Theoretical and practical aspects of the use of sulfur preparations in dermatology

What is yeast

If you weigh the yeast and count the cells in them, then in about 1 g of the substance there will be about 20 billion cells. Since the human eye is unable to see a 5-micron cell, these organisms have long remained one of the most mysterious. Until the mid-19th century, humanity knew little at all about them. It was only in 1866 that microbiologist Louis Pasteur, who devoted his entire life to studying the principles of fermentation, became interested in the process of yeast fermentation using the example of beer. And 15 years later, in a laboratory in Copenhagen, Emil Hansen isolated and purified individual strains of yeast. Methods for cultivating yeast fungi using the Hansen method are still used today.


  • What is yeast
  • general characteristics
  • Interesting scientific facts
  • Life cycle of fungi
  • "Good" and "bad" yeast
  • Benefit for health
  • Yeast Benefits
  • Possible harm from yeast
  • Yeast and allergies
  • Yeast extract
  • Yeast in food
  • Cautions
  • How to make your own yeast
  • Homemade yeast cosmetics

Yeast cells are living organisms and require air to reproduce. These cells must eat to obtain energy. And their favorite food is everything sweet: sucrose (cane and beet sugar), fructose and glucose (honey, fruit, maple syrup), maltose (starch).

The size of a yeast cell does not exceed eight thousandths of a millimeter. There are approximately 1,500 species of yeast. There can be thousands of genetically distinct strains within a single species, but perhaps the best known is Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, which is Latin for “sugar,” “fungus,” and “brewing.” More often they are called by more understandable names - brewer's yeast or baker's yeast. Each of these types has certain characteristics, which determine the scope of application of yeast. In brewing, for example, different strains are used to produce different types of drink. But the scope of application of this substance is much wider. Yeast is used in the production of many products, it plays the role of flavoring agents, and has also found application in pharmacology, animal husbandry and other areas.


Level 4 ATX code matches:




Thyroidea Compositum



Gastric collection


Lipoic acid

Rosehip syrup





Synonyms: Brewer's yeast Nagipol , Nagipol 2. For acne , Nagipol 1 , Brewer's yeast Evisent , Brewer's yeast ECO-MON , AMT brewer's yeast , Brewer's yeast Ecco Plus .

Analogues: Angiovit , Beviplex , Multi-Tabs-V-complex , Neuromultivit , Medivitan .

general characteristics

Yeasts are organisms that require food, heat, and moisture to live and reproduce.

As a result of fermentation, they convert sugars and starches into carbon dioxide and alcohol. There are different types of yeast that are beneficial for human health. They can strengthen the immune system and improve digestion, but some cause fungal infections.

The most famous types of yeast:

  • pubs;
  • bakery;
  • pressed (or confectionery);
  • dry;
  • feed

The debate around single-celled fungi is not new. Many are interested in what baking yeast actually is, the benefits or harms of it, some are scared by its composition according to GOST, so more and more often housewives are choosing not domestic, but French yeast. In fact, if you understand what yeast is, how these microorganisms reproduce and how they affect baking, it becomes clear that there is basically nothing to worry about. Whether these substances are beneficial or, conversely, harmful to the body depends on the amount of their consumption, the sensitivity of the body, and the presence of Candida fungus in the body. In small quantities, yeast can improve health by replenishing reserves of B vitamins, but excess of the substance can have a negative effect on a person.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

the B-group vitamins , amino acids and minerals it contains Takes part in the activation of enzymes that regulate oxidation-reduction processes and affects metabolism.

Helps restore and strengthen the immune system , stimulates the secretion of pancreatic fluid, improves the absorption capacity of the intestine and its motility. Accelerates tissue regeneration, increases appetite, helps strengthen hair and intensify its growth. Necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, endocrine, vascular and nervous systems.

The B vitamins contained in brewer's yeast are components of enzyme complexes that are responsible for regulating metabolism, but each of them plays a specific biological role. Their presence in balanced quantities is necessary for continuous metabolism .

