Heading down. When and how to lower the temperature during COVID-19?

Local therapist


Oksana Evgenievna

Experience 26 years

Local therapist, candidate of medical sciences, member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists

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High temperature is an unpleasant symptom, characteristic of many diseases, and a sure indicator of the presence of a disease. Reducing the reading to normal does not mean being cured, and you also need to know what temperature to lower. It is necessary not only to achieve a decrease in temperature, alleviating the patient’s condition, but also to eliminate the source of the inflammatory process.

To effectively fight the disease, you need the help of a qualified doctor who will determine the cause of the condition, which manifests itself:

  • with chills of varying severity;
  • feeling of loss of strength;
  • headache, aches and pains;
  • increased sweating;
  • arrhythmia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dry lips and skin.

The concept of normal for body temperature

Normal body temperature is considered to be 36.6°C, but this figure can fluctuate. The lowest value is observed in the morning, the maximum in the evening. An increase in temperature is facilitated by eating, drinking alcohol, exercising, stimulating the nervous system, being under the sun, or in a steam room. It is considered normal if a person’s temperature is 36.2°C in the morning and 36.7°C in the evening. A peculiarity of the female body is that the temperature decreases a few days before ovulation and increases when ovulation occurs.

The norm for an adult is considered to be between 35°C and 37°C, for children under 3 years of age – up to 37.5°C. In summary, a temperature of 35°C should not cause panic.

How to measure temperature:

  • if you measure under the armpit, then a value of 36.6°C is considered normal;
  • if in the mouth, then the indicator is half a degree higher;
  • if in the rectum, then to get the result subtract 1 degree from the value on the thermometer.

The range from 37.1°C to 38°C is considered to be above normal. If low-grade fever persists for a long time, measures must be taken. An indicator of 38.1°C is already a high temperature that requires urgent help for the body.

How to help the body with fever?

  • Do not increase the temperature artificially.

Do not take a hot bath, do not steam your feet, do not apply mustard plasters and alcohol compresses, do not drink alcohol, hot milk, tea, coffee, do not wrap yourself in blankets.

  • Drink plenty of fluids.

The drink should be plentiful and warm, maybe at room temperature, and always unsweetened. The best is mineral water with lemon, lingonberry or cranberry juice. The blood becomes more fluid, toxic substances are eliminated faster, and the body does not suffer from dehydration. Sugary drinks are dangerous because water will come out along with sweat, and glucose will become an additional source of food for pathogens.

  • Sweat properly and stay in bed

Intense sweating is a natural mechanism of thermoregulation during fever. As sweat evaporates from the skin, it cools the body and prevents it from overheating. By wrapping the patient in several blankets and insulated pajamas, we prevent sweat from evaporating. A person with a fever should wear cotton clothing and lie under a light, thin blanket. When clothes get wet, they need to be changed.

  • Cleanliness and fresh air.

The room should be clean and well ventilated. As a rule, a sick person breathes through his mouth, which means that an infection will quickly enter his lungs along with moist, stale air. The air temperature in the room should be approximately 22°C - 24°C. It is extremely important that there are no drafts.

  • Do not wipe your body with vodka or alcohol.

Alcohol vapor evaporates very quickly and causes sudden hypothermia and severe chills. It is best to wipe the body with a sponge soaked in warm water, or put the patient in a cool bath for a while.

  • Food should be light

During illness, everything fried, salty, fatty, spicy, and alcohol should be excluded from the diet. The best choice is low-fat broths, juices, fruit drinks, fresh and boiled fruits and vegetables.

Why is it dangerous when the temperature rises above 38°C?

If a high temperature occurs, then this is a sure sign of a sharply worsening pathology. In 99% of cases this is an inflammatory process. If the condition is long-term, it means that the malfunction in the body is serious, so you cannot do without qualified medical care. The patient's body reacts to the infection by stimulating the immune system, accelerating metabolism, producing antibodies, and increasing blood circulation.

