnancy. However, everything worked out, the medicine did not have any negative impact on the health of my child or on the birth. The baby is already 2 years old, his development is fully consistent with his age.

In general, reviews of Piracetam are positive. Neurologists also speak well of him. However, it is important to remember that the body’s reaction to the drug is strictly individual. Therefore, therapy should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

Picamilon or Piracetam: which is better?

In addition to organic and functional disorders due to diseases, injuries and unhealthy lifestyles, there are many natural factors that negatively affect brain function. Stress, poor sleep, genetics and aging also create a need for drugs that help the brain cope with impaired metabolic capabilities. Among the many nootropic drugs, two similar drugs Piracetam and Picamilon have been available on the domestic pharmacological market for many years. If Piracetam and Picamilon are compared in terms of the general nature of their action, then both have a similar nootropic effect.

In case of poor tolerability or severe side effects of one of the drugs, the doctor may suggest replacing Picamilon with piracetam or vice versa.

However, piracetam in therapeutic doses has a stimulating effect and is best not taken before bedtime. Picamilon, on the contrary, has a milder tranquilizing effect. Both drugs are produced by Russian pharmaceutical companies. The cost is comparable and relatively low (up to 100 rubles per package). Piracetam will cost about 1.5-2 times less. Both drugs presented belong to the same group - nootropics. Both are monopreparations, that is, they contain only one active ingredient.


The best analogues of Piracetam are Nootropil and Lucetam. Brief description of generics:

  1. Nootropil . Belgian analogue based on piracetam. Available in the form of capsules, tablets, oral solution, and injection solution.

What Nootropil helps with:

  • from psychoorganic syndrome (including in elderly patients);
  • from the consequences of an ischemic stroke;
  • from withdrawal symptoms due to alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • for dizziness, migraine;
  • from myoclonus of cortical form;
  • from sickle cell anemia.

It is also used for developmental delays in children, low learning ability associated with psychoorganic syndrome.

Average cost in Russia:

  • 20 tablets of 1200 mg – 260 rubles;
  • 30 tablets of 800 mg – 280 rubles;
  • 125 ml bottle with oral solution – 320 rubles;
  • ampoules 12 pcs., 5 ml each – 330 rubles.

If you compare Nootropil or Piracetam, which is better, it is quite difficult to draw an unambiguous conclusion. Both drugs have identical composition and similar effects on the body. Many believe that Belgian-made drugs are of higher quality. But experts say that there are no significant differences between analogues. But it is important to note that Piracetam has a wider range of applications.

The most noticeable difference is in cost. Nootropil costs several times more than Piracetam.

  1. Lucetam . Hungarian analogue based on the substance piracetam. Sold in the form of tablets and solution for injection.

Prescribed in therapy:

  • psychoorganic syndrome;
  • ischemic stroke and its consequences;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • dizziness, migraine;
  • myoclonus.

It is used in complex treatment for brain intoxication and head injuries, as well as for delayed development in children and low learning ability.

The price for 20 tablets of 1200 mg is about 100 rubles, for 10 ampoules of 5 ml – 225 rubles.

Like the original, analogues are sold strictly with a prescription from a neurologist.

Piracetam is a high-quality Russian psychostimulant, nootropic drug with a wide range of applications.

The main advantages of the drug include not only high efficiency, but also the possibility of use in the treatment of children.

Can be used with caution and in case of urgent need in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. It is prohibited for free sale; a prescription in Latin is required to purchase the drug.

What are they taken from?

Piracetam injections, tablets or capsules - this choice is made by the attending physician, looking at the indications. It also determines the duration of therapy with a nootropic drug. Piracetam is widely used in the treatment of:

  • neurological diseases;
  • a number of mental disorders;
  • drug treatment patients;
  • pediatric pathology.

Most often, Piracetam is prescribed as part of a complex treatment of diseases. Recommendations for the use of a nootropic drug are given by a specialist who monitors the patient. The doctor selects an individual treatment regimen, which is based on the diagnosis, the severity of clinical symptoms and the presence of contraindications to taking the drug. Prescription of Piracetam is effective for neurological pathologies accompanied by vascular disorders against the background of chronic vascular insufficiency with the appearance of neurological symptoms:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis.

Nootropic is indicated in psychiatry:

  • depression with symptoms of nervous system inhibition;
  • epilepsy;
  • comprehensive treatment of depressive conditions and mental disorders;
  • preventive measures to prevent complications when using psychotropics or antipsychotics;
  • schizophrenia accompanied by apathy.

Attention! Self-medication is strictly prohibited! This can lead to the development of a number of side effects or complications of the underlying disease.

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