Anti-parasite drug “9 STOPrazit”: reviews, composition, instructions for use

The medicine contains plant components that can deal a strong blow to helminthic infestations. "STOPrazit" contains plant extracts, glucite, tricarboxylic hydroxy acid, potassium salt of sorbic acid and water. The medicine copes well with the most severe cases of infection.

The drug against parasites in the human body has a combined effect and is effective against any helminthic and parasitic infection, and successfully eliminates nematodes.

As is known, most helminthic infestations are provoked by the negative effects of parasites that enter the human body.

Pharmacological properties

According to the instructions for use, STOPrazit is harmless to human health. The drug has the following pharmacological effects:

  1. Eliminates and removes all harmful parasites from the body, preventing them from developing and multiplying.
  2. Neutralizes spasms, eliminates bile.
  3. Reduces inflammation and also promotes regeneration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Strengthens the immune system, preventing re-infection.

The drug is non-toxic.

Beneficial features

The solution has a complex effect on the body:

  • Effective against various types of parasites;
  • Anticestodic, antinematode, trematode activity;
  • Destroys and removes parasites at all stages, prevents their further development;
  • Has a choleretic, antispasmodic effect;
  • Reduces inflammatory processes;
  • Supports gastrointestinal functions, improves gastrointestinal motility;
  • Increases the body's resistance to re-infection;
  • Strengthens the immune system.

The product has a complex effect, fights against different types of parasites without poisoning the body with toxins.

Indications and contraindications for use

The STOPrazit phytocomplex has a therapeutic and preventive effect on the following diseases:

  • Infection with worms.
  • Mycosis (a disease of fungal origin that affects the skin, nail plate, feet, scalp and groin area).
  • Bacteriosis (a disease caused by intestinal dysfunction).
  • Protozoal infection (a condition that results from parasitism in the body of single-celled microorganisms called protozoa).
  • Giardiasis (protozoal infection, which is caused by intestinal lamblia and occurs with signs of digestive disorders).
  • Intoxication from waste products of pathogens.
  • Trichomoniasis (an infectious disease caused by the protozoan Trichomonas with a predominant localization of the pathological process in the organs of the genitourinary system).
  • Amebiasis (a disease the source of which is considered to be histolytic amoeba, which occurs with extraintestinal and intestinal symptoms).
  • Bacterial, streptococcal infections.
  • Toxoplasmosis (a zoonotic protozoal infectious process that has a long course and leads to damage to the central nervous, lymphatic, as well as visual, muscular systems, myocardium, liver, spleen).

The drug can be used even by a child, but you should be especially careful with the dose. "STOPrazit" for children under three years of age is used only after consultation with a pediatrician. The medication is prohibited in case of individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation.


Recommended as a source of tannins, flavonoids, contains salicin.

The components included in the phytocomplex are used to prevent deficiency of essential substances in the following conditions:

  • hidden, unidentified parasitic diseases and a high risk of their occurrence (living in a dangerous outbreak, traveling to a tropical country, using unprocessed vegetables and fruits, water of questionable purity, contact with pets, eating food with insufficient culinary processing, as well as Japanese cuisine - sushi, rolls, etc.;
  • helminthic infestations - cestodiasis (diphyllobothriasis, cysticercosis, taeniasis, echinococcosis, alveococcosis, hymenolepiasis, etc.), nematodes (enterobiasis, ascariasis, trichocephalosis, hookworm disease, trichinosis, etc.), trematodiasis (opisthorchiasis, etc.), mixed helminthiases;
  • protozoal infections (giardiasis, toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc.);
  • mycoses (candidiasis, etc.);
  • bacterial infections (staphylococcus, streptococcus, etc.);
  • intoxication caused by the activity of parasites.

It is also recommended for contraindications to taking synthetic antiparasitic agents and when using complex programs for cleansing the body.

How to use the medicine

From the instructions for use it is known that the bottle should be stored in a cool place. The jar must be shaken before use. You need to take the drug 1-2 teaspoons in the morning, lunch and evening while eating.

It is permissible to dilute the medicine with water. “STOPrazit” should be used within 10-30 days. The course of therapy can be repeated after three to six months. It is advisable to carry out treatment with the whole family.

special instructions

From the instructions for use it is known that “9 STOPrazit” actively removes toxins from the liver, eliminates allergic manifestations, and restores the normal functioning of internal organs.

The drug consists of 9 extracts of medicinal herbs that protect against harmful parasitic effects. Plant substances interact, enhancing each other’s effects on the body.

Phytocomplex Vitauct Stoprazit - reviews

Maria Gomayurova

During the hot season, follicular tonsillitis began: there were sharp, severe pains in grief, difficulty swallowing, high fever, and there was also suppuration on the tonsils.

