Chronic abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome

Bowel pain is the most common complaint in bowel diseases. Medical experts describe aching, colicky and cramping pain in the intestines. The intestines begin to hurt after spasms. Severe pain in this organ is a clear sign of diseases that affect the large or small intestine. The process of spasms leads to the accumulation of lactic acid in the body, which negatively affects the nerve endings and causes pain.

Severe pain in the intestines is the result of poor nutrition, a side effect after taking medications, or an inflammatory process. Inflammatory processes in the intestines are accompanied by pain syndromes, nausea, bloating, and colic.

The patient feels discomfort in the intestinal area after long-term diets and fasting. The human body secretes an excessive amount of gastric juice, which leads to pain syndromes.

Types of intestinal pain

Medical specialists distinguish several types of pain:

  1. Acute pain in the intestines. Acute pain in the intestines is accompanied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The patient suffers from diarrhea and constipation. The feeling of discomfort disappears after bowel movement.
  2. Aching dull pain in the intestines. Aching pain intensifies with coughing and physical activity. Such pain syndromes are characteristic of inflammatory bowel diseases.
  3. Cramping pain is typical in advanced cases.
  4. Colicky pain in the intestines recurs at intervals of several minutes and lasts for several days.

Possible complications of constipation

Frequent constipation may be accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen and pain before, during or after bowel movements. Such problems can lead to unpleasant consequences. Most common complications:+

  • poisoning of the body;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • rectal fissures;
  • risk of cancer.

General intoxication due to stagnant feces can cause deterioration in health and decreased performance. Disruption of the intestinal microbial balance during chronic constipation leads to exacerbation of allergic diseases, skin rashes, and a decrease in the body's resistance to infections.

It is known that the risk of developing colorectal cancer is higher in people with chronic constipation. Delayed bowel movements lead to disruption of cholesterol metabolism and the development of atherosclerosis, and consequently, cardiovascular diseases.

Diseases of the anorectal area often accompany constipation. This is due to the fact that dense feces injure the mucous membranes of the rectum, which causes the appearance of anal fissures. And an increase in intra-abdominal pressure can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids.

Causes of pain in the intestines

Among the most common causes of abdominal pain are the following:

  • Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

Under the influence of the inflammatory process, the small or large intestine is irritated. Patients also experience inflammation of the sigmoid colon or appendix.

  • Autoimmune diseases.

During disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, the body begins to produce antibodies against colon tissue. This process leads to the development of ulcerative colitis.

  • Inflammatory process.

The inflammatory process indicates intestinal pathology. The disease has different origins and etiologies. The patient develops pathological processes in the intestinal mucosa, which result in a decrease in the functionality of the organ.

  • Pain in the intestines during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases monthly. The growth of the uterus provokes the appearance of pain in the intestines and stimulates the development of pathological processes in the organ.

  • Acute intestinal obstruction.

This diagnosis indicates the appearance of neoplasms, tumors, and foreign bodies in the human body.

  • Mesenteric thrombosis.

Mesenteric thrombosis is a blockage of the arteries supplying the intestines by a thrombus. Necrosis occurs, popularly known as necrosis of a section of the intestine with severe pain that cannot be relieved by taking painkillers.

  • Irritable bowel syndrome.

Appears in the body as a result of gastrointestinal disorders. The patient is diagnosed with acute pain in the intestines, accompanied by bloating and cramping pain. Irritable bowel syndrome refers to a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as frequent constipation.

  • Chronic pancreatitis.

Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammatory process of the pancreas, in which the amount of digestive enzymes in the body decreases. This disease is the result of insufficient food processing and fermentation processes with the release of gases.

Main symptoms of intestinal pathology

In most cases, unpleasant signs of distension in the gastrointestinal tract are the result of an incorrect combination of products, an unbalanced dietary regimen, or congenital intolerance to any substances included in the products. But if such serious systemic disorders as hepatitis, liver tissue necrosis, pancreatic dysfunction (pancreatitis) were previously diagnosed, systematically occurring pain and increased gas formation indicate the manifestation of these anomalies.

The main signs of disorders to which the intestines are exposed are:

  • a sharp increase in abdominal diameter;
  • acute spasmodic syndrome, sensation of gripping bleach;
  • clearly audible sounds of “fermentation”, gurgling;
  • belching not associated with recent meals;
  • nausea of ​​varying intensity;
  • difficult-to-control release of gases;
  • change in stool density.

One of the factors influencing the state of the intestines is stress. Any minor emotional experiences affect its functionality. Unpleasant sensations and the inability to control internal processes aggravate the situation. The patient worries even more, tries to hide from society, and feels embarrassed. Moral discomfort further contributes to the development of flatulence.

