Clenil double suspension for ing 800mcg/2ml 200doses 2ml N20 with jet system

pharmachologic effect

Clenil UDV has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators, increases the production of lipomodulin - an inhibitor of phospholipase A, reduces the release of arachidonic acid, and inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins. Prevents the marginal accumulation of neutrophils, reducing the formation of inflammatory exudate and the production of lymphokines, inhibits the migration of macrophages, which leads to a slowdown in the processes of infiltration and granulation.

Increases the number of active α-adrenergic receptors, neutralizes their desensitization, restores the patient's response to bronchodilators, allowing the frequency of their use to be reduced.

Under the influence of beclomethasone, the number of mast cells in the bronchial mucosa decreases, the swelling of the epithelium and the secretion of mucus by the bronchial glands decreases. Causes relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles, reduces their hyperreactivity and improves external respiration function. Does not have mineralocorticoid activity. In therapeutic doses it does not cause side effects characteristic of systemic corticosteroids. When used intranasally, it eliminates swelling and hyperemia of the nasal mucosa. The therapeutic effect usually develops after 5-7 days of course use of beclomethasone. When applied externally and locally, it has antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Buy Clenil UDV suspension for inhalation ampoules 800mcg/2ml No. 20 in pharmacies

Clenil UDV Buy Clenil UDV in pharmacies Clenil UDV in the drug directory DOSAGE FORMS suspension for inhalation 400 µg/ml

MANUFACTURERS Chiesi Pharmaceuticals S.p.A. (Italy)

GROUP Drugs with glucocorticosteroid activity

COMPOSITION Active ingredient: Beclomethasone.


SYNONYMS Aldecin, Beklazon Eco, Beklazon Eco Easy Breathing, Beklat, Beklodzhet 250, Beklokort, Beklomet, Beklometasone Orion Pharma, Beklospir, Bekloforte, Bekotid, Klenil, Nasobek, Rinoklenil

PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION Anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-edematous, anti-asthmatic. It has pronounced glucocorticoid and weak mineralocorticoid activity. When administered endobronchially, it inhibits the migration and activation of cells involved in the allergic inflammatory process, compacts the basement membrane of the epithelium, reduces the secretion of mucus by goblet cells, reduces the number of mast cells in the bronchial mucosa, relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, and restores its sensitivity to adrenomimetics. Systemic absorption is possible with any form of administration (endobronchial, intranasal, oral inhalation). The therapeutic effect develops within 4-5 days from the start of treatment and reaches a maximum within several weeks. Excreted in feces and urine.

INDICATIONS FOR USE Bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, vasomotor rhinitis, recurrent nasal polyposis, allergic rhinitis (seasonal and permanent), juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, dysphonia in systemic lupus erythematosus, persistent inflammation of the middle ear in children, bronchopulmonary dysplasia of newborns .

CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypersensitivity, first trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding. Restrictions on use. Systemic infections, tuberculosis, herpetic eye lesions, II and III trimester of pregnancy.

SIDE EFFECTS Hoarseness, sore throat, bronchospastic reactions, sneezing attacks, rhinorrhea, feeling of dryness and irritation in the nose, nosebleeds, atrophic rhinitis, ulceration of the nasal mucosa, perforation of the nasal septum, headaches, dizziness, cataracts, increased intraocular pressure , leukocytosis (including neutrophilic), lymphopenia, eosinopenia, manifestations of hypercortisolism, incl. Cushing's syndrome (when using high doses), oropharyngeal candidiasis and aspergillosis, nasal candidiasis, eosinophilic pneumonia, urticaria, angioedema.

INTERACTION Increases the effect of beta-agonists, which enhance the anti-inflammatory properties of beclomethasone (increase its penetration into the distal bronchi).

METHOD OF APPLICATION AND DOSAGE For inhalation administration, the average dose for adults is 400 mcg/day, frequency of use is 2-4 times a day. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 1 g/day. For children, a single dose is 50-100 mcg/day, frequency of use is 2-4 times a day. When administered intranasally, the dose is 400 mcg/day, the frequency of use is 1-4 times/day. For external and local use, the dose depends on the indications and the dosage form of the drug used.

OVERDOSE Symptoms: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal insufficiency. A temporary transfer to systemic glucocorticoids and ACTH are indicated.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Cannot be used to relieve an acute asthmatic attack. If an acute asthma attack develops in response to the use of beclomethasone, it should be discontinued immediately. If there are signs of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal insufficiency, inhalations should be continued, but be sure to monitor the level of basal cortisol in the blood plasma. The same monitoring is needed when using high doses of beclomethasone. The transfer of patients with bronchial asthma from systemic glucocorticoids to inhaled forms of beclomethasone dipropionate must be carried out gradually: immediate withdrawal or too rapid dose reduction is unacceptable.

STORAGE CONDITIONS List B. In a place protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature below 30 °C. Do not freeze.

