Gevkamen ointment: brief characteristics and instructions for the remedy

Gevkamen belongs to a group of pharmacological drugs used externally to relieve pain in muscles or joints. This medicine has a combined herbal composition. The therapeutic effect of the ointment is explained by the body's reflex reactivity to irritation of subcutaneous receptors and nerve endings. The product exhibits a distracting, locally irritating and slight anesthetic effect.

Composition and release form

Efkamon is a thick transparent ointment with a slight yellowish tint and a specific odor. It is easy to apply, quickly absorbed by the skin, and almost immediately exhibits therapeutic effects. The product is packaged in 25 g packets in polymer tubes with a screw cap. The cardboard box also contains detailed instructions for use.

This is a combined ointment containing both synthetic ingredients and components of natural origin. Its active composition is represented by the following active ingredients:

  • camphor;
  • methyl salicylate;
  • menthol;
  • eucalyptus, clove, mustard oils;
  • thymol;
  • tincture of hot capsicum.

The base of the external agent is formed from chloral hydrate, ethyl alcohol, paraffin, petroleum jelly, spermaceti. All ingredients of Efkamon complement each other well and mutually enhance their healing properties. The ointment contains few fatty components, so it does not leave marks on clothes and bedding.

Composition of Efkamon balm

Pharmacological properties

Each of the ingredients of the drug has special pharmacological properties. Immediately after applying it, there is a pleasant feeling of coolness. This is how menthol and thymol act, irritating the receptors of subcutaneous tissue, eliminating pain. After a few minutes, the cold is replaced by warmth, the intensity of which gradually increases. This occurs due to contact of sensitive nerve endings with red pepper tincture.

Other components of Efkamon also exhibit pharmacological activity:

  • camphor has a local irritating effect. It is accompanied by reflex reactions in the form of improved blood supply and tissue trophism;
  • vegetable oils distract a person from uncomfortable sensations. Due to the entry of 2 groups of impulses into the central nervous system, the feeling of pain and muscle spasms weaken. Instead, a slight burning sensation at the site of application of the balm comes to the fore;
  • Methyl salicylate has all the properties of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It stimulates the resorption of edema, copes well with moderate pain, and relieves inflammatory processes.

The result of the complex effect of the components on the affected joints, muscles or intervertebral discs is an improvement in a person’s well-being. Efkamon ointment helps to increase local temperature and accelerate blood circulation. The damaged tissues begin to receive enough nutrients to restore them.

The balm has a warming and analgesic (distracting) effect

Efkamon is used only after the acute inflammatory process has been relieved by systemic means. Otherwise, its intensity will increase due to an increase in body temperature in the area of ​​the diseased joint or intervertebral disc.

Dosage and method of application of the ointment

The medicine is applied to cleansed and dry skin, only if there is no damage to its integrity. The medication is distributed over the surface of the epidermis of the damaged area or at the site of inflammation in an even layer. After applying the ointment, this area should be gently massaged with your hand until the drug is completely absorbed, as evidenced by coldness and a slight burning sensation of the skin. Then it is recommended to wash your hands (of course, if this part of the body does not need treatment).

Gevkamen in adults or children (from 12 years old) is prescribed based on the size of the affected area (organ) from 2 to 4 g of ointment. This is a strip of medication 3-4 cm long, or a volume of medication corresponding to the size of a cherry or walnut. This amount of gel is enough to treat the sacral area or knee joint with an area of ​​400 to 800 cm2. Application should be repeated 3-4 times a day. The maximum permissible dose of the drug per day is 8 g. Treatment lasts 3-5 days, if desired, the course of therapy can be repeated after 3 days.

special instructions

After using Efkamon, you must wash your hands thoroughly so that the ointment does not get on the mucous membranes and inside the gastrointestinal tract. After using the balm, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Otherwise, the medicine may accidentally get into your eyes or into your body (for example, with food).

Applying ointment to mucous membranes is prohibited, as this can cause burns.

It is also prohibited to use the drug on areas with scratches, abrasions, open wounds and other skin damage.

The drug consists exclusively of herbal components, so it can be used simultaneously with alcohol intake.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery and vehicles

You can drive vehicles and potentially dangerous machinery during treatment. Efkamon does not affect reaction speed and attentiveness.

Use in pediatrics

It is not prohibited to use the ointment to treat children. The only thing is that before applying the drug you need to consult a pediatrician.

Before applying the medicine to the damaged area of ​​the body, you need to test the medicine on a small area of ​​skin, for example, around the elbow. The use of ointment is permitted in the absence of any adverse (including allergic) reactions.

