Nebulizer inhalation in the treatment of respiratory diseases


  • Preparation of equipment
  • Preparing the medicine
  • Procedure technique
  • Inhalation for children

An inhaler is a device that allows you to deliver a fine aerosol of medicinal substances into the lungs and upper respiratory tract. It is used for cough, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, rhinorrhea, chest pain caused by bronchitis, and difficult sputum discharge. Bronchodilators, antiseptics and antibiotics, mucolytic medications, regenerative agents, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, and moisturizing substances are administered using the aerosol method. People prone to inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract need to know how to use the inhaler correctly.

What inhalations can be done when coughing with a nebulizer?

Prospan drops are a natural remedy created on the basis of a unique formula. It is based on the healing properties of dry ivy leaf extract. Thanks to the use of plant components in the development of Prospan drops, and the absence of dyes and preservatives in their composition, they can be recommended not only for adults, but also for children from one year of age.

The undoubted advantage of Prospan drops is their complex effect on the respiratory system. Prospan has expectorant, mucolytic and bronchospasmolytic effects, reduces the viscosity of sputum and promotes its discharge.

Convenient when using drops is that all standard devices and devices for spraying without heating (nebulizers) are suitable here.

It is important to remember that the product contains ethyl alcohol. And in order to eliminate and minimize irritating side effects due to alcohol vapors, when inhaling with Prospan drops, they must be diluted with drinking water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:2.

Preparation of equipment

Before using the inhaler, you should perform a number of preparatory steps:

  1. Rinse the face mask, connecting hose and nebulizer chamber with clean water and dry.
  2. Treat elements in direct contact with the patient with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin.
  3. Assemble the device in accordance with the instructions.
  4. Fill the reservoir with a pre-prepared medicinal solution and place it in a vertical position.

The tank capacity for steam varieties is 70-100 ml, for compressor and ultrasonic varieties - 2-8 ml. If the maximum permissible volume is exceeded, liquid enters parts of the device that are not intended for this purpose and can damage the inhaler.

Nebulizers are divided into:

  • compressor;
  • ultrasonic;
  • mesh nebulizers.

Compressor nebulizers

produce a medicinal cloud due to the action of the compressor. Typically, compressor nebulizers have a larger size and weight compared to ultrasonic ones. One of the main disadvantages is considered to be the noise that the compressor makes during operation. At the same time, the advantage of compressor nebulizers is the ability to use almost all types of medicines.

Ultrasonic nebulizers

have a compact size, light weight and almost silent operation of the ultrasonic unit. A significant disadvantage is that a wide range of medications cannot be used in ultrasonic inhalers: the use of antibiotics and hormones is prohibited, since ultrasound destroys drug molecules. Their use in this case will not provide a therapeutic effect.

Mesh nebulizers.

This technology allows inhalations to be performed at any angle, for example, for a bedridden patient. Inhalers have the smallest size and weight. These devices are very convenient for people leading an active lifestyle. The nebulizer mesh easily fits even in a woman’s purse.

Nebulizer therapy has advantages over other types of inhalation therapy:

  • It can be used at any age, since the patient is not required to adjust his breathing to the operation of the device and at the same time perform any actions, for example, pressing the canister, holding the inhaler, etc., which is especially important in young children.
  • The absence of the need to take a strong breath allows the use of nebulizer therapy in cases of severe attacks of bronchial asthma, as well as in elderly patients.
  • Nebulizer therapy allows the use of drugs in effective doses without side effects.
  • This therapy provides a continuous and rapid supply of medication using a compressor.
  • It is the safest method of inhalation therapy, since it does not use, unlike metered-dose aerosol inhalers, propellants (solvents or carrier gases).
  • This is a modern and comfortable method of treating bronchopulmonary diseases in children and adults.

Preparing the medicine

Working solution

for compressor and ultrasonic type nebulizers, it is made from a mixture of the main drug with physiological sodium chloride solution. Typically, the combination is prepared in a ratio of 1 part of the drug to 3 parts of NaCl, however, the attending physician may recommend other mixing options. When coughing, use alkaline mineral water or herbal decoctions. The product must be heated to 37-38°C.

