The drug "Malavit": expiration date, composition, analogues, instructions and reviews

What is the shelf life of Malavita and how to dilute it correctly? If the nasal mucosa is inflamed, it is necessary to start therapy in a timely manner. It is important to visit your doctor before choosing a medication. With the help of "Malavit" you can restore the full functioning of the respiratory organ in the shortest possible time. Thanks to the healing composition of the drug, the symptoms of acute rhinitis are effectively eliminated, and the patient’s well-being improves already on the first day of use. "Malavit" is a homeopathic medicine that rarely causes side effects.

About the drug

The shelf life of "Malavita" is 2 years. The drug is prescribed for:

  • acute form of rhinitis;
  • inflammatory process of the paranasal sinuses;
  • respiratory tract diseases.

This medication contains mineral components that are mined in Altai. The emerald-colored mineral is the main active component of the medicinal product. Stone oil is a substance that is included in the described healing remedy. Thanks to the healing composition of Malavita, you can quickly overcome an acute respiratory infection.

Malavit: release form and composition

The hygienic natural elixir is available in 30 or 50 ml bottles. They are made of dark glass and equipped with a special dropper, which simplifies the process of using the product.

Malavit solution contains more than 100 different components. The balanced formula guarantees high effectiveness of treatment, which is confirmed by testing and in practice. The malavit solution, the instructions confirm this, does not contain ethyl alcohol. It contains no dyes or preservatives.

In the production of the product, purified ionized water is used, which is an information matrix. Other important components in the composition:

  • Copper ions provide wound healing effects. They relieve inflammation and have antimicrobial properties.
  • Lactic acid. The organic product accelerates recovery processes and promotes skin cell renewal.
  • Gum, which is a special additive that has protective properties and can reduce pain.
  • Siberian cedar resin, whose common name is “resin”. A characteristic feature of the substance is its biological activity, which guarantees an enhanced therapeutic effect.
  • Pine and birch buds, which contain beneficial essential oils and tannins. They enhance the antimicrobial effect, which promotes wound healing.
  • Oak bark, characterized by astringent and analgesic effects.
  • Birch chaga mushroom, which has antiseptic properties and the ability to strengthen local immunity.
  • Shilajit, which promotes tissue regeneration.
  • Extracts of various medicinal plants.

Therapy for children

During the treatment of the baby, the product is allowed to be used, but only in diluted form. Only the pediatrician should prescribe the medicine, since self-medication can only aggravate the course of the underlying illness. If the medicine is not diluted with water, a burn to the mucous membrane may occur.

Despite the fact that there are no contraindications to the use of the drug, it is still better to consult a doctor before starting treatment. If the expiration date of Malavit has expired, then it is prohibited to use the medicine. Store Malavit out of the reach of children - at a temperature of 4-19 degrees Celsius. After opening the medicine, the shelf life is 5 weeks.

Best before date

Malavit is available in 2 forms:

  • The shelf life solution for external use, provided the original packaging is intact, is 2 years. The diluted product can be stored for no more than a day.
  • The shelf life of gel-cream , sealed, is 2 years, after opening - no more than 6 months.

The release date and expiration date are indicated on the packaging.

If the temperature regime is violated, the product loses its medicinal properties, as a result of which the shelf life is reduced to 14 days.

If stored correctly, Malavit can be used 5-10 days before the expiration date.

After the expiration date, the gel changes its structure, becomes more viscous and an unpleasant odor appears. The solution begins to dissolve.

Signs of an expired or defective product:

  • The integrity of the packaging, bottle or tube has been damaged.
  • No shelf life on packaging.
  • There are signs of evaporation on the bottle.
  • Non-compliance with the type stated in the instructions for use.
  • Presence of sediment.
  • Different serial number on the packaging and in the instructions.

After the expiration date, the drug Malawi in any form cannot be used, as it loses its medicinal properties and can cause an allergic reaction.

The darkened bottle of the solution and the tight packaging of the gel cream protect Malavit from evaporation and disintegration of the active substances, this helps the anti-inflammatory product to be stored for quite a long time. Perhydrol is stored in transparent packaging, which significantly reduces shelf life.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for inflammation of the nasal mucosa. To eliminate the inflammatory process, the product must be diluted with saline and only then dripped into the nasal passages. Prescribe medication for:

  • acute rhinitis;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • viral or bacterial inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • acute sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • acne;
  • neuralgia;
  • burns;
  • furunculosis;
  • sinusitis.

Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction. It is imperative to check whether Malavita has expired.

In what form should the drug be used?

How to dilute Malavit for nasal rinsing? This information should be clarified with your doctor. The specialist determines the required dosage depending on:

  • individual and physiological characteristics of the patient’s body;
  • the presence of other pathologies;
  • strength of manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

How to use Malavit? In frequent cases, specialists prescribe a few drops of the drug per 90 ml of sodium chloride or purified water. Before treating rhinitis, you need to dilute the drug with sodium chloride. For acute sinusitis, dilute this remedy in a ratio of 1 to 10.

Storage rules in pharmacies and clinics

Based on the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation N 706n “On approval of the Rules for the storage of medicinal products,” Malavit is stored in special refrigerators at a temperature of +5...+25 °C. Humidity should not exceed 70%.

Large quantities of low-quality goods, according to SanPinN, are destroyed at manufacturing plants. Small batches are destroyed at the pharmacy. The solution is mixed with water and poured out. The gel cream is subjected to heat treatment and disposed of in special chambers.

Transportation of the drug Ibuprofen is carried out in special plastic or metal boxes, where the necessary storage conditions are maintained. According to Federal Law N61 “On the Circulation of Medicines” dated April 12, 2010, forwarders must have an agreement and a license for the transportation of medicines.

Pharmacists are solely responsible for the correct storage of medications. Unliquid goods are written off and destroyed. In case of deliberate prescription or sale of low-quality medicines, clinic and pharmacy workers may face criminal penalties.

Treatment of a runny nose

With the help of "Malavit" you can get rid of rhinitis. You must first dilute the medication with purified water - in equal proportions. Then lubricate the nasal passages. You can use a cotton swab for this. In the acute form of the disease, you need to dilute the drug with clean water (in a ratio of one to two) and bury it in the nostrils. Before carrying out therapy, you need to consult a doctor. If side effects occur after rinsing the nose, the doctor will prescribe an analogue of Malavit.

Nasal rinsing

To eliminate acute symptoms of sinusitis, you need to rinse your nose with Malavit. To do this, you need to take sodium chloride (100 ml) or clean warm water (100 ml) into a glass. Add 5 drops of the drug to the water. Carry out rinsing. During the procedure, you can use a 20-gauge syringe. You need to draw a healing agent into it, remove the needle and apply it to the edge of the nostril. The drug must be administered without active movement. During the procedure, it is important to monitor the patient’s well-being. If this procedure is carried out correctly, then after sanitation the patient will feel better and pain in the nasal area will be eliminated. Depending on the strength of the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, the doctor determines the dosage. In frequent cases, experts recommend lubricating the nostrils several times a day. This drug can also be used to prevent respiratory diseases. The child's body is very vulnerable, so the therapy process should be supervised by a pediatrician.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is intended for external and local use. Using a cotton swab, the solution is applied to the skin, and to enhance the effect, cover the treated area with a polyethylene film, fixing it with a bandage on top. The exposure time of the compress is from 20 to 180 minutes. In subacute processes, it is recommended to warm the affected area before applying the solution.

Malavit concentrate is diluted with water or, as prescribed by a doctor, used undiluted. The solution is applied to the skin at the site of projection of the inflammation process. The duration of treatment and dose are determined by the doctor.

In otolaryngology, the nasal passages are washed with Malavit solution, used as nasal drops (3-5 times a day) and for gargling. To prepare the solution, add 5-10 drops of concentrate to 100 ml of water. For children under 5 years of age, the dose for instillation into the nose is 1 drop for each year of life.

In dental practice, the drug solution is used for irrigation and rinsing of the oral cavity. To obtain a solution, add 5-10 drops of concentrate to one glass of water.

For catarrhal otitis, Malavit is diluted in the proportion of 5 drops of concentrate per 5 ml of water. The tampon is moistened in the resulting solution and inserted into the ear canal 4 to 6 times a day.

