Parasitic diseases. How to suspect and diagnose?


is a disease caused by Giardia - microscopic intestinal parasites belonging to the type of protozoa, the class of flagellates. Giardia are intestinal parasites, the main areas of their vital activity are the duodenum and the beginning of the small intestine. Giardia is carried by many animals, including rats, mice, cats, and dogs. But the main source of giardiasis infection for humans is humans.

Giardia infestation can lead to a functional disorder of the small intestine, although in a significant number of cases a person carrying Giardia may not have any complaints. However, in accordance with WHO recommendations, the diagnosis of giardiasis is established when Giardia is detected in any case, even in the absence of pronounced symptoms.

Giardia is named after Dr. D.F. Giardia, a Czech by birth, who described this intestinal parasite in 1859 and worked in Russia since 1860. However, the history of Giardia in European medicine begins with a description made much later by the French biologist Alfred Giard (the Latin spelling of his last name is Guard). Therefore, in foreign medicine, another name for giardiasis is accepted - giardiasis (pronounced jardiaz or guardiaz).

The prevalence of giardiasis depends on the development of hygienic culture. In European countries, no more than 3-5% of people are affected by Giardia. Among children, giardiasis is detected twice as often as in adults. This is due to the fact that children often do not follow hygiene rules.

Causes of giardiasis

The mechanism of transmission of Giardia is fecal-oral. That is, Giardia is excreted from the body along with feces, and enters through the mouth - along with food or water.

Giardia exists in two forms - vegetative (in which Giardia feeds and grows) and in the form of a cyst (when the body of the microorganism is covered with a protective shell). Outside the human body, vegetative forms die, but cysts remain viable.

For Giardia infection to occur, it is enough for 10 to 100 cysts to enter the body. Giardia cysts can be present in the ground, in water, including running water and even spring water, and carried on the legs of flies. Only cooling below 13°C or boiling kills cysts.

A cyst that enters the human body reaches the duodenum, where it dissolves under the influence of intestinal juice. From one cyst, two vegetative forms of Giardia are formed. Giardia attaches to the villi of the intestinal mucosa and is believed to feed on products of parietal digestion. Giardia reproduces by division. Every 9-12 hours the number of Giardia doubles.

When it enters the colon, Giardia changes shape, turning into a cyst. Cysts leave the body with feces.

How to increase the effectiveness of Nemozol?

Following simple recommendations ensures better treatment.

  • If one family member is infected, everyone needs to take preventive measures.
  • During a long course of treatment, it is important to monitor blood test results.
  • If there are deviations in normal vision, additional eye examinations must be performed before starting treatment.
  • During the course of treatment, it is necessary to exclude possible pregnancy.
  • Along with the course of treatment, increased household hygiene is observed - washing, ironing, timely change of dirty linen.

It is important to improve efficiency

  • It is necessary to exclude grapefruit from the diet, since its components in combination with the drug provoke side effects.
  • If unfavorable symptoms occur, you must stop driving for a while.
  • Nemozol is ineffective after the shelf life has expired and the storage rules for the medicine have been violated.
  • A high-quality drug must be dispensed at a pharmacy with a prescription.

Symptoms of giardiasis

Giardia can number up to a million per square centimeter of intestinal wall. They mechanically damage blood cells (erythrocytes), cause irritation of nerve endings, and disrupt the absorption process. As a result, inflammation develops. Giardia waste products can cause allergic reactions.

Giardiasis can occur in acute or chronic form. Symptoms of acute giardiasis may appear 1-3 weeks after infection.

Giardiasis most often manifests itself as an intestinal disorder. In some cases, giardiasis can cause disruption of the gallbladder and stagnation of bile. In the case of long-term giardiasis (especially in children), neurotic symptoms may be observed.

Abdominal pain

With giardiasis, there is pain in the epigastric region and in the navel area. The pain is usually dull, but in some cases it can be sharp.


Increased gas formation (flatulence) is usually accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Belching and heartburn are possible.

More about the symptom

Stool disorder

Possible diarrhea up to 3-5 times a day; The stool is initially watery or foamy, but may later become greasy. Diarrhea may give way to constipation.

Allergic manifestations

Possible allergic manifestations of giardiasis:

  • hives;
  • severe itching;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis and some other manifestations.

Neurotic symptoms

With a long course of giardiasis (especially in children), the following neurotic symptoms may be observed: weakness, fatigue, irritability (tearfulness in young children), headaches, dizziness, cardialgia.

Rules for taking Nemozol

For the drug, instructions for use require careful adherence to established standards.

The drug is active when taken with food. Food products are consumed as usual, without restrictions. The type of dosage form is selected depending on the type of infection and the characteristics of the patient. The maximum daily dose of the drug should not exceed 800 mg. Young children should not use albendazole for a long period.

From parasites

For each type of disease, specific dosages of medication are prescribed.

For diseases belonging to the group of nematodes:

  • with a body weight of more than 60 kg, the daily dose of one dose of the drug is 400 mg.
  • for body weight up to 60 kg, the medicine is taken at the rate of 15 mg/kg at a time.

For enterobiasis disease:

  • category of children over three years of age and adults take the drug in the amount of 400 mg per day at a time.
  • To consolidate the effect, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment after two weeks.

For strongyloidiasis and hookworm disease:

  • category of children over three years of age and adults take the drug in the amount of 400 mg per day for three days.
  • To consolidate the effect, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment after a week.