The components of the drug belong to the group of water-soluble vitamins , which eliminates the possibility of their accumulation in the body.

Vitamins B1 are absorbed in the small intestine. The absorption of vitamin B12 is determined by the presence of an external factor in the stomach and upper intestines. Subsequently, the substance is transported into tissues using the transcobalamin II transporter protein.

Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are biotransformed in the liver, vitamin B2 in the body is converted into the coenzyme flavin mononucleotide, and subsequently into the coenzyme FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide). About 60% of metabolites are bound to blood plasma proteins .

Excretion of vitamins B1 and B6 is carried out by the kidneys (from 8 to 10% of the substance is excreted in pure form). In case of overdose, their excretion with intestinal contents increases significantly.

Vitamin B12 is released into bile and reabsorbed in the intestines. The dose taken is partially (6-30%) excreted by the kidneys within 8 hours. The substance passes through the BBB and enters the milk.

Vitamin B2 is eliminated in the urine, partly in the form of metabolic .

Interesting scientific facts

Research has shown that yeast cells are very similar to the cells of the human body. But while our bodies have tens of billions of cells, yeast has only one.

Man, as scientists say, is a eukaryotic organism. In simpler terms, this means that all of our genetic material is contained in the cell nucleus and mitochondria. Nature created yeast using the same principle, but bacteria are already representatives of prokaryotic organisms. And thanks to the fact that yeast is single-celled, it is easier for scientists to study its structure, properties and life stages. And from the point of view of structure and metabolism, of all biological models, yeast is closest to humans. In addition, this fungus is the first eukaryotic microorganism whose genome scientists have deciphered by studying the exact sequence of all 16 chromosomes.

The importance of studying these microorganisms is also evidenced by the fact that over the past 15 years, the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology has been awarded to yeast researchers twice. Using human genes to study the fungus, scientists test the effectiveness of new drugs and study the specifics of certain diseases.

Most studies have focused on the potential use of yeast in the healthcare and food industries. Meanwhile, scientists conducted other experiments. For example, it recently became clear that some of the yeast strains could serve as the basis for the creation of biofuels for transport. By the way, a significant portion of the insulin created by chemists to treat diabetes was produced with the help of yeast.

But this is not all that a person has to learn about yeast. At least, scientists involved in the study of these microsubstances are convinced of this.

Life cycle of fungi

It is worth noting that the development of yeast cells proceeds differently under different circumstances. And although these substances, from the point of view of biologists, are living organisms, they are so unique that they can live without air.

When yeast does not receive oxygen, it acts on sugar and turns it into alcohol. In addition, carbon dioxide is released. This process occurs mainly during bread baking. As a result of this reaction, energy is released and the dough grows. Meanwhile, this energy is not enough for the yeast itself to continue to live. In the presence of oxygen, they, fueled by sugar, grow and multiply very quickly, releasing carbon dioxide, water and a relatively (by the standards of a fungus) huge amount of energy.

"Good" and "bad" yeast

Yeast, like bacteria, is essential to the human body. But the first thing that is important to know about these microorganisms is that there are good and bad bacteria, and similarly with yeast. The fungus can affect organs and tissues, cause allergies and many diseases. Now let's try to understand the types of fungi and understand which ones are useful and which ones should be avoided.

Candida Albicans

It is said that almost 80 percent of the world's population struggles with this pathogenic yeast-like fungus that causes various inflammations in the body. Candida, like all yeasts, is a single-celled organism that multiplies quickly when there is a lot of sugar in the diet. This fungus deprives the body of many nutrients, including iron and other minerals, making the blood acidic. Against the background of a sweet diet, candida becomes even more active. If this process is not stopped in time, then harmful yeast will practically destroy the digestive and immune systems and deprive them of vitality. And in return they will cause frequent headaches, eczema, dandruff, dermatitis, hormonal disorders, vaginal infections, stomach diseases and confusion.

