Staphysagria homeopathy. Indications for use, instructions 6, 12, 30, 200, 1000. Description of the drug

Interaction of staphysagria with other drugs

The plant is not a traditional medicine, and its concentration is very small, so nothing bad will happen if you take other medications. But homeopathic treatment of diseases will be useless if you take both drugs for these diseases and Delphinium at the same time.

The effect will be stronger if you use Staphisagria in combination with some other homeopathic remedies:

  • Asafoetida;
  • Mercurius;
  • Silicea;
  • Caust;
  • Colocy.

Combination with Ranunculus bulbosus is prohibited.

The Staphysagria variant, the regimen for which was given, is a ready-made complex to which you do not need to add anything yourself.

Homeopathy, according to WHO (World Health Association), will never replace traditional medicine and is a pseudoscience. But there are also people who have been helped by taking Staphysagria, so you can turn to treatment with it for certain symptoms. If there are no contraindications, then it will not cause harm.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Excerpts from the book by I.V. Dolinina “Find out your type and get cured.”

This is a herbaceous plant native to the Mediterranean. It is called Stefan's seed (named after the holy first martyr Stephen) or lousy seed (drives out lice). Contains alkaloids, of which the most studied is dolphinine (its effect is similar to aconitine).

It was also used in medicine by Dioscorides as a remedy for toothache. In folk herbalism it is suggested to expel worms and lice, as an emetic and laxative.

Introduced into homeopathy by Hahnemann. It was found that Staphysagria, like other representatives of the buttercup family, most affects the skin and mucous membranes (urinary tract), as well as the teeth. The main problem of a staphysagric patient is unsatisfied sexuality, which leads to the development of an inferiority complex with an aggravated reaction to insult, suppression of reciprocal indignation, with periodic outbursts of it in the form of outbursts of rage. This is followed by repentance, and everything closes in a vicious circle.

The homeopathic drug Staphysagria treats diseases of the nervous system (neurasthenia, chorea), diseases of the eyes and teeth, skin (rashes with severe itching), problems of the genitourinary organs (cystitis, impotence).

In the process of research, similar features of the nervous system were identified in sensitive patients, which makes it possible to identify the Staphysagria psychotype.


Staphysagria is usually described as a thin, pale, slightly stooped person. He has sunken eyes with dark circles, bright lips, and carious teeth. There are many small papillomas on the body, there may be acne, boils, condylomas, and on the eyelids there may be styes and chalazions.

Internal lack of freedom is reflected in appearance. Staphysagria is constricted, it has no scope - the movements are as if crumpled, they can be furtive and conscientious. The decompensated Staphysagria has a guilty, shifting gaze. Because of this, it is even difficult at first to determine what color eyes such a person has. He often covers them with dark glasses, trying to give himself solidity and mystery. In the entire appearance of Staphysagria one can see sexual preoccupation and a tendency towards self-criticism.

Staphysagria's handwriting changes noticeably depending on her state of mind.

More details in the books of Dolinina I.V.

Homeopathic manuals report seemingly contradictory things about Staphysagria: “compliance, gentleness, moderation, refinement” and “a desire to throw objects at the offender when angry,” “timidity” and “a desire to hit.” These apparent inconsistencies disappear if you understand the essence of the problems of Staphysagria.

Such a person’s will is first of all wounded (“consequences of resentment, humiliation, long-held anger”). The will is the support of the personality, therefore, when it is injured, other functions (for example, feelings) are also disrupted. The soul of Staphysagria can resemble an unhealed wound, which is covered with a fig leaf of foolishness or hypocrisy.

Staphysagria's will is too vulnerable not to be afraid of public opinion. External negativism can shake her to the core. Staphysagria is a “walking shame.” Fyodor Dostoevsky, revealing the ulcers of staphysagric complexes in his works, remarked: “We are all ashamed of ourselves... everyone tries at all costs to seem like something else, but not what he really is, everyone rushes to accept a completely different face."

