Interferon therapy for COVID-19 in children: theory and practice

Detailed description of the study

There are many diseases accompanied by a decrease in local or general immunity in the body. To stimulate the activity of the immune system, immunomodulators have been developed. One of these drugs is Imunofan.

Imunofan (arginyl-a-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine) is a domestically produced immunomodulator. It is synthesized from the hormone thymopoietin. This drug has a positive effect on the immune system, helps eliminate the effects of toxins on the body, promotes the restoration of liver cells, and reduces the activity of peroxidation.

Imunofan is taken in the complex treatment of immunodeficiency and toxic conditions, as well as for infectious and inflammatory diseases of various natures.

In the human body, to combat infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi), there is a system of interferons, which is of great importance in regulating innate and acquired immunity.

Interferons are molecules of protein compounds that are actively involved in protecting the human body from pathogenic microorganisms. According to the classification of interferons, there are three types: alpha, beta and gamma. The first two are similar in their functions and form class I, and gamma interferons belong to class II.

Interferon alpha (cellular) is formed by blood cells (leukocytes) and actively responds to the penetration of infectious agents (virus, bacteria) into the human body. Interferon beta is synthesized by connective tissue cells (fibroblasts) and is also actively involved in the fight against infectious agents. Interferon gamma (immune) is produced by T-lymphocytes, providing an immunomodulatory and antitumor effect.

The role of interferons is to regulate the antiviral, immunomodulatory and antitumor activity of cells. Interferons are active even in small quantities, and their effect is carried out using receptors that are located on the cell membrane. Together they form a chain with multifunctional interaction.

The study of the effectiveness of treatment with Imunofan is based on the assessment of interferon status (activity of alpha, beta and gamma interferons). Determining sensitivity to Imunofan is necessary for selecting immunomodulatory therapy, taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body.


Imunofan is a domestic original immunostimulant. It has an immunomodulatory and detoxifying effect, has a positive effect on liver function, and neutralizes aggressive free radicals. Throughout the life of its “owner,” the human immune system has to regularly face challenges from a host of unfavorable environmental factors: bacterial and viral agents, poor ecology, low quality food, grueling physical labor, emotional stress, excessive medication load, bad habits. . To do this, she sometimes requires a certain pharmacological “feed”. A real breakthrough in the treatment and prevention of immune system disorders was the discovery of peptide immune hormones produced by the thymus gland. This motivated scientists to search for new peptide drugs that act on inflammatory mediators and the free radical neutralization system. The drug Imunofan is a representative of a new generation of immune peptides. Its action develops in three directions: correction of the immune status, restoration of the redox balance of the internal environment of the body and suppression of multiple drug tolerance mediated by transport pump proteins located in cell membranes. The action of Imunofan is divided into fast (from the first 2-3 hours to 2-3 days), medium and slow (up to 4 months) phases. During the fast phase, the drug primarily exhibits its detoxification effect: the synthesis of multifunctional glycoproteins (lactoferrin and ceruloplasmin) is stimulated, and the primary antioxidant enzyme catalase is activated. Imunofan regulates the course of fat peroxidation reactions, suppresses the destruction of membrane phospholipids, inhibits the synthesis of arachidonic acid, resulting in a decrease in plasma cholesterol and inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandin inflammatory mediators. During the middle phase, lasting up to 7-10 days, activation of phagocytic reactions and death of intracellular pathogens - bacteria and viruses - are observed.

In the slow phase, the immunomodulatory effect of imunofan begins to appear with complete or partial restoration of tissue and humoral immunity: the immunoregulatory index returns to the “pre-crisis” level, the formation of specific immunoglobulins increases. The effect of the drug on the production of antibacterial and antiviral antibodies can be compared with the effect of therapeutic vaccines. Imunofan is also in demand in the complex treatment of cancer: it increases the sensitivity of cancer cells to the action of chemotherapy drugs.