Healthy yeast

But besides harmful ones, there are also beneficial yeasts. Fungi contained in probiotic foods have the best effect on the body. They strengthen the immune system and help fight candida. But foods that contain sugar are also not the best sources of this yeast.

The yeast S. Boulardii, found in almost all probiotics, has many beneficial properties:

  • strengthen the immune system, stimulate the production of antibodies;
  • protect the body from the harmful effects of antibiotics;
  • helps fight candida.

Two more incredibly useful yeast strains - Kluyveromyces marxianus var. Marxianus and Saccharomyces unisporus. They are found mainly in kefir starter and play the role of a powerful booster for the immune system. Thanks to these components, kefir has been considered one of the best tonic drinks throughout the world for centuries. In ancient times, it was considered a drink for long-lived people, and in Turkish its name means “to feel good.”

Reviews of Brewer's yeast

Reviews about brewer's yeast (either in tablets or in pure form) are mostly positive. Most of them are reviews of brewer's yeast for hair and nails, acne and weight loss. As a rule, the effectiveness of products from different manufacturers (ECO-MON, Nagipol, Farmakom, Evisent, Ecco-Plus, Osokor) is assessed approximately the same - on average 4-4.8 points on a five-point scale.

According to most consumers, yeast really improves the appearance of facial skin, accelerates hair growth, makes nails smoother and stronger, and allows you to enrich your diet with substances necessary for the body. Another big plus of the supplement is its low price. However, there are also disadvantages.

Thus, among the general mass of positive reviews about ECO-MON Brewer's Yeast with Zinc, there are reviews that note that taking the supplement provoked severe weight gain.

And in one of the reviews about Brewer's yeast with sulfur Evisent it is noted that against the background of the use of this dietary supplement, hair became significantly stronger and nails began to grow more quickly, but the problem of thrush .

The reasons for negative reviews about Brewer's yeast Nagipol 1 were:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle due to the use of the supplement;
  • strong increase in appetite;
  • increased blood pressure, headaches, nausea;
  • no effect.

However, almost everyone who left this kind of feedback, along with the minuses, also noted the advantages of the product, and associated the minuses with the individual reaction of the body to the components of dietary supplements.

Benefit for health

Yeast is a wonderful ingredient that helps maintain or restore health and beauty naturally.

They are present in many foods, dietary supplements, and are also part of many cosmetics.

For many decades, yeast has remained the focus of research, who unanimously recognize the extraordinary nutritional qualities and therapeutic properties of this fungus. And all thanks to the unique biochemical composition of these organisms. For humans, they serve as a source of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and many other useful substances necessary for growth, proper metabolism and strengthening the immune system.

Yeast Benefits

These microscopic substances are a source of nutrients and fiber; many types of nutritional yeast contain vitamin B12, which is usually found exclusively in animal foods. In addition, yeast is an excellent source of plant proteins, making it an important component of vegetarian dishes. And the high concentration of fiber ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time. These elements are extremely important for the smooth functioning of the body. They are equally important for humans, animals and even plants.

For plants

The latter are precisely the object of recent research. As it turns out, yeast can act not only as a food additive, but also as a useful natural fertilizer. Some strains promote more efficient absorption of beneficial microelements from soils by plants. In addition, they affect plant growth. At the same time, they are an absolutely safe “fertilizer”. Now scientists are trying to develop an effective yeast-based medicine against mold in fruits and other diseases - as a safe alternative to chemicals.

Food supplement

Perhaps no one will be surprised by the information that yeast is a useful bioactive supplement used by people for the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of conditions and diseases.


Yeast as probiotics is a very promising solution. This is what scientists say and add that the range of effects of these microorganisms on humans is very wide.

For intestinal flora

Scientists have discovered the relationship between yeast and intestinal microflora, in particular, the positive effect of the fungus on the inflamed intestines.

Beneficial features:

  • brewer's yeast contains many vitamins and minerals, including zinc, chromium, iron, magnesium, folic acid, biotin and B-vitamins;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • normalize blood sugar;
  • promote the development of beneficial bacteria in the body;
  • Torula yeast – a source of chromium, selenium, amino acids and B vitamins;
  • Baker's yeast strengthens the immune system.