The great classic wrote this with thoughts about “the humiliated and insulted.” But this does not apply to other personality types. Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Lycopodium are not ashamed of themselves, but love themselves as they are.

Staphysagria can be defenseless in the event of sudden volitional pressure. She shows unforgivable compliance, and then cannot forgive herself for it. It is difficult for such a person to force others to do what he wants. A commanding tone and authoritative intonations are not characteristic of this subject.

Staphysagria cannot be assertive or pushy. She cannot stand it when her strong-willed qualities are discussed. She seems to be an obedient slave, but secretly hates her master, accumulates grievances and insults. As La Rochefoucauld noted: “Appearing gentleness is often just weakness, which easily turns into bitterness.”

The Lord of Staphysagria considers her devoted and faithful. But the lower it leans, the more internal tension accumulates. Not having the strength to express his opinion to his face, Staphysagria can do it behind his back, which is usually regarded as betrayal. A lot of Staphysagric actions were committed during the years of mass denunciations. Some quiet old man was “pawning” his neighbors in a communal apartment because of his staphysagric complexes, including as a result of unsatisfied sexual attraction to the object of denunciation.

Staphysagria experiences a complex sense of love-hate towards power structures. Power is identified with will, so such a person wants to fall close to it, be in its aura, breathe the same air. Staphysagria were found surrounded by tyrant monarchs. They most often played the role of jesters (literally and figuratively). And this jester could have been the instigator of a conspiracy against his benefactor.

Staphysagria can demonstrate either false humility or outward indifference to authority. But she always observes caste in relations with others. It is more convenient for her to be a follower, to take less personal responsibility.

The philosopher Berdyaev wrote: “The most proud people are people who do not love themselves.” In this way, he seemed to echo Marcus Aurelius, who believed: “The more a person loves himself, the less he depends on other people’s opinions.” Staphysagria does not love or respect itself. People feel this and treat her accordingly. The atmosphere around Staphysagria is filled with anxiety and self-doubt. She is too busy with her own mental pain to think about others.

In terms of character traits, he is neither a child nor an adult, but an eternal teenager, with inferiority complexes and sexual problems.

Staphysagria develops sexual desire early, which is carefully hidden due to lack of self-confidence. Staphysagria does not need platonic relationships (this is not Natrum muriaticum or Ignatia), she requires physical intimacy with the object of desire. However, this is often not possible. And the reason is rooted in Staphysagria itself.

She is always dissatisfied with her position in society and her inner worldview. “Hell” is inside herself. Staphysagria is burdened by secrecy and longs for confession. Priests have to listen to a lot of staphysagric stories. Yes, and among them there are Staphysagria, obsessed with religious repentance for sins not committed in practice, but realized mentally.

This is what homeopathic manuals write about such a person: “increased libido”, “unfulfilled desires”, “bad consequences of erotic fantasies and sexual excesses”, “tormenting lustful thoughts”, “worse from consolation”. The last remark is not surprising - after all, consolation not only does not remove the severity of self-flagellation, but greatly strengthens it.

In the worldview of Staphysagria, obvious or imaginary physical defects play a large role. It happens that Staphysagria is attracted to physically handicapped people. So her internal defectiveness fits the external ugliness of her partner, like a key to a lock.

Staphysagria is tormented by the pangs of jealousy, but she herself can often change partners. This is not caused by a desire for novelty (like Phosphorus), but by a desire to assert oneself. Therefore, she is attracted to partners with high social status. In the soul of Staphysagria, infantilism and despotism coexist, which is why she is prone to misalliance (unequal relationships).

Staphysagria reacts sharply to the slightest injustice and humiliation, initially suppressing its anger and indignation. For a long time she experiences grievances and insults: she plays out quarrels and conflicts in her head, mentally talks with the offender. This causes headaches and insomnia. Unpleasant events torment Staphysagria, irritating her emotional wounds.

