Tussin plus syrup (100mg+10mg)/5ml in vial. 118ml per pack. No. 1 (guaifenesin + dextromethorphan)

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Tussin+ IRL.

...and when you get bored...

Glucodin IRL.

Ukrainian analogue in more delivering packaging. Tablets and syrup have nothing in common.

Tussin Plus

, as well as
Ketamine for the poor
, etc.) is a racially correct “narcotic” cough syrup (however, DXM is not a narcotic), slightly less than entirely consisting of the substance dextromethorphan. DXM is included in the so-called “third list” of substances, so you can sell and buy the syrup, but extraction already falls under the article “manufacture of drugs.” We love it among novice psychonauts because of its low cost and availability. However, not every pioneer is ready to willingly drink a vile, nauseating solution - and therefore the discussion of how to drink so as not to feel sick continues, despite its cliché. The first two sips, by the way, it doesn’t seem like that, but then one sight of the pink liquid can cause nausea many years after taking it. This is called “psychosomatics”, and it works even with high-quality DXM, which does not have a strong color or odor, but only a bitter taste. After over 100 uses, one type of solution becomes unimaginably twisted, so you have to come up with various tricks, much like drinking tequila. By the way, don’t even try to give yourself a tussin enema, keeping this brew in your intestines for more than ten minutes is an impossible task, the money spent will pour out like a scarlet fountain to the accompaniment of the grunting of the hapless anon.


(DXM) is a substance designed to serve humanity in suppressing dry cough. In small doses it is intoxicating, but in large doses it has a strong psychoactive effect similar to ketamine. These are dissociatives, like salvia. It's important to mention that not everyone likes the effects of dextromethorphan - and unlucky individuals may even end up in the hospital. If there is no one nearby who can help or call an ambulance, it is better not to start.

[edit] With us

The cherry flavor of Tussin+ is reminiscent of Yaga. We've all chewed cherry-flavored Eclipse, so multiply that flavor by 10 and you get a rough idea of ​​Tussin. More advanced psychonauts, through simple chemical operations, extract the necessary substance, pouring all the excess into the toilet, since the remaining components of the syrup in large quantities can cause vomiting and headaches.

Tussin-like syrups Glycodin

Coldrex Knight
and others differ in taste and side effects. Glycodin is cheaper (110 rubles - Glycodin and 170 rubles - Tussin+ (in the castle for the summer of 2011)). Glycodin contains the same amount of dex (2 mg hydrobromide per milliliter). Drugs containing paracetamol in addition to dexa have side effects in the form of slow and painful death from toxic hepatitis. The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia approves only Tussin+ and Glycodin, as well as Terasil D (India), which appeared on the Russian market in the summer of 2011 (available without a prescription, has a pleasant fruity taste, costs about 90 rubles. Contains: Dextromethorphan + Phenylephrine + Chlorpheniramine There are no reliable reviews about the new product yet, perhaps due to the combination of active ingredients that is lethal for the heart and liver). Tussin is without plus and contains no DXM at all (only guaifenesin, which makes you puke)[1].

The second active component of Tussin+ is guaifenesin, a substance that has both an expectorant and a tranquilizing effect, that is, it removes anxieties and fears, and, apparently, was carefully added to the mixture just to interact with DXM and eliminate its side effects.

Also in the independent country of pharmaceutical highs there were Atussin tablets containing only two components: ascorbic acid and dextromethorphan.

In Kazakhia there is a racially correct drug - Hydrillin DM. The dosage is the same as Tussin+.

Contraindications for use

Before taking the medicine, you must carefully study the composition indicated in the instructions to see which syrup contains codeine. Since all codeine-containing drugs have the same contraindications.

Taking medications is prohibited:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • hypotension;
  • acute bronchial asthma or other pathologies with difficulty breathing;
  • toxic dyspepsia;
  • epilepsy;
  • colitis.

With caution, codeine-based cough syrups and tablets are taken for certain types of mental disorders, liver and kidney dysfunction, thyroid diseases, and in patients with alcohol intoxication or addiction.

Possible side effects

The daily dose of codeine-based syrup should not exceed the recommended one, otherwise adverse reactions may occur:

  • redness of the sclera, dilated pupils;
  • dry mouth, increased thirst;
  • dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, slow reactions;
  • muscle cramps, spasms;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • hepatotoxicity;
  • constipation;
  • depression, insomnia, nervousness;
  • manifestations of allergic skin reactions - hives, itching, redness, swelling.