In obstetric and gynecological practice, the prepared solution (10 ml of concentrate per 200 ml of water) is used for douching, vaginal phonophoresis, genital toilet and wetting tampons, which are inserted for 2-5 hours. Treatment duration is 5-10 procedures.

For damage to the skin (wounds, burns, bedsores, frostbite) and closed injuries of the musculoskeletal system, bandages with undiluted Malavit concentrate are prescribed, which are applied for 2-3 hours, 1 to 3 times a day. For fractures, 10-20 ml of the drug is recommended to be administered directly under a splint or plaster 1-2 times a day for 3 days. After removing the plaster, you can use Malavit cream gel.

For herpes, acne and insect bites, the drug is used undiluted. Areas affected by herpes or acne are wiped with the concentrate up to 5 times a day, and a cotton pad pre-moistened with the drug is applied to the bite site (for 10 minutes).

For excessive sweating, Malavit is used as a deodorizing agent. To do this, 10 ml of concentrate with sea salt is diluted in 5 liters of water, after which it is used in the form of baths for sweating of the feet and palms. The armpits are wiped with undiluted concentrate.

Water procedures with the drug Malavit have a positive effect on hair and skin. To do this, 10 ml of concentrate is added to the bath (200 l). In addition, this eliminates the negative effects of chlorine.

Note to patients

Before carrying out therapy for the inflammatory process with Malavit, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since self-medication can provoke the development of health problems. Quite often, patients experience an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. After numerous studies, scientists concluded that the medicine helps to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of rhinitis. The medication is recommended for the prevention of many diseases and moisturizing the mucous membrane. If you use the product correctly, you can quickly eliminate the harmful effects of harmful microflora, eliminate swelling and reduce pain.

Before carrying out treatment, you need to read the instructions or consult a medical professional. If the medicine is diluted incorrectly, you can get a burn to the nasal mucosa. To prevent this from happening, it is important to approach the therapy process responsibly.


If the original drug is intolerant, treatment is stopped. Currently, there are no drugs with such multifunctional action available. In various fields of medicine, antimicrobial agents are used aimed at suppressing pathogenic microorganisms of various groups - antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal. If replacement is necessary, the following are prescribed: Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt, Orasept, as well as antiseptics for the throat and mouth, rinses and other products.

Consumer Reviews

Reviews on the use of Malavit confirm the fact that the drug rarely causes side effects. An allergic reaction and other health problems after using medications can only occur if the drug product is used incorrectly. According to consumers, it is important to consult a doctor, since each organism is individual - depending on the identified disease, the treating doctor will prescribe the dosage and determine the method of use of the medicinal product. Many patients believe that Malavit is a multifunctional remedy that prevents many diseases.


Reviews about malavit gel are mixed. However, we are not talking about a medicine, so you can’t expect any dramatic improvements in the patients’ condition. According to statistics, the medication provides a “selective” effect - for some patients it really helps to cope with painful symptoms, but for others it turns out to be completely useless.

Masha, 36 years old, Stavropol

They bought Malavit cream for joints for my father, because over the years they bother him more and more. We gave preference to this product because we fell for the naturalness of its components. In fact, there is no improvement in the condition. The pain in the joints did not go away. As a result, we had to go to the doctor, we were prescribed a real ointment, the effectiveness of which is also premature to judge.

Alina, 24 years old, Pyatigorsk

I used the gel cream when my son came running after football with 2 large abrasions. They smeared it in the evening and in the morning. The wounds themselves were wrapped in a bandage so that the gel would not “wipe off” on clothing. The pain went away on the 2nd day, treatment was completed by the beginning of the 5th day. In principle, a good product, but the price is somewhat overpriced.

Malavit cream-gel (review) from 120 rub.


  • Efficiency
  • Price
  • Safety
  • Availability


  • Price
  • Can be used to treat mucous membranes and skin
  • Natural composition
  • Efficiency
  • Wide range of applications


  • Sticky

Let's sum it up

You can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of rhinitis with the help of the effective drug “Malavita”. The shelf life of the medicine is 2 years. The dosage and method of use of the medication should be determined strictly by the doctor, depending on the individual and physiological characteristics of the patient’s body. The doctor takes into account the severity of the pathology, the presence of other diseases and the patient’s age. Self-medication can be harmful and cause side effects.

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