Buy Bifiliz (VIGEL) lyophilisate for the preparation of oral solution 5 doses No. 10 in pharmacies

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of Bifiliz is the treatment of:

  • dysbacteriosis of various origins;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • acute intestinal infections , for example: dysentery, salmonellosis or food poisoning ;
  • acute and chronic nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious and destructive complications - necrotizing ulcerative colitis, threat of sepsis, malnutrition, anemia , exudative diathesis .

Buy Bifiliz (VIGEL) lyophilisate for the preparation of oral solution 5 doses No. 10 in pharmacies

Bifiliz dry (Vigel) Buy Bifiliz dry (Vigel) in pharmacies DOSAGE FORMS lyophilized powder 5dz lyophilized powder for preparing a solution 5dz lyophilized powder for oral administration 5dz


Agents that normalize intestinal microflora

COMPOSITION Active substance - live bifidobacteria and lysozyme. 1 dose contains at least 10 million live bifidobacteria and 10 mg of lysozyme.


PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the presence of bifidobacteria in its composition, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the intestinal microflora and lysozyme as a natural protective factor for the gastrointestinal tract. Live bifidobacteria with high antagonistic activity against a wide range of opportunistic and enteropathogenic microorganisms displace the latter from the intestinal microbiocenosis, creating favorable conditions for normalizing microflora and improving metabolic processes, preventing the formation of protracted forms of intestinal diseases. Lysozyme has a bifidogenic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates metabolic, reparative processes and erythropoiesis, improves digestion, increases the body's anti-infective and antitoxic resistance, has an antibacterial effect and exhibits synergism with many antibiotics. The optimal combination of bifidobacteria and lysozyme in bifiliz makes it possible to enhance the therapeutic effect of each component and limit the use of antibiotics for the treatment of intestinal infections and selective decontamination.

INDICATIONS FOR USE Bifiliz is intended for use in adults and children of all age groups, starting from the first days of life: - for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis of various origins and intestinal dysfunctions: in newborns and infants with early artificial and mixed feeding; in patients with secondary immunodeficiency states, including