Outwardly, this manifests itself in sunken eyes with dark circles, trembling hands, and an elusive, guilty and at the same time accusatory gaze. This is what a sexually preoccupied person looks like who cannot satiate his sensuality. By the way, in the appearance of mythical vampires there are many staphysagrian features. They are afraid of bright light and come out under the cover of darkness, have a pale appearance, circles around the eyes and an eternal insatiable dissatisfaction.

Decompensated Staphysagria is more comfortable being in the role of a subordinate and taking on less responsibility. She is efficient, but not stupidly, like Barium corbonicum, but helpful. He picks up on the slightest nuances of the management’s mood and goes ahead – offering something that has not yet been ordered. She hopes that her boss will eventually promote her to himself. Sometimes this happens - the boss leaves for a promotion, leaving behind a faithful servant.

Staphysagria craves power and fears it, so her leadership is remembered as inconsistent, half-hearted and ambiguous. Following a modified proverb: "The place makes the man", Staphysagria can imitate the behavior of Nux vomica, which looks like a caricature. After all, Nux Vomica is a royal monarch, and Staphysagria is a petty tyrant. Having accidentally received power - something that he could only dream of in his wildest fantasies, such a person is afraid to reveal his inadequacy to the place and is able to begin to eradicate everything around him that is independent and fraught with a threat.

Over time, responsibility oppresses Staphysagria more and more. She is too busy with her internal complexes to think constructively. To calm down, such a person begins to collect diplomas, awards and titles. These are like documents that certify its usefulness.

He has an ambivalent attitude towards fame. Being a fool, Staphysagria may refuse it, but in the depths of her soul she longs for worship. A certain percentage of such people are found among artists (especially satirists).

Staphysagria is talented, her performance is fueled by an inferiority complex. Dislike for yourself and others gives you a critical attitude. Staphysagria sees through vices and shortcomings and can devote his life to exposing them. She knows how to find a vulnerable point on the enemy’s body and inflict a sudden blow on him.

The range of passions, instincts and experiences of Staphysagria is wide - from the depths of fall to short-term ups. The energy accumulating in its depths can suddenly discharge and cause irreparable damage to others and Staphysagria itself.

She is distinguished by: internal contradiction, disunity with the world, quarrelsomeness, mockery, sarcasm, suspicion and ostentatious holiness. The following boil in the staphysagrian cauldron: jealousy, shamelessness, sadism, masochism, thirst for sensual pleasures and puritanism. She is prone to self-criticism, wounded pride, and rancor.

All these qualities were observed in the character of F. Dostoevsky, described in “The Brothers Karamazov”.

The plot of the novel is based on the search for the killer of old man Karamazov. He has three sons. Suspicion falls on the hot-tempered Dmitry, and all the evidence is against him. And in the house of the murdered man lives quietly an obsequious servant - Smerdyakov (according to rumors, the illegitimate son of the murdered owner). Passions are intensified, and by the end of the novel the reader begins to realize with horror that the “insignificant worm” Smerdyakov is the insidious killer. Being a true Staphysagria, he unraveled the secret wish of the eldest son, Ivan Karamazov, about the death of his father. But Smerdyakov understood not only this, but also that it would be good to blame Dmitry for this murder. And so it happened. And the “faithful dog” Smerdyakov also took care of removing moral sin from Ivan: “It wasn’t you, master, who killed.”

More details in the books of Dolinina I.V.

What professions does Staphysagria choose? It depends on how much it is compensated. Such personalities can be found in a variety of fields: among psychiatrists, surgeons (by the way, the medicine Staphysagria is related to incised wounds), butchers, pharmacists, intelligence officers and even magicians.

Staphysagria can also be found among writers. In this case, their creativity reveals social abscesses and clears out the trash heaps of the soul. And if it doesn’t clear it, then at least it exposes it. It is no coincidence that it is in demand by many people (even not Staphysagrians) during puberty, when any person can fall into a staphysagric situation.

The growing “dark” sexual instincts frighten him and make him ashamed of himself. The teenager is looking for a way out of this situation and can find it by reading a novel about the suffering of young Staphysagria. And, perhaps, he will understand that these are transitory phenomena that should not be feared, but must be directed in a peaceful direction.