In case of overdose, more severe reactions are observed - impaired cardiac activity, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, breathing problems, swelling of the lungs or brain, paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

[edit] They have

  • Cough syrups have been popular since the 70s after the prohibition of LSD use. In the 80s, Robitussin DM was popular in hardcore punk culture.
  • The increasing availability of the Internet, especially among students, has changed the usage pattern, especially in smaller cities. In the South Park episode "Chasing the Ratings," schoolchildren try DXM-containing syrup.
  • DXM is called there: “PCP for paupers.”
  • Asashai sells Tussin+, which contains pseudoephedrine instead of guaifenesin. Tussin is also available with regular and double DXM content, the bottles come in default and double sizes.
  • There are bands that claim to use cough syrup when writing songs. The Chernomitol team Velvet Cacoon is one of these: they claim that velvet
    is one of the English slang names for DXM, and that they are inspired by it. But for the most part these are syrups with codeine, which is similar to DXM only in the form of use. For example, hip-hop screwed and chopped remixes, invented by the codeine-syrup addict DJ Screw. Or Nirvana.
  • In Germany, "Ratiopharm Hustenstiller" tablets containing DXM as is were freely sold. Nowadays, the racial “cough stopper” contains some kind of permanent stuff, and the design of the packaging from the former freebie has also undergone changes.
  • In Poland, “Acodin”, “Tussal”, “TUSSIDEX” tablets containing DXM as the only active substance were freely sold, in addition to many more tablets and syrups containing DXM.
  • In Belarus, until approximately 2008, Tussal (Polish-made) was also sold over-the-counter - 15 mg per tablet. From 2008 to the present, it is sold only by prescription.
  • In Hungary, it is included in many over-the-counter cough syrups, among which Tussopront stands out. A 150-milligram vial contains as much as 450 mg of dextromethorphan hydrobromide, the cost is about 150 rubles.
  • In Khokhlostan you can buy Glycodin without any restrictions (the Dexa is as strong there as in Tussin, but not so nauseating). But in order to find it, you need to rummage around in pharmacies. In Kyiv, for example, Glyk is sold in one pharmacy out of 3.
  • In China it is available without a prescription, 18-25 yuan per pack of tablets, 12x15 mg. The process of eating uncoated, and therefore wildly bitter, wheels delivers. According to data at the beginning of 2021, goods can be ordered from taobao delivery to a mailbox in any quantity. The third plateau (720 mg of chistogan, or two packs of pills) costs approximately 180 rubles.

Codeine syrups

Let's look at which syrups contain codeine, a substance with a narcotic effect. It is necessary to strictly observe the prescribed dosage, because use in increased doses causes addiction and further withdrawal symptoms. There is also a high risk of serious poisoning. All drugs containing codeine are dispensed only with a prescription from your doctor.

Codelac syrup with codeine

The syrup contains codeine phosphate, a derivative with analgesic properties. The substance has an analgesic, mild sedative effect on the nervous system, and antitussive effect. Long-term use of syrup provokes the development of drug addiction.


Kofex is a cough syrup with codeine, a combination drug whose effect is determined by the components of the composition. Used to treat debilitating cough of an allergic or infectious nature. Excessive doses cause drowsiness, confusion, impaired mental and physical activity, sudden mood changes, and agitation. In some patients, it may provoke the development of opioid dependence even when used in therapeutically prescribed doses.

Tussamag with codeine

The drug is intended to relieve cough symptoms in bronchitis or bronchopneumonia, relieve pain in migraines and neuralgia. During the course of treatment with the drug, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited, and abstinence from driving vehicles and other activities that require concentration and speed of reactions are prescribed.

Promethazine syrup with codeine

The drug is used as an antitussive, analgesic, antiallergic agent for the symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory diseases. Promethazine depresses the central nervous system and has a sedative, antipsychotic, and hypnotic effect. In combination with codeine, it relieves severe coughing attacks. Do not take with ethanol.

In addition to syrups with codeine, other dosage forms containing the substance are produced - tablets, powder.

[edit] On the Internet

  • Yarovrat once spoke about the superiority of tussin discourse over vodka, and that vodka destroys the brain, while tussin supposedly develops it...
  • Interesting copy-paste on the syrup topic can be found on anti-matter websites. For example, about abvgdesh shchipachi and alphabetic shchukars
    . This copy-paste, although it is the product of someone’s wives or mothers, delivers well mainly due to the surprise of its authors with the fact of psychotropic syrup.
  • Well, the zugunder called “Electric Hedgehog” - a figment of the imagination of an anonymous person - is nothing more than the state of an individual under syrup and grass.
  • Glycodin nonsense.

