Adaptovit. Energy-modulating complex with phytoadaptogens 10ml spray. Natural energy drink


Siberian Health Corporation, Novosibirsk

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The “Adaptogens” series are preparations containing special highly effective substances that increase the body’s performance and resistance to any external negative influences.

A sharp change in ambient temperature, time zone changes, pressure changes, increased physical and mental stress, infections, illnesses, unfavorable environmental conditions and much more - all these factors negatively affect the functioning of our body and require an immediate response from it associated with changes and “adjustment” of its internal functions, that is, adaptation. And for it, in turn, it requires a large amount of energy and the mobilization of all organs and systems.

But our body is not always able to respond to external factors quickly, especially with reduced immunity, deficiency of vitamins and microelements, high energy consumption to fight any disease, toxins, or simply under heavy stress.

Today, each of us is exposed to negative factors, periodically experiencing ailments, weakness, sleep disturbances, irritability and indigestion. It is adaptogens - unique biological substances of plant and animal origin - that can protect against these unpleasant phenomena, give the body energy and increase the efficiency of adaptation mechanisms.

The products of the “Adaptogens” series are based on complex complexes of natural adaptogens, which not only increase vitality, improve adaptation mechanisms and strengthen the immune system, but also help normalize the functioning of the entire body.

The legendary energy-modulating complex “Adaptovit” has received a new birth. The product is now available in a more user-friendly spray packaging. Spray dosing allows you to comfortably use the product in any environment and does not require dilution. The offer is especially relevant for those who often travel and spend time on the road, under intense physical and mental stress.

Adaptovit ” is a complex drug and affects most adaptation mechanisms, helping to cope with fatigue, increase mental and physical performance, recover faster from illness and maintain human health for a long time. This product is based on a complex complex of phytoadaptogens, the doses of which were selected using mathematical modeling. As a result, a unique ratio of components has been developed, in which small doses have an “explosive” effect and an amazing breadth of action without side reactions, which has been repeatedly confirmed by clinical studies over 10 years of using the product.

Adaptovit ” equally normalizes the functioning of all body systems, in particular, stabilizes blood pressure, increases the strength of heart contractions, improves cerebral circulation, improves lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, activates regeneration processes in the liver, reduces the risk of vascular thrombosis, increases immunity, and resistance to stress and general vitality.

"Adaptovit" is recommended for the following conditions:

  • Fast fatiguability
  • Decreased physical and mental performance
  • Stress, weather sensitivity and disturbances associated with time zone changes
  • Restoring the body after illnesses
  • Decreased resistance to colds and other infectious diseases
  • Immunodeficiency conditions, allergic reactions
  • Decreased visual acuity
  • Neurocirculatory (vegetative-vascular) dystonia
  • Hypertension stage I-II.
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Decreased sexual potency
  • Disadaptation of schoolchildren to the educational process

The wide range of applications of the unique product “ Adaptovit ” is determined by the medicinal natural and environmentally friendly components included in its composition.

Maral root improves metabolic processes associated with protein synthesis and energy expenditure at the cellular level, which effectively eliminates muscle fatigue during strenuous physical activity. This is also the reason for burning excess fat in the body. Maral root contains biostimulants - phytoecdysteroids and occupies an outstanding place among other adaptogens in its ability to prevent the onset of many diseases and effectively relieve an extremely wide range of pathologies. Maral root improves blood composition, increases the content of red blood cells, leukocytes, hemoglobin, helps improve immunity, and increases resistance to physical stress.

about the healing properties of ginseng , from which it became known that the root of this plant not only cures diseases, but can also put a person who is near death back on his feet. Ginseng contains alkaloids, resins, vitamin C, sulfur and phosphorus, tannins, as well as micro- and macroelements. The plant has a tonic and analgesic effect on the body. Ginseng increases efficiency, removes bile and improves gas exchange in the lungs. Thanks to the medicinal effect of ginseng, blood pressure is normalized, the function of the endocrine system is increased, and blood sugar is reduced. Ginseng has a calming effect on neuroses and stress. The plant is used for mental and physical stress, depression and hypotension.

Schisandra chinensis extract contains sugar, a significant amount of vitamin C, citric, malic, tartaric acids and some substances that have a tonic and stimulating effect on the human body.

Manchurian maralia extract is used as a means to tonify the central nervous system, for fatigue, insomnia, increased physical and mental stress, as well as for sexual disorders in men.

