Useful properties of burnt alum. Methods of using the powder

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

To obtain this product, potassium-aluminum alum at a temperature of more than 160 degrees Celsius, which leads to a decrease in volume by almost 55%. Then the resulting substance is thoroughly ground into powder and sifted. Such manipulations make it possible to obtain a crystalline, inert, moisture-absorbing, chemically stable, odorless white powder. Burnt alum exhibits a drying, anti-inflammatory, cauterizing, antimicrobial, hemostatic and enveloping effect. This remedy also has an antipruritic effect.

Useful properties of burnt alum. Methods of using the powder

The pharmaceutical properties of aluminum were well known back in the 15th century. Its analgesic and absorption properties have been clinically tested and scientifically proven. Unfortunately, modern pharmaceutical companies prefer to produce expensive medications. Their effect is no different, and sometimes even worse than that of aluminum sulfate salts. The pharmacy replaces burnt alum, known to mankind for a long time, with new chemical preparations, which are many times more expensive.

Because of this, natural minerals are forgotten by many doctors and are almost never prescribed to patients. However, traditional doctors actively practice raw materials for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, for the treatment of ulcers and many other ailments. After all, burnt alum instructions have a very large list of indications.

Alum is obtained by heating potassium-aluminum minerals. The result is a crystalline, transparent, odorless powder.

Scope of application of burnt alum

Burnt alum is used in many fields. Particularly widely used in the industrial industry: dyeing fabric and paper products.

The drug got its name from its astringent taste. It draws and absorbs moisture well and has excellent astringent properties.

The raw material has a number of medicinal properties that allow it to be used in dentistry, dermatology, ophthalmology and cosmetology.

Medicinal properties of burnt alum

The drug has antiviral, antibacterial, hemostatic, enveloping, analgesic effects. Promotes rapid healing of various wounds, prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into them. Relieves swelling, burning, itching. Stops the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, reduces the production of sweat and sebaceous glands. In addition, it has drying, antiseptic and deodorizing properties. Due to this, it is often used as an additive in antiperspirants. By the way, a wide range of medicinal properties successfully eliminate pathological processes on mucous membranes and epithelium.

The use of burnt alum for colds

Burnt alum has proven itself well, , which include the use of the product in the treatment of sore throat and other throat diseases. Of course, the main advantage of the raw material is its natural composition, effectiveness and affordable price. Alum is used for rinsing, inhalation, and lotions. Thanks to its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, this natural remedy, available to everyone, quickly copes with the elimination of clinical manifestations of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, sore throat and influenza.

Powder dissolved in water helps relieve pain, reduce inflammation and significantly speed up recovery.

Dermatology, cosmetology and gynecology

The powder has successfully proven itself in the treatment of dermatological and gynecological diseases. Effectively copes with the elimination of fungal infections of the mucous membrane and skin. also gives good results for nail fungus and strengthens the nail plate.

Using the drug in the form of a powder helps dry wet wounds. It instantly absorbs moisture, pleasantly cools and soothes the skin. In addition, it effectively fights acne and dermatitis. It is worth noting that alum helps with increased sweating and acute papillomavirus. They also fight candidiasis, vulvovaginitis and balanitis. It has virtually no contraindications, is well tolerated, and can rarely cause allergies or irritation. It is worth trying to buy burnt alum for facial skin care.

If mineral powder is used regularly, the skin becomes more toned and velvety. It also looks younger and fresher. Alum completely removes oily shine, tightens pores and reduces any inflammation. Professional cosmetologists recommend that people with problem skin try using burnt alum, the price of which is affordable for everyone. For example, masks and lotions with the addition of alum have a toning, whitening and rejuvenating effect.

Dentistry and burnt alum

Stomatitis is a very unpleasant disease that is difficult to quickly treat. Children suffering from this disease refuse to eat, are restless, and have difficulty sleeping at night. Burnt alum is simply an indispensable remedy in the fight against stomatitis. Thanks to its antiseptic, drying and astringent properties, it dries quickly. In addition, it eliminates pain, burning and promotes wound healing. By the way, it can be used in pediatrics. 5g of powder per glass of warm water. Children over 5 years old can rinse their mouth no more than 4 times a day.

Reviews of burnt alum

Many people consider the remedy simply irreplaceable in the fight against multiple pathological processes. Firstly, numerous positive reviews confirm the effectiveness of the powder and its effectiveness. Secondly, there are almost no side effects. Patients with trophic ulcers who used burnt alum leave only good reviews. They note the speed and high efficiency of the drug. As a result, wounds heal faster and bleeding stops.

Women report good results from using the powder in cosmetology. By the way, many people consider it simply a panacea.

Although burnt alum does not cause any harm and consists of natural components, its use, like any other medicines, is best done after consultation with a specialist.

