Badger badger fat - description and instructions for use

Manufacturer: ZELDIS
Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Composition of Badger badger fat
  • Indications for use of the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Release form of the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Use of the drug Barsukor badger fat during pregnancy
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Overdose of the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Precautions when taking the drug Badger badger fat
  • Storage conditions for the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Shelf life of the drug Barsukor badger fat

Best before date

18 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Betulanorm (Capsule)
  • For the genitourinary system Life formula (Capsule)
  • Coffeeberry (Capsule)
  • Sana-Sol - Vitamin C (Oral tablets)
  • Pancreavit (Capsule)
  • Blue blackberry, leaves (Briquet)
  • St. John's wort (Oral tablets)

The description of the vitamin Badger badger fat is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Badger fat in capsules Barsukor

“Rendered badger fat+” (raw badger fat, sunflower oil, antioxidants ascorbyl palmitate, alpha tocopherol, lecithin)

Composition of the capsule shell: distilled water, gelling agent gelatin, moisture-resistant agent glycerin, food grade preservative sodium benzoate.

Badger fat has an excellent and balanced set of important vitamins and elements that help the sick person improve their condition and help relieve the unpleasant respiratory symptoms of a cold. Badger fat includes 4 important components:

  • Vitamin A (223 mcg per 100 g),
  • Vitamin E (6.6 mg per 100 g.),
  • PFA (15.1 g per 100 g), namely: Linoleic acid 8.6 g and Linolenic acid 3.95 g.

All these components complement each other perfectly. For example, vitamin A (retinol) and vitamin E (tocopherol) enhance each other’s actions, and their combined use is more effective than their separate use. Tocopherol also prevents the oxidation of vitamin A and improves its absorption. In turn, Vitamins A and E are antioxidants of cell membranes containing PUFAs (PY Byund, 1996)

Vitamin A. Used as an immunomodulator for viral diseases and for the treatment of skin lesions. With a lack of Vitamin A, the epithelium of the mucous membrane is affected, incl. respiratory system, increases susceptibility to infections. Retinol stimulates immune processes in the body, has an antiviral effect, maintains the normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes, and exhibits a significant antioxidant effect. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the cellular retinol-binding protein penetrates the cell nucleus and stimulates cellular processes.

Vitamin E. Necessary in regulating the immune system and improving tissue respiration. Vitamin E plays a mega-important role as an antioxidant. Delays the oxidation of vitamin A. Protects PUFAs from peroxidation and damage by free radicals, salts of heavy metals, etc. (Petrov V.I. Spasov A.A. - Russian Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements to Food / Russian Research Institute of Health 78-83)

Linoleic acid and Linolenic acid . They are polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. “Indispensability” is due to the fact that they are not produced in the human body, but are necessary for life. The source of these acids is the food consumed. These polyunsaturated fatty acids are structural elements of cell membranes and ensure normal development and adaptation of the human body to unfavorable environmental factors

Badger badger fat capsules 0.2g 100 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

Bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, tonic.

Composition and release form Badger badger fat capsules 0.2 g 100 pcs.

Capsules - 1 capsule. 0.2 g:

Active ingredients: badger fat 0.2 g; wheat germ oil 0.05 g.

100 capsules per package.

Description of the dosage form

Spherical soft capsules of pale yellow color with a specific odor.


Improves metabolic processes, has a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular, genitourinary, endocrine and nervous systems, prevents the development of cancer and regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.

Powerful antioxidants in badger fat help slow down the processes of cell damage due to oxidative processes. The production of steroid hormones is activated, which increases the activity of the organs of the reproductive system. In addition, the use of badger fat improves digestive processes, stimulates the secretion of saliva, as well as gastric and pancreatic juice.

Directions for use and doses

Adults and children over 14 years of age: 12 capsules 3 times a day or 1 teaspoon (5 g) 2 times a day. Duration of treatment: 1 month.

Take with a small amount of water during meals.

Indications for use: Badger badger fat capsules 0.2g 100 pcs.

It is recommended to use for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Reduces the duration of the disease and helps strengthen the immune system. Source of PUFAs, vitamin E.


Individual intolerance to product components, liver and biliary tract diseases in the acute stage, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Effect on the body

Improves metabolic processes, has a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular, genitourinary, endocrine and nervous systems, prevents the development of cancer and regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.

Powerful antioxidants in badger fat help slow down the processes of cell damage due to oxidative processes. The production of steroid hormones is activated, which increases the activity of the organs of the reproductive system. In addition, the use of badger fat improves digestive processes, stimulates the secretion of saliva, as well as gastric and pancreatic juice.

Application of Badger badger fat capsules 0.2g 100 pcs. during pregnancy and breastfeeding


special instructions

Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Indications and contraindications for use

The main advantage of badger fat is its versatility. It helps with an extensive list of diseases that traditional medicine sometimes finds difficult to cope with. With regular use and the correct dosage, it helps to restore health in the following conditions:

  • tuberculosis;
  • silicosis and emphysema;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms in the respiratory organs;
  • asthmatic bronchitis, COPD;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory system;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • psoriasis, autoimmune skin diseases;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • ulcerative changes in the tissues of the stomach and intestines;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • postoperative rehabilitation;
  • decreased effectiveness of the immune system.

Badger lard has a fairly strong antipositary effect, and also goes well with other medications. That is why it is often used in complex treatment. With a high percentage of effectiveness, badger fat is used as a prophylactic agent to reduce the incidence of influenza, ARVI, bacterial and viral tonsillitis during the high-risk season.

At the same time, there are practically no contraindications to badger fat. It can even be given to children, pregnant and lactating women. It strengthens the immune system well, heals skin damage and gives the body strength to resist diseases. Strict contraindications include sensitivity and intolerance to the product. In other cases, our specialist will advise and help you choose the optimal dosage based on individual characteristics.

Terms of sale:

Through a pharmacy chain and specialized stores, departments of a retail chain.

Badger fat helps to generally strengthen the body and maintain immunity during the cold season.

Manufacturer and organization authorized to accept claims from the consumer: Bagira LLC, Russia, 462432, Orenburg region, Orsk, Orsky Avenue, 71, tel.. Manufactured to order: BIOFARMRUS LLC, Russia, 142100, Moscow region ., Podolsk, st. Komsomolskaya, 1, tel..

The unique composition of badger fat

The unique composition of badger fat
Russian doctors have long studied the properties of badger fat in the laboratory and came to the conclusion that it is biologically active and easily penetrates directly into the cells of the body. Accelerates tissue regeneration, removes toxins, increases vitality and immunity.

Badger fat is harvested by melting at temperatures up to 100 degrees, which ensures the safety of microelements and vitamins in full. The substances that make up the natural remedy, as well as their effect on the body, are described below:

  • Retinol in combination with tocopherol creates synergism, that is, an enhanced effect when interacting. Retinol is necessary for cell regeneration, and tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Organic fatty acids (Omega 3, 6, 9) – participate in the immune response and normalize the activity of the nervous system, improve heart function and prevent the development of pathologies.
  • B vitamins are essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Promote hematopoiesis, participate in energy metabolism, protect the nervous, immune and reproductive systems.

It is worth noting that it has a fairly high calorie content. So, if you are on a diet, be sure to pay attention to this.

Badger fat - instructions for use

Natural badger fat is more effective than commercially produced dietary supplements containing this product. This is due to the presence of organic substances in its composition, and not synthetic analogues, which are less absorbed by the body. We use harvesting technology without preservatives and other additives, so you get a 100% natural product.

Badger fat - instructions for use

However, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use of badger fat before proceeding with treatment. Traditionally, it is used in two ways:

  1. External use is important for achieving a caring, cosmetic effect, rejuvenation and treatment of the skin. Rubbing with badger fat is effective for pain syndrome in athletes (krepatura), pain in joints and muscles.
  2. Internal administration of the product is done half an hour before meals, about 3-4 times a day. Our specialist will help you choose the dosage and duration of use during a personal consultation by phone.

To improve your health with badger fat, you do not need to stop drug treatment and other procedures. On the contrary, the product will perfectly complement pharmacotherapy and increase its effectiveness. It does not affect the process of drug absorption.

What makes badger fat so beneficial?

The medicinal properties of badger fat are primarily due to the high content of biologically active substances: proteins, microelements and vitamins. The body absorbs these substances completely and quite quickly. Therefore, by taking badger fat, you help your body not only better resist colds and bronchitis, but also such serious diseases as pneumonia, tuberculosis and lung cancer.

Our ancestors have long appreciated the benefits of lard from wild animals and actively used it in everyday life. Moreover, noble beauties at all times literally worshiped this healing remedy, since after its application even a sick and unsightly girl was transformed and blossomed. Nowadays, cosmetologists actively purchase it, since this folk remedy for the skin has truly magical properties.

The medicinal properties of the product are ensured by the presence of biologically active substances. Badger fat has the ability to:

  • extinguish the inflammatory process;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • stimulate the immune response;
  • accelerate cell regeneration;
  • eliminate pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • prevent and stop the growth of cancer cells;
  • improve hematopoiesis;
  • protect the nervous system;
  • balance hormonal levels;
  • stimulate lactation;
  • influence the activity of the reproductive system.
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