Antibiotic therapy and detoxification therapy with 9-ku Stoprazit were prescribed, and I also used 9-ku Stoprazit as an antiseptic when rinsing. Thus, I saved my money without buying (antiviral, antiseptic, hepatoprotector)

thanks to the rich composition (which I want to replace does not contain alcohol, sugar, and has no side effects!) There was already improvement on the second day; When gargling, a mechanical cleansing of the throat occurs and at the same time an antiseptic effect of medicinal substances. In addition to rinsing, I took 9-kuStoprazit orally 3 times a day after meals (I want to note that the taste is specific, but not always, which is healthy and tasty); full recovery came on the 5th day. Having stopped the antibiotic, I continued to take 9-kuStoprazit because angina gives complications to the body as a whole (it restored the immune system)!

For those who have frequent recurrences of sore throat, a weak throat, especially children, my advice to you: although it may not seem trivial to you, it is to drink 9-cup Stoprazite twice a year. The bottle is enough for 1 course of use. The price is affordable. Tried it on myself! And most importantly, USEFUL! I give it 10 out of 10.


The most important thing about Stoprazit is that it is made entirely of natural ingredients, which means there are no chemicals. And the parasites really don’t like it. Personally, I got rid of stomach pain, and my liver stopped bothering me. The drug is not cheap, but very high quality.



No side effects, natural herbal preparation


Not available

I went to the doctor with a general malaise and advised me to take Stoprazit. I took the full course and noticed clear improvements. And I didn’t notice any side effects, since when taking synthetic drugs, there was poor tolerance. So I recommend it.

AnnaC 1989

A real must-have for COMPLETE CLEANING OF THE BODY FROM ANY INFECTIONS AND PARASITES (in addition to everything from mushrooms), without any negative impact on your organs and tissues and on your wallet. Friends, I have long wanted to share with you a review of this MIRACLE product that saved me, my family and many more people in this world (thanks to the domestic company Vitaukt, for the first time on our pharmaceutical market a truly worthwhile product, unique in its design). I'm talking about the drug 9KA STOPRAZIT. As an epidemiologist, in my practice I constantly encounter various types of helminthic infestations and other infectious, viral, fungal and prion diseases. In modern medicine, the global problem is to cure a person without causing any harm to him. We all know how common the iatrogenic consequences of treating various pathologies are now, and first of all, of course, this concerns the consequences of taking medications. Previously, one always had to take huge risks associated with taking synthetic anthelmintic drugs: from harmless allergies and nausea, to developing chronic allergic bronchial asthma and even death due to acute toxic hepatitis - severe liver failure while taking, for example, such drugs, like albendazole, which are highly toxic to the human body and do not always give a positive result. Fortunately for us, there is now 9ka Stoprazit (analogous to the familiar triad, only here there are not three, but nine herbs) - a broad-spectrum drug against various types of parasites, plus it is absolutely safe for the body. Now there is often no need to prescribe different groups of drugs to treat different types of helminthiases, because there is one universal remedy. 9ka Stoprasite does not lead to toxic damage to the body as a result of the fight against parasites; on the contrary, it removes these products of toxic metabolism of helminths, having a wide spectrum of action against various parasites (including protozoa, opisthorchid, round, tape and flatworms, also cystodoses, nematodes and whipworms). One package of 9Ki Stoprazit is enough for a minimum course of administration - 21 days - for an adult. I recommend drinking the drug for two months in order to also get rid of various kinds of dermatological problems - acne, acne, demodicosis, and other fungal, viral and bacterial lesions of the skin. I also recommend 9ku Stoprazit for children as anthelmintic therapy and for the prevention of helminthiasis; as a replacement for synthetic drugs to avoid unwanted side effects and ensure the child’s well-being while fighting parasites (since 9ka Stoprazit does not cause nausea, vomiting and other adverse effects). The price of one package is approximately 500-700 rubles - a symbolic cost for such an effective product. Friends, take care of your health! Now there are many medications and other drugs on our market, among which it is sometimes impossible to find the right, effective and safe remedy. Trust only proven and effective drugs, such as 9ka Stoprazit. Good health and prosperity to everyone!


I have a cat at home, so I periodically cleanse my body of parasites. I take the Stoprazit phytocomplex, which does its job very well. The composition is completely herbal, and is terrible for parasites, but useful for humans.



Safety, effectiveness, wide spectrum of action



9ka stoprazit is an excellent remedy! I work in a pharmacy, I know first-hand about the side effects of anthelmintic drugs and anthelmintic chemicals, but here the natural composition The average price is 550-600. The drug is excellent, everyone who used it on my advice was satisfied with its effect. I am glad that our production has reached such a level.


I bought this antiparasitic product without reading the reviews, maybe it’s for the best, because despite all the positive reviews on this site, they look very unreliable. Several different people registered on the Irecommend website at once just to write a single review about this product, zealously positive, which is very strange and evokes thoughts of dishonesty.