Decompensated Staphysagria is depressed, worries about the future, and is fearful (even to the point of delirium of persecution). She pays great attention to little things and scolds herself for mistakes. He endures grievances for a long time, constantly resurrects unpleasant events of the past. Phobias (fears) - treatment with homeopathy

The period of self-criticism is replaced by whims, impulsiveness, outbursts of anger with a desire to throw things. Staphysagria has increased sensitivity to all external influences, she is tormented by frustration, indignation, and obsessive thoughts of a sexual nature. There are times when everything around seems unfamiliar, and the surrounding objects are lower than they really are (like Platinum). Neurasthenia – treatment with homeopathy

Such a person suffers from nighttime insomnia, daytime sleepiness, is afraid of losing self-control, and constantly nervously swallows saliva. Can inflict injuries on oneself (plucking eyelashes, eyebrows, hair on the head). Experiences fear of the opposite sex simultaneously with a painful desire for sexual intimacy. He considers himself a criminal and wants to die. Depression – treatment with homeopathy

Taking the homeopathic drug Staphysagria can give an interesting reaction. The patient's number of papillomas on the skin increases (and they appear in staphysagric places - near the eyes and in the groin area), and at the same time the patient's psyche is normalizing. I have seen this happen several times during my homeopathic practice.

I could not find an explanation in any homeopathic manual for the extremely poor condition of Staphysagria’s teeth. Bulimia, anorexia - treatment with homeopathy

And here is what psychoanalysts think about this. The mouth area belongs to the intimate area. Teeth have the value of strength and potency and are associated with ancient symbolism as much as hair. Dreams about losing teeth mean the loss of relatives. Teeth carry the meaning of a person’s self-esteem and his value in society. A dental defect is a symbol of loss of status. The following expressions are very suitable for Staphysagria: “clench your teeth”, “too tough”, “obtrusively in your teeth”, “don’t open your mouth”.

Treatment with homeopathic Staphysagria will help the patient open his mouth not with the help of a dentist, but on his own. Throw out your problems, strengthen your tooth enamel and regain your lost status, and with it, confidence in yourself and your abilities.

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(Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born into the family of a mining engineer. My father managed a factory in the provincial town of Votkinsk. The mother took care of the house and children. Ilya Petrovich was very trusting, Alexandra Andreevna was more strict and restrained in her feelings. As a child, Peter was greatly influenced by his teacher Fanny Dürbach. Little Tchaikovsky grew up unusually sensitive, impressionable and shy. For this fragility, Fanny called him “my porcelain boy.” It was she who noticed Petrusha’s musicality before others. At the age of four, he composed his first play entitled “Our Mother in St. Petersburg.”

Tchaikovsky's childhood passed peacefully and happily. Then the disappointments began - leaving Votkinsk, first to St. Petersburg, and then to the Urals, to Alapaevsk, where my father was appointed manager of the plant. The first serious shock for Petya was the separation from his beloved Fanny. For many years he wrote letters to her, as if he were the closest person.

At the age of ten, Alexandra Andreevna brought Peter to St. Petersburg to study at the School of Law, where, in addition to the compulsory sciences (legal and literature), there were music classes for those interested. The boy had a hard time breaking up with his mother. He did not listen to any consolations or promises of a quick meeting, but clung to his mother in such a way that it was impossible to tear him away. The impression remained with him for the rest of his life - Tchaikovsky remembered this scene with a shudder even in adulthood.

But the hardest blow awaited Peter ahead. When he was only fourteen years old, his mother died suddenly of cholera. Twenty-five years later, a mature composer would write in his diary: “Every minute of this terrible day is memorable to me as if it were yesterday.”

Meanwhile, life went on. In 1859, Tchaikovsky graduated from college, received the rank of titular adviser and was accepted into the department of the Ministry of Justice. It seemed that everything was predetermined - service during the day, social entertainment in the evening. But the everyday life of an official soon became unbearable for Peter. By nature he was absent-minded, dreamy, and, lost in thought, he spoiled important documents.