Solutions intended for steam inhalation are not heated. Devices of this type allow you to work only with herbal remedies, mineral water and essential oils (sandalwood, cedarwood, eucalyptus). It is also permissible to use an inhaler with pure saline solution. Medicines heated to 60-70°C are destroyed and have no effect.

On a note

: when the body temperature is above 37°C, steam inhalations are not performed. Cold steam procedures are not recommended for use in cases of inflammatory diseases of the middle ear.

How are nebulizers different?

There are several types of nebulizers:

  • Compressor
  • Ultrasonic
  • Membrane

Each has its own pros and cons. An important task of the nebulizer is to deliver the drug to the site of inflammation in the upper and lower respiratory tract. Ultrasonics can destroy medicinal active substances, and the effectiveness of treatment decreases. For home use, it is better to choose compressor or membrane ones. The former are more expensive and weigh more, but they do not require additional parts and are easy to clean. The latter are convenient to take on a trip, they are silent, but you need to buy consumables for them.

For children under 5 years of age, inhalations are performed while sitting using a special mask, which should fit tightly to the nose and mouth. Starting from 5 years old, children, as well as adults, breathe through a mouthpiece, which is included with the mask. You should inhale air through your mouth through the mouthpiece and exhale through your nose. After inhalation, rinse the mask, mouthpiece, and tubes with running water and soap, and dry thoroughly.

Procedure technique

1 hour before and for an hour after the procedure, you should not eat, smoke, use expectorant medications, or gargle with antiseptic solutions. The duration of one inhalation should not exceed 7-10 minutes. It is forbidden to talk during treatment. It is permissible to take up to 5-6 inhalations per day, the average number is 2-3 episodes of treatment using different medications. The interval between them is 1.5-3 hours.

To understand how to do inhalations with a nebulizer, you need to remember the following algorithm:

  1. Place the device in a stable position.
  2. Sit comfortably and relaxed in a chair or on a bed.
  3. Place the mask tightly on your face or wrap your lips around the mouthpiece.
  4. Turn on the device.
  5. Breathe evenly and deeply, inhaling through your mouth and exhaling through your nose. After inhaling, it is recommended to hold your breath for 2 seconds.
  6. After completing the procedure, rinse your mouth with water.
  7. Wash the washable parts of the device, dry it and put it away for storage.

Steam inhalers are easy to use. You need to pour the medicine into the reservoir, turn on the device and press your face tightly to the mask. Before breathing with a steam-type inhaler, you must make sure that there are no contraindications: hyperthermia, bleeding, swelling of the respiratory tract. The duration of the procedure reaches 15-20 minutes. Inhalations are taken slowly to avoid burns from hot steam. After completing therapy, you need to refrain from leaving the house for 1-3 hours, especially in the cold season.

On a note

: deep breathing can provoke hyperaeration phenomena: dizziness, weakness, incoordination. To avoid this, short breaks are required during inhalation.

Nebulizer therapy

Patient's Guide. You can learn about what a nebulizer is, what diseases can be treated with its help, how to carry out inhalation correctly, how to choose a nebulizer, and much more about the modern method of inhalation therapy from this article.

Nebulizer therapy is modern and safe.

In the treatment of respiratory diseases, the most effective and modern method is inhalation therapy. Inhalation of medications through a nebulizer is one of the most reliable and simplest treatment methods. The use of nebulizers in the treatment of respiratory diseases is gaining increasing recognition among doctors and patients.

To make the medicine easier to penetrate into the respiratory tract, it should be converted into an aerosol. A nebulizer is a chamber in which a medicinal solution is sprayed into an aerosol and delivered into the patient’s respiratory tract. The healing aerosol is created due to certain forces. Such forces can be air flow (compressor nebulizers) or ultrasonic vibrations of the membrane (ultrasonic nebulizers).

