Protargol: dosage and additional information

PROTARGOL (solution) - An excellent remedy against snot of all colors of the rainbow!!!

When we were in Kislovodsk and caught snot, it quickly went away due to the local heat of 40 degrees. And a couple of weeks later, when doctors for the kindergarten began to come in at the beginning of September, they caught the snot again, sitting in hours-long queues. A little over a week of torment and here it is, salvation in the form of Protargol for ridiculous money (38 rubles). The effect of the drug became noticeable within a day or two. A prerequisite is to first clear the nose of snot; we clean it with an automatic nasal aspirator. And one more thing: the pharmacist said to put a little more than 5 drops into the syringe - the effect will be better, since in children all the evil spirits accumulate in the nasopharynx. That's what we did.

Protargol is a silver preparation that has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. The drug Protargol is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory (especially purulent) processes in ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, and urology. The drug Protargol is used in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis) in children. Compared to antibiotics, taking Protargol does not lead to dysbacteriosis. The drug Protargol is available in the form of an aqueous solution.


The pharmacology of the drug is explained by the proven effect of silver ions, which react with the pathogenic environment. The main idea of ​​​​using the drug is a natural antiseptic effect on the surface. Thanks to disinfection, protargol stops the spread of the inflammatory process, reducing lesions. The advantage of the drug is the absence of negative reactions from the mucous membranes and epidermis.

That is why silver ions are often used in the formulation of new forms of nasal drops and sprays used for nasal congestion. The main component is silver, which affects the DNA of pathogens and prevents pathogenic flora from multiplying, relieving symptoms. In addition, ions, reacting with proteins, create a protective layer on the inflamed areas of the mucous membranes, which removes the susceptibility of nerve fibers to the irritant and can narrow the lumen of the vascular network. Thanks to this mechanism of action, protargol relieves swelling of inflamed tissues.

general information

Trade name: Protargol-ENT
International nonproprietary or generic name: silver proteinate

Dosage form: tablets for solution for topical use

Composition: Composition per tablet Active ingredient: silver proteinate (protargol) – 200.0 mg. Excipient: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose – 10.0 mg.

Description: round flat-cylindrical tablets from brown to dark brown or almost black with a bluish tint, uneven surface coloring, chamfered and scored.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antiseptic

ATX code: R01AX10

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics When it enters the body, silver proteinate dissociates to form silver ions, which have an astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Silver ions actively suppress the reproduction of infectious agents by binding their DNA. The mechanism of action is based on the fact that silver ions precipitate proteins on the damaged mucous membrane and form a protective film. At the same time, sensitivity decreases, blood vessels narrow (this leads to a decrease in swelling) and the inflammatory process is suppressed. Silver ions also inhibit the proliferation of various bacteria. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria: B.cereus, C.albicans, E.coli, P.aeruginosa. C.aureus, A.niger, S.abony, etc.

Pharmacokinetics: When applied topically, it is practically not absorbed.

Side effects: - allergic reactions: skin itching, irritation of the mucous membrane, urticaria; - burning sensation and numbness; - dry mouth; - redness of the eyes; - anaphylactic shock; - Quincke's edema; - atopic dermatitis. If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions worsen, the drug should be discontinued. If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


Symptoms: with the recommended method of use, an overdose is unlikely. Possible increased side effects. If a large amount of the drug is accidentally swallowed, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract may occur. With prolonged uncontrolled use of the drug, it is theoretically possible for a very rare disease to appear - argyrosis (gray or bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes). If the recommended dosage regimen is followed, the risk of argyrosis is unlikely.

Treatment: in case of severe irritation, burning, itching of the eyes, skin, mucous membranes, rinse with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Treatment is symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs Pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic interaction: not studied. Pharmaceutical interaction: salts of zinc, copper, lead, silver, mercury, iron, aluminum form insoluble precipitates with a solution of silver proteinate; silver proteinate solution is inactivated by alkaloid salts and organic bases (epinephrine). If you are using the above or other medications (including over-the-counter medications), consult your doctor before using Protargol - ENT.

Special instructions Nasal discharge may turn gray or blue. Read the instructions for use carefully before you start using the drug. Save the instructions, you may need them again. If you have any questions, consult your doctor. The medicine you are using is intended for you personally and should not be given to others as it may cause harm to them even if they have the same symptoms as you.

Effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery. The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Conditions of release Dispensed without a prescription.

Shelf life: 2 years. Ready solution - 30 days. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Storage conditions In original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Prepare the solution in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Owner of the registration certificate/Legal entity in whose name the registration certificate was issued OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva 305022, Russia, Kursk, st. 2nd Aggregatnaya, 1a/18, (4712) 34-03-13,

Manufacturer/Organization accepting consumer complaints JSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva 305022, Russia, Kursk, st. 2nd Aggregatnaya, 1a/18, tel./fax: (4712) 34-03-13.


I use Protargol as nasal drops for:

  • symptoms of acute respiratory infection;
  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis.

In addition to ARVI, protargol is indicated for patients with chronic cystitis. In urology, the solution is popular for inflammation of the bladder walls. Getting into it through a catheter, the silver solution soothes and heals the mucous membrane. The course is carried out in combination with systemic antibacterial therapy.