By that time, Tchaikovsky’s parental family was already living in St. Petersburg. The father, seeing that his son was at a crossroads in life, arranged for him to travel abroad as a secretary and translator. For three months, Peter traveled all over Europe.

He returned with the firm intention of devoting himself to music. Tchaikovsky entered a music class at the Russian Musical Society, and a year later he entered the conservatory. Meanwhile, his father suddenly lost his entire fortune. Out of his gullibility, Ilya Petrovich lent money to scammers who were later declared bankrupt. The life of young Tchaikovsky changed dramatically. It was necessary not only to study, but also to earn money, so he began giving private lessons.

At the conservatory in those years, the director was the famous pianist and composer Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein. He had a great influence on Tchaikovsky. By his senior year, Peter had already become the author of several major works. And the “king of waltzes” Johann Strauss himself, who toured the entire summer season in Russia, conducted the “Character Dances” he wrote. In 1866, Tchaikovsky was invited as a teacher to the Moscow Conservatory, whose director was Anton Rubinstein’s brother, Nikolai Grigorievich.

In 1868, the famous opera singer Désirée Artaud visited Moscow. She captivated everyone with her inimitable voice and dramatic talent. Tchaikovsky visited Artaud and soon proposed to her. But Desiree went on tour to Warsaw and soon got married. Contrary to expectations, Peter took this news quite calmly. Later they met as friends

Here we cannot ignore such a personality trait of Tchaikovsky as his non-traditional sexual orientation. In the biographies of the composer published during the Soviet period, not a word is said about this. However, research by foreign authors and decoding of the composer’s diaries leave no doubt about his homosexual inclinations. Few people would be surprised by such an orientation these days. It does not in any way affect the assessment of talent or the moral qualities of a person, but is simply a biological given, and for a doctor - a medical fact. It is important for a homeopath to know such details of personality characteristics. Especially if the person himself perceives his condition inadequately.

Pyotr Ilyich suffered greatly because of his unconventional inclinations. He kept a diary in which he recorded his love affairs in encrypted form. Later he repented, but could not help himself. However, the composer really wanted to have a normal family. In the spring of 1877, a fan of his talent, Antonina Milyukova, fell in love with Tchaikovsky. She was not bad-looking, and she also played music well. Pyotr Ilyich wrote to his father: “I will marry a poor, but good and honest girl who loves me very much. I don’t love her, but I will, in any case, be a devoted and grateful friend.”

However, after a short time, family life became unbearable for Tchaikovsky. Even before the wedding, he confessed to Antonina about his “sin,” but then she took it calmly. However, after becoming a wife, Milyukova began to create family scandals.

Under these conditions, it was impossible not only to write music, but also to exist at all. Tchaikovsky increasingly began to think about suicide. At night he dreamed of the barrel of a gun, passing by water, he felt the desire to drown himself. And one day, in late autumn, Pyotr Ilyich went deep into the icy water, standing there for several hours. He wanted to become deathly ill, and was already mentally saying goodbye to the world when a new beautiful melody began to sound in his head. Music, as always, saved the composer. The desire to live suddenly overwhelmed him, and Tchaikovsky hurried home to work on a new composition.

The music captivated him so much that he didn’t even get sick. However, the composer was forced to leave Moscow. Leaving work at the conservatory, he went abroad. Tchaikovsky did not file for divorce, but he preferred not to meet with his wife again. Antonina, moreover, turned out to be not completely healthy and spent about twenty years in a clinic for the mentally ill.

“Without music I would have died long ago,” Pyotr Ilyich often said about himself. Writing was the engine of his entire life. But over time, artificial stimulants were also required - smoking and alcohol. Among musicians, wine has always been considered a means of giving creative strength and allowing one to overcome life's troubles. Pyotr Ilyich wrote to his brother: “I am already so accustomed to wine that I feel joy from just looking at the bottle, which I always have at hand.” The composer smoked a lot, considering it necessary for creative activity.

