All about marsh cinquefoil. Beneficial features. How to use. Contraindications. Treatment recipes

Arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases require diet. The patient should avoid salty foods and carbonated water. At the same time, a number of products should be introduced into the patient’s diet that help strengthen cartilage tissue and act as a natural pain reliever.

When answering the question of which foods help restore joints, a person suffering from arthritis or arthrosis should pay attention to fatty fish, legumes, olive oil, oranges, cherries, pomegranates, dairy products, green tea, whole grains, brown rice, broccoli, Brussels sprouts cabbage and garlic.


To restore normal joint function, inflammation must be eliminated. This is usually the cause of collagen damage and subsequent cartilage destruction. Legumes have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. They contain protein that replenishes collagen reserves. Thanks to this product, cartilage tissue is restored. In addition, legumes contain amino acids that promote cartilage regeneration. It remains to be recalled that legumes include beans, peanuts and peas.

Collection and storage

Depending on the region, at the end of June - beginning of July, the above-ground part of cinquefoil, leaves and stems are collected. The raw materials are dried only in the shade in a draft for about 2 weeks, turning them over daily. The underground parts are harvested in the fall, in September - October. After digging, carefully sort out the rhizomes, take only the yellowish parts, dark brown ones are not suitable, they are almost rotten. You can easily check the suitability by breaking the root; if it is black at the break, throw it away. The collected raw materials are washed, cut into pieces 1–3 cm long and dried in the sun in a well-ventilated place. Rhizomes are considered dry when they break with a characteristic crack.

Store raw fieldfare for up to 3 years in linen bags or in glass containers in a dark, dry place.

Features of the procurement of medicinal raw materials

Brown rice

Brown rice contains a large amount of hyaluronic acid, which is used in the development of injections to treat joint diseases. Hyaluronic acid is a kind of lubricant for joints. It acts as a shock absorber. It is often used to treat minor cartilage injuries. Therefore, foods high in this substance should always be in the diet of a person who has joint problems.

In addition to brown rice, carrots and beef are high in hyaluronic acid.


Preparations based on cinquefoil are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children. The plant is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

Alcohol tincture of cinquefoil is used with caution in cases of low blood pressure and bradycardia.

At the beginning of treatment, an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease is possible, which does not require discontinuation of cinquefoil-based medications. The duration of therapy should be at least 2 months.


Garlic contains many useful components that help restore cartilage tissue and suppress inflammatory processes. This product contains a large amount of sulfur-containing substances, which strengthen cartilage tissue. In addition, regular consumption of garlic prevents swelling and helps cope with pain that occurs as a result of rheumatoid arthritis. It is important not to overuse this product. It is recommended to eat no more than three cloves daily.

Homemade remedies from cinquefoil

  • Tincture: pour 2 tablespoons of crushed plant roots with 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a thermos, then strain. For digestive disorders, stomach pain, dysentery and diarrhea, take 1/2 cup 3 times a day 1 hour before meals;
  • Decoction: pour 1 tablespoon of crushed roots with 1 glass of boiled hot water, keep in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, then squeeze out the raw materials, strain and bring the volume to the original volume by adding boiled water. For radiculitis, osteochondrosis and gout, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day;
  • Alcohol tincture: chop the cinquefoil roots to 1 cm, fill them into a 1/3 liter jar, fill with 40% vodka (0.5 liters), close tightly. Leave in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking the jar occasionally, then strain. Take for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, salt deposits, flu and colds, breast cancer, stomach cancer, leukemia, 1 tablespoon with water, 3 times a day before meals;
  • Oil tincture: pour 120 g of crushed cinquefoil root into 0.5 liters of vegetable oil, leave in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally, then strain. Rub the prepared tincture on sore joints and bruises.

Useful material

The roots of cinquefoil contain 5% essential oils and up to 12% tannins. In addition to them, the composition includes ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds, polysaccharides, carotene, organic acids, resinous substances, large amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin P, calcium, manganese, zinc, and potassium.

Sabelnik contains biologically valuable phenols and terpenoids. Catechins have a positive effect on metabolism. Catechins have an antitumor effect, and resinous substances have an antiseptic effect. Anthocyanins improve vision. Flavonoids have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

The bitterness contained in the root of the cinquefoil herb has a laxative and diuretic effect. Carotene has an antioxidant effect, ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, magnesium has a positive effect on the cardiac system, potassium provides oxygen access to the brain, calcium strengthens bones. Tannins have an antitumor effect and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

The benefits of cinquefoil for men and women

Thanks to its unique natural composition, cinquefoil is used in folk medicine. It is a natural medicine with a wide spectrum of action.

