Carminativum Bebinos drops for oral administration 30ml No. 1

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Bebinos is a combination medicine, the drops of which include herbal active ingredients. In addition to a pronounced antispasmodic and carminative effect, the drug has some anti-inflammatory effects, and also improves the digestion process.

It has not yet been possible to fully explain the mechanism of action of Bebinos. However, it is known that chamomile exhibits anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, carminative, antispasmodic, analgesic and antiallergic effects, and also has a mild choleretic effect and the ability to improve the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal glands.

Fennel also has an antispasmodic and carminative effect, has a beneficial effect on digestion, normalizing the secretory function of intestinal motility and digestive glands.

Coriander exhibits a greater choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect, has mild carminative activity, and also improves the process of food absorption.

The pharmacokinetics of Bebinos drops have not been studied.

Composition of Bebinos drops

Drops are produced by Dentinox in a 30 ml bottle made of dark glass with a lid equipped with a dispenser. They have a distinct fennel aroma. Bebinos contains active and auxiliary substances.

Active ingredients:

  • fennel fruit extract. Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, stimulates liver function;
  • chamomile flower extract. Normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, eliminates spasms, has a calming effect;
  • coriander fruit extract. Enhances the effect of chamomile and fennel, stimulates bile production, and helps soften stool.


  • sorbitol and sodium saccharinate. Give the drug a pleasant sweet taste, replacing sugar;
  • propylene glycol. It is a medium for dissolving and diluting active substances.

The preparation contains ethyl alcohol in residual quantities, which was used as an extractant to obtain plant extracts.

Instructions for use Bebinos

Drops are used orally (inside), after dissolving in water or not hot tea.

The instructions for Bebinos for newborns (from 6 months to 1 year) recommend using 15-30 ml of tea or water for dilution. The usual dose varies from 3 to 6 drops, respectively. You can take the drug up to three times within 24 hours.

For children after reaching 12 months and up to 6 years, the drug is diluted in 30-50 ml of tea or water. Single dosage, respectively - 6-10 drops. You can make up to three doses per day.

After 6 years, in most cases, 10-15 drops are prescribed in 10-15 ml of tea or water. The frequency of doses per day is three.

Before use, the bottle with the drug should be shaken and held vertically (dropper down) for precise dosing of the number of drops.

Carminativum Bebinos drops for oral administration 30ml No. 1


Carminativum Bebinos drops dpr. inside in fl. 30ml per pack. No. 1


Yellow-brown transparent or slightly opalescent liquid with a characteristic fennel odor and slightly bitter taste. There is no recrystallization. General characteristics The drug Carminativum Bebinos, drops for oral administration, is a solution for internal use of plant origin especially for children. The drug does not contain sugar, preservatives or dyes.

Main active ingredient

Herbal carminative

Release form




special instructions

The drug is used only for children.

pharmachologic effect

Drugs for the treatment of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Classification code: A03AX Pharmacological properties Carminativum Bebinos drops are a herbal medicine. Extracts of the drug from fennel, chamomile flowers and coriander have, on the one hand, an anticonvulsant and calming effect on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. On the other hand, they contribute to the natural normalization of peristalsis, which leads to the elimination of gases that have accumulated and caused spasmodic pain. Thanks to this, unpleasant pain caused by bloating and flatulence quickly stops, and their reoccurrence is prevented. Carminativum Bebinos drops contain a sugar substitute that does not cause caries.

Indications for use

To prevent and eliminate pain due to bloating, colic and spastic gastrointestinal disorders in infants and small children. In cases where serious organic disorders can be excluded, the medicine is used to regulate the functioning of the digestive tract, for pain caused by disorders of the digestive tract, during changes in diet, lack of appetite, after weaning or for neurogenic gastrointestinal disorders.

Directions for use and doses

Unless otherwise prescribed, infants 3-6 drops 3 times a day, children over one year old - 6-10 drops 3 times a day and schoolchildren - 10-15 drops 3 times a day undiluted or diluted with a small amount liquids. Shake the contents of the bottle immediately before use. When dosing the medicine, keep the bottle upside down. Measure the exact number of drops into a spoon of porridge or, for example, into a bottle of tea or water.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

no special studies have been conducted. Use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.

Precautionary measures

This medicine contains 34.0-36.5% vol. ethanol (alcohol). Alcohol content per single dose: Patient's age and single dose: Alcohol content per single dose (g): Infants (3-6 drops) 0.045- Children over one year of age (6-10 drops) 0.09- School-age children (10 -15 drops) 0.15- There is a risk for patients suffering from alcoholism. The alcohol content should be taken into account when using the drug by pregnant or nursing mothers, as well as children and patients suffering from liver disease and epilepsy. As a rule, Carminativum Bebinos oral drops are not intended for long-term use. If symptoms persist or worsen while using the drug, you should consult a doctor. Due to the sorbitol content, the drug is contraindicated in patients with rare congenital fructose intolerance.

Interaction with other drugs

not known.


Hypersensitivity to any of the active or auxiliary substances, as well as to plants of the umbelliferous (celery) and asteraceae (Asteraceae) families.


1 gram (24 drops) of Carminativum Bebinos, drops for oral administration, contains as active medicinal components: liquid extract of fennel fruits 1:1 * 320 mg, liquid extract of chamomile flowers 1:1 * 200 mg liquid extract of coriander fruits 1:1 * 200 mg, * - extracting agent: ethyl alcohol 50 vol.% Excipients: sorbitol solution 70% non-crystallized 139.8 mg propylene glycol (E1520) 140.0 mg sodium saccharin (E954) 0.2 mg


Cases of overdose have not been described.