The modern approach to the treatment of respiratory diseases involves delivering drugs directly to the respiratory tract through the widespread use of inhaled forms of drugs. The capabilities of the nebulizer have dramatically expanded the scope of inhalation therapy. Now it has become available to patients of all ages (from infancy to old age). It can be performed during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases (primarily bronchial asthma), in situations where the patient has a significantly reduced inhalation rate (young children, postoperative patients, patients with severe somatic diseases) both at home and in a hospital setting.

Nebulizer therapy has advantages over other types of inhalation therapy:

  • It can be used at any age, since the patient is not required to adjust his breathing to the operation of the device and at the same time perform any actions, for example, pressing the canister, holding the inhaler, etc., which is especially important in young children.
  • The absence of the need to take a strong breath allows the use of nebulizer therapy in cases of severe attacks of bronchial asthma, as well as in elderly patients.
  • Nebulizer therapy allows the use of drugs in effective doses without side effects.
  • This therapy provides a continuous and rapid supply of medication using a compressor.
  • It is the safest method of inhalation therapy, since it does not use, unlike metered-dose aerosol inhalers, propellants (solvents or carrier gases).
  • This is a modern and comfortable method of treating bronchopulmonary diseases in children and adults.

What diseases can be treated with a nebulizer?

The drug sprayed by an inhaler begins to act almost immediately, which makes it possible to use nebulizers, first of all, for the treatment of diseases that require immediate intervention - asthma, allergies.

(primarily, nebulizers are used to treat diseases that require immediate intervention - asthma, allergies).

Another group of diseases for which inhalations are simply necessary are chronic inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, such as chronic rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic broncho-obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, etc.

But their scope of application is not limited to this. They are good for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, fungal infections of the upper respiratory tract, and the immune system.

Inhalers help with occupational diseases of singers, teachers, miners, and chemists.

In what cases is a nebulizer needed at home:

  • In a family where there is a child who is susceptible to frequent colds, bronchitis (including those occurring with broncho-obstructive syndrome), for the complex treatment of cough with difficult to separate sputum, treatment of stenosis.
  • Families with patients with chronic or often recurrent bronchopulmonary diseases (bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis).

What medications can be used in a nebulizer.

For nebulizer therapy, there are special solutions of drugs that are produced in bottles or plastic containers - nebulas. The volume of the medicine together with the solvent for one inhalation is 2-5 ml. Calculation of the required amount of medication depends on the age of the patient. First, 2 ml of saline solution is poured into the nebulizer, then the required number of drops of medicine is added. Distilled water should not be used as a solvent, as it can provoke bronchospasm, which will lead to coughing and difficulty breathing during the procedure. Pharmacy packaging with medications is stored in the refrigerator (unless otherwise indicated) closed. After the pharmaceutical package has been opened, the drug must be used within two weeks. It is advisable to write down the date on which you started using the drug on the bottle. Before use, the medicine must be warmed to room temperature.

For nebulizer therapy the following can be used:

  1. mucolytics and mucoregulators (drugs for thinning sputum and improving expectoration): Ambrohexal, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Fluimucil;
  2. bronchodilators (drugs that dilate the bronchi): Berodual, Ventolin, Berotek, Salamol.
  3. glucocorticoids (hormonal drugs with multilateral effects, primarily anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous): Pulmicort (suspension for nebulizers);
  4. cromones (antiallergic drugs, mast cell membrane stabilizers): Cromohexal Nebula;
  5. antibiotics: Fluimucil antibiotic;
  6. alkaline and saline solutions: 0.9% saline solution, Borjomi mineral water

Your attending physician should prescribe the drug and tell you about the rules for its use. He must also monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Not recommended for use with nebulizers:

All solutions containing oils, suspensions and solutions containing suspended particles, including decoctions and infusions of herbs, as well as solutions of aminophylline, papaverine, platyphylline, diphenhydramine and the like, as not having points of application on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

What side effects are possible with nebulizer therapy?