At this time, microbes lose activity, but the respiratory and cardiac systems bear an increased load. The nervous system takes a hit, the body loses water. If the condition does not change, the temperature remains, then blood circulation in the internal organs will deteriorate. The most dangerous stage is when the indicator rises above 41°C. Before the doctor arrives, the patient must take antipyretics for fever.

Release forms of antipyretics

Medicines for fever may differ not only in the active substance, but also in the form of release.

It is selected based on the patient’s age, hyperthermia tolerance, the presence of chronic pathologies, and intolerance to certain substances.

Main types:

  • capsules and tablets. They have a lower price compared to other forms and are universal in use. One piece is enough to reduce the indicator for 6-8 hours. Suitable for fever in adults, but not prescribed for small children and unconscious patients;
  • water-soluble tablets and powders. The action develops faster, but their price is more expensive than conventional fever tablets;
  • solutions for injections and systems. Used in hospitals to provide emergency assistance to avoid seizures, to relieve fever in unconscious persons. The advantage is that the medicine immediately enters the bloodstream, there is no contact with the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines;
  • suspensions and syrups. They are produced for children, contain flavorings and dyes, and are equipped with a dosing device or measuring spoon. May cause allergies.
  • suppositories for rectal administration. Prescribed to children, patients with intolerance to oral medications, and incapacitated patients. They act quickly and effectively and do not irritate the stomach.

Why is the temperature rising?

Sometimes it seems that a fever appears for no reason. But any inflammatory process can cause this condition. Inflammation can occur due to fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Often, a temperature of 38.5°C is a concomitant symptom, for example, with pain in the ear or throat, against the background of signs of ARVI. Patients are frightened by asymptomatic fever, which is observed:

  • at the early stage of influenza, ARVI - when there are no catarrhal signs yet;
  • with a sore throat - simultaneously with a sore throat;
  • with chickenpox – in the first 2-3 days of illness a fever appears and then a rash;
  • with an abscess - in the fight against pus, temperature peaks are replaced by normal values ​​during the day;
  • for glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis - for inflammation in the kidneys;
  • with appendicitis - often without pain;
  • with hemorrhagic fever - with the bite of wild animals, muscle pain, rash;
  • with encephalitis, meningitis - simultaneously with tension in the neck muscles, if it is impossible to lower the chin to the chest, pain in the head, blurred vision, nausea.

Signs of a high fever

The following signs (symptoms) may indicate that the temperature is rising:

  • a feeling of weakness, sudden fatigue, a general painful state;
  • chills (mild chills at slightly elevated temperatures and severe chills at high temperatures);
  • dry skin and lips;
  • headache, body aches;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sweating (“breaks into a sweat”);
  • arrhythmia.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it would be a good idea to take a thermometer.

What should you do if you notice a symptom?

If the patient is either cold or hot, what to do with the temperature? When he gets chills, he should cover himself with a blanket, and when it gets hot, put on dry, light clothes. You can cover yourself with a sheet. The patient's main regimen is bed. If the child does not want to lie down, make sure that he does not engage in too active games, preventing the body from overheating.

It is necessary to ensure that the air in the room is periodically renewed. While airing, the patient can go to another room. You need to constantly replenish fluid reserves in the body by gradually drinking green tea, diluted juices, fruit drinks, and compotes. Water procedures cannot be taken; only wiping adults with a solution of water and vinegar 9% in a 1:1 ratio is allowed. Rubbing yourself with alcohol or cool water can make your fever worse.

Urgently call an ambulance for chills

If the temperature becomes high, it is recommended to call an ambulance in the following cases:

  • headache and temperature above 38.5°C, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • stomach pain and fever, especially if there is also vomiting and diarrhea;
  • rash;
  • convulsions, other severe conditions;
  • lack of effect from taking antipyretics;
  • overcoming the mark of 39.5 °C.

The ambulance service of JSC "Medicine" (clinic of Academician Roitberg) in the Central District of Moscow provides medical assistance around the clock in case of emergency. An urgent call to the team can be made by calling +7 (495) 229-00-03.