Meanwhile, Tchaikovsky's fame has long crossed the borders of Russia. His music was admired not only by Europe, but also by America. Despite his wide popularity, the composer did not become rich. He did not know how to conclude profitable contracts with publishers, he could not refuse those asking for a loan, and, in addition, he continued to provide financially for his wife and relatives.

A happy way out of the situation was the patronage of the philanthropist Nadezhda von Meck. She was a great admirer of Tchaikovsky's talent and a very wealthy lady, the owner of several railways. Von Meck offered the composer monthly financial support, which for twelve years allowed him to write music calmly, without worrying about his daily bread. It is interesting that in all these years they have never seen each other, maintaining relations only by correspondence.

Pyotr Ilyich continued to work hard. He writes the Fourth and Fifth symphonies, the opera “Eugene Onegin”, and a concerto for violin and orchestra. Tchaikovsky spends his time traveling, most often visiting Italy, Switzerland and France. In Russia, his favorite places were the Ukrainian Kamenka and Klin near Moscow.

The composer creates new works: the operas “The Maid of Orleans”, “Mazeppa”, the ballets “The Sleeping Beauty”, and a little later “Swan Lake”. In the spring of 1891, Tchaikovsky was invited to the opening of Carnegie Hall in America. It turned out that his music has long been known in the New World. The composer received an enthusiastic reception and great success. Returning to Russia, he began composing the opera Iolanta and the ballet The Nutcracker.

Since 1882, Tchaikovsky often lives in Klin, where he creates the Third Piano Concerto and the opera “The Enchantress”. Later here he would write music for the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” and the opera “The Queen of Spades”. With age, the composer's talent grew stronger, but his health began to fail. I was bothered by frequent headaches, heartburn, abdominal cramps, and depressed mood.

Rumors about the composer's special personal life circulated in society. They reached Tchaikovsky himself, increasing his suspicion and remorse. The guilt complex forced me to fight against “sinful thoughts.” The composer’s diary is full of self-accusations: “What a monster I am! There is no forgiveness for me!

Homosexual tendencies developed in Pyotr Ilyich due to delayed sexual development at the infantile level. All his life he idolized his mother, so he could not relate to women with feelings other than platonic admiration. Tchaikovsky sought friendship with ladies who were old enough to be his mother, and gave them his unspent filial love.

This happened with Baroness von Meck, and this happened with Fanny Dürbach. Pyotr Ilyich met his nanny Fanny in 1892 in France. She had aged a lot, but still continued to work as a governess. Tchaikovsky himself was fifty-two years old, but he looked like he was sixty. Fate gave Pyotr Ilyich one more year of life.

On October 25, 1893, Tchaikovsky died suddenly from a gastrointestinal disease. Presumably it was cholera. No Russian composer was mourned as much as Pyotr Ilyich. He was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Funeral meetings and charity concerts were held in all major cities.

Already today, on the basis of discovered documentary evidence, it has been possible to identify facts that make it possible to refute cholera as the cause of the composer’s death. In the autumn of 1893, there was no longer an epidemic of this disease in St. Petersburg; in addition, Tchaikovsky lived in good hygienic conditions and did not drink raw water.

The clinical picture of the disease also did not correspond to the version of cholera. In the first hours of his illness, Pyotr Ilyich had a burning pain in the chest, unquenchable thirst, loose stools, and abdominal cramps. Later, convulsions, urinary retention, and a collapsed state appeared. Two days later, the composer died in severe agony.

The doctors, apparently at the request of Tchaikovsky himself, hid the truth from society. And only at the beginning of the 20th century, doctors Bertenzon and Sanders, who spent the last hours at the bedside of Pyotr Ilyich, discovered the cause of the maestro’s death. The composer committed suicide by taking arsenic. He deliberately chose such a way of dying so that death would look natural. Why did the genius do this while at the zenith of his fame?