Imunofan is available in the form of a nasal spray. When injecting the drug into the nose, the bottle (as well as the head) must be held strictly vertically. Before first use, press the wide rim of the spray nozzle 3-4 times to prime the dosing pump. One dose contains 50 mcg of the active substance of the drug. The maximum daily dose is 200 mcg. The scope of use of the drug is by no means limited to complex treatment for the prevention of viral and bacterial infections (although, it should be recognized that it is in demand for the most part in this area). Thus, a pronounced clinical effect from the use of imunofan was observed in patients with chronic hepatitis B and AIDS-marking diseases. The drug showed itself well in the combined treatment of the gastrointestinal form of salmonellosis: when used in the acute phase of infection, it was possible to mitigate and shorten the duration of symptoms of intoxication, normalize stool and ensure rapid removal of the pathogen. Imunofan can be successfully used for diphtheria and a number of ophthalmological diseases. Some sources mentioned the effectiveness of the drug in patients with psoriasis, in whom, against the background of pharmacotherapy, the total duration of treatment was reduced, the remission period increased and the subjective state improved.

What else is prescribed with this study?

Humoral immunity (immunoglobulins IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE, circulating immunocomplexes, complement components C3, C4)

17.51. Ven. blood 8 days

3,890 ₽ Add to cart

Immune status (screening) (Phagocytic activity of leukocytes, cellular immunity, total immunoglobulin IgE, immunoglobulins IgA, IgM, IgG)

27.960. Ven. blood 3 days

7,640 ₽ Add to cart

Immune status expanded

17.61. Ven. blood 14 days

22 310 ₽ Add to cart

Cellular immunity (T-lymphocytes, T-helpers, T-cytotoxic cells, Immunoregulatory index, B-lymphocytes, NK-T cells, NK cells, Leukocyte formula)

17.50. Ven. blood 3 days

5 200 ₽ Add to cart

Reviews and application experience

Having received a test batch of the drug Immunofan on 07/07/2020 from NPP BIONOX LLC, we began its active use on reptiles undergoing rehabilitation and intensive care at the Center: land turtles - Testudo horsfieldii (Central Asian turtle), Testudo graeca (Mediterranean turtle); aquatic turtles – Trachmys scripta (Red-eared turtle), Carettochelys insculpta (Two-clawed turtle), Emys orbicularis (European marsh turtle), Pelodiscus sinensis (Far Eastern turtle, Chinese trionix); leopard gecko – Eublepharis macularius (Spotted leopard gecko).

Analysis of the effect of the drug on different species and age groups of animals took place over a period of 3 months. I would like to note that before this observation, the drug was used sporadically on reptiles.

The drug was used for the first clinical symptoms of bacteriological rhinitis, a decrease in the general immune status, as an immunostimulant for ARVI of turtles (in particular the herpes virus), anorexia (stress and during antibiotic therapy).

Our task was not to conduct a double-blind study for scientific purposes, but only to study the effect of the drug on the health of animals as a single drug and in combination with the main therapy.

Based on the results of using the drug at a dose of 1 ml/kg, the following observations were obtained: - in the initial stage of bacterial rhinitis of turtles before the use of any antibacterial drops or parenteral administration of antibiotics - the drug relieves symptoms within 24-48 hours after a single administration,

– as an auxiliary drug in the treatment of ARVI in turtles - the drug increases the body’s resistance to the pathogen, significantly increases the chances of recovery of animals, shortens the treatment time when administered two or three times once every 48 hours

– with a depressed mental status, especially typical when animals arrive at the Center after hellish detention in petting zoos, confiscation from smugglers - the drug significantly improves the psychophysical state with two or three times of administration once every 48 hours

– for anorexia – stimulates appetite when administered two to three times once every 48 hours

To date, the drug has been observed when used on other types of reptiles: snakes and lizards.

To summarize, we can confidently recommend Immunofan for outpatient and inpatient therapy of reptiles.


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  2. Narovlyansky, A.N., Ershov, F.I., Ginzburg, A.L. Interferons: promising areas of research. - Immunology, 2013. - No. 3. — P. 168-172.
  3. Illek, Ya.Yu., Zaitseva, G.A., Galanina, A.V. and others. Therapeutic effect of imunofan and polyoxidonium in severe atopic dermatitis in young children. - Human Ecology, 2005. - No. 2. — P. 29-32.
  4. Kuznetsova, R.N., Sysoev, K.A., Lebedev, V.V. and others. Features of changes in local immunity in patients with chronic adenoiditis and the possibility of their correction with the drug imunofan. - Medical immunology, 2008. - No. 6. — P. 551-562.


