Supradin: indications and contraindications

With nutrition, a person must receive many vitamins and minerals, as well as microelements that ensure the normal functioning of internal organs, the hematopoietic system and the immune system. Supradin is a multivitamin complex that also includes minerals. Taking the drug ensures replenishment of the lack of elements obtained from food.

What is Supradin like?

The drug is available in several forms. The most popular is the tube with effervescent tablets. For adults, there is Supradin in the form of dragees, which contain individual microgranules. Taking effervescent tablets is intended for use by children, as this will eliminate the need to swallow pills that are inconvenient and large for the children's esophagus. The new form of the immunomodulatory Supradin is a packaged powder in a sachet. In addition, for children who do not like the drink from an effervescent tablet, they created a special form of Supradin Kids, which offers to give children vitamins in the form of multi-colored jelly bears, fish, dragees and toffees.

How is Supradin useful?

Supradin prevents the occurrence of vitamin deficiency by filling the body’s tissues with vitamins, of which the drug contains 12 types, minerals, as well as micro and macroelements. By taking Supradin, a person maintains a normal energy balance in the body.

For a person to exist normally, it is necessary for all chemical processes to proceed without failures. This will include both gas exchange processes during breathing, as well as the movement of amino acids, filling tissues with vitamins and the formation of the immune system.

The ability of blood vessels to maintain their elasticity and bones to maintain their strength ensures the balance of many essential substances. In addition, without the necessary elements it is impossible to maintain visual acuity, shiny hair and healthy skin.

Without a sufficient amount of a certain group of vitamins, lipid metabolism is disrupted, the function of the adrenal glands is disrupted, the nervous system begins to malfunction, and the reproductive function of the body may be disrupted. Based on this, you should not assume that vitamins are only about ensuring a blooming appearance. Substances obtained by humans from food ensure the functioning of a complex system called the body.

Vitamin A promotes normal growth, is involved in the formation and maintenance of the structure and functions of bones, teeth, skin, and is involved in the synthesis of visual pigment.

Vitamin B1 contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B2 is involved in tissue respiration, protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Vitamin B6 helps maintain the structure and function of bones, teeth, gums, and affects erythropoiesis.

Vitamin B12 is involved in erythropoiesis and contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin C is involved in the formation and maintenance of the structure and function of bones, teeth and gums; strengthens the walls of capillaries.

Vitamin D3 regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body, promoting the absorption of these substances by the intestines and their timely deposition in the bones.

Vitamin E ensures the normal functioning of red blood cells and protects cell membranes from damage.

Biotin takes part in metabolic processes and promotes protein absorption.

Pantothenic acid is involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Folic acid is involved in erythropoiesis.

Nicotinamide takes part in redox processes and ensures the transfer of hydrogen and phosphate.

Calcium is involved in the formation of bones and teeth and promotes normal blood clotting.

Magnesium is involved in the formation of muscle and bone tissue, and also takes part in protein synthesis.

Iron is involved in erythropoiesis; is an important component of hemoglobin, which ensures the transport of oxygen to tissues.

Phosphorus, along with calcium, is involved in the formation of bones and teeth, and is also involved in energy metabolism processes.

Manganese promotes proper mineralization of bones.

Copper is necessary for normal red blood cell function and iron metabolism.

Zinc is part of about 70 enzymes involved in the synthesis and metabolism of hormones (mainly glucocorticosteroids), as well as the division and interaction of immunocompetent cells.

Molybdenum is part of enzymes and coenzymes involved in many redox reactions in the body.

Supradin contains 12 vitamins in combination with minerals and trace elements, which are important factors in metabolic processes.

Vitamins are necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, the formation of energy reserves, the metabolism of lipids, nucleic acids and proteins, as well as for the synthesis of collagen, neurotransmitters, etc.

Vitamins take part in many metabolic processes, as well as in their regulation.

How to take Supradin effervescent tablets

The effervescent form is available for use by children over 12 years of age and adults. One tablet is dissolved in a glass of water. The amount of water depends on how concentrated the taste is in priority, as well as how much liquid a person wants to drink. Regardless of the purpose for which the drug is taken: for prevention or to compensate for the lack of elements, drinking the complex more than once a day is not recommended. The duration of the course should not exceed two months. Repeated course intake should be discussed with your doctor, which may require testing to identify deficiencies of vitamins and elements.

Supradin 10 pcs. effervescent tablets

pharmachologic effect

Supradin is a multivitamin complex for the prevention of hypovitaminosis.