For men, the plant is actively used as part of drugs for the treatment of various disorders of the genitourinary system.

Sabelnik is used for the prevention and treatment of various pathologies, which include:

  • prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • impotence.

According to medical statistics, men are more likely to suffer from strokes and heart attacks of varying degrees. Traditional medicine recommends cinquefoil for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Marsh cinquefoil is effective for diabetes. Men also used it as a means to increase potency. Sabelnik has a positive effect on male libido and serves as an aphrodisiac.

For women, the plant is useful in the treatment and prevention of mastitis and malignant tumors of the mammary gland. Sabelnik is actively used for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory processes of the female reproductive organs and cystitis. In addition, taking cinquefoil products is recommended for women during menopause.

benefits of cinquefoil for men and women

The plant, thanks to its unique composition, helps to get rid of excess weight. The substances contained in the composition have the ability to break down even old fat deposits.

Regular consumption of cinquefoil helps normalize metabolic processes and improve intestinal function. This also has a positive effect on the general condition of the body and weight loss.

As a special advantage of cinquefoil, it should be noted the absence of glucose in its chemical composition.


A description of a tonic drink made from cinquefoil root is found in written sources of the 17th century. The authors claim that it restores spirits and gives strength. The records of healers in eastern Siberia mention tea made from dekola, which saves from diseases and prolongs youth. This drink helped the inhabitants of Lapland survive the harsh polar nights; the roots of this plant drove away evil spirits, and the leaves of the plant were added to food for deer.

Residents of Chukotka and the Far East also knew about the healing power of “sick grass,” and recipes came to them from Mongolian and Japanese doctors. In Japan, cinquefoil is used in official medicine, and in recent years, studies have been conducted on the antitumor activity of the plant. In Chinese medicine, cinquefoil root is also popular. Based on it, drugs have been created for pain in muscles, joints and bones, including the famous pain relief patches.

Sabelnik is also used in cooking. Nutritionists recommend drinking cinquefoil during a therapeutic diet to enhance the effect and increase tone. Cooks add it as a seasoning to fish and meat dishes, to baked goods and vegetable dishes, to marinades and compotes to add flavor.

Oil extracts, creams and ointments

Experience shows that cinquefoil is very effective for joints in the form of oils and ointments. They also help with bruises, swelling, and ulcers.

  • The active substances of swamp strawberries are extracted with oil: place 250 g of dry or 750 g of fresh roots of the plant tightly in a jar, pour in vegetable oil to completely cover the raw materials, close tightly and place in a warm place - in the sun or in a greenhouse for 2 weeks. Then the mixture is filtered and used.
  • The ointment is prepared from plant materials and cosmetic petroleum jelly. Add 60 g of dry roots to melted Vaseline (550 g) and heat for 2 hours. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and pour into a jug, squeeze out the solid residues (meal) into the same jug. Pour the hot substrate into clean jars.
  • The cream is made from a mixture of oil (150 ml), glycerin (65 ml), water (80 ml), dry roots and perennial grass (30 g). Pour vegetable raw materials into a heated mixture of oil, water, glycerin and keep on low heat for 3.5 hours. After this, strain the mixture, squeeze out the meal and, stirring continuously, cool. Place the finished cream in small clean containers.

In emulsions, the beneficial properties of marsh cinquefoil are preserved for about one and a half years.

The benefits of a compress

Do not forget about the effectiveness of pulling therapy with the participation of perennials. Applications and lotions can be made from dressings soaked in infusion and freshly picked herbs.

  1. Finely chopped or ground into a green pulp, stems and leaves are applied to festering wounds for quick regeneration.
  2. A soft cloth soaked in hot infusion is applied to the places where pain is felt, it will soon subside.
  3. Poultices of herbs boiled and wrapped in gauze are applied to inflamed or swollen areas of the skin for speedy recovery and pain relief.

A bath with an infusion of a kilogram of brewed fresh pentadigit herb can save you from the painful sensations of radiculitis and gout.


Herbal preparations can also be found in pharmacies. The root of cinquefoil in various forms is used in complex treatment, does not cause side effects and is in demand. You can purchase the product without a doctor's prescription. Pharmacies offer drugs in the form of tablets, tinctures, creams, balms and teas. The price range ranges from 30 to 300 rubles, depending on the shape and quantity.