Imunofan is used subcutaneously or intramuscularly in a single dose of 50 mcg. The maximum daily dose is 50 mcg. The drug is used in courses, depending on the purpose of use and the nature of the disease.

In adults.

As an adjuvant for vaccination against bacterial and viral infections - a single dose of 50 mcg intramuscularly or subcutaneously on the day of vaccination.

In the complex treatment of cancer patients:

- in a radical combination treatment regimen - once daily, a course of 8-10 injections before chemoradiotherapy and surgery, followed by continuation of the course throughout the entire treatment period.

- in patients with an advanced tumor process - once daily, in a course of 8-10 injections, with a break of 15-20 days and repeating the course throughout the subsequent treatment period.

In the complex treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitis and brucellosis:

- once daily, course of treatment is 15-20 injections.

In the complex therapy of HIV infection and opportunistic infections:

once daily, course of treatment is 15-20 injections. If necessary, it is possible to repeat the course after 2-4 weeks.

In surgical patients, in the treatment of III-IV degree burns with symptoms of toxemia, septicotoxemia, in surgical patients with septic endocarditis, cholecystopancreatitis, long-term non-healing wounds of the extremities, purulent-septic complications:

- once daily, course of treatment is 7-10 injections, if necessary, the course of the drug can be extended to 20 injections.

For broncho-obstructive syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis:

- once every 3 days, the course of treatment is 8-10 injections, if necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to 20 injections.

In complex therapy of psoriasis:

- once daily, course of treatment is 15-20 injections.

In adults and children over 2 years of age.

In complex therapy of inflammatory eye diseases:

— in case of damage to the anterior parts of the eye (keratitis, keratouveitis) once daily, the course of treatment is 7-10 injections;

- in case of damage mainly to the posterior parts of the eye (peripheral, posterior uveitis, retinovasculitis) and generalized inflammatory processes once daily, the course of treatment is 15-20 injections.

When treating diphtheria:

- once daily, course of treatment is 8-10 injections. For diphtheria bacteria carriage - once every 3 days, per course - 3-5 injections.

In complex therapy of children with papillomatosis of the larynx and oropharynx in children over 2 years of age:

- once daily, course of treatment - 10 injections.

For prevention:

exacerbation of chronic viral hepatitis and chronic brucellosis in adults and children over 2 years of age

daily once a course of 15-20 injections, repeated preventive courses are recommended every 2-3 months;

development of toxicosis in children over 2 years of age with malignant diseases of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue

- once daily, course of treatment is 10-20 injections, during and after completion of the course of chemoradiotherapy.

Imunofan, 1 piece, 8.5 ml, 45 mcg/dose, metered nasal spray

SC or IM, rectally, intranasally.


courses, single and daily dose - 50 mcg.


single (daily) dose - 100 mcg (1 supp.).

Nasal spray:

When using, the bottle should be held vertically, with the sprayer facing up. Remove the protective cap from the sprayer. Before first use, fill the dosing pump by pressing the wide rim of the spray nozzle 3-4 times. Insert the sprayer into the nasal passage with the head in a vertical position. Press the wide rim of the spray nozzle once until it stops. One dose of the drug contains 50 mcg of imunofan. The daily dose should not exceed 200 mcg.

When treating cancer patients in a radical combination treatment regimen (chemoradiation therapy and surgery):

— 1 time per day, daily, course of treatment — 8–10 injections (8–10 supp. or 1 dose in each nasal passage for 8–10 days) before chemoradiotherapy and surgery, followed by repetition of courses throughout the entire treatment period , with a break of 15–20 days.

In patients with an advanced tumor process (stages III–IV) of various localizations in the form of complex or symptomatic therapy:

- 1 time per day, daily, course of treatment - 8-10 injections (8-10 supp. or 1 dose in each nasal passage for 8-10 days), with a break of 15-20 days and repeating courses throughout period of subsequent treatment.

In children with malignant diseases of the hematopoietic and lymphoid systems:

- 1 time per day, daily, course of treatment - 10-20 injections (10-20 supp.). The drug is prescribed throughout the course of chemoradiotherapy and after its completion to prevent the development of toxicosis.

