Eleutherococcus: description, medicinal properties, contraindications and recipes

Eleutherococcus senticosus (Eleutherococcus senticosus, Aralia Manchurian, devil's bush, Siberian ginseng) is an extremely thorny shrub from the Araliaceae family. The thorns of the plant are thin, long, directed downwards and very brittle. It is impossible to collect raw materials without splinters. Dense, bristling bushes are suitable for growing as a hedge or along a fence.

Eleutherococcus can grow for more than fifty years in one place

Description of the plant (description of the plant and species)

Eleutherococcus is a perennial plant that can grow for more than fifty years in one area. The height of the bush reaches an average of 2.5 m, sometimes up to 5 m. The leaves (main and additional) are light green, pubescent, with a tint and a complex configuration. Each leaf is attached to the branches with a long petiole. One bush has up to 25 branching shoots studded with thorns. Eleutherococcus spiny rhizomes and roots reach a total of 30 m.

The plant blooms in July and has a very strong specific aroma. At the end of the branch an absolutely round umbrella of white small flowers appears. The flowers are of three sexes at the same time: male (yellowish), female and bisexual (light purple). In September-October, instead of inflorescences, black fruit balls with yellow seeds ripen. The inedible berries are called drupes because of the seeds inside. The roots of Eleutherococcus are used as medicine.

This is what the fruit of Eleutherococcus looks like

The scientific study of the root of eleutherococcus was carried out by the Research Institute of Biological Compounds in Vladivostok in the middle of the last century. The reason for starting the study was that during a taiga expedition, scientists noticed increased attention of animals to bushes. They ate not only leaves and thorny branches, but even roots. Research has proven the uniqueness and medicinal properties of Eleutherococcus. At that time, preparations from the bush were used to prepare athletes from the Olympic team, divers, and for the immunity of astronauts after working in extreme extraterrestrial conditions.

Storing Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus should be stored in fabric (linen, cotton) bags. It is best not to put supplies in boxes, but to hang them so that they can be ventilated - for this you can use special racks or simply hang the bags on hooks driven into the shelves. The temperature should not rise above +20 °C. Under such conditions, the raw materials are stored for about 3 years without losing their beneficial properties.

Eleutherococcus roots

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the bush has been confirmed by scientific research. The roots contain:

  • vitamins E, D, A, C, B1.
  • eleutherosides - aromatic alcohol;
  • essential oils;
  • polysaccharides;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • sterols (b-sitosterol, daucosterol, triterpenoids);
  • vegetable wax;
  • coumarin;
  • oleic acid.

The most valuable substances - eleutherosides (glycosides) are found only in Eleutherococcus senticosus. The substance increases mental and physical performance, improves metabolism in the body, increases vision and hearing, and blood pressure.

The effect of eleutherococcus on the human body is similar to the effect of ginseng root

Healing properties of eleutherococcus

The main effect that Eleutherococcus tincture has is its general strengthening and tonic properties.
It contains a large number of biologically active substances that have the ability to increase immunity, restore performance, and relieve the effects of stress and past illnesses. Chemical composition of Eleutherococcus:

  • glycosides
  • essential oils
  • resins
  • pectin substances
  • anthocyanins
  • gum
  • starch
  • glucose
  • flavonoids
  • alkaloids
  • saponites.

Such a rich content of useful substances has ensured that the plant is widely used in medicine. Eleutherococcus has a number of medicinal qualities, the main of which are:

  • antiviral
  • hypoglycemic
  • cardiotonic
  • stimulating
  • gonadotropic
  • adaptogenic.

Eleutherococcus tincture is used for a number of infectious diseases for both therapeutic and preventive purposes, increasing the body's resistance to viruses. This drug lowers blood sugar levels, increases mental activity, enhances visual and hearing acuity, and also regulates cardiac activity and metabolism. And that's not all! In terms of its healing properties, Eleutherococcus is equal to ginseng, but has a milder effect on the body. It is also noteworthy that the plant preparations do not cause addiction, as well as side effects in the absence of allergies and the dosage is observed.


Wild eleutherococcus bushes grow in Japan, China, Korea and Russia. In Russia, the plant is found only in the Far East: the Amur region, Primorye, Sakhalin.

Prefers to settle on mountain slopes, along rivers and in sufficiently illuminated forest areas. In cedar, fir and deciduous forests it forms an impenetrable undergrowth on the rich forest floor under the obligatory condition of high humidity. The plant loves partial shade. In a dense and dark forest, individual individuals survive. The closer to the south, the higher the plant climbs. Some species grow in the mountains at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. Eleutherococcus can be found in your garden. It takes root well if the necessary conditions are created.