[edit] Vacation conditions

  • In 2005-2007, you could buy tons of it without any of your recipes, then they introduced a restriction: no more than 2 cans per hand.
  • Since 2008, Glycodin
    , which was previously a prescription drug, began to be produced with the status “without a doctor’s prescription” (in fact, no one added it to the list of over-the-counter drugs, smart-ass Indians).
  • Since June 1, 2010, DXM-containing drugs such as Glycodin
    are sold in Belarus by prescription. Old Man is worried about the health of young people.
  • In Default City, Glycodin
    have disappeared from regular pharmacies (only regular Tussin remains - without plus, but with paracetamol), moving to online pharmacies. If you wish, you can even order home delivery.
  • Since June 1, 2012, DXM-containing drugs have become prescription drugs in the country according to prescription forms No. 148-1/u-88 and N 107-1/u, No. 148-1/u-88 is subject to registration by pharmacies and is prescribed by doctors not according to indications. less willingly and quite rarely. Of course, it’s not a problem to forge a recipe, but you can fall under an article of the Criminal Code and such a crooked recipe will be recognized once or twice. So it all comes down to the honesty of pharmacy workers. However, in many places they both sold and continue to sell, especially in small private pharmacies that do not belong to large pharmacy chains (reports Defaultcity-kun, who easily manages to find 4-5 bottles in his area in half an hour). In St. Petersburg, whoever wants it will always find it; You’ll have to search for a long time, and you shouldn’t talk about your findings, otherwise in the “green” pharmacy the aunts will not be so friendly asking “how many bottles do you need?” and wish you health, and the pharmacy will soon be closed.

Consequences of using Tussin Plus

The medicine itself has a number of side effects that you need to be aware of. This:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsy state;
  • bouts of diarrhea;
  • overexcitement;
  • skin rashes;
  • nausea.

Do not use the drug if the following diseases are diagnosed:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • stomach bleeding.

You should refrain from using the syrup if the patient has a wet cough or is hypersensitive to certain components of the medicine. Pregnant women and people with renal and liver failure should take Tussin Plus with extreme caution.

An overdose of the drug causes disturbances of consciousness, loss of orientation in space, tachycardia and a drop in blood pressure. A person who uses this pharmaceutical drug to obtain a narcotic effect quickly loses his physical and mental health.

[edit] How to drink

The mouth of the upper head. Preferably silently. If possible, next to the toilet (the above method is similar to a good kick in the liver and pancreas due to a good amount of substances that are absolutely unnecessary in this case and gives a slightly less than completely disgusting effect. However, familiar coon junkies claim that the nature and color of the flights directly correlate with the color of the syrup and its packaging; whether this is the result of a placebo or a synergistic effect from the remaining components of the syrup, science has not yet established). To obtain at least some positive effect, cleaning is recommended. It is also recommended to obtain the DXM-containing preparation in capsule form Toff+, which contains paracetamol, so it is recommended to use it only for the purpose of extracting the DXM itself. This, however, does not save you from subsequent nausea, but at least you don’t have to experience the disgusting taste (although it is worth admitting that DXM itself tastes even worse than the syrups - very bitter (!!!)). But in combination with anti-nausea pills, it is completely and completely digestible.

Also, glycodine does not have such a disgusting taste as tussin, and it is quite possible to swallow it in the amount of 1-3 vials of 100 ml in one sitting and not experience any vomiting. This is due to the fact that flavor emulsifiers are added to glycodine. It tastes like a mixture of mint with synthetic sweetish viscous crap, and it’s even refreshing. True, the buzz from glycodine will be less, while tussin, although more expensive, often causes vomiting, but the glitches will be more realistic and deeper, while glycodine is cheaper, you can drink an order of magnitude more, and it seems to be more accessible, but the high is still not quite the same. Most likely the fact is that in tussin there are 118 ml and in glycerin there are 100 ml, the difference is 36 mg of DXM with 3-4 bottles, which is already 108 and 144 mg, respectively.

Another interesting fact: when consumed “your favorite syrup” together with grapefruit juice (about 2 liters before/together/after), it enhances its effects. Why? Whoops, it's just like a synchrophasotron: grapefruit juice affects DXM by inhibiting the activity of cytochrome P450 group 3A and 1A enzymes. This is the same enzyme with which DXM is converted into DXO (dextrorphan, sooner or later all DXM taken the day before is converted into it), only with different groups.

[edit] Action

« Glycodin and Tussin, We party, party, party!»
— Pimp Schwab on the first plateau

Pakhom flew straight to the fourth.
The strength of the effects of DXM is usually divided into a “plateau”, since the effects of use do not increase in direct proportion to the amount of the substance consumed, but in leaps and bounds. There are four plateaus in total, the first two (up to a couple of tussins) are popular because of their simplicity - you can drink and not bother with extraction, and also for the extraordinary buzz from the music, which becomes completely voluminous and all-consuming. The third and fourth (three or four bottles) depend on your weight + thousands of other factors (we look for the calculation in dxm.faq), psychonauts use it for their great goals of knowledge. There is also the semi-legendary sigma plateau, which one reaches by consuming small to medium doses throughout the day. Phrases like “the tenth plateau” are used for the lulz. For example, a parody of all discussions about the plateau (including this paragraph) is the FAQ, not forgotten by anonymous Purgen. A typical effect of psychotropic action is described in the non-illusory, delivering novel “Merda” by the writer Anton Zolotarev. The main chapter is located somewhere in the middle of the book and is called “The Prussian Language”. And, yes... Tussin Plus really has a medicinal effect and helps if you have a bad cough.

