Vitamins "Alphabet Cosmetic": instructions for use, composition, indications, reviews

  • Contraindications, side effects
  • Analogs
  • Reviews
  • Every self-respecting woman closely monitors her own appearance. Psychologists say that the worse a woman’s emotional state, the better she looks. In fact, this is impossible from a purely physiological point of view. Depression and constant stress at work and in personal life can give the female body such an emaciated look that salon procedures to restore beauty will not help. The Alphabet Cosmetics multivitamin complex contains 13 vitamin elements, 10 mineral elements, coenzyme Q10, PABA and bioflavonoids, which allows the fairer sex to always remain beautiful.

    What are the benefits of Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins?

    The complex of vitamins helps improve the condition of hair, it stops falling out. Skin looks healthier and younger. And the nail plate is restored, becomes stronger, and grows faster.

    The dietary supplement is not a drug. It allows women to look good at any age. Their condition is affected by CFS, lack of sleep, and stress. Therefore, it is important for women to receive additional vitamins and minerals to protect the body from stress and support its functioning.

    Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins have a positive effect on overall well-being

    After the first course, a woman will feel a surge of strength, energy and vigor in the morning. Insomnia will pass, lightness and self-confidence will appear. Contains coenzyme, which has a rejuvenating effect, and biflavonoids, which can slow down the aging of the skin and the body as a whole.

    We recommend reading: What are the benefits of coenzyme Q10, how to take it, face masks

    Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins perform all of the listed tasks 100%, which is why they are so popular among girls and women.


    Considering the composition that determines the benefits of vitamins such as Alphabet Cosmetics, most consumer reviews are positive. People note that the effect of the drug is noticeable after the end of the first course, since the separation principle on which it is based allows the vitamin and mineral components to be absorbed quickly and efficiently. Most women talk about improvement in the condition of the skin, hair, and nail plates. There is also a rejuvenating effect achieved by taking a multivitamin complex.

    Release form and composition of vitamins Alphabet Cosmetic

    Available in the form of coated tablets. During the development of the composition, all useful substances were divided into three parts. Scientists took into account dozens of interactions and conducted experiments.

    The resulting tablets were yellow, green and orange with different elements. Thanks to this, it was possible to avoid the interaction of antagonist substances and achieve good absorption of vitamins.

    Green pill

    Calcium D3 reduces the development of osteoporosis, strengthens legs and teeth. This tablet promotes hair growth, and PABA in the composition protects against the occurrence of hives


    • coenzyme R—75 mcg;
    • vitamin B5 - 7.5 mcg;
    • cobalamin - 3 mcg;
    • K1 - 60 mcg;
    • B9— 100 mcg;
    • cholecalciferol - 5 mcg;
    • Cr - 50 μg;
    • Ca2+—4 mcg;
    • Si—4 mg;
    • para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) - 50 mg.

    Yellow pill

    It contains antioxidants and biflavonoids, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the immune system and protecting the skin from harmful environmental influences. The yellow tablet also has a choleretic effect.


    • B6 - 3 mg;
    • lactoflavin - 1.8 mg;
    • niacinamide - 20 mg;
    • ascorbic acid - 49 mg;
    • true vitamin A - 1 mg;
    • tocopherol - 10 mg;
    • Mn—2 mg;
    • Zn - 15 mg;
    • iodine - 150 mcg;
    • Se—70 μg;
    • Mg - 60 mg;
    • coenzyme Q10 - 4.5 mg;
    • quercetin - 15 mg;
    • proanthocyanidins - 15 mg;
    • polyphenols - 8 mg;
    • diferuloylmethane - 7.5 mg.

    Orange pill

    A pill containing ascorbic acid and iron prevents the development of anemia, restores metabolism and rejuvenates.

    Fights wrinkles and prevents the appearance of asthenopia

    Composition of the pink tablet Alphabet Cosmetic:

    • B1 - 1.5 mg;
    • vitamin C - 21 mg;
    • B9 - 100 mcg;
    • retinol - 0.8 mg;
    • Fe - 14 mg;
    • Cu - 1 mg;
    • para-aminobenzoic acid - 50 mg;
    • inulin - 200 mg.

    Components and beneficial properties of the vitamin complex

    The main difference between Alphabet® Cosmetics and similar products from other manufacturers is the division of the daily intake of vitamins and minerals into 3 doses. This innovative approach is based on many years of research that has proven the dependence of the absorption of nutrients on their combination with certain components.

    For example, when taking iron and calcium together, one of the minerals is absorbed completely, while the other is absorbed only in half the dose. And if the daily intake of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 is taken at the same time, then the first of the listed components will not be able to transform into a biologically active form and will be completely destroyed.

    To achieve maximum effectiveness of the vitamin-mineral complex, domestic pharmacists divided the biologically active substances into 3 groups and placed them in green, yellow and orange tablets.

    For better absorption of vitamins, biologically active substances were divided into three groups and released in tablets of different colors.

    Green pill

    The green contains :

    1. Folic acid (B9). Responsible for the synthesis of new cells, supports reproductive function, evens out the structure and tone of the skin, and prevents the appearance of age spots.
    2. Vitamin D3. Strengthens bone tissue, has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth, nails, cartilage and skeletal bones.
    3. Cyanocobalamin (B12). Participates in the functioning of the nervous system, prevents the development of anemia, nervousness and depression.
    4. Silicon. Helps form bone, cartilage and connective tissues, maintains healthy hair and nails, increases the body's resistance to infections, and participates in the absorption of many vitamins and microelements.
    5. Extract from green tea leaves. It has a positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, reduces the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, and has an antiviral and anticarcinogenic effect.
    6. Calcium pantothenate (B5). Activates brain activity, strengthens the immune system, normalizes restoration and oxidative processes, stops the aging process and prolongs youth.
    7. Biotin (vitamin H). Improves the appearance of hair, nails and skin, regulates the activity of the nervous system.
    8. Chromium. Participates in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, helps maintain normal body weight, and stimulates tissue regeneration.
    9. Calcium. Normalizes blood clotting, strengthens teeth and bones, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
    10. Vitamin K. Prevents fragility and fragility of bones, reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.
    11. Nettle leaf extract. It has a general strengthening effect, normalizes blood composition and lipid metabolism.

    The green tablet also contains polyphenolic substances that have antibacterial, antiviral, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties.

    Yellow dragee

    yellow- coated dragee contains:

    1. Vitamins C and PP (nicotinamide). They strengthen the immune system, regulate the synthesis of certain hormones, participate in the processes of hematopoiesis and metabolism, activate collagen production, accelerate the removal of toxins from the body, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems.
    2. Riboflavin (B2). Increases skin elasticity and firmness, improves vision, strengthens the nervous system.
    3. Vitamin E. Performs the function of a natural antioxidant, slows down aging, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, restores hormonal levels, improves hair, nails and skin condition.
    4. Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). It has an antiallergic and antioxidant effect, prevents skin aging, the appearance of wrinkles and early gray hair, enhances hair growth, and helps resist bacterial and viral infections.
    5. Pyridoxine (B6). Prevents skin and nervous disorders, promotes normal absorption of fats and proteins.
    6. Beta carotene. It has a protective and antioxidant effect, is a source of youth and longevity.
    7. Magnesium. Maintains dental health, normalizes the activity of the endocrine system, brain and heart.
    8. Manganese. Improves insulin and lipid metabolism, stimulates the growth and restoration of cartilage tissue, prevents the development of osteoporosis, degenerative diseases of the spine and joints.
    9. Selenium. Reduces the risk of cancer, has a positive effect on the reproductive system of the female body, and protects against premature aging.
    10. Zinc. Prevents hair loss and brittle nails, evens out the color and structure of the skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and stimulates the immune system.
    11. Iodine. Participates in metabolism and is necessary for the growth and development of the body.
    12. Quercetin. Slows down degenerative processes, increases strength and endurance.

    In addition to the listed nutrients, the yellow tablet contains extracts of medicinal plants - chamomile flowers, birch leaves and aloe vera, horsetail herb.

    Thanks to selenium, which is part of the yellow tablet, it is possible to prevent premature aging.

    Orange pill

    orange tablet contains only 8 active substances, but their benefits for women can hardly be overestimated:

    1. Vitamin A. Helps in the fight against dandruff, hair loss and brittleness, and prevents the appearance of early wrinkles.
    2. Thiamine (B1). Slows down the aging process, improves brain function and memory, participates in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
    3. Iron. Mobilizes the body's defenses to fight infections, affects the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and prevents fatigue.
    4. Copper. Takes part in the synthesis of elastin and collagen, activates the production of the “happiness” hormone - endorphin.
    5. Inulin. A substance from the group of polysaccharides normalizes metabolism and blood glucose levels, promotes the conversion of fat cells into energy, cleanses the body of waste and toxins, and prevents the occurrence of various diseases.
    6. Coenzyme Q10. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the dermis - it regulates metabolic processes and maintains an optimal level of moisture. Accelerates collagen synthesis and tissue regeneration, gives skin elasticity, reduces the depth of wrinkles.

    The effect of these substances is enhanced by vitamin C and folic acid.

    Indications for use

    Recommended for anyone who needs to replenish their deficiency. Alphabet Cosmetics contains the largest class of plant polyphenols, macro- and microelements, as well as ubiquinone.

    Attention! A dietary supplement cannot replace a nutritious diet. It is used simultaneously with a balanced diet.

    Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins are recommended to be taken by patients who were previously malnourished. Prescribed to improve hair, nails and skin.

    Recommended for all girls over 14 years of age.


    The use of vitamins such as “Alphabet” not only normalizes the condition of the hair, but also improves the skin, slows down the aging process, and strengthens the nail plate. Drugs with similar actions are:

    • "Velumen";
    • "Vitrum Beauty";
    • "Lady S" etc.

    However, they cannot be called a substitute for the specified drug for a simple reason: during their manufacture, the method of separating vitamin-mineral substances according to the degree of their interaction with each other was not taken into account. So we can say with confidence that the Alphabet Cosmetics vitamins have no analogues.

    How to take Alphabet Cosmetic

    The vitamin contains three pills of different colors. You need to consume 1 piece per day. each shade, but with a break of 4-6 hours. This method of use is necessary so that the nutrients in the tablets are properly absorbed and do not interact with others.

    When taking several Alphabet Cosmetic tablets at the same time, the absorption of some elements occurs poorly. The patient will again not receive the necessary substances in the correct quantities. Therefore, such an application scheme has been developed.

    If you strictly follow the instructions, the components will be completely absorbed. Doctors advise taking Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins in courses. 2-3 per year is enough. The duration of one is a month, then a break of 15 days is taken and the reception is repeated.

    The first preventive course lasts up to 3 months. In the future, you can take Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins for 1 month each in spring and autumn.

    Third tablet, orange

    This is the last daily tablet included in the Alphabet Cosmetic complex. It also contains vitamins - B1, C, A, folic acid. Minerals include iron and copper. In addition, the third tablet contains para-aminobenzoic acid and polyfructosans. It is this composition that has been recognized by numerous studies as optimal for the female body. Its components are enough to cover all natural needs and not forget about the beauty of skin, hair and nails. It is known that peripheral organs receive vital elements on a residual basis, and the developers took this into account.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Taking vitamins is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

    It rarely causes specific pharmacological effects. May cause an allergic reaction, which includes rash, itching, fever, swelling and hoarseness. Shortness of breath may occur.

    Attention! In severe cases, mainly with overdose, severe nausea and vomiting, numbness in the throat, and a sudden decrease or increase in blood pressure may occur.


    Main substances:
    Table. No. 1: calcium carbonate, green tea leaf extract, nettle leaf extract, calcium pantothenate, chromium picolinate, folic acid, phytonadione, biotin, cholecalciferol, cyanocobalamin.

    Table No. 2: para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), ascorbic acid, magnesium oxide, zinc sulfate, chamomile flower extract, birch leaf extract, sodium metasilicate, tocopherol acetate, quercetin, nicotinamide, horsetail herb extract, aloe vera leaf extract, beta-carotene, manganese sulfate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, potassium iodate, sodium selenite.

    Table No. 3: inulin, ascorbic acid, iron pyrophosphate, copper aspartate, ubiquinone, thiamine mononitrate, retinol palmitate.

    Excipients: MCC, colidon, maltodextrin, polyethylene glycol, calcium stearate, talc, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, dyes E102, E110, E141.

    Reviews from doctors and ordinary people

    We have already mentioned several times that doctors recommend this complex for its optimal composition, as well as the division of microelements into groups, which ensures their better absorption. What do consumers think of it? Many women say that the effect of taking these vitamins is noticeable immediately, that is, they are comparable to the expensive complexes of the Nutrilight series. At the same time, the price is affordable and attractive.

    Let's try to compare

    So, the last question that interests us: “Alphabet Cosmetic” or “Complete Radiance” - which best meets the needs of the female body and helps preserve its fragile beauty. To do this, we will need to consider the composition of the Complivit Radiance complex, the cost of which is very pleasing - from 250 rubles per package, which contains 30 tablets. So, each tablet contains vitamins A and E, B1, B2, B6, C, nicotinamide and folic acid, vitamin B12, calcium pantothenate, magnesium, selenium. Additional components are motherwort and black cohosh extract. That is, the composition is quite good, it will provide full support for your body with the necessary microelements, and also protect against stress. However, unlike Alphabet, you receive all the elements in one tablet, which means there is a high chance that some of them will not be fully absorbed. We tried to tell you in detail about one of the most recommended vitamin and mineral complexes, and the final choice, of course, is yours.

    Duration of admission

    Experts, including doctors and nutritionists, often argue about this today. Some people believe that we need to take vitamins all year round, because even in the middle of summer we do not consume the required amount of vitamins from natural food sources. The reason is simple: in order to provide the body with everything it needs, you need to eat a kilogram of vegetables and fruits every day, and this is not counting nuts and cottage cheese, fatty fish and kefir, and various cereals. If you calculate the diet for a family of four, you get a substantial amount of food. They need to be bought, cooked and eaten. Considering the average income of citizens and the high level of employment, it turns out that this is not entirely realistic. Whereas drinking Alphabet Cosmetic is not at all so expensive. Besides, it saves your time a lot. If you only have enough time in the evening to prepare semi-finished products, it is much more convenient to correct a monotonous diet with the help of a balanced complex. In addition, if we consider Alphabet Cosmetics, the price does not seem too high.

    However, the instructions for use recommend a preventive course of three months. During this time, the body will be able to restore all processes that could be disrupted due to a chronic lack of microelements. But keep in mind that the body does not know how to accumulate them for future use, so if you cannot establish a balanced diet, you will have to take multivitamins again soon enough.

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