Preparations from Eleutherococcus were used to train athletes, divers and for the immunity of astronauts


Eleutherococcus is included in the register of medicines in Russia. The effect of Eleutherococcus on the body has led to its use in the following areas:

  • Official medicine - in the form of tablets, herbal mixture, Eleutherococcus extract, biostimulant for sports, dietary supplements.
  • Cosmetology - for the treatment of hair and skin diseases.
  • Veterinary medicine - for the treatment of animals.
  • Gardening and landscape design - as decorative park bushes.
  • In folk medicine, decoctions and teas are prepared from leaves, shoots and roots that fill a person with vigor.

An unexpected solution to what Eleutherococcus is used for turned out to be:

  • energy drinks produced by the food industry;
  • in bodybuilding to improve performance;
  • if you need to quickly gain weight.

The area of ​​using the beneficial capabilities of the plant is constantly increasing.

Use of Eleutherococcus in cosmetics

Eleutherococcus extract is included in many skin care products. Thus, a tonic based on it is considered useful, used to cleanse skin prone to oiliness, relieve inflammation and rashes (including acne). To obtain a healing remedy, it is enough to dilute a few drops of Eleutherococcus extract in 1 tbsp. water. Wipe your face with this toner every day until you achieve a noticeable improvement.

Eleutherococcus tincture, which is rubbed into the roots before washing your hair, is useful for hair. It stimulates hair growth, prevents hair loss and helps fight dandruff.

Medicinal properties and harm

The effect of eleutherococcus on the human body is similar to the effect of ginseng root. It affects the male and female body differently (the features are presented in the table).

Female body:

  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • regulates hormonal levels;
  • facilitates the course of menopause;
  • reduces frigidity (sexual infantilism);
  • increases the chance of conception.

Male body:

  • improves erection;
  • improves blood flow in the pelvis;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional state;
  • eliminates physical stress;
  • prevention of prostate adenoma (helps alleviate age-related changes).

Eleutherococcus does not act instantly; the therapeutic effect is cumulative. The result should be expected no earlier than 3-4 weeks.

Medicines from Eleutherococcus are also used in the treatment of other diseases:

  • infectious diseases (colds, flu, postpartum infections);
  • after severe operations and chemotherapy during the recovery period;
  • atherosclerosis in the initial stage;
  • seborrhea of ​​the skin;
  • inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • cancer tumors at stages 1-2;
  • increased irritability;
  • with reduced pressure, it restores the indicator to normal.

In addition to beneficial properties, preparations from Eleutherococcus also have contraindications:

  • Eleutherococcus should not be taken while breastfeeding. The active components of the plant enter the milk, and therefore into the baby’s body.
  • Not recommended for children under 12 years of age. Until this age, it is taken only as prescribed by a pediatrician.
  • You should not take Eleutherococcus if you have hypertension. Drugs for high blood pressure further contribute to its increase.
  • Cannot be taken while losing weight. The drugs increase appetite and promote weight gain.
  • You should not consume Eleutherococcus in the afternoon if you have insomnia. The medicine activates the action of the central nervous system.
  • If you are intolerant to the components of the plant, its use is strictly prohibited.
  • For epilepsy.
  • For heart failure.

Side effects from taking medications occur with a significant overdose and lead to increased excitability, dizziness, diarrhea, and less commonly, nausea. Benefit and harm are always somewhere nearby, so you should take medications as prescribed by your doctor, if indicated.

Eleutherococcus is included in the register of medicines of Russia

Eleutherococcus: instructions for use

Eleutherococcus extract is often used to treat children over 12 years of age. The drug is well tolerated.

When treating adolescents, the course of taking medicinal tincture is calculated based on the child’s age - 1 drop for each year lived. Drink the tincture up to 3 times a day, about 15 minutes before meals. The maximum period for taking the tincture for children is 1 month.

Eleutherococcus decoction is prepared immediately before use.

For adult patients, treatment with Eleutherococcus preparations (taking the drug orally) is carried out according to the course: 3 times a day, 30 drops before meals for 30 days, then a break of at least 1 month is required.

For external use:

Treatment of the skin - daily wiping of problem areas with a cotton swab dipped in tincture of Eleutherococcus.

Advice! Hair treatment - rinsing the head with a decoction of Eleutherococcus (any part of the plant can be used to prepare the decoction).

