Liquid chlorophyll: what is it, why and how to take it? Properties, benefits, indications for use

Cleansing the body and getting rid of toxins are processes necessary for full functioning. Often the mechanisms responsible for their implementation fail. Then you have to look for means that help cope with this problem. Scientists have found that liquid chlorophyll can deactivate carcinogens accumulated in the body, as well as prevent the process of DNA degeneration. Plant pigment has other beneficial properties, which we will get acquainted with later.

What is chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is a plant pigment necessary for photosynthesis - the process of formation of organic substances from inorganic substances with the participation of sunlight. Chlorophyll is one of the most important elements for the plant and entire biological world.

During the process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is converted into chemical bonds of carbohydrates, and oxygen is released, which is necessary for the life of all life on Earth and the biocenosis as a whole. The process of photosynthesis can rightfully be called the greatest miracle of nature.

It is chlorophyll (Greek chloros - green, phyllon - leaf) that colors plants green. Its amount in plants ranges from 1.7 to 5.0% (by dry weight).


Chlorophyll maps show milligrams of chlorophyll per cubic meter of seawater each month. Places where the amount of chlorophyll was very low, indicating very low phytoplankton abundance, are colored blue. Places where the concentration of chlorophyll was high, which means many phytoplankton were growing, are colored yellow. The observations are made by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite. The ground is dark gray, and places where MODIS could not collect data due to sea ice, polar darkness or clouds are light gray. The highest concentrations of chlorophyll where tiny surface-dwelling ocean plants thrive are in cold polar waters or in places where ocean currents bring cold water to the surface, such as around the equator and along the coasts of continents. Phytoplankton are not stimulated by the coldest water. Instead, cold temperatures are often a sign that water has risen to the surface from the depths of the ocean, carrying nutrients that have accumulated over time. In polar waters, nutrients accumulate in surface waters during the dark winter months when plants cannot grow. When sunlight returns in the spring and summer, plants bloom in high concentrations. [38]

Chlorophyll Research

The elemental composition of chlorophyll was first established in 1914 by the German organic chemist, Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, Richard Martin Willstätter. In 1940, another German organic chemist, also a Nobel Prize winner, Hans Fischer, completely established the structural formula of chlorophyll. And in 1960, another Nobel laureate in chemistry, American organic chemist Robert Woodward, managed to synthesize chlorophyll in the laboratory.

Compare the structure of the chlorophyll and hemoglobin molecules

Scientists have determined that the chlorophyll molecule is very similar in structure to the hemoglobin molecule, the most important element of blood. The only difference is that the central atom of chlorophyll is magnesium, and that of hemoglobin is iron.

Chlorophyll came to be called the blood of green plants.

Sources of chlorophyll

Products containing chlorophyll can be called superfoods, as they make an invaluable contribution to maintaining and strengthening human health. There are two main sources of chlorophyll: natural sources and dietary supplements based on them.

Natural sources of chlorophyll include leafy greens, some vegetables, and algae. Large amounts of chlorophyll are found in alfalfa, nettles, lettuce, spinach, sorrel, dill, parsley, celery, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, seaweed (spirulina and chlorella), wheat and barley sprouts.

However, one should take into account the fact that the amount of chlorophyll in greens and vegetables decreases during long-term storage, thawing after freezing, and during cooking.

For example, the chlorophyll content of frozen spinach decreases by about 35% after it is thawed and by another 50% after boiling or steaming.

The lack of chlorophyll in the human diet can be compensated for by biologically active food supplements, both in capsule and liquid form. Juice is obtained from fresh leaves of plants that serve as raw materials, which is dried using a special technology, then either packaged in capsules or used to prepare a solution. In the latter case, the product is better absorbed and the healing effect occurs faster.

What is liquid chlorophyll

Liquid chlorophyll is a dietary supplement, which is a solution of chlorophyllin. Chlorophyllin is a water-soluble compound obtained in the laboratory from chlorophyll by extraction.

The source of liquid chlorophyll is usually alfalfa , an ancient herbaceous plant growing on 5 continents and in more than 80 countries.

Why is alfalfa most often the raw material for the industrial production of liquid chlorophyll?

  • Firstly, alfalfa is one of the most chlorophyll-rich plants.
  • Secondly, the concentrate made from alfalfa contains all the minerals and chemical elements necessary for the body, and many rare biologically active substances.