Composition and release form Supradin 10 pcs. effervescent tablets

1 tablet contains

  • Active ingredients: Vitamin A (retinol) in the form of vitamin A palmitate 3333 IU;
    Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) in the form of thiamine monophosphoric acid ester chloride 24.7 mg 20.0 mg; Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in the form of riboflavin sodium phosphate dihydrate 6.82 mg 5.0 mg; Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 10.0 mg; Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 5.0 mcg; Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 150.0 mg; Vitamin D3 (colecalciferol) 500 IU; Vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate) 10.0 mg; Biotin 0.25 mg; Calcium pantothenate 11.6 mg; Folic acid 1.0 mg; Nicotinamide 50.0 mg; as well as minerals and trace elements: Calcium in the form of calcium glycerophosphate and in the form of calcium pantothenate 51.3 mg; Magnesium in the form of magnesium glycerophosphate 5.0 mg; Iron in the form of iron carbonate, saccharate 1.25 mg; Manganese in the form of manganese sulfate (monohydrate) 0.5 mg; Phosphorus in the form of calcium glycerophosphate, in the form of magnesium glycerophosphate, in the form of thiamine monophosphoric acid chloride ester 47.0 mg. Copper in the form of copper sulfate (anhydrous) 0.1 mg. Zinc in the form of zinc sulfate (monohydrate) 0.5 mg. Molybdenum in the form of sodium molybdate (dihydrate) 0.1 mg..
  • Excipients: sucrose 1086.384 mg, mannitol 17.25 mg, tartaric acid 1600.0 mg, sodium bicarbonate 1100.0 mg, sodium saccharin 18.0 mg, lemon flavor permaseal 60.827-7 60.0 mg, lemon flavor permastable 3206 100.0 mg.

Description of the dosage form

A cylindrical, flat tablet of pale yellow to light yellow color, interspersed with darker and lighter colors, dissolves in water with the release of bubbles, forming a greenish-yellow, opaque, slightly precipitated solution with a lemon odor.


A complete multivitamin complex that helps prevent common vitamin deficiencies and allows for their treatment.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, after dissolving in a glass of water. Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age: 1 effervescent tablet daily, or as directed by a physician. Without a doctor's recommendation, the drug should not be taken in doses exceeding the above, or by children under 12 years of age.


Supradin contains 12 vitamins in combination with minerals and rare elements, which are important factors in metabolic processes. Vitamins are necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, the formation of energy reserves, the metabolism of lipids, nucleic acids and proteins, as well as for the synthesis of collagen, neurotransmitters, etc. In addition to participating in basic metabolic reactions, vitamins take part in the regulation and coordination of metabolic processes. Vitamins are necessary for bone growth, wound healing, maintaining normal vascular condition, microsomal drug metabolism and detoxification, immune status, tissue development and differentiation, etc. With the exception of the known consequences of acute vitamin deficiency, a growing body exhibits a certain need for vitamins, which makes it possible to prevent diseases and maintain mental and physical condition at a high level. A lack of vitamins is observed in the following cases: - with increased need (period of growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding, in old age, during recovery, treatment with antibiotics and chemotherapy); - with reduced consumption (weight loss and other unbalanced diets, in old age, gastrointestinal diseases). In these conditions, there is rarely a deficiency of only one of the vitamins. In addition, the supply of the most common minerals and rare elements is disrupted. The drug Supradin was created as a complete multivitamin complex that helps prevent common vitamin deficiencies and allows for their treatment.

Indications for use Supradin 10 pcs. effervescent tablets

The drug is used in the prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis and lack of minerals, including:

  • with inadequate and unbalanced nutrition (diet);
  • with increased physical and mental stress;
  • during the recovery period after long-term and/or severe illnesses, including infectious ones;
  • in complex therapy of chronic alcoholism;
  • in complex treatment when prescribing antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy.



Hypersensitivity, including in case of allergy to one or more components of the drug, as well as in the presence of hypervitaminosis A and D, hypercalcemia, renal failure and during treatment with retinoids.

Application of Supradin 10 pcs. effervescent tablets during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, provided the recommended daily dose is followed. There is no data indicating a risk to the fetus if the drug is taken at recommended doses during pregnancy.

special instructions

It is possible that urine may turn yellow, which is completely harmless and is explained by the presence of riboflavin in the drug. The tablet contains approximately 300 mg sodium (equivalent to 700 mg table salt). Patients on a diet with minimal salt intake are recommended to take tablets. The tablet contains about 1000 mg of crystalline sugar (sucrose). When taking the recommended daily dose, this amount is negligible even if it is necessary to follow an antidiabetic diet (1 g of crystalline sugar corresponds to 0.1 bread unit).