For impaired renal and liver function

Efkamon can be used for pathologies of the liver and kidneys. It is recommended to visit a doctor before use.


There are many reviews about the drug on the Internet, and most of them are positive . The advantages of the ointment include low cost compared to analogues, natural composition, high efficiency (the medicine helps even with severe pain).

The only drawback is the strong specific aroma. Despite the fact that Efkamon is quickly absorbed, its smell remains on the body and clothes for a long time. In this regard, it is not recommended to apply ointment before going outside.

You can view reviews from real people at the end of this manual. There you can share your own opinion about the ointment. Perhaps your review will be useful for someone.


There are no structural analogues of the ointment with the same active component. There are medications on sale with similar therapeutic effects, produced in the same dosage form.

These include medications such as:

  • Ointments with an irritating effect, a large amount of Saliniment;

  • Bom Benguet;
  • Apizartron;
  • Ben-Gay;
  • Bom Benguet Rusfar;
  • Capsicam;
  • Naftalgin;
  • Finalgon;
  • Mentholatum Balm;
  • Bishofite.

Before replacing the ointment with a similar product, you need to visit a doctor. A specialist will help you choose the medicine that will be as harmless and effective as possible for a particular patient.


Gevkamen should be used in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • different forms of myalgia;
  • degenerative lesions of the musculoskeletal system of the body (for example, with arthralgia, deforming osteoarthritis of the spine and peripheral joints);
  • tension headache;
  • post-traumatic inflammatory reactions affecting joints, tendons, muscles or ligaments (bruise, sprain, overuse, sports injuries);
  • various types of neuralgia.

Side effects, contraindications

Gevkamen ointment can provoke the development of allergies, which manifests itself in the form of tingling of the skin, a burning sensation or coldness at the site of application.

The use of this product is contraindicated in the presence of the following disorders:

  • individual intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • when the epidermis is damaged in the inflamed area;
  • when symptoms of dermatological pathologies appear;
  • children under 12 years old.

During pregnancy or lactation, Gevkamen can be used only with the permission of the appropriate specialist and only if the expected beneficial effect from its use exceeds the potential risk to the child or fetus.

Drug interactions

Gevkamen is slightly absorbed by the body, so the likelihood of its interactions with drugs from other groups is extremely low.

In any case, you need to remember about the terpene substances that are part of this medicine. They stimulate liver microsomal enzymes, which can alter the metabolism of certain medications. Combined use of drugs from other groups with Gevkamen may reduce their effectiveness.

The simultaneous use of this ointment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with local application increases the beneficial effects of the latter, deepens and accelerates their entry into soft tissues.

Simultaneous application of dimethyl sulfoxide with Gevkamen can increase the absorption of its constituent components (for example, essential oils), increase the depth and effectiveness of their therapeutic effects.

Expert opinion

Lyudmila Sheveleva, pharmacist

Efkamon is an effective remedy for the symptomatic treatment of articular and vertebral pathologies. It copes well with pain and inflammatory swelling, muscle spasms and stiffness. If the ointment is used correctly, there is no need to worry about the development of local and systemic adverse reactions. But it is worth considering that the drug has no effect on the cause of the disease. Therefore, doctors often prescribe Efkamon in combination with chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants, and B vitamins.

Characteristics of the drug

This is a combination product containing plant components and chemicals. It is produced in the form of an ointment for external use. Has an irritating effect on the skin, relieves pain, fatigue and inflammation. This effect is explained by the special composition:

  • hot pepper extract accelerates blood circulation and warms the skin, thereby reducing pain;
  • mustard, clove and eucalyptus oils relieve inflammation;
  • menthol relaxes muscles;
  • camphor warms a little and reduces pain;
  • Methyl salicylate reduces swelling.


Terms of sale

A recipe is not required to purchase Ephkamon.

Average price in Russia

Today, Efkamon is not sold in Russia due to the expired state registration. You can verify this by looking at the State Register of Medicines. Previously, packaging of the drug cost residents of the country 100-150 rubles .

Average cost in Ukraine

The approximate price of Efkamon in Ukraine is 50 hryvnia . The cost of the medication depends on the pharmacy chain, its policies and markups, as well as some other factors.


It is almost impossible to exceed the permissible daily dose of the drug when using the ointment locally. Only oral use of the drug can provoke the appearance of signs of overdose. In this case, the following occurs:

  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • heartburn;
  • bradycardia;
  • miosis;
  • disorientation;
  • convulsive attacks.
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