How to use protargol

Protargol is a drug whose main disinfecting effect is the silver contained in it. The antibacterial effect is used for medical purposes. Protargol is used topically, affecting inflamed areas. By suppressing gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, the drug can be used as a local antibiotic both in ENT practice and in gynecology and urology.

Protargol is sold in the form of a liquid containing 2% silver proteinate. In addition to the liquid form, you can find protargol tablets, but they are not intended for oral administration. They are used to prepare solutions for local therapy. There is no need to prepare the solution in advance; it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in 200 ml of water immediately before use.

Conditions of use

The action of the drug involves an exclusively local effect on the lesions. The tablet form is not intended for oral administration. The contents must be crushed and dissolved in order to independently prepare a medicinal suspension. Strict adherence to proportions is mandatory: one tablet is dissolved in 10 ml of liquid supplied in the kit. The package contains a bottle that serves as a beaker.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Take the bottle.
  2. Add 10 ml of solvent to it.
  3. Drop 1 tablet into the solvent.
  4. Close the lid and shake thoroughly until the tablet is completely dissolved.

Before using the medicine in children, it is first necessary to clear the nasal passages of dried or accumulated mucus. To do this, it is convenient to use a regular saline solution. In order for protargol to penetrate into the labyrinths of the nasal passages as far as possible, the child is placed on his back and 3-5 drops are instilled alternately into each nostril. The frequency of the procedure is twice a day.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Protargol

Before using the drug Protargol, you should consult a doctor. Only freshly prepared Protargol should be used. The drug Protargol does not affect the ability to drive a car or control various mechanisms. The drug Protargol should be stored in dark glass containers.

the medicine is excellent. shelf life is 1 month. silver does not rot or go bad, microbes are afraid of it. you can forget about throat diseases if you gargle it with a solution of 0.5 liters of water plus 0.5 ml measure protargol into a syringe. rinse 3-6 times, if there are abscesses in the throat, then add protargol 1.0 milliliter.


Treatment of rhinitis and relief of symptoms of acute respiratory infections in children:

  • instill no more than 5 drops into each nasal passage;
  • the procedure is repeated morning and evening, regularly;
  • Duration of treatment – ​​up to 14 days.

Treatment of conjunctival inflammation in adults:

  • 2 drops of solution are applied under the lower eyelid;
  • You can repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day;
  • Duration of treatment – ​​up to 7 days.

If the condition of the lacrimal canals and the inner surface of the mucous membrane of the eyelids has not improved 7 days after using protargol, it is necessary to adjust the treatment by visiting your doctor.

For chronic cystitis:

  • the prepared solution is injected through a catheter into the previously emptied bladder;
  • refrain from urinating for 1.5-2 hours.
  • repeat the procedure once a day.
  • The duration of the course can vary from 7 to 14 days, depending on the patient’s symptoms.

How does Protargol work?

On the surface of the skin or mucous membranes damaged as a result of disease and inflammation, the drug Protargol forms a protective film (due to the precipitation of proteins with silver). Protargol reduces the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes, constricts blood vessels, which leads to the suppression of inflammatory reactions. Silver ions suppress the proliferation of various viruses and bacteria.

What does Protargol consist of?

The drug Protargol consists of proteins that contain silver ions (7-9%).

Additional Information

The use of protargol in ENT practice can cause darkening of the mucus discharged from the nasal passages, which is not a pathology and does not require medical intervention.

During treatment of the bladder walls with protargol, drops of blood may appear in the urine, which is explained by non-critical injury to the urethra by the catheter. Urine, when mixed with the drug, becomes dark, almost black, which is the absolute norm. Urine changes color once - only during the emptying of the bladder, after the prescribed 2 hours of abstinence after the infusion procedure.

For the treatment of bacterial infections, it is not recommended to use protargol as the main drug. Its beneficial effect is justified only as a complex therapy, simultaneously with prescribed systemic antibacterial drugs.

Side effects when using the drug Protargol

The most common side effects when using the drug Protargol include: irritation of the mucous membrane, burning sensation, itching, dry mouth, redness of the eyes, numbness, headache, dizziness, drowsiness. Rarely: urticaria, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, atopic dermatitis. If you experience the above-mentioned undesirable effects when using the drug Protargol, you should consult a doctor (you may be prescribed another drug).

Which is better Protargol or Vibrocil

Vibrocil, unlike Protargol, does not have medicinal properties. It only temporarily eliminates the symptoms caused by ARVI or respiratory allergies. Vibrocil contains two active components. One is phenylephrine, which is a safe vasoconstrictor approved for children in the first year of life. The second component is dimethindene. It is an antihistamine that reduces the number of sneezes, resulting in less irritation of the mucous membrane, reducing nasal flow.

Vibrocil does not affect bacterial DNA in any way and is not an antiseptic. Therefore, it is necessary to use two different drugs according to the indications. Vibrocil – for nasal congestion, mainly of allergic origin. And Protargol - for infectious diseases.

What kind of runny nose does Protargol treat?

Based on the fact that Protargol is a bacteriostatic drug, it is recommended to use it for a runny nose of bacterial origin. A distinctive feature of this type of runny nose is the color of the mucus discharged from the nose. If it has a yellow or green tint, this indicates that it contains a lot of bacteria. This means that a runny nose has a bacterial etiology. It is important to remember that if after 7 days of using Protargol there is no improvement, the body temperature remains elevated, or weakness is present, you should immediately contact a medical institution to obtain a prescription for systemic antibacterial drugs.

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