Rinsing the mouth for dental and inflammatory diseases - using a decoction of the plant is useful for daily rinsing up to three times a day until results are achieved.

Treatment with Eleutherococcus extract has long proven itself to be positive. Patients taking the medicine recover quickly and avoid recurrence of diseases. However, self-medication is not recommended. You should first consult with your doctor about the possible use of dosage forms from Eleutherococcus.

Benefits of Eleutherococcus: video

Why Eleutherococcus is useful: photo

Collection, preparation and storage

The most useful part of the bush is the root. Features of the workpiece:

  • It is better to collect raw materials in late autumn, when the plant has accumulated the maximum amount of useful substances.
  • Harvesting should not be carried out after prolonged rains, as the root will have a high water content.
  • The process is not very simple due to the presence of thorns. The above-ground part is cut down to get to the root. It is necessary to carefully protect your hands, otherwise the thorns can cause serious inflammation. The roots are located in the ground at a depth of 30 cm, and sometimes become bare and protrude from the ground. In adult bushes, the root is twisted out or the entire root is dug up. In young plants, part of the root should be left for further growth. The wound inflicted on the bush must be covered with earth to protect it from mushrooms and animals.
  • Wash the future raw materials, cut into small pieces and dry in a dryer at 80 degrees for an hour.
  • Then the raw materials are dried in a ventilated place until ready. The dug up root appears smooth and shiny with slight protuberances.

The leaves are harvested during the flowering period of the bush in August. It should be dried in the shade in a draft, stored in a dry place.

It is impossible to collect raw materials without splinters

pharmachologic effect

Eleutherococcus preparations stimulate the central nervous system, accelerate muscle and motor activity.

  1. The effect of taking drops is comparable to the result obtained from long-term physical training. In the presence of substances contained in the root of the plant, the body begins to use carbohydrates more carefully and waste fats faster. As a result, the mobility and excitability of the neuromuscular system improves.
  2. In addition, components of Eleutherococcus can interfere with the process of glucose absorption. The drug lowers blood sugar levels and promotes the formation of energy glycogen reserves in the liver.
  3. The tincture stimulates brain function, relieves fatigue and increases visual acuity. Eleutherococcus changes the speed of the body's response to stress. In the presence of active substances of the plant root, the process of adaptation to changing conditions proceeds faster.
  4. Wild pepper, as Eleutherococcus is also called, normalizes immunity after infectious diseases. While taking it, the overall bactericidal ability of the blood improves, leukocytes and immunoglobulins become more active, quickly capture and destroy foreign bodies that come into view. Resistance to viruses, bacteria, toxins and other adverse environmental factors increases.
  5. Eleutherococcus accelerates recovery reactions, stimulates the activity of the autonomic system and enhances its compensatory function. While taking the drug, tissue healing occurs more actively in the postoperative period.

Eleutherococcus accelerates the main nervous reactions, enhances the processes of excitation and inhibition.

  1. It is prescribed with the simultaneous use of sleeping pills at night in the treatment of hypochondriacal conditions of a psychogenic, traumatic or toxic-infectious nature.
  2. The medicine is used in patients with diabetes mellitus as a general stimulant.
  3. The root of the plant is prescribed for severe symptoms of menopause. The drug improves well-being, increases performance, and reduces heart rate to normal levels. During treatment, you feel cheerful and your blood pressure normalizes.
  4. The plant extract helps the body adapt to working conditions in too hot or cold climates. Helps cope with increased physical activity. Accelerates adaptation to high altitudes, increases endurance during long hikes and is taken by employees of enterprises with hazardous working conditions. Eleutherococcus protects against exposure to toxins, radiation and strong vibration.
  5. Can be prescribed during the period of rehabilitation after pulmonary infections. Increases resistance to respiratory viruses, and therefore is used as a prophylactic against the spread of colds in groups.
  6. Eleutherococcus can be included in the treatment complex for cancer patients, patients with damage to the liver, gallbladder and intestines. Plant preparations are involved in preoperative preparation and are used at any stage of radiation and rehabilitation therapy.
  7. The medicinal plant is one of the ways to combat vegetative-vascular dystonia. The drug helps to cope with emotional overload, the consequences of psychological trauma and the influence of stress.

It is worth keeping in mind that liquid extract of Eleutherococcus can cause an allergic reaction.

But besides this, there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • heat;
  • acute phase of infectious diseases (Eleutherococcus is taken either during the period of prevention or after recovery);
  • severe form of hypertension;
  • high nervous excitability;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children's age up to 12 years.
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