Brewer's yeast is a multicomponent product. When used simultaneously with other drugs, on the one hand, the activity of each of its constituent substances and the activity of the drug as a whole may change, on the other hand, the pharmacological profile of drugs that are used in combination with Brewer's yeast may change.

Taking alcohol, diuretics , and oral contraceptives can reduce vitamin B1 .

Since the transformation of vitamin B1 into its active form occurs with the participation of magnesium, it is advisable to take dietary supplements with magnesium-containing preparations.

The drug is contraindicated for people taking Levodopa , since vitamin B6 reduces the effectiveness of this drug. In addition, vitamin B6 is capable of:

  • interfere with the absorption and reduce the plasma concentration of anticonvulsants such as phenobarbital and phenytoin ;
  • increase intracellular levels of zinc and magnesium.

When used simultaneously with Theophylline , Penicillin , Isoniazid , Cycloserine and oral contraceptives, the dose of Brewer's yeast must be increased.

Antifungal drugs reduce the effectiveness of brewer's yeast.

Yeast extract

Yeast extract is a food flavoring used in the preparation of bread, beer, cheese, soy sauce, and some other foods.

To understand how this substance affects the body, you first need to understand what it is in general.

Yeast extract is made by mixing yeast and sugar under warm conditions, then damaging the cell membranes. This extract can be in gel or powder form. The use of yeast extract in products may be labeled as “natural flavoring” or “additive” on product labels.

You should know that this extract contains glutamine amino acid. This is a natural form of the amino acid and should not be confused with the food additive monosodium glutamate, which serves as a flavor enhancer. And although yeast extract also affects the taste, it acts as a spice. In addition, it contains a high concentration of sodium. And this should be taken into account by people who have problems with blood pressure or those who, for other reasons, should not abuse sodium. In addition, the extract contains a very high concentration of B vitamins.

But despite all the benefits of this substance, it is important for people with food allergies or sensitivity to yeast to avoid products containing fungal extract. The easiest way to do this is to give up semi-finished and ready-made food from supermarkets.

Release form

The product is available in tablet form, as well as in the form of loose, easily crumbling granules with a diameter of 3 to 5 mm, powder or flat flakes of a yellowish (possibly with a grayish tint) color.

The product has a bitter taste and a characteristic odor. It goes on sale packaged in 25, 50 or 100 grams in jars or bags.

The tablets are biconvex, brownish in color, without a shell, with a characteristic yeasty odor. Packaged in 60 or 100 pieces in bottles made of polymer materials.

Yeast in food

All products can be divided into 3 groups based on yeast content. The first is food that, under any circumstances, contains fungi. In the second group of products, microorganisms are present only under certain conditions. And the third group is food that does not contain these microorganisms.

The first group includes: baked goods, beer, cider, fruit skins (plums, grapes), grape juice, malt drinks, wine, yeast extract.

The second group includes: cakes, donuts, fruits (overripe), chocolate (some types), soy sauce.

The third group includes a huge number of products from different categories. In particular, you don’t have to worry about the presence of yeast in eggs, seafood, various types of meat, raw nuts, beans, and brown rice. You can also avoid unnecessary consumption of yeast if you avoid soy sauce during cooking and replace vinegar with lemon juice.

List of products containing yeast:

  • all fermented (vinegar, alcohol, miso, soy sauce, etc.);
  • bakery;
  • beer;
  • berries (blackberries, blueberries, grapes, strawberries);
  • canned juices;
  • cheese;
  • cider;
  • dried fruits (figs, dried apricots, raisins);
  • jams, jellies;
  • mushrooms;
  • processed meat (sausage, bacon);
  • Black tea;
  • olives;
  • wine.

How to make your own yeast

You've probably wondered what yeast is made from and how this process happens. Now you will learn how to grow these single-celled mushrooms yourself at home.