General strengthening effect

The roots of cinquefoil increase immunity and improve metabolism. They also restore damaged cells, remove waste and toxins. The medicinal properties of cinquefoil roots make this plant an indispensable component for herbal preparations for preventive purposes. Tea with cinquefoil gives strength, creates conditions for an active life and resists aging.

For cosmetic purposes, it is used as creams and face masks, which effectively smooth out wrinkles, help get rid of cellulite and give elasticity to the skin.


Ointment with cinquefoil helps with joint pain, unexpected injuries and sprains. After use in the form of compresses, it helps to recover within 2 days - pain and inflammation recede. For osteochondrosis of the lower back, the doctor prescribed ointment with cinquefoil as part of complex therapy. Twenty minutes after applying the ointment, the pain subsides.

The cinquefoil tincture helped get rid of heartburn and indigestion. The doctor recommended diluting 1 tablespoon of tincture with water to reduce the concentration. The unpleasant symptoms disappeared after two weeks. When choosing the drug, there was no doubt, since the tincture is plant-based, inexpensive and does not cause side effects.

Universal remedy

Cinquefoil tea can be taken as a prophylactic. It strengthens the immune system, eliminates headaches, and reduces the risk of cancer. In addition, this drink promotes weight loss, as the components of the plant break down fats and improve metabolism.

Tea. 1 teaspoon of cinquefoil per glass of boiling water. Drink 3 times a day.

The legend of cinquefoil

Like any medicinal plant known since ancient times, there are legends about cinquefoil. One of them says that the northern people living in swampy areas suffered from various ailments. In answer to their prayers, a horseman appeared and, waving his saber, cut through the fog. Purple flowers grew at this place, with the help of which people were able to cope with diseases.

According to another legend, an ancient army wandered along the road, tired of battles. When they reached Altai, the warriors, enchanted by the beauty of this land, stuck their sabers into the ground as a sign of truce. Dark red flowers in the shape of a five-pointed star grew at this place.

There are many names for the plant - spool, fireflower, marshwort, five-leafed plant. The scientific name comes from the Greek word cómarum. The Greeks still call the fruits of the strawberry tree this way.


The plant reaches a height of up to one meter. The roots of cinquefoil (there is a photo in the article) are long, up to three meters. The peak of cinquefoil flowering occurs in mid-August. Long leaves with small teeth. The cinquefoil grows near swamps, lakes, and wet meadows. Often sedge grows next to it. Another name for the plant is cinquefoil, decorative, five-leafed.

All parts of the plant are used as medicine - roots, flowers, leaves. Most vitamins are found in the root. Tinctures, decoctions, and drinks for oral administration are prepared from it. The drug is also used as compresses, rubs, ointments, most often externally.

Botanical certificate

A perennial semi-shrub plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. Its scientific name is Cmarum palstre, literally translated: “swamp strawberry”. The dark purple flowers of cinquefoil, resembling five-pointed stars, produce seed-shaped fruits similar to strawberries.

The horizontal rhizome of the marsh cinquefoil turns directly underground into a creeping branched stem, which sends out shoots with five pinnate, sharply serrated leaves. This green “five” on a short petiole gave the plant several colloquial names – “marsh cinquefoil”, “five-fingered grass”. The leaves, shoots and roots of the perennial have a healing effect.

The principle of preparing ground parts

Swamp strawberries can be found throughout Russia. It grows in damp areas: in lowlands of meadows, along the banks of reservoirs. The collection of marsh cinquefoil is carried out during the flowering period, at the end of June, and only in dry weather. The stems with leaves are cut and tied into small bunches of 10-15 shoots.

Dry in the oven or in ventilated areas, under no circumstances in direct sunlight, otherwise the chemical compounds of the herb will oxidize and the essential components will evaporate.

Drying temperature – no more than 32 degrees Celsius. The finished raw material should be crushed and poured into a ceramic or glass container, where it will be stored tightly closed.

Rule for harvesting roots

The underground part of the perennial is dug out in late autumn, before the ground freezes. The roots are washed, large fragments are cut into small pieces. The pieces are laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment and placed in a cooling oven for 3-4 hours.

Drying is continued in a warm, ventilated area for another 5-6 days. The finished raw materials are stored in a hermetically sealed container.

Harvesting marsh cinquefoil for preparing fresh applications and compresses is carried out according to the same scheme, with the difference that the raw materials are not dried, but used no later than two hours after collection.

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