Application of Tusin Plus in medicine

As a medicine for colds, Tussin Plus is prescribed to patients over 6 years of age. For children the dosage is less, for adults more. Under the influence of the drug, a non-productive cough turns into a productive one, and the patient’s condition improves.

Indications for the use of syrup include:

  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • tracheitis;
  • acute bronchitis.

The effect of the medicine appears approximately 20-30 minutes after administration.

[edit] Pros and cons

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Larin against the lack of glycodine in the brain Russian rockers advise
There is no drug addiction to DXM. Maximum - psychological. Inside, every nerve tenses and twitches with rapid movement of the eyes, enchanting, extremely realistic pictures, and in a dream you yourself feel everything completely real and forget that this is a dream (the Avatar is resting), which is not good or pleasant. Many, however, after consuming tussin, ended up either in cardiology with heart problems, or in madness, having received organic brain damage. To a schoolboy who, having finished reading the article, was already preparing to urgently run to the pharmacy: wait. Don't forget the grapefruit juice.

Cough syrup with codeine: effects on the body

Codeine helps cough, has analgesic and antidiarrheal effects. In combination with sedatives, it is used as a sedative.

  • The antitussive symptomatic effect occurs due to inhibition of the excitability of the cough center in the brain. It should be noted that the substance does not affect the cause of cough.
  • The antidiarrheal effect is due to the relaxation of intestinal smooth muscles under the influence of the drug, which causes a weakening of peristalsis.
  • The analgesic effect is caused by the effect on brain receptors sensitive to opiates, thereby increasing the pain threshold.

When taken orally, the substance begins to act within 30-40 minutes, reaches its maximum effect an hour after administration, and lasts 4-6 hours. It is biotransformed in the liver, completely eliminated from the blood within 12 hours, and from urine within four days.

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[edit] Notes

  1. What is typical is that Nurofen+ contains codeine, but plain Nurofen does not, it’s a conspiracy.
[ + ]
Tussin+ has everything to do with substances
SubstancesSolvent 646 • Baclofen • Bromine • Butyrate • Vint • Haloperidol • Gamma-butyrolactone • Heroin • Mushrooms • DOB • Domestos • Cactus • Moment glue • Cocaine • Hemp • LSD • Mulk • Nutmeg • Nootropics • Regular powder • Polonium • Ritalin • Salvia • Speed ​​• Taren • Tranquilizers • Trigan-D • Tussin + • Ecstasy
Sanctus spiritusAbsinthe • Ibrazhi • Beer (Baltika) • Moonshine • Yaga • and so on • measure of consumption
What were you smoking?Belomor • Incense • Don tobacco • Nasvay • Smoking mixtures • Tobacco • Holotropic breathwork • Electronic cigarette
Non-narcoticGenetically modified water • Dihydrogen monoxide • Domestos • Star • Poison (Furanocoumarins) • Coffee • Donkey urine • Food additives (monosodium glutamate) • Polonium • Sugar • Fuflomycins • Chefir
TypesAlcoholic • Huckster • Drug addict • Obobos • Omsk half-fuck (Winged Doom) • Psychonaut • Rastafarian • Stoned
Those who usedBredor • Cyriak • Deftones • Filthy Frank • Absentis • Agapov • Grandmother • • Bulgakov • Vadmikh • Wilfred • Vicious • Gaiduk • Galkin • Gorshenev • Mushroom Elves • Dolphin • Denis Lyapapam • Dick • Carr • Castaneda • Kizi • Kotov • Kurmangaliev • Letov • London • Musical personality • Naiditsch • Neurologist • Oleg T. • Drug addict Pavlik • Pelevin • Ra-Hari • Ragnvald • Sklyarov • Sorokin • Huxley • House • Hertzfeldt • Hoy • Enteo • Yarovrat
Consequences228 • Squirrel • Glitch • Check it out, guys, how crazy it is on the street! • Candybober • Crocodile • Break Me Completely • The Matrix Exists • Hangover • Roizman • Dead Brother • Japanese Advertising
StruggleState Drug Control • Legalize • Bad activities, bad habits • POWDER GO AWAY
In culture3.62 • Breaking Bad • Kunteynir • Sound drugs • Superjail • Yellow Submarine • Vangers • Vector religion • Vonny • Mushroom Elves • Hedgehogs and Petruchio • And drank immediately • Cocaineum • Requiem for a dream • Vodka will soon become more expensive • Fear and Loathing in Las -Vegas • Teletubbies • Hihus
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