Indications for use

For inhalation use: treatment of bronchial asthma (including those with insufficient effectiveness of bronchodilators and/or sodium cromoglycate, as well as severe hormone-dependent bronchial asthma in adults and children).

For intranasal use: prevention and treatment of year-round and seasonal allergic rhinitis, including hay fever rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis.

For external and local use: in combination with antimicrobial agents - infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and ear.

special instructions

Beclomethasone is not intended for the relief of acute asthmatic attacks. It should also not be used for severe asthma attacks requiring intensive care. The recommended route of administration for the dosage form used should be strictly followed.

Beclomethasone should be used with extreme caution and under close medical supervision in patients with adrenal insufficiency.

The transfer of patients who constantly take GCS orally to inhaled forms can be done only if their condition is stable.

If there is a possibility of developing paradoxical bronchospasm, bronchodilators (for example, salbutamol) are inhaled 10-15 minutes before the administration of beclomethasone.

With the development of candidiasis of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, local antifungal therapy is indicated without stopping treatment with beclomethasone. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, if appropriate therapy is prescribed, are not a contraindication for treatment with beclomethasone.

Preparations for inhalation containing 250 mcg of beclomethasone in 1 dose are not intended for children under 12 years of age.

Clenil UDV 800 mcg/2 ml 2 ml N20 suspension for inhalation

Latin name


Release form

Suspension for inhalation.


The strip contains 5 plastic ampoules of 2 ml each. There are 4 strips in a cardboard package.

pharmachologic effect

Clenil UDV has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators, increases the production of lipomodulin - an inhibitor of phospholipase A, reduces the release of arachidonic acid, and inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins. Prevents the marginal accumulation of neutrophils, reducing the formation of inflammatory exudate and the production of lymphokines, inhibits the migration of macrophages, which leads to a slowdown in the processes of infiltration and granulation.

Increases the number of active α-adrenergic receptors, neutralizes their desensitization, restores the patient's response to bronchodilators, allowing the frequency of their use to be reduced.

Under the influence of beclomethasone, the number of mast cells in the bronchial mucosa decreases, the swelling of the epithelium and the secretion of mucus by the bronchial glands decreases. Causes relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles, reduces their hyperreactivity and improves external respiration function. Does not have mineralocorticoid activity. In therapeutic doses it does not cause side effects characteristic of systemic corticosteroids. When used intranasally, it eliminates swelling and hyperemia of the nasal mucosa. The therapeutic effect usually develops after 5-7 days of course use of beclomethasone. When applied externally and locally, it has antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects.


For inhalation use: treatment of bronchial asthma (including those with insufficient effectiveness of bronchodilators and/or sodium cromoglycate, as well as severe hormone-dependent bronchial asthma in adults and children).

For intranasal use: prevention and treatment of year-round and seasonal allergic rhinitis, including hay fever rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis.

For external and local use: in combination with antimicrobial agents - infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and ear.


- Severe attacks of bronchial asthma requiring intensive care.

- Tuberculosis.

— Candidomycosis of the upper respiratory tract.

— First trimester of pregnancy.

- Hypersensitivity to beclomethasone.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is possible only when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. Infants whose mothers received beclomethasone during pregnancy should be closely monitored for adrenal insufficiency.

If it is necessary to use it during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.

special instructions

Beclomethasone is not intended for the relief of acute asthmatic attacks. It should also not be used for severe asthma attacks requiring intensive care. The recommended route of administration for the dosage form used should be strictly followed.

With extreme caution

and under close medical supervision, beclomethasone should be used in patients with adrenal insufficiency.

The transfer of patients who constantly take GCS orally to inhaled forms can be done only if their condition is stable.

If there is a possibility of developing paradoxical bronchospasm, bronchodilators (for example, salbutamol) are inhaled 10-15 minutes before the administration of beclomethasone.

With the development of candidiasis of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, local antifungal therapy is indicated without stopping treatment with beclomethasone. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, if appropriate therapy is prescribed, are not a contraindication for treatment with beclomethasone.

Preparations for inhalation containing 250 mcg of beclomethasone in 1 dose are not intended for children under 12 years of age.


1 ampoule contains: beclomethasone dipropionate 800 mcg.

Excipients: polysorbate 20, sorbitan laurate, sodium chloride, purified water.

Directions for use and doses

For adults, when administered by inhalation, the average dose is 400 mcg/day, frequency of use is 2-4 times/day. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 1 g/day.

For children, a single dose is 50-100 mcg, frequency of use is 2-4 times a day.

When administered intranasally, the dose is 400 mcg/day, the frequency of use is 1-4 times/day.

For external and local use, the dose depends on the indications and the dosage form of the drug used.

Drug interactions

With simultaneous use of beclomethasone with other corticosteroids for systemic or intranasal use, increased suppression of adrenal cortex function is possible.

Previous inhaled use of beta-agonists may increase the clinical effectiveness of beclomethasone.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 C, in the original packaging to protect from light, away from heating devices, in an upright position.

Best before date

2 years.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

On prescription

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