When breathing deeply, symptoms of hyperventilation (dizziness, nausea, cough) may appear. It is necessary to stop inhalation, breathe through your nose and calm down. After the symptoms of hyperventilation disappear, inhalation through a nebulizer can be continued.

During inhalation, as a reaction to the administration of the sprayed solution, coughing may occur. In this case, it is also recommended to stop inhalation for a few minutes.

Inhalation technique using a nebulizer

  • Before handling your inhaler, you should (always) carefully
  • wash your hands with soap, because... there may be pathogenic microbes on the skin.
  • Assemble all parts of the nebulizer according to the instructions
  • Pour the required amount of medicinal substance into the nebulizer cup, preheating it to room temperature.
  • Close the nebulizer and attach the face mask, mouthpiece or nasal cannula.
  • Connect the nebulizer and compressor using a hose.
  • Turn on the compressor and inhale for 7-10 minutes or until the solution is completely consumed.
  • Turn off the compressor, disconnect the nebulizer and disassemble it.
  • Wash all parts of the nebulizer with hot water or 15% baking soda solution. Brushes and squeegees should not be used.
  • Sterilize the disassembled nebulizer in a steam sterilization device, such as a thermal disinfector (steam sterilizer) designed for treating baby bottles. Sterilization by boiling for at least 10 minutes is also possible. Disinfection must be carried out once a week.
  • The thoroughly cleaned and dried nebulizer should be stored in a clean napkin or towel.

Basic rules for inhalation

  • Inhalations are carried out no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating or significant physical activity.
  • During the course of inhalation treatment, doctors prohibit smoking. In exceptional cases, before and after inhalation, it is recommended to stop smoking for an hour.
  • Inhalations should be taken in a calm state, without being distracted by reading or talking.
  • Clothing should not restrict the neck or make breathing difficult.
  • For diseases of the nasal tract, inhalation and exhalation must be done through the nose (nasal inhalation), breathing calmly, without tension.
  • For diseases of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs, it is recommended to inhale the aerosol through the mouth (oral inhalation), breathing deeply and evenly. After taking a deep breath through your mouth, you should hold your breath for 2 seconds, and then exhale completely through your nose; in this case, the aerosol from the oral cavity enters further into the pharynx, larynx and further into the deeper parts of the respiratory tract.
  • Frequent deep breathing can cause dizziness, so periodically it is necessary to interrupt inhalation for a short time.
  • Before the procedure, you do not need to take expectorants or rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions (potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, boric acid).
  • After any inhalation, and especially after inhalation of a hormonal drug, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with boiled water at room temperature (a small child can be given drink and food); if using a mask, rinse your eyes and face with water.
  • The duration of one inhalation should not exceed 7-10 minutes. Course of treatment with aerosol inhalations - from 6-8 to 15 procedures

What types of nebulizers are there?

Currently, three main types of inhalers are used in medical practice: steam, ultrasonic and compressor.

The action of steam inhalers is based on the effect of evaporation of the medicinal substance. It is clear that only volatile solutions (essential oils) can be used in them. The biggest disadvantage of steam inhalers is the low concentration of the inhaled substance, usually less than the threshold for therapeutic effects, as well as the inability to accurately dose the drug at home.

Ultrasonic and compressor are combined by the term “nebulizers” (from the Latin word “nebula” - fog, cloud); they generate not vapor, but an aerosol cloud consisting of microparticles of the inhaled solution. A nebulizer allows you to administer pure medications to all respiratory organs (nose, bronchi, lungs), without any impurities. The dispersion of aerosols produced by most nebulizers ranges from 0.5 to 10 microns. Particles with a diameter of 8-10 microns settle in the oral cavity and trachea, with a diameter from 5 to 8 microns - in the trachea and upper respiratory tract, from 3 to 5 microns - in the lower respiratory tract, from 1 to 3 microns - in bronchioles, from 0. 5 to 2 microns – in the alveoli. Particles smaller than 5 microns are called the “respirable fraction” and have the maximum therapeutic effect.