Instructions for Burnt alum (Method and dosage)

It should be noted that the instructions for burnt Alum indicate that this product is intended for use as powders. At the same time, it is recommended to use the powder not every day, but only in cases of special need.

To treat ulcers or wounds, you need to prepare a special solution of alum. You will need half a teaspoon of powder and a glass of hot water in which the product is diluted. Wounds are treated with the resulting solution several times a day. It is also possible to apply a gauze bandage.

After applying the substance to a specific location, a colloidal film or albuminate , which protects numerous nerve endings. This allows you to reduce pain or, for example, itching after insect bites.

In what cases will burnt alum help?

According to the instructions for the drug, burnt alum is used in:

  • combating excessive sweating. The ability to adsorb moisture and reduce the functioning of glands that secrete sweat and sebum is actively used by patients with hyperhidrosis. In addition, alum is able to disinfect areas with excessive sweating and get rid of bacteria and fungi that are sources of unpleasant odors; can be used as an antiperspirant;
  • prevention of skin irritations, for treating minor scratches, including after using a razor;
  • therapy of dermatological pathologies: dermatitis, diaper rash, eczema, neurodermatitis, fungal infections of the feet;
  • gynecology and urology – for the treatment of vulvovaginitis, balanitis;
  • dentistry - for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • cosmetology - to narrow pores, increase elasticity, relieve inflammation. Added to powder or cream.

Burnt alum powder can be used to treat festering wounds and trophic ulcerations on the skin. As a result, the damaged surface of the skin will dry out and tighten, and bleeding will stop.

Reviews of burnt alum

As numerous reviews of burnt alum show, they are widely used in the treatment of various dermatitis , eczema , diaper rash , stomatitis , vulvovaginitis , gingivitis and other disorders.

This remedy is often used in the presence of festering wounds and trophic ulcers. In this case, gradual drying of the wounds was noted, the injuries quickly healed and stopped bleeding.

But Alum burnt from sweat is especially often used; reviews of such use are of a very different nature. Some people have been using this product for many years and are quite happy with it. Other users report that the use of burnt alum for sweating is completely ineffective even in cool weather.

There are also reviews about the use of this product for ingrown toenails. To treat this disease, patients used Alum in dry form, pouring the medicine onto the affected area under the nail. Gradually the nail grows and needs to be trimmed carefully. After some time, according to patients, the problem of ingrown toenails completely goes away.

In addition, burnt alum is used in the treatment of sore throats as a powerful antiseptic. To do this, dilute half a teaspoon in half a glass of boiled water and rinse the throat and mouth. The pain goes away almost immediately after the first rinse. For young children who cannot carry out this procedure on their own, the affected areas in the mouth are lubricated with this solution using a bandage or gauze. This usually helps soften your throat and relieve pain.


A remedy to combat armpit sweating. To prevent the white powder from crumbling during application and to ensure that the composition gets directly onto the skin, it is better to prepare the composition:

  • dissolve two teaspoons of burnt alum in 500 ml;
  • add a few drops of essential oil with your favorite scent;
  • pour the solution into a bottle equipped with a sprayer.

At first, the product must be used twice a day, then the composition can be applied to the armpit area once a day.

  1. For sweaty feet. In this case, dry alum is used. First you need to clean your feet with a pumice stone or a scraper. Then the surface is treated with alum. To enhance the effect, you can treat socks and shoes that are worn every day with alum. Already on the third day, sweat production decreases, cracks in the legs heal, and small wounds heal. To prevent the skin from drying out, the skin of the feet can be treated with cream.
  2. Face mask for enlarged pores. Ingredients you will need: one egg white, 5 grams of burnt alum powder, one teaspoon of almond or apricot oil. The protein must first be whipped into a foam, add other ingredients and mix. Apply to clean skin for half an hour. Then wash off with warm water.

Price of burnt alum, where to buy

In Russian pharmacies this drug can be purchased at a price of 130 rubles, depending on the volume and manufacturer.

The price of burnt alum in Ukraine varies between 50-70 hryvnia.

Many users are interested in the question of where to buy burnt alum in Minsk? However, as it turned out, this drug in its pure form is quite difficult to find in pharmacies in Belarus. Therefore, some people prefer to order it from Russian online pharmacies.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Powder Alustin to eliminate sweating Burnt alum 50 g LLC Alustin
    139 rub. order


According to customer reviews, burnt alum works well in treating skin problems, including complex wounds with suppuration and trophic ulcers.

However, the powder is mainly used in the fight against sweating and its consequences; it is applied instead of deodorant to the armpits, on the feet and palms, and in shoes to prevent unpleasant odors. The downside is that it stains clothes when applied.

Some buyers note that alum does not help overcome excessive sweating, but an unpleasant odor does not appear after application.

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