So, why do we need this tool? For prevention.

Do we have parasites? We don’t know this for certain. Children undergo tests once or twice a year, and their stool is always clean. But on the other hand, even workers in laboratories and clinics do not remember in their practice when a stool analysis would have shown parasites.

In order for the analysis to be reliable, it is necessary to submit feces three times in a row within fifteen days. And this is possible in Moscow only in some kind of parasitic institute. I decided not to bother myself so much.

I saw an advertisement and wanted to donate blood for parasites; the promotion cost about 3,000 rubles. I called the clinic, the doctor explained that such an analysis would not be a complete guarantee of the presence or absence of parasites, but would only be a secondary, additional result to other studies. I gave up on this idea, why pay 3,000 rubles for the result: “either yes or no”

Thus, I was once again convinced that modern medicine is not able to accurately diagnose the presence of parasites in humans.

We decided to try a 9-pack of STOPRAZIT for three people.

Me (for prevention) and two teenage children (one has allergies, the other has minor stomach problems)

One package was enough for us for a week, the course is designed for three weeks, so we immediately ordered a couple more packages, and then another one. Only four bottles.

We drank the entire course without breaks. One package cost about 500 rubles, in total we paid 2000 rubles for the course.

The product tastes bitter, unpleasant, but quite tolerable.

None of us noticed the feeling that anything had changed for the better.

In other reviews, people wrote that some people's skin cleared up, but ours did not.

Some people have improved digestion, but we don’t.

Therefore, I will not undertake to confirm or deny the effectiveness of this remedy.

I can also add that this remedy is often found in the anti-parasitic programs of various healthy lifestyle gurus as an additional, but not the main remedy. Perhaps this makes sense and it should be used in addition to the main therapy.


If there was a rating I would give it a 20!! Before that, there was the drug Antihelm (not here), wonderful with excellent results and a range of actions. Everything has been tested: I have a lot of experience and cases of personal observation. But here the range is even wider, a unique set of drugs, the authors are well-known, where they are produced and as I advise find it yourself, so as not to be an advertisement. According to parasitologist Eliseeva Moscow) up to 70% of diagnoses of the most terrible diseases are caused only by parasites. They migrate throughout the body, poisoning .. and mechanically clog both blood vessels and bile ducts, etc.. They control your appetite, your mood, your weight. After a course of treatment (everything is written in the instructions - by the way, there are practically no contraindications!!) you will change your eating habits. What the pharmacy offers is one-sided, with a lot of contraindications and with a very small spectrum of effects!! So first conduct “research” on the drug market, supposedly you won’t find the same effect. I guarantee it!! Look, this is our Russian drug and the herbs are also grown. Tested in our laboratories. Check everything yourself, and you will have no doubts. EXACTLY!!

Natural ingredients

Black walnut contains cyclic diketones, as well as bitter glycosides, which have a negative effect on nematodes, the source of scabies and candidiasis. The nut can eliminate more than 50 different types of helminthic infestations without having a negative effect on the human body.

Aspen has an anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect, eliminates stenosis. It contains many bitter substances, essential oils, and benzoic acid. The leaves are rich in salicin, tremulacin and populin.

Tansy removes nematodes, lamblia, bile from the body, and relieves spasms. Essential oil destroys worms, completely cleansing the body of them.

Pumpkin successfully fights worms and pinworms. Neutralizes all types of tapeworm. The plant has a choleretic, laxative effect, removes nematodes from the intestines, and normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder. As a result, metabolic processes in the human body are improved, inflammation is reduced, and liver recovery is accelerated.


A drugCompoundComponent PropertiesMode of applicationAdmission course
9 STOP strikesBlack walnut, aspen, tansy, pumpkin, clove, centaury, cornflower, creeping thyme, eucalyptus.They have a complex antiparasitic effect on the body: they have anthelmintic, bactericidal, antiprotozoal and antifungal activity.5 ml 2-3 times a day with meals.30 days
HEPATROPSpanish artichoke, milk thistle, hill solyanka, silver birch, common agrimony, meadowsweet, black walnut, taurine, lipoic acid.The components included in the phytocomplex improve the processes of neutralizing toxins in the liver, and the products of their processing are removed from the body with bile. They have a choleretic effect. 5 ml 2-3 times a day before meals.
Break 15 days
MYRT AbioticEchinacea purpurea, black walnut, salvia officinalis, St. John's wort, myrtle, creeping thyme, eucalyptus, thuja occidentalis, ascorbic acid.They have bactericidal, fungicidal, antiviral, antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory effects. Increase immunity, enhance the body's protective functions. 5 ml 1 time per day with meals.30 days
OUTPOSTBlack walnut, common peach, meadowsweet, grapevine, Japanese sophora, hibiscus sabdariffa, ginkgo biloba, succinic acid, ascorbic acid, lipoic acid.Strengthen the body's natural defenses. They support and restore the body's adaptive resources, increasing its resistance to viruses, fungi and bacteria. Improve metabolism. 5 ml 2-3 times a day before meals
Break 30 days
YUGLONBlack walnut.Has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiparasitic properties5 ml 2-3 times a day30 days