Ultrasonic nebulizers spray the solution with high-frequency (ultrasonic) vibrations of the membrane. They are compact, silent, and do not require replacement of nebulization chambers. The percentage of aerosol that reaches the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract exceeds 90%, and the average size of aerosol particles is 4-5 microns. Thanks to this, the required drug in the form of an aerosol in high concentration reaches the small bronchi and bronchioles.

The choice of ultrasonic nebulizers is more preferable in cases where the area of ​​action of the drug is small bronchi, and the drug is in the form of a saline solution. However, a number of drugs, such as antibiotics, hormonal drugs, mucolytics (thinning sputum), can be destroyed under the influence of ultrasound. These drugs are not recommended for use in ultrasonic nebulizers.

Compressor nebulizers form an aerosol cloud by forcing a powerful air stream pumped by a compressor through a narrow opening in a chamber containing a medicinal solution. The principle of using compressed air in compressor nebulizers is the “gold standard” of inhalation therapy. The main advantage of compressor nebulizers is their versatility and relative cheapness, they are more accessible and can spray almost any solution intended for inhalation.

Compressor nebulizers have several types of chambers:

  • convection chambers with constant aerosol output;
  • breath-activated cameras;
  • breath-activated chambers with flow interrupter valve.

When inhaling medicinal substances through a nebulizer, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • the optimal filling volume of the nebulizer chamber is at least 5 ml;
  • to reduce the loss of the drug at the end of inhalation, you can add 1 ml of saline solution to the chamber, after which, shaking the nebulizer chamber, continue inhalation;
  • When using inexpensive and accessible drugs, all types of nebulizers can be used, but when using more expensive drugs, the greatest effectiveness of inhalation therapy is provided by nebulizers activated by the patient's inspiration and equipped with a flow interrupter valve during the exhalation phase. These devices are especially effective in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases.

How to choose a nebulizer?

When treated with a nebulizer, the medicine is delivered to the respiratory tract. This particular treatment is intended for those whose disease has affected the respiratory tract (rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.). In addition, sometimes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is used to introduce drugs into the human body. The surface of the bronchial tree is very large, and many drugs, such as insulin, are actively absorbed through it.

The choice of inhaler depends on the disease you are going to treat and your financial capabilities.

In Russia, nebulizer manufacturers from Germany, Japan, and Italy represent their products on the medical equipment market. Unfortunately, there are no domestic manufacturers of compressor nebulizers yet. Detailed information about the technical characteristics of certain types of nebulizers can be obtained from Russian companies that sell them. When choosing a nebulizer, the requirements for the nebulizer and compressor are taken into account. For a compressor, the important factors are size, weight, operating noise, and ease of use. In all these parameters they differ slightly. But it should be noted that nebulizers from PARI GmbH (Germany) are distinguished by traditionally high German quality, exceptional efficiency and long service life. They ensure maximum deposition of medications in the respiratory tract due to optimal aerosol dispersion.

Perhaps the main attention should be paid to the type of sprayer . Nebulizers equipped with a direct-flow nebulizer make sense to use in young children, since they do not have enough inspiratory force to activate the valves (and thus save medicine). For inhalation, children under 3 years of age should use a children's mask. Adults can also use this type of sprayer, because... It is initially equipped with a mouthpiece.

Breath-activated nebulizers have inhalation and exhalation valves that are activated alternately throughout the act of breathing. When using them, less aerosol is formed on exhalation, resulting in significant savings in medication.

There are also nebulizers that have a nebulizer equipped with a tee tube (aerosol flow interrupter), which allows you to regulate the formation of aerosol only during inhalation by blocking the side opening of the tee.

Various types of attachments are used with the nebulizer: mouthpieces, nasal cannulas (tubes), masks in adult and child sizes.