The plant owes its rich composition to its unusually developed root system. While simple vegetable crops are content with superficial layers of soil that are stingy with nutrients, alfalfa, thanks to its powerful rhizome, is able to extract valuable nutrients from deep layers of soil.

Alfalfa is a source of liquid chlorophyll

The properties of alfalfa have been well studied. The plant is a rich source of vitamins (A, C, D, E, K), vital minerals (magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, etc.), trace elements (copper, manganese, molybdenum, boron, cobalt, etc.), fatty acids acids

Liquid chlorophyll has a rich emerald color, which remains stable during long-term storage. As a dietary supplement, liquid chlorophyll has been widely used throughout the world for more than half a century.

Products for thyroid disease

To reduce the risk of pathologies of the endocrine system, doctors recommend dietary nutrition with substances important for thyroid health. To prevent diseases and treat the organ, it is necessary to include in the diet the following foods:

  • Feijoa and persimmon - these iodine-containing fruits can be eaten at any time of the year. Fruits are also rich in sodium, magnesium and iron. In addition, persimmon and feijoa are a storehouse of vitamin compounds A, C and P.
  • Fresh seafood - mussels, crabs, fish, lobsters, shrimp, squid, etc. The same iodine-rich foods as persimmon and feijoa. Contains zinc, fatty acids, phosphorus, protein, B12. People who love seafood have strong immunity; their endocrine system is regularly fed with important hormones.
  • Sea kale is the primary source of iodine compounds. What kind of prevention of endocrine diseases will be possible without this ingredient? It is enough to eat 70-100 grams of seaweed per day for the body to consistently produce thyroid hormones. Also contains phosphorus, magnesium, silicon and a number of other useful minerals.
  • Red fish - salmon, trout, pink salmon, salmon and any red meat contain tyrosine. This substance helps synthesize necessary hormones. If there is enough red fish in the diet, then the body receives calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and phosphorus. In addition, fish liver is a source of selenium.
  • Spinach and onions strengthen the immune system and are also natural antioxidants. In addition, spinach contains a unique set of microelements important for the health of the endocrine system. These are phosphorus, zinc, iodine compounds, sodium, manganese and others.

It is also necessary to note the benefits of apples, berries and nuts for all body systems. Pine nuts and walnuts are rich in iodine compounds. Apples and blueberries contain antioxidant substances that protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

The benefits of chlorophyll for our body

Swiss physician Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Benner (1867-1939), a pioneer in the field of nutritional research, wrote that the sunlight accumulated in plants gives them great value.

Green leaves and fruits with the maximum concentration of sunlight should be the basis of daily nutrition, since the chlorophyll they contain has a multifaceted beneficial effect on the human body. In essence, Bircher-Benner laid the foundations for new beliefs about proper and healthy eating.

Benefits of chlorophyll for blood

It has been proven that chlorophyll is effective for anemia, as it causes activation of hematopoiesis. Chlorophyll stimulates the bone marrow, resulting in increased production of red blood cells, the most numerous cells in the blood.

Chlorophyll activates the action of enzymes involved in the synthesis of vitamin K, which is necessary for normal blood clotting. In addition, liquid chlorophyll itself is rich in natural vitamin K. Taking liquid chlorophyll is indicated for nosebleeds and heavy menstrual bleeding.

As a detoxifier, chlorophyll helps cleanse the blood of toxins and excess medications.

Antioxidant and detoxifying properties of chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a natural antioxidant. Like all antioxidants, it fights free radicals and carcinogens that threaten the integrity of DNA and provoke the development of various pathological processes in the body, including the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells.

Chlorophyll is able to resist chemical carcinogens and food toxins, reduces the severity of side effects from the use of drugs, counteracts radiation damage, protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, and reduces risk factors from smoking.

Vitamins for the thyroid gland

The following vitamin groups provide a stable supply of hormones to the endocrine system:

  • Retinol (A) – is responsible for protein biosynthesis. Vitamin group “A” has a beneficial effect on the immune system, improves the condition of the mucous membranes, bones and teeth. Retinol strengthens nails and hair, relieves swelling and sagging skin, and has a good effect on vision. Usually, the “A” + “E” complex is prescribed for prevention in order to enhance the positive effect of exposure.
  • Vitamins B6, B12 – pyridoxine and cobalamin. Vitamin group “B” accelerates metabolic processes. Increased metabolism prevents the appearance of goiter, obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
  • Cholecalciferol (D) - comes from food and is also synthesized in the skin under the influence of moderate amounts of UV rays. A deficiency of this compound leads to the disease hypothyroidism (long-term deficiency of the hormone T3 and T4). Endocrinologists recommend eating foods high in this substance or periodically taking vitamin supplements.
  • Antioxidants. This group includes tocopherol (E). In cosmetology, vitamin supplements based on this compound are very popular. They slow down the aging process, relieve skin puffiness, and smooth out wrinkles. Tocopherol improves the absorption of iodine compounds by cells. It is also assigned together with group “A” to mutually enhance the effect. However, doctors advise not to overuse tocopherol, since its excess with a lack of selenium causes hypothyroidism.

In addition to vitamin complexes, the health of the thyroid gland depends on the presence of microelements in the body. Important minerals include:

Iron is a trace element that affects the level of hemoglobin in human blood. Normal iron content helps to steadily transport oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body. As with “E” antioxidants, excess or deficiency of the mineral leads to problems with the endocrine system, in particular causing hyperthyroidism.

Selenium is a trace element, without which the production of hormones T3 and T4 is impossible. This mineral protects organs from oxidation, improves metabolism, controls growth and supports reproductive function in men. A lack of selenium leads to a disease such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis - problems with immunity.

Iodine - without this trace element the endocrine system will not be able to function fully. The mineral is involved in metabolic processes and in the synthesis of more than 100 enzymes, and regulates the water-salt balance of the body. A deficiency of the element leads to the formation of goiter and the development of hypothyroidism, and impairs intellectual abilities. Excess iodine compounds lead to poisoning of the body.

Side effects of chlorophyll

Chlorophyll and chlorophyllin are non-toxic and usually do not cause side effects. In very rare cases, an overdose of chlorophyllin can cause an allergic reaction, stomach upset, and diarrhea.

However, it is worth paying attention to some limitations in the use of chlorophyll supplements:

  1. To avoid a false positive result when taking a hemocult test (stool test for occult blood), you should exclude foods and dietary supplements containing chlorophyll from your diet 3 days before the test.
  2. Some medications that increase sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitizing drugs) may interact with chlorophyll. This means that taking these drugs with chlorophyll may increase your skin's exposure to ultraviolet radiation and cause sunburn or an allergic reaction such as a rash.

Indications for use and instructions for use

A number of studies have confirmed the effectiveness of liquid chlorophyll in the complex treatment of chronic constipation and bloating. It has been established that the active compound can reduce body odor, urine and feces (). Liquid chlorophyll has proven to be an effective treatment for mild to moderate acne. It also helps get rid of pronounced pores. For the treatment of defects on the facial skin, the product is used for 3 weeks (). You can understand why else you should drink liquid chlorophyll by carefully studying its mechanism of action.

The pigment is prescribed for:

  • disruption of the functioning of the pancreas;
  • diagnosing pancreatitis;
  • the appearance of anemia during menstruation or frequent nosebleeds;
  • sinusitis therapy;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • bleeding gums;
  • detection of swelling and redness on the skin.

The indication for the use of liquid chlorophyll is leukopenia. This type of disease is caused by various reasons. Research has confirmed the effectiveness and safety of the product ().

Chlorophyll NSP

Chlorophyll NSP is liquid chlorophyll made from environmentally friendly alfalfa using a unique technology with complete preservation of active ingredients. One teaspoon (5 ml) of Liquid Chlorophyll NSP contains 14.9 mg of chlorophyll (sodium chlorophyllin), which is 15% of the adequate daily requirement, and 4.35 mg of spearmint oil, which enhances the antiseptic effect of chlorophyll and makes the supplement light menthol taste. The dietary supplement is manufactured according to the GMP standard. The supplement does not contain sugar, preservatives or dyes.

Review by V. Antilevsky, Ph.D., about Liquid Chlorophyll NSP

How to drink chlorophyll?

Liquid chlorophyll NSP is recommended to take 1 teaspoon, diluted in a glass of clean drinking water, 1-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals or in between meals. To enhance the effect, it is advisable that the water be slightly warm (but not hot!). For colds and acute poisoning, the dose can be increased 2-3 times. (Before use, please consult your healthcare professional)

Liquid chlorophyll NSP is a unique product for daily use. Regular intake of chlorophyll will improve your health and protect against many risks.

Author: general practitioner Natalya Dubrovskaya

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