Recommendations for the use of the phytocomplex are given on the basis of the established actions of the components included in its composition.  VITAUKT phytocomplexes are not medicines. Before using them, consult a doctor. The information provided does not constitute a basis for refusing to use medications prescribed by a doctor or for refusing to seek medical help. Only your attending physician can change the drug treatment regimen (prescribe a different dosage of the drug, replace one drug with another, discontinue the drug, etc.)

It is also recommended for contraindications to taking synthetic antiparasitic agents and when using complex programs for cleansing the body.

What other natural ingredients does the drug contain?

Cloves have a negative effect on worms, as well as protozoa, and fight various types of bacteria. Improves the immune system, helps produce gastric juice, activates the digestive system, stabilizes blood microcirculation in the organs. Contains eugenol, which acts as an analgesic and disinfects the lungs, stomach, blood, and lymph.

Umbrella centaury is part of "STOPrazit" and helps eliminate whipworms, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, removes toxins, and reduces the formation of gases. The plant contains phenolcarboxylic acids, which have choleretic and antimicrobial activity.

Cornflower has sesquiterpene lactones and other biologically active components in its structure. Therefore, “STOPrazit” is effective against opisthorchiasis and giardiasis.

Creeping thyme eliminates cestodosis and helps against helminths. In addition, the medicinal plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and is considered an antioxidant. Thyme contains many essential oils: thymol and corvalol. The first has a fungicidal, anthelmintic, and bactericidal effect.

Eucalyptus effectively fights pathogens, eliminates inflammation, and heals wounds. Essential oil enhances the secretion of digestive glands.

You must use STOPrazit strictly according to the instructions. Penetrating into the body, plant extracts have a detrimental effect on nematodes. Thanks to special substances, they eliminate parasites and effectively remove their waste products from the body.


Active componentsper 5 ml (6.0 g)per 100 g
Polyextract (2:1)*1,500 g25.0 g
Mass fraction of polyextract components:
Black walnut leaves and pericarp (Folia et pericarpium Juglandis nigrae)0.300 g5.00 g
Common aspen bark (Populi tremulae cortex)0.300 g5.00 g
Tansy flowers (Flores Tanaceti vulgaris)0.150 g2.50 g
Pumpkin seeds (Semina Cucurbitae pepo)0.150 g2.50 g
Clove tree buds (Alabastra Caryophylli aromatici)1.150 g2.50 g
Centaury grass (Herba Centaurii umbellati)0.150 g2.50 g
Cornflower grass (Herba Centaureae)0.150 g2.50 g
Creeping thyme herb (Herba Thymi serpylli)0.075 g1.25 g
Eucalyptus leaves (Folia Eucalypti viminalis)0.075 g1.25 g
Auxiliary components:
Sorbitol and glycerin3,000 g50.0 g
Potassium sorbate0.010 g0.20 g
Lemon acid0.005 g0.10 g
Purified waterqs

* A ratio of 2:1 in the extract composition means that 1 part of the extract is obtained from 2 parts of plant material. Water and ethanol of varying concentrations are used as extractants for optimal extraction of a wide range of necessary biologically active substances. The finished product does not contain alcohol.


Under the influence of the drug, spasms are instantly eliminated, heaviness and pain disappear, tissues are restored, cells are cleansed of toxins. Most of the parasites are eliminated. After the course of treatment, the patient feels a surge of strength, lightness, and his mood improves.

Side effects are minimal. The medicine "STOPrazit" is made without the use of alcohol, sugar, or flavorings. It can be used by people who have diabetes.

It should be remembered that exceeding the recommended doses of medication can lead to negative consequences. At high concentrations the drug acts as a laxative.


The composition of “STOPrazit” is unique. The only medicine similar to it is Paragon. Other drugs against parasites in the human body have the same spectrum of action:

  • "Albendazole".
  • "Nemozol."
  • "Vermox."
  • "Pyrantel".
  • "Dekaris."
  • "Piperazine."
  • "Wormil."
  • "Tinidazole."

All of the above analogs have their limitations and often cannot be used for preventive purposes. Before replacing STOPrazit with another drug, you should consult a specialist.

Contraindications and side effects

Not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • Individual sensitivity;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Before use, consultation with a specialist is recommended.

Contains sweetener. If consumed in excess, it may have a laxative effect.

Volume:250 ml
Best before date:1.5 years
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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