  • Mouthpieces (adults and children) are optimal for delivering medications deep into the lungs; they are used for inhalation by adult patients, as well as children over 5 years old.
  • Masks are convenient for treating the upper respiratory tract and allow you to irrigate all parts of the nasal cavity, pharynx, as well as the larynx and trachea. When using a mask, most of the aerosols settle in the upper respiratory tract. Masks are needed when using nebulizer therapy in children under 3 years of age, since it is impossible to carry out inhalations in such patients through a mouthpiece - children breathe mainly through the nose (this is due to the anatomy of the child’s body). It is necessary to use a mask of the appropriate size. Using a tight-fitting mask reduces aerosol loss in young children. If the child is over 5 years old, it is better to use a mouthpiece rather than a mask.
  • Nasal cannulas (tubes) are needed to deliver a medicinal aerosol into the nasal cavity. They can be used in the complex treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis

Buying a nebulizer for yourself and your loved ones is the right and reasonable decision. You have acquired a reliable assistant and friend

Author of the article:

Kartashova N.K., Ph.D., allergist of the highest category.

Inhalation for children

Inhalation for children under 5 years of age must be carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  • duration - no more than 3 minutes;
  • only the face mask is used, not the mouthpiece;
  • the solution temperature does not exceed 30°C.
  • when working with an infant, you should hold him and press the mask tightly to his face;
  • nebulizer inhalations are allowed during sleep.

Doses of drugs for the working solution vary depending on the age of the child. It is difficult to choose them wisely without a medical education. Therefore, it is unacceptable to use aerosol products without consulting a doctor.

The inhaler is a modern and effective means of treating diseases of the respiratory system. However, its illiterate use can lead to the development of severe complications: meningitis, pneumonia, laryngeal edema. For the procedure to benefit the patient, you need to know how to use the inhaler correctly.

What solutions can be added to the nebulizer?

Only those that have instructions in the instructions for use of the drug: budesonide, impratropium bromide, ventolin, fluimucil - an antibiotic. Sputum thinners are not recommended for children under 12 years of age due to the possible worsening of the disease. It is not recommended to add mineral water, oils, various syrups and cough solutions, herbal tinctures, baking soda due to the high risk of side effects and prolongation of the cough period.

You can read the continuation of the article by following the link to FORMA - SBER PHARMACY blog.

Tips for use

  1. Before use, it is necessary to wash the inhaler parts.
  2. Parts in contact with a sick person should be thoroughly disinfected (with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin).
  3. Assemble the inhaler.
  4. It will be filled out by special solution.
  5. Solutions intended for steam inhalation are not heated.
  6. Before using the inhaler, it is better to avoid eating and smoking.
  7. During one operation, the use should not exceed 7-10 minutes, and the inhaler should not be used more than 5-6 times a day.
  8. During the procedure, inhalations should be slow.

What liquids can be used?

The first thing that is necessary for the nebulizer to work is an isotonic solution. This is a solution whose osmotic pressure is equal to the osmotic pressure of blood plasma.

If the medicine needs to be diluted, then for this purpose you need to use saline solution and only that. Not mineral water, not distilled, not homemade saline solution, not herbal decoctions. Only STERILE saline solution.

You can never be sure that mineral water, distilled water, homemade saline solution, or other similar liquids are sterile. There is no guarantee that these liquids do not contain harmful microorganisms or bacteria.

The second component for nebulizer inhalation is medications. Medicines are selected only by the attending physician; no need to self-medicate!

What medications can be used:

  • Bronchodilators - narrow the airways, making breathing easier.
  • Corticosteroids – reduce the activity of inflammation in the respiratory tract.
  • Prostanoids - increase the flow of blood and oxygen to damaged areas of the lungs.

Inhalations for the prevention of colds and ARVI: are they effective?

The most effective way to prevent ARVI is still a proper and varied diet, taking vitamins and minerals, sleeping patterns, and a sufficient level of physical activity. However, inhalations with saline solution can also help in prevention during periods of seasonal increases in incidence. It is recommended to purchase saline solution at a pharmacy rather than prepare it yourself.

Inhalations are an effective and simple way to help a child cope with ARVI, colds, coughs and runny nose. To ensure that the procedure is safe and comfortable, and brings only positive results, choose the right mesh nebulizer for home use and use medications prescribed by your doctor for treatment. Be healthy!

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