The role of Salieri was played by Pyotr Ilyich’s former classmate at the School of Law, and at that time the prosecutor of the Court of Appeal, Nikolai Yakobi. He received a complaint addressed to Emperor Alexander III, which pointed out “the unworthy behavior of the composer Tchaikovsky in relation to the nephew of a certain prince.”

To avoid publicity, the prosecutor convened a “court of honor” at his home, in which six former classmates of Pyotr Ilyich took part. As a result, it was decided that it was possible to avoid handing over the letter to the sovereign only if the accused voluntarily dies. In a state of strong emotional excitement, the composer agreed to this condition. So the now unknown judges took on the role of arbiters of the genius’s fate.

In recognition of Tchaikovsky's outstanding achievements, Alexander III organized a state panakida. Thousands of capital residents took part in the funeral procession along Nevsky Prospekt. The great musician found his final rest next to Glinka, Borodin and Mussorgsky.

Tchaikovsky's music is close to everyone. As a child, we discover “The Nutcracker” with delight, in our youth – “Swan Lake”, in adulthood – “The Queen of Spades”. And all our lives we admire the immortal beauty of the works of the brilliant Russian maestro.

If we talk about the essence of Tchaikovsky’s psychotype, then the most complete correspondence is observed with the Staphysagria type. This is a person with increased sensitivity to external influences, forced to suppress his sexual desires, fearing exposure and humiliation.

He abuses smoking and alcohol, is hypochondriacal, touchy, conscientious, and experiences feelings of guilt, remorse and self-abasement. By nature, he is soft, compliant, timid, sentimental, and a refined romantic.

The main reason for the illness of such a person is suppression. The patient is so soft-hearted that he cannot defend himself. So, where another person would experience anger, Staphysagria experiences shame. Only when self-flagellation has already overwhelmed the cup of patience can he flare up.

The Staphysagria patient is amorous and sexy, but at the same time shy. The basis of his illnesses is repressed grief and anger. Such a person can maintain a difficult marriage for a long time, enter into non-traditional sexual relationships with subsequent self-flagellation.

The Staphysagria plant is also called Stephen's seed, named after St. Stephen, who was stoned to death for his faith and forgave his murderers. Another name for the plant is “knight’s spurs.”

Tchaikovsky tormented himself all his life with these “spurs” of self-criticism. Music was his outlet. Perhaps it was precisely the painful internal dissatisfaction with oneself that was some kind of incentive to creativity. Thanks to this, immortal works were created that combine piercing lyricism, full-blooded sensuality and the sparkling luxury of genius. More details in the books of Dolinina I.V. “Character and health”, “Find out your type and get cured”, “Greats and homeopathy”.

When should it be used?

Staphysagria 6C (Delphinium) has many indications for use:

  • Seasickness, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever;
  • Renal colic, which worsens in the dark;
  • Eye diseases such as stye;
  • Toothache;
  • Facial pain;
  • Joint diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism;
  • Sexual disorders;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Nervous system disorders;
  • Migraine;
  • Fever and heat;
  • Acts as a good anesthesia during surgery, as well as a means for cleaning wounds after operations.

Staphysagria 30 C is prescribed for diseases such as:

  • Cystitis;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Diseases of teeth and gums, inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • Sexual overexcitability, sexual desire;
  • Headaches and migraines.

Staphysagria 200 is used only in strong dilution, since in its pure form the juice of the seeds is very toxic. This drug is prescribed in such cases as:

  • Seasickness;
  • Unreasonable sexual desire;
  • Carious dental diseases;
  • Nervous disorders due to resentment, anger;
  • Headaches that get worse with movement;
  • Eye diseases, itching in the eyes, burning sensation;
  • Gastritis with severe pain, nausea, vomiting;
  • Severe cough, tracheitis;
  • Skin diseases such as eczema and scalp ulcers.

The homeopathic remedy Staphysagria is recommended for children who are very tearful and sensitive from birth and take everything very seriously. Tears can occur even from the slightest remark made towards the child. Such children often become angry; during attacks they can throw objects and try to hit someone.

Often, children who experience similar symptoms suffer from enuresis - uncontrolled urination, especially at night or during sleep.

If the child’s emotional state is very depressed, he is constantly stressed, irritated and tries to hide from people, then the drug Staphysagria will definitely be suitable.

Also, children may experience pain when touched. Such symptoms are caused by mental disorders. They do not want to be touched physically or emotionally because they perceive such touching as vulnerability and danger.

Only a doctor can determine what dosage of the drug to use, how often to use granules for children and what the course of treatment will be. He will carefully monitor all symptoms, as well as how the treatment is progressing and whether there are any changes in the child's behavior. Each case is purely individual.

Side effects and contraindications for use

Side effects and contraindications to the use of this drug may include allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the component.

While taking Staphysagria 6C (Delphinium), a temporary exacerbation of symptoms and worsening of the condition may occur. In this case, it is better to stop taking the drug for a week and then try again under the supervision of a doctor.

If, after you started taking the drug, you experience other symptoms that were not observed before, and also manifestations of allergic reactions appear, then you should stop taking the drug immediately and tell your doctor about what is happening.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a guide to treatment with Staphysagria. Do not self-medicate; start taking the drug only after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

Instructions for use and dosage

The plant release form discussed below is homeopathic capsules from Use 8 pcs. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 60 minutes after. The granule is not washed down with water, but dissolves under the tongue. Course duration is from 3 to 5 weeks. Repeated administration as necessary and only after a break of the same duration.

If there is a deterioration in your health, then a break for 1 week is necessary, then use can be resumed. If after this there is no improvement or there is deterioration, you should visit a doctor. Only a specialist can give more precise instructions. If a different dosage form or manufacturer is chosen, you must follow the instructions in the package and the advice of an experienced homeopath.

Indications for use

Staphysagria - homeopathy.

Indications for its use regarding physical ailments:

  • nervous breakdowns;
  • headache;
  • outbursts of aggression, uncontrolled sexual arousal and other mental disorders;
  • nausea and vomiting, including those caused by seasickness;
  • toothache, caries;
  • rejection of meat products;
  • warts, condylomas, excess moles, rashes, redness, peeling, ulcers on the skin;
  • cold cough or cough caused by smoking;
  • inflammation of the trachea;
  • prostatitis;
  • chills and fever;
  • pain after surgery;
  • bone diseases;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • ophthalmia, stye, burning and itching under the eyelids, redness and other eye problems.

In terms of character, Staphisagria patients are outwardly calm and reliable, but behind the wall of their politeness lies a storm of repressed emotions. They often become fixated on sex, but after frequent intercourse or masturbation they still feel depressed.

How does the plant affect the patient’s body?

Larkspur is very poisonous, therefore, at a dose exceeding the therapeutic dose, it causes signs of poisoning . First, the plant enters the gastrointestinal tract and irritates its membranes, causing diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. The patient produces a lot of saliva.

Penetrating into the urethra, Staphysagria affects the walls, causing frequent urge to go to the toilet and a burning sensation. Skin rashes range from harmless moles to eczema. There are tumors.

The plant also has a negative effect on the spinal cord.

In homeopathy, a very small dose is used that cannot cause harm, so none of the above should appear. On the contrary, Delphinium hardens the body so that it is not afraid of such ailments.

Analogues in action

The product has no 100% analogues.

The closest drugs in action:

Similarity percentageSubstances
42% (best substitute for Delphinium)psornium
41%Agaricus muscarius; nitricum acidum; phosphoricum acidum
40%Ignacy Amara
39%conium maculatum; Hepar sulfuris calcareum; China officinalis;
38%rus toxicodendron; carbo vegetabilis; yodum purum; carboneum sulfuratum
37%Causticum Hahnemannii; arnica montana

Since these are not complete analogues, you need to familiarize yourself with each product separately before purchasing.

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