Beer houses

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Method one. Take 1 glass of water and flour, mix and leave for 7 hours. Then add a small spoon of sugar and a glass of live beer to the mixture (it has a shelf life of up to 2 weeks). Leave for a couple of hours. Store prepared brewer's yeast in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Method two. In a glass container, mix 200 g of raisins, milk, warm water and a little sugar. Cover the vessel tightly with gauze (fold in 4 layers and tie). Keep in a warm place for 5 days.

Using these recipes, you will create regular nutritional yeast, which doctors recommend taking for various diseases. This natural product will help with metabolic disorders, lack of B vitamins, digestive diseases, anemia, atherosclerosis, and strengthen the body after colds and infectious diseases. By the way, home-made brewer's yeast is similar in its effect to medications containing these fungi, for example gephefitin.

For baking

Perhaps this has happened to every housewife. I wanted to bake some pies for dinner, but I didn’t have any yeast. But this is not a reason to be upset if you know how to prepare homemade yeast in the form of sourdough.

Method 1

Knead a ball of dough from 200 g of flour and a small amount of water, roll it in flour and leave for several days. When the lump dries, hardens and becomes sour, you can use it instead of store-bought yeast.

Method 2

Peel and boil 10 potatoes, which are still hot and rub through a sieve. Add a tablespoon of flour, the same amount of honey and 25 grams of vodka. Leave the mixture in a warm place for 2 days. When a foam cap forms on the surface, you can use the baking starter (use only the foam).

Instructions for brewer's yeast

Instructions for Brewer's yeast tablets

The tablets are taken orally after meals. The recommended dose for a patient over 12 years of age is 2-3 grams per day (4-6 tablets), divided into 2-3 doses. A child 3-7 years old is prescribed to take 0.5 g/day. (1 tablet), child 7-12 years old - 1 g/day. (2 tabs).

The duration of use depends on the severity of the symptoms of vitamin deficiency, the nature of complex therapy and the body’s response to the prescribed treatment. Usually the course lasts 30 days. It can be repeated no earlier than after 1 month (consult a doctor before resuming taking the drug).

Please note that instructions from different manufacturers may vary. For example, the instructions for Brewer's yeast Nagipol-1 indicate that the tablets should be taken with meals, three times a day, 3-5 pieces per dose. Reception is continued for a month, if necessary, the course is repeated after a two-month break.

  • Ecco Plus brewer's yeast with zinc and Evisent are taken three times a day, 3 pieces each.
  • Brewer's yeast with iodine Ecco Plus should be taken three times a day, 2 tablets.
  • Yeast with selenium ECO-MON - twice a day, 2 tablets.
  • Drink Ecco Plus yeast with iron once a day, 1 tablet.

How to take the powder?

The powder is taken orally or used externally as part of nourishing masks.

Before taking per os, the product is dissolved in 100 ml of drinking water. For preventive purposes, two two-month courses are prescribed with a two-week break between them. The daily dose for an adult varies from 7 to 10 g/day, for children it ranges from 3 to 5 g/day. Divide it into 2-3 doses.

For an adult, the course dose should not exceed 1800 grams, for a child - 600 g.

People who live in an unfavorable climate should take 3 courses.

The therapeutic dose is 1.5-2 times higher than the prophylactic dose.

People who, due to their occupation, are subject to increased neuropsychic and physical stress, should dose the drug in such a way that for every kilogram of body weight there is 0.3-0.5 g of yeast per day.

Brewer's yeast for hair

To prepare a hair mask, yeast is diluted to the appropriate consistency with vegetable or fruit juice, fermented baked milk, milk, honey or water, and then the resulting mixture is applied to the scalp.

To saturate your strands with vitamins and prevent hair loss, you can mix slightly warmed flower honey and the pulp of 3 aloe vera leaves with yeast. The mass is applied to the scalp for about 25 minutes and then washed off.