In the complex therapy of acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases accompanied by symptoms of intoxication and immunodeficiency:

- 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 2 times a day, daily for 10–15 days.

In complex therapy of children with papillomatosis of the larynx and oropharynx:

— 1 time per day, daily, course of treatment — 10 injections (10 supp.).

For opportunistic infections (CMV and herpes infections, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, pneumocystis, cryptosporidiosis):

— 1 time a day, daily, course of treatment — 15–20 injections (15–20 supp.) or 1 dose in each nasal passage 2 times a day, daily, course of treatment — 10–15 days. If necessary, courses can be repeated after 2–4 weeks.

In complex therapy of HIV infection:

— 1 time per day, daily, course of treatment — 15–20 injections (15–20 supp. or 1 dose in each nasal passage for 10–15 days). If necessary, it is possible to conduct repeated courses after 2–4 weeks.

For chronic viral hepatitis and chronic brucellosis:

- 1 time per day, daily, course of treatment - 15-20 injections (15-20 sup. or 1 dose in each nasal passage for 10-15 days), to prevent relapses, repeated courses should be carried out after 2-3 months ( for nasal spray - after 4–6 months).

For diphtheria:

- 1 time per day, daily, course of treatment - 8-10 injections (8-10 supp.). For diphtheria bacteria carriage - 1 time every 3 days. The course of treatment is 3–5 injections (3–5 supp.).

In the treatment of III-IV degree burns with symptoms of toxemia, septicotoxemia, in surgical patients with septic endocarditis, long-term non-healing wounds of the extremities, purulent-septic complications:

- 1 time per day, daily, course of treatment - 7-10 injections (7-10 supp.), if necessary, the course of treatment should be continued up to 20 injections (20 supp.).

For broncho-obstructive syndrome, cholecystopancreatitis, rheumatoid arthritis:

- 1 time every 3 days, course of treatment - 8-10 injections (8-10 supp.), if necessary, the course of treatment should be continued up to 20 injections (20 supp.) according to the same scheme.

When treating psoriasis:

— 1 time per day, daily, course of treatment — 15–20 injections (15–20 supp.).

Vaccinal prevention:

adults - once on the day of vaccination.

Imunofan amp 45 µg/ml 1 ml N5 (Bionox)

Imunofan - detoxification, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, immunomodulatory. Pharmacodynamics The drug has an immunoregulatory, detoxification, hepatoprotective effect and causes inactivation of free radicals and peroxide compounds. Corrects the state of the immune system, restores the balance of the body's oxidative-antioxidative reactions and helps overcome multidrug resistance of tumor cells mediated by proteins of the cell's transmembrane transport pump. The effect of the drug begins to develop within 2–3 hours (fast phase) and lasts up to 4 months (medium and slow phase).During the fast phase (duration - up to 2-3 days), the detoxification effect is manifested primarily - the body's antioxidant defense is enhanced due to stimulation of the production of ceruloplasmin, lactoferrin, and catalase activity; the drug normalizes lipid peroxidation, inhibits the breakdown of cell membrane phospholipids and the synthesis of arachidonic acid, with a subsequent reduction in blood cholesterol levels and the production of inflammatory mediators. In case of toxic and infectious liver damage, the drug prevents cytolysis, reduces the activity of transaminases and the level of bilirubin in the blood serum. During the middle phase (begins after 2-3 days, duration - up to 7-10 days) there is an increase in phagocytosis reactions and the death of intracellular bacteria and viruses .During the slow phase (begins to develop on 7–10 days, duration up to 4 months), the immunoregulatory effect of Imunofan® is manifested - restoration of impaired indicators of cellular and humoral immunity. During this period, normalization of the immunoregulatory index is observed, and an increase in the production of specific antibodies is noted. The effect of the drug on the production of specific antiviral and antibacterial antibodies is equivalent to the effect of therapeutic vaccines. Unlike the latter, the drug does not have a significant effect on the production of reagin antibodies of the IgE class and does not enhance the immediate hypersensitivity reaction; Imunofan® stimulates the formation of IgA in case of congenital deficiency. Imunofan® effectively suppresses multidrug resistance of tumor cells and increases their sensitivity to the action of chemotherapeutic drugs.

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