Eleutherococcus is close in its composition and action to ginseng and is rich in glycosides, resins, essential oils, valuable fats, vitamins and other biologically active substances. Eleutherococcus increases performance and endurance, providing adaptogenic and general tonic effects, stimulates the central nervous system, accelerates thought processes, eliminates fatigue and normalizes blood pressure. In addition, it has been experimentally proven that Eleutherococcus exhibits antitumor activity, prevents the growth of malignant tumors and the spread of metastases, dilates blood vessels, including cerebral and coronary ones, reduces blood sugar levels, and increases visual acuity by nourishing the tissues of the eyeball.

Golden root has a pronounced stimulating property that significantly increases the physical and mental capabilities of a person. At the same time, golden root normalizes metabolic processes, promotes more economical expenditure of energy resources, improves energy metabolism in muscles and in the brain by using not only carbohydrates, but also fats as an energy source. Golden root has a stimulating effect on a person’s mental performance, improves memory and attention.

Start your day with Adaptovit and you will feel the strength filling you again! "Adaptovit" is not only a high-quality, but also an economical product. See for yourself!

Try other unique products from the Adaptogens series.

Release form of Adaptovit Siberian Health and price

The drug is produced by many manufacturers, both certified and not.
It is very important to pay attention to this aspect when purchasing any medicine. At the moment, the quality of Adaptovit Siberian Health is beyond doubt, reviews of which are mostly positive. Information on the release form and price in Russia/Ukraine is summarized in the following table:

Release formPrice in Russia in rublesPrice in Ukraine in UAH
An aqueous solution in a polyethylene bottle with a 5 ml dropper (cardboard packaging).Out of stock at the time of writingOut of stock at the time of writing
An aqueous solution in a bottle with a sprayer of 10 ml - spray (cardboard packaging).410207

Also on sale is Adaptovit Army in the form of an instant powder for preparing a vitamin-adaptogenic drink with apple and other flavors. Its price is 25–30 rubles. It received the name “army” because it is part of the military’s dry rations.

Adaptovit contraindications, side effects, overdose

There is no information on manifestations of overdose and interactions with drugs.
As for side effects, they can be observed in the form of allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance to any of the constituent components. Adaptovit's contraindications are as follows:

  1. Sleep disorders.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  3. Increased nervousness.
  4. Atherosclerosis.
  5. Hypertension stage 3–4.
  6. SSc diseases.

It is also not recommended to take the product in the evening, as it increases excitability.

Analogues of Adaptovit and clinical studies

There are no structural analogues of Adaptovit, however, tinctures of individual components - ginseng, Schisandra chinensis, Leuzea safflower, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Aralia Manchuria - can have a similar effect on the body.
As for clinical studies, they were carried out in:

  • Siberian State Medical University (including the Department of Childhood Diseases).
  • Novosibirsk Children's Allergy and Dermatosis Center on the basis of Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1 and the State Medical Institute, at the Department of Children's Diseases.
  • Tomsk Military Clinical Hospital and Research Institute of Cardiology of the Tomsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  • All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports.
  • Gorno-Altai Republican Medical and Physical Education Dispensary.
  • Municipal educational institution Linevskaya secondary school No. 3.
  • Municipal educational institution Stavropol kindergarten No. 58.

In all cases, the subjects' physical health and adaptive capabilities improved.
Adaptovit Siberian Health had a beneficial effect on indicators of motivational readiness for learning. During studies in a group of children with bronchial asthma and respiratory allergosis, an improvement in well-being was noted during the period of remission. Their sleep became normal, headaches disappeared, and asthenoneurotic complaints decreased. Normalization of the balance of the autonomic nervous system and bronchial patency was also noted. Reviews from doctors about Adaptovit were generally positive. They noted a beneficial effect on patients, schoolchildren, athletes and students.

We recommend together with this drug:

Adaptovit (ADAPTOVIT) is a drug from the Siberian Health company, which contains a rich complex of plant adaptogens to increase the body’s adaptive properties to rapidly changing external living conditions. The drug helps to get rid of fatigue, quickly restore strength (both physical and mental), it normalizes the functionality of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, improves metabolic processes (carbohydrate and lipid processes in the first place). Among other things, Adaptovit improves brain nutrition by activating cerebral circulation, strengthens the immune system, and increases a person’s resistance to nervous breakdowns, stressful situations, and depressive conditions. The drug increases the regenerative properties of the liver.

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