Using yeast (1 tbsp) in combination with soy lecithin, honey (1 tbsp), wheat germ (1 tbsp) and yogurt for hair can speed up hair growth and make hair thicker and shinier.

It is also very good to use a hair rinse based on a decoction of rosemary and natural brewer's yeast. To prepare it, pour 3 tablespoons of dried rosemary leaves into a liter of boiling water, and then, after the liquid has infused for 2-3 hours, add yeast.

It is recommended to rinse your hair with this solution every time after washing your hair. It is better to dry your hair without using a hair dryer.

Application for face

When preparing face masks, take into account your skin type: for dry skin, the powder is mixed with vegetable oils (any, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of yeast per 3 tablespoons of oil), for oily skin, with heated kefir and low-fat sour cream or lemon juice and egg white.

To rejuvenate the skin, yeast is used in a mixture with carrot puree (1:2 ratio), honey and egg yolk; For whitening, lemon juice is added to the powder.

Brewer's yeast for acne

Using the product on problem skin helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and restore the skin's oil balance, helps get rid of acne , cleanse pores and remove fine wrinkles.

-acne mask at home , you can pour 10 grams of powdered mass with a 5% alum solution. The resulting paste is applied to the skin and left until completely dry. Wash off the crust with warm (preferably filtered) water.

For acne, cosmetologists also recommend yeast-based masks and:

  • sauerkraut juice;
  • raw mashed potatoes and curdled milk;
  • streptocide (effectively eliminates inflamed comedones);
  • honey and calcium gluconate ;
  • blue clay and mineral water.

Brewer's yeast is especially effective against acne in combination with professional and self-care for the skin, physiotherapy and, if necessary, the use of antibiotics (topically or orally).

Brewer's yeast for boils

For boils , liquid brewer's yeast is most often prescribed. The product is diluted in milk at the rate of 1 tablespoon (for adults) or 1 teaspoon (for children) per half glass. Drink the medicine 1-3 times a day about half an hour before meals.

Why are pills taken in bodybuilding?

For athletes who engage in strength sports, the supplement is a valuable source of B vitamins , protein , amino acids , nucleic acids and enzymes .

the BCAA amino acid complex in the product , of which approximately 35% human muscle tissue consists. BCAA reduces the loss of other amino acids, increases muscle endurance, promotes better and faster protein absorption; stimulates synthesis and also prevents protein breakdown and prevents the loss of muscle fibers; has a positive effect on insulin , maintains optimal levels of testosterone and cortisol , and stimulates growth hormones.

Protein makes up more than half the weight of yeast, making the supplement an excellent source of additional protein . For athletes, it can be added to gainers, protein shakes, regular food, or consumed separately as a food supplement.

Application in veterinary medicine

Animals that live in large cities are exposed to a large number of unfavorable factors: an environment contaminated with organic and chemical waste, increased electromagnetic background, poor-quality tap water, etc.

The use of dietary supplements for dogs and cats allows you to compensate for the lack of nutrients in food, strengthen immunity , reduce hair loss and strengthen the hair structure, remove excess cholesterol body, improve the condition of the central nervous system, reduce itching, dryness and irritation of the skin, and contain the appearance of blood-sucking parasites.

Normalizing the balance of B vitamins helps reduce the secretion of the hormone adrenaline , which in turn leads to a decrease in the animal’s anxiety and allows it to cope with stress more easily.

Homemade yeast cosmetics

It has long been known that yeast is an effective ingredient in many beauty products. But not many people know that yeast-based cosmetics are easy to prepare yourself. Don't know how to do this? Read our recipes.

Yeast body mask

Dilute a packet of dry yeast in cream and add 4 tablespoons of honey to the mixture. Leave for 20 minutes. Apply to the body and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This mask improves blood circulation, tightens pores, makes the skin elastic and smooth.

Hair Care Product

Dilute a tablespoon of brewer's yeast in a glass of kefir. Leave the mixture in a warm place for several hours. Apply to hair and leave for about half an hour. This mask will get rid of dandruff.

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