When should you go to the doctor?

If fever and blood pressure, cough, and aches appear simultaneously, you should not self-medicate. It is recommended to make an appointment with a doctor. JSC "Medicine" (academician Roitberg's clinic) in the center of Moscow invites you to use the services of experienced therapists who will diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. You don’t want to put your health at risk, so make an appointment immediately to prevent complications from developing! The clinic has a modern diagnostic department, laboratories for testing, and a hospital. If the need arises, a full range of medical services can be obtained without leaving the clinic.

Temperature does not go down - when to call an ambulance

After using paracetamol or ibuprofen, body temperature should decrease at a rate of 0.5–1 0 C per hour. However, sometimes the fever remains at the same level, while the patient’s well-being worsens. In what cases should you call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself if:

  • taking medications according to the regimens described above did not produce any effect;
  • for “white” fever, analgin had no effect;
  • fever is combined with concomitant pathologies: epilepsy, intracranial hypertension, hydrocephalus, congenital heart defects;
  • against the background of fever, the patient refuses to drink and eat, has difficulty breathing and cannot sleep;
  • fever is accompanied by severe abdominal pain and incessant vomiting.

If the temperature rises, even despite taking medications, most likely this is a pathological variant of fever - hyperthermic syndrome, in which antipyretic drugs are not effective. This is also one of the reasons to call an ambulance and be hospitalized.




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Author: Atamanenko Alena Valerievna

General practitioner, endocrinologist, physiotherapist. Second category. Work experience more than 9 years.

Symptom treatment

To figure out how to bring down the temperature, you need a correct diagnosis. An experienced doctor, based on the results of tests and studies, determines the cause of the fever, prescribes medications, procedures, or refers to a specialist for additional research. The goal is to identify the source of the inflammatory process in order to find the right treatment complex. Treatment for high fever depends entirely on the underlying cause and may include antipyretics, antibiotics, probiotics, etc.

Symptom during pregnancy

The temperature in pregnant women rises above the normal limit due to acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. It can harm the baby, especially if the mother takes medications containing aspirin. Therefore, pregnant women with fever need urgent consultation with a doctor to prescribe the correct dose of medications. If the temperature jump is small, you can take homeopathic remedies prescribed by your doctor.

Along with the tablets in the 1st trimester, you can drink herbal teas, fruit drinks, compotes, and juices. At later stages, drink concentrated herbal infusions, which are not consumed in large quantities to avoid swelling. Decoctions of leaves, raspberries, coltsfoot, plantain, and infusion of white willow bark have healing properties. Rubbing with a vinegar solution helps.

Treatment at home

If you find cold symptoms and a temperature above 37°C and weakness, you can start taking home remedies to support the body. If the value on the thermometer does not exceed 38.5°C and the body feels more or less well, there is no need to lower the temperature. At this time, harmful bacteria die, and the immune system works at full capacity.

However, if the patient’s condition is serious, he does not tolerate the temperature well, it needs to be brought down. At 40°C the blood begins to thicken and coagulate, so you should take antipyretics. In order not to cause negative effects on internal organs, many patients prefer folk remedies with a mild effect.

Folk remedies for fever for children:

  • children's enemas with a soda solution (1 tsp of soda for 1 glass of water) or chamomile decoction;
  • wipe the child’s body with green grape juice;
  • put on socks moistened with a solution of water and vinegar in a 1:1 dilution for 15 minutes;
  • Infants and children under 3 years of age can be briefly wrapped in a wet sheet or towel to relieve the condition.

If the temperature is 39°C or 40°C in adults, it must be brought down:

  • wiping and a cold compress - a cotton cloth is moistened with water at room temperature or a solution of water and vinegar;
  • drinking plenty of fluids - it is necessary to prevent dehydration of the body by taking drinking water, freshly squeezed juices or warm herbal infusions, honey water (1 tsp of honey for 1 glass of warm water);
  • fasting - give the body a rest (food is a load), concentrate energy on fighting inflammation.