If the instructions are followed, an overdose is unlikely. Treatment: rinse the stomach.

Side effects Supradin 10 pcs. effervescent tablets

Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Drug interactions

Do not take other multivitamin medications at the same time.

How to take Supradin for athletes

Dosage for people leading an active lifestyle, as well as for those who intensively engage in gyms, fitness centers or professional sports, one effervescent tablet per day is allowed, preferably in the morning. The intake of pills is also limited to one unit per day. The duration of treatment can be from a month to two, after which it is necessary to take a break. If you are taking the drug continuously, it is recommended to have your blood tested once every two weeks to monitor the amount of vitamins and minerals in the blood.

How long should you take Supradin?

Depending on the age category of the patient and the form of the drug, it is recommended to observe restrictions regarding the maximum permissible duration of taking the complex:

  • for effervescent tablets, the course should not exceed 2 months;
  • for dragees – 1-2 months;
  • for the “Kids” line - 1 month.

It is unacceptable to independently increase the duration of the course, as this can lead to excessive concentrations of substances in organs and tissues, which will cause poisoning, metabolic disorders and other unpleasant consequences.

Which is better Alphabet or Supradin

Children's forms of the Alphabet, unlike Supradin, do not have the form of effervescent soluble tablets. Instead, portions of vitamin complexes are packaged in powder form in sachets. It should be noted that Supradin does not have as many product options as Alphabet, which has options for both children over 1.5 years old and for those who attend preschool institutions. There is a separate dosage option for schoolchildren and adolescents.

Their own directions of the Alphabet have been developed for women and men, both for athletes and for representatives of the age category 50+. In addition, you can choose the type of complex for use during the cold season, as well as during increased mental and psychological stress.

It can be noted that everyone has the opportunity to choose the most acceptable option for themselves - be it a delicious fizzy drink or a pill taken. It is important to remember that the prescription of the drug should begin with a blood test, which will show which element is in excess in the body and which is deficient. Based on the data obtained, you can make a choice between drugs.


The drug is indispensable during the transitional autumn-winter period and compensates for the lack of essential nutrients in the body. Indications for the use of multivitamins are:

  • poor nutrition (diet) with a deficiency of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and dairy products;
  • heavy physical labor and mental stress;
  • when recovering from severe, long-term illnesses, including infectious or viral ones;
  • when taking antibiotics, chemotherapy, as well as during rehabilitation from chronic alcoholism or drug addiction.

The drug can be taken independently and will be useful for certain categories of people:

  • those who lead an active lifestyle and take care of their health;
  • athletes;
  • women with skin and hair problems;
  • with seasonal vitamin deficiency;
  • when using antibiotics or hormones;
  • those who abuse alcohol and smoke;
  • during acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections.

The drug must be used in strict accordance with the instructions.

Is it possible to use Supradin during pregnancy?

The use of the vitamin complex for pregnant women is not contraindicated, however, it is necessary to inform your doctor about taking Supradin so that he does not prescribe other vitamins, which, together with the dose of Supradin, will give excess potassium, vitamin D and vitamin A, which will certainly lead to disorders in the fetus, including aortic condition. Folic acid, which is part of the complex, is a mandatory element for pregnant women from the first days of conception, since its excess leads to developmental abnormalities in the unborn child.


The drug contains 12 essential vitamins that a person cannot fully obtain from food every day. Once in the body, the components are absorbed through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and participate in metabolic processes. Substances are removed from the body naturally. The urine may turn yellow, which is not a sign of abnormalities.

Vitamins break down carbohydrates and store the released energy, increase the production of collagen, which has a beneficial effect on both the internal and external condition of the skin and internal organs.

Vitamins are necessary for bone growth, normal functioning of all systems, wound healing, and even affect mood and performance.

The lack of useful ones is especially acute in the following cases:

  1. When the need increases sharply - carrying a child, breastfeeding, old age, having suffered from acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, chemotherapy.
  2. Low intake – low-calorie mono-diets, poor and unvaried diet, old age.

In such situations, a lack of several substances necessary for the body is usually revealed.

The multi-vitamin complex Supradin was created to prevent vitamin deficiency and for the prevention of diseases.

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