For trichinosis :

  • The recommended dose of the drug is 800 mg/day in two doses.
  • in difficult cases it is necessary to take additional medications. The course of treatment is two weeks.

For toxocariasis:

  • for body weight more than 60 kg, the daily dose is 800 mg in two doses.
  • for body weight less than 60 kg, the daily dose is 400 mg in two doses.
  • the course of treatment in both cases is 10 days. After two weeks, the course is repeated.

For giardiasis:

  • the adult category takes 400 mg/day for 3 days;
  • children weighing less than 10 kg take 200 mg/day for 5 days.

For mixed diseases:

  • The drug is taken at 800 mg/day in two doses for 3 days. A month later, the course of treatment is repeated.

Help against parasites for adults and children
The drug is prescribed only based on the results of a blood test. Treatment is carried out in the absence of inflammatory processes in the body and normal blood counts. With a long course of treatment, after 5-7 it is necessary to take the test again. In case of significant deviations from the norm, the course of treatment is interrupted until the condition improves. For some invasions, albendazole acts as an auxiliary drug.

The dosage rates of the drug and the duration of treatment must be adjusted based on the patient’s characteristics.

Methods for diagnosing giardiasis

Giardiasis has no specific symptoms, and its manifestations are varied. Therefore, a typical situation is when a person is treated by different specialists for different symptoms, but giardiasis remains undetected.

You should definitely get tested for Giardia in the following cases:

  • with a tendency to intestinal diseases, as well as with their chronic course;
  • with eosinophilia (the presence of an increased number of eosinophils in the blood);
  • for allergic manifestations;
  • in case of intestinal disorder acquired while traveling abroad, especially to southern and exotic countries;
  • in case of neurotic symptoms, especially against the background of intestinal disorders.

Giardiasis is diagnosed based on laboratory tests. To diagnose giardiasis, the following are usually used:

Microscopic examination

The feces are examined for the presence of Giardia cysts, and the intestinal contents are examined for the presence of vegetative forms.

Serological blood test

Using a serological analysis, the presence of antibodies to Giardia in the blood is determined.

More information about the diagnostic method

Stool examination

An immunological test can detect a specific Giardia antigen in the stool.

Sign up for diagnostics To accurately diagnose the disease, make an appointment with specialists from the Family Doctor network.

Area of ​​action of Nemozol

This potent drug should not be taken without a doctor's prescription. The drug is prescribed when common parasitic diseases are detected.

  • Round roundworm parasites. Lead to the disease ascariasis.
  • Whipworm roundworm. Leads to the disease trichocephalosis.
  • Roundworms pinworms. Enterobiasis leads to the disease.
  • Crooked roundworms. Ankylostomytosis leads to the disease.
  • Trichina ovoid nematode. Leads to the disease trichinosis.
  • Helminth parasite Toxocara. Leads to the disease toxocariasis.
  • Flagellar intestinal lamblia. Giardiasis leads to the disease.
  • Round intestinal eel. Strogiloidosis leads to the disease.

The drug is effective at the stage of development of pork tapeworm and tapeworm. Active against tissue cestodias.

The drug is not suitable for patients with sensitivity to albendazole and minor components of the drug. Contraindications are abnormalities in the functioning of the visual organs, age under three years, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Pros and cons of the drug Nemozol

The drug Nemozol has several analogues. Its main difference from other drugs is the main active ingredient. Preference is given to albendazole based on its advantages:

  • High bioavailability of albendazole sulfaxide.
  • Effective treatment for different age categories.
  • A variety of forms of release of the medicine - chewing candies, tablets, suspension.
  • Affordable price category.

The disadvantages include the following qualities:

  • The delayed effect of the drug does not meet the expectations of some patients.
  • Intolerance to allergy sufferers and hypersensitive patients.
  • The drug is contraindicated in patients with renal impairment.
  • Do not take during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

How to avoid infection with worms after using Nemozol - prevention

Preventive measures will help prevent the emergence of invasive diseases.

  • Increased hand hygiene, especially before eating. Careful monitoring of children's hygiene.
  • High-quality washed fruits and vegetables. Scalding raw foods with boiling water.
  • The diet should contain only boiled and purified water.
  • High-quality heat treatment of meat and fish.
  • It is forbidden to carry out water procedures in reservoirs of dubious nature.
  • Minimizing contact with midges and mosquitoes using special means.
  • Prevention of worms in pets.

Nemozol: reviews from parasitologists

If you doubt the effectiveness of the drug, then real reviews from experts will help you make the right choice.

  • The infectious disease doctor – thanks to the wide spectrum of action of the drug, the treatment process allows you to get rid of infestations that were not detected during the tests. Detailed instructions for use allow you to achieve effective results. If you follow medical recommendations, side effects are minimized.
  • Gastroenterologist - in my practice, ascariasis and enterobiasis are often diagnosed among young children. When treated with Nemozol, patients experience relief from discomfort. The form of the medicine in the form of a suspension simplifies the task of taking the medicine for younger children.
  • Parasitologist – in the modern world, the number of sources of infection by infestations has increased significantly. For prevention, I recommend Nemozol to my patients. A timely diagnosis allows you to get rid of worms in just one session. In my practice, the drug has never failed.

Reviews from doctors
Parasitologist - Nemozol is a potent remedy, which makes it indispensable in difficult cases. I sometimes prescribe less toxic drugs for younger children.

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