Should I lower the temperature or not?

There is no need to rush to lower the temperature. First of all, the patient must be examined by a doctor. You should follow the doctor’s recommendations: if he advises you to lower your temperature, then you should lower it. The doctor makes decisions based on the general picture of the disease and assessment of the patient’s condition, that is, recommendations are always individual.

However, if the patient has a severe fever and the temperature is high (39°C or higher), then he can be given an antipyretic drug, strictly following the instructions on the package. At the same time, you need to understand that you are fighting a symptom, not a disease.

The correct course of treatment involves identifying the cause of the high temperature and carrying out a set of measures aimed at treating the disease that caused its increase.

When does a temperature of 37.5 to 38°C occur without symptoms?

Temperature without symptoms in the range between 37.5-38°C is observed:

  • for problems with the thyroid gland;
  • tuberculosis;
  • allergies;
  • neurological diseases;
  • oncology;
  • pneumonia;
  • gastroenterocolitis;
  • viral hepatitis A.

Do not forget about such serious diseases that occur with an increase in temperature, such as:

  • systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, other autoimmune processes;
  • endocarditis, myocarditis;
  • syphilis, gonorrhea, genitourinary infections;
  • rubella, measles, other viral infections.

Which pill to choose?

This issue is decided by the doctor individually, depending on the age and concomitant diseases of the patient, as well as the severity of the infection.

For example, one patient may be prescribed ibuprofen, but this medicine has many contraindications. In particular, it should not be taken by patients suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, as well as elderly people, since against the background of a viral infection, their risk of bleeding may increase. As for aspirin, for this infection aspirin should not be prescribed under any circumstances.

Question answer

Why do electronic thermometers make mistakes so often? For high temperatures caused by COVID-19, the best choice, according to WHO, is paracetamol. It has an antipyretic and analgesic effect and is approved for use even in children (over 1 month), as well as pregnant and lactating women. Despite the fact that paracetamol has low toxicity and has fewer side effects than other antipyretics, this cheap and over-the-counter medicine should be taken very seriously. After all, its overdose threatens with dire consequences: the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, blood, heart, brain can be seriously damaged, and coma and death can even occur.

What to do if a fever appears after vaccination?

Fever after vaccination is not always a complication. Often its appearance is a normal reaction of the body to a foreign body, pathogens. The immune system receives a load and intensifies the fight against the disease, which occurs in a mild form. How the body will react to the introduction of substances, no physician can make an accurate prediction. Not everyone gets sick after vaccination.

You should remember about contraindications to vaccination and do not vaccinate during or after suffering from infectious diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, allergies, complications from previous vaccination, and other cases that your doctor will remind you about. For a full consultation, you can contact JSC “Medicine” (clinic of academician Roitberg).

What happens in the body?

In order to determine the purpose of our actions (when and what temperature to lower), let’s consider the mechanism for increasing it.

The thermoregulation center of every person is located in the brain (in the hypothalamus). When pathogenic particles enter the body, it triggers the process of activating the immune system. Specific interferon proteins - pyrogens - are produced, and antibodies are synthesized. All of them are capable of fighting foreign particles and at the same time trigger a mechanism for increasing temperature. For example, the higher the temperature rises, the more interferon is produced. Thus, the body is capable of defeating even the most dangerous microorganisms on its own, and a temperature of 38 degrees indicates this fight. It is not advisable to knock it down to give your own immunity a chance.

There is only one problem with this: all pathogenic bacteria are “burned” by temperatures above 40 degrees (pneumococci, gonococci, spirochetes), but humans are also living organisms and they are also destructive for them. This means that there is a limit, having crossed which, it is vital to bring down the temperature.

How and why to measure basal temperature?