Treatment of intestinal pain

To make a diagnosis, symptoms alone are not enough, so the doctor prescribes an additional examination, including:

  1. A coprogram is a detailed examination of stool, with the help of which medical experts determine the nature of the completeness of food digestion. This diagnostic test determines whether the patient is suffering from gastrointestinal disorders.
  2. Bacteriological examination of stool. Bacteriological examination of stool provides informative data about the presence of the causative agent of intestinal infection in the body and the ratio of bacteria of healthy and opportunistic flora.
  3. Endoscopy. An endoscopic examination of the body is carried out by inserting a fiber optic tube into the upper or lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The fiber optic tube is equipped with a special camera and lighting. This diagnostic examination makes it possible to directly see the condition of the mucous membrane.
  4. Colonoscopy. An intestinal examination is performed using a device that allows you to visually evaluate the surface of the intestinal walls.
  5. Computed tomography can detect tumor diseases and internal changes in organs.

After a diagnostic examination, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. This group of medications will relieve pain syndromes and stop the progression of the disease.

For consultation, tests and various studies, we advise you to contact the private clinic “KDS Clinic”. You will receive qualified assistance, attention from the best proctologists in the Russian Federation and treatment at affordable prices. For more accessible information about services, please visit the official website of our medical institution.

The most accurate methods for diagnosing intestinal diseases are colonoscopy and computed tomography. These diagnostic examinations have a number of contraindications. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are strictly prohibited:

  1. Children under sixteen years of age. The human body at this age is quite weak, so diagnostic tests using radiation can damage healthy organs.
  2. Pregnancy or lactation period. During pregnancy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are contraindicated. They can harm the condition of the fetus, especially in the early stages. During the lactation period, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are not performed. If these diagnostics are necessary, then it is advisable for the woman to express milk after the procedure and refrain from feeding the baby for 48 hours.

The medical specialist diagnoses and treats intestinal diseases and conducts a comprehensive examination. We invite you to make an appointment with a proctologist and endoscopist.

Diagnostic measures

If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should contact a therapist or gastroenterologist, who will conduct an initial history taking, examination and interview of the patient. If necessary, other highly specialized specialists will be involved in the examination: neurologists, oncologists, surgeons, gynecologists or infectious disease specialists. At the primary stage, laboratory test data is collected and assessed. The presence or absence of inflammatory processes, parasitic lesions, and pathogenic microflora is determined.

Next, hardware research methods are assigned, the list of which is as follows:

  • non-invasive examination of the rectum;
  • probing imaging methods (endoscopy, colonoscopy);
  • ultrasonography;
  • ultrasound examination (adjacent organs are studied);
  • contrast radiography or MSCT;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • MRI of the intestines.

Instrumentally penetrating research methods are not always applicable in individual cases. There is a risk of additional injury when inserting a probe rectally, and traditional methods such as ultrasound or radiography are sometimes unable to provide correct results due to layers of intestinal structures. The most informative, safe and painless method is magnetic resonance screening, which allows you to study even distant canal loops that are inaccessible to colonoscopy.

Prevention of pain due to constipation

For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to drink a sufficient amount of water - at least 1.5–2 liters per day. If constipation is associated with decreased tone of the intestinal muscles and is accompanied by spasms, it is recommended to drink cold mineral water. One glass of water on an empty stomach and before each meal will improve the consistency of stool and facilitate its movement through the intestines.

Water also participates in the process of gas diffusion - some of the gases are absorbed from the intestines into the blood, so an optimal drinking regime is effective as a way to prevent flatulence, including those associated with constipation.

It is important to avoid overeating and sudden changes in diet. It is necessary to minimize stress and maintain a sleep schedule. Researchers say that following a daily routine will help prevent constipation: you should get up and go to bed at approximately the same time, and set aside enough time to go to the toilet in the morning, after breakfast. It is under no circumstances recommended to restrain the urge to defecate, as this can lead to constipation and a decrease in the sensitivity of the intestinal receptors to stretching.

Recommendations regarding diet for existing constipation also apply to prevention: try to eat a sufficient amount of fiber-rich foods, make up your diet from lean meats and fish, cereals, dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and berries.

Regular preventive visits to the doctor will help exclude gastrointestinal diseases or detect them at an early stage. This is especially important if you are at risk for developing disorders - you have an endocrine disease, pathologies of the digestive system, are limited in physical activity, etc.

You can prevent the occurrence of severe pain due to constipation by observing your body: determine the optimal frequency of bowel movements; ideally, bowel movements should be every morning. If stool is delayed for at least one day, try to take immediate action, if possible: increase the volume of fluid you drink, choose foods with a laxative effect.

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