Side effect

In rare cases, allergic skin reactions have been observed due to fennel content. If any adverse reactions occur, including those not listed in this instruction, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, with the cap tightly closed. Keep out of the reach of children!


Level 4 ATC code matches:

Mint tablets



Espumisan Baby

Espumisan L

Espumisan 40


Dill water


Sub Simplex






  • Babycalm;
  • Bobotik;
  • Espumisan;
  • Antiflat;
  • Iberogast;
  • Meteospasmil;
  • Plantex , etc.

Which is better Bebinos or Bebicalm?

When comparing these two products, which are similar in their main action, you should start with the fact that Bebicalm is supplement ( dietary supplement ), and not a drug. Whereas Bebinos is a licensed and certified drug that has passed many tests before entering the pharmaceutical market.

Both of these herbal products, although with different compositions of active ingredients, have the same indications and contraindications, and both can cause (in rare cases) allergic reactions. Bebicalm should be taken before each feeding, while Bebinos can be taken as problems arise.

It is worth noting that due to the ethyl alcohol in Bebinos, it is not recommended for use before 6 months, while Bebicalm can be given from birth.

It is difficult to predict which particular remedy will help your child, because every organism from birth is unique in its own way and has its own characteristics. In this case, the process of choosing a product is purely individual and, most often, the desired result can only be achieved through the “trial and error” method. In any case, if your baby has intestinal problems, consult a pediatrician and do not neglect your own intuition.

Reviews from parents and doctors

Pediatricians often prescribe this carminative drug, due to its natural composition, especially the presence of fennel extract. It is used both in folk medicine and in official practice along with dill water. The absence of contraindications and high efficiency become the main arguments.

As reviews show, young parents are mostly satisfied with Bebinos drops, highlighting several of their advantages.

  1. Productivity . Relief of the child's condition occurs in 99 cases out of 100.
  2. Economy . The drops are consumed slowly, one bottle lasts a long time.
  3. Long lasting effect . The medicine is effective for 6 – 8 hours after administration.
  4. Helps improve bowel movements if constipation occurs.
  5. Affordable price. You can buy drops for an average of 200 rubles.

In rare cases, parents indicate a lack of results. Doctors associate this with the causes of colic, since Bebinos improves the absorption of food and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract only in the absence of pathologies or infections in the baby’s body.

Reviews about Bebinos

Reviews from doctors about Bebinos drops, provided that this drug is completely suitable for a particular child, are mostly positive. The high effectiveness of this remedy and the low incidence of negative manifestations in the form of allergic reactions .

On parenting user forums dedicated to intestinal problems for newborns, reviews of Bebinos are very varied. Some are more than satisfied with this drug, others did not feel any changes in the health of their child. To be fair, it is worth noting the virtual absence of reviews related to side effects, which indicates the safety of using the drops.

Let us remind you that there are a sufficient number of analogues of the drug Bebinos, and even if this drug does not suit you, an experienced pediatrician will help you choose its analogue.

Side effects and overdose

No side effects have been officially identified from Bebinos. There are no negative symptoms in case of overdose, since the composition contains herbal ingredients.

Standard precautions will help prevent children from using the drug on their own. The instructions indicate that it is better to store the product out of reach, at room temperature no higher than 25 degrees. The shelf life of Bebinos drops in unopened packaging is 3.5 years.

Bebinos price, where to buy

The average price of Bebinos for newborns 30 ml is 150 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Bebinos (30ml bottle)Dentinox
    RUR 483 order

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Indications for use

Bebinos drops are sold in pharmacies without a prescription (over-the-counter group of drugs).
Prescribing drops to a newborn should be under the supervision of a doctor after examining the patient and conducting additional diagnostic methods. Self-medication, even after reading the package insert, can cause complications and lead to progression of the disease, especially during the neonatal period. Indications for use of Carminativum Bebinos:

  • increased gas formation in the intestines (flatulence);
  • disruption of digestive processes in complex therapy of the disease;
  • colic, spasmodic pain, discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding, introduction of complementary foods;
  • taking antibiotics.

Bebinos drops are recommended for use as a preventive measure in case of dietary irregularities, after intestinal infections and viral respiratory diseases. The drug is prescribed to premature babies from the first day after birth under the supervision of a doctor.

special instructions

Carminativum Bebinos is available without a prescription. Despite the herbal composition of the drug, before using the drops you should consult a doctor. The specialist will take into account the child’s age, the presence of contraindications and the severity of the patient’s condition, which is necessary to obtain a positive result of therapy. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing side effects and complications of the disease.

If allergic reactions occur on the skin or respiratory tract (dry cough, difficulty breathing), you must stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.


Bebinos drops have a natural herbal composition, which determines a mild effect on the body.
The drug has virtually no contraindications and can be prescribed to children from the first day of life. Contraindications to the use of Carminativum Bebinos:

  • individual intolerance (idiosyncrasy) to the components in the drug;
  • a hereditary disease that manifests itself as fructose intolerance;
  • hypersensitivity to plants of the genus Compositae and Seleraceae.

The doctor takes into account the indications and contraindications for the drug when prescribing complex therapy for diseases of the digestive system in newborns.

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