Basal temperature is measured at the moment of awakening. It helps determine the day of ovulation to plan conception and try to determine the sex of the unborn child. Basal thermometry is carried out in the first minutes after sleep, before physical activity. The oral cavity, rectum, and vagina are suitable for measurements. The gynecologists of JSC “Medicine” (clinic of academician Roitberg) in the Central Administrative District will tell you more about the methods for determining the day of ovulation. After consultation, you will be able to plan your pregnancy down to the day, and also try to influence the gender of your unborn baby.

What products can pregnant women use?

The period of waiting for a child imposes restrictions on the woman’s choice of medications. Not all antipyretic pills are allowed during pregnancy, so it is necessary to coordinate the issue with a therapist or gynecologist.

In addition, it is not necessary to take medicine in all cases; sometimes a slight increase in temperature is an indicator of a change in a woman’s hormonal levels.

The safest medicine is Paracetamol without any additives and in the minimum dosage. The duration of use should be minimal - until positive dynamics appear.

The second drug is Ibuprofen, but it is strictly prohibited in the middle of pregnancy with increased uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage. In the third trimester, admission is prohibited.

Prohibited products include Ibuklin, drugs based on analgin, acetylsalicylic acid, Next.

When is it time to give antipyretics?

If we are talking about respiratory and other infections, as well as a common cold, it is important not to rush into taking antipyretics. The minimum threshold to which the temperature is not reduced is 38.5˚C. The only exceptions are those adults and children who, due to the individual characteristics of the body, cannot tolerate hyperthermia of any severity without convulsions.

Temperature plays an important role in the production of interferon, a protein that fights infection. This is especially important during viral infections, since only the immune system itself can overcome them. The longer the patient does not bring down the temperature, the more interferon the cells will produce, which means the body will be better armed against the pathogen.

If you take an antipyretic drug at the first sign of an increase in body temperature, the body will remain unprotected against the enemy, and the symptoms of the disease will torment the person longer.

Causes of temperature 39

Since ancient times, temperature has been considered the main and oldest indicator of a person’s internal state. So, if the temperature is 39 without symptoms, then this may indicate the occurrence of an inflammatory process caused by one of the factors:

  • common infectious diseases (flu, sore throat, ARVI, pneumonia, dysentery);
  • rare infections (malaria);
  • development of an inflammatory (purulent) focus after operations, injuries;
  • thermal burns;
  • endocrine disorders (pancreatitis);
  • exacerbation of inflammation previously present (pyelonephritis, hepatitis, adnexitis).

A high temperature depends on the reactions occurring in the body, and not on the severity of the disease. The younger the person and the stronger his immunity, the stronger the temperature reaction.

There are other temperature changes associated with age. For example, in children during teething, the limits of temperature increase can reach 39.

Ways of development of temperature reaction

The temperature reaction develops in two ways:

  1. A sudden reaction to an emerging infection despite yesterday’s well-being.
  2. When the temperature begins to rise after surgery.

In the first way, a temperature of 39 often occurs suddenly at night, although in the evening there were no prerequisites for this. The person begins to get sick, feel a fever that gradually increases, but he does not feel any other symptoms other than malaise.

In the second case, you need to consult a doctor without delay; a temperature of 39 may be a signal about the proliferation of pathogenic organisms. All surgical interventions involve the use of antibiotics and other medications, the main goal of which is to prevent inflammation. Fever indicates otherwise.

You might be interested in the article - How to treat a runny nose, cough and fever of 39 in a child?

Febrile seizures in children

Febrile seizures are a specific complication of fever in children that usually occur between 6 months and 5 years of age1,2,3. There are simple and complex febrile seizures.

Simple febrile seizures are generalized paroxysms with loss of consciousness. In this case, clonic-tonic convulsions* involve the entire body1,2. The duration of the seizure is usually no more than 5 minutes, and seizures do not recur within 24 hours.

Complex febrile seizures may last 15 minutes or more. This form of seizures includes focal ones, i.e., those involving one part of the body. In this case, loss of consciousness usually does not occur, provided that focal convulsions do not develop into secondary generalized ones**.

Febrile seizures are considered a benign phenomenon, but require medical supervision and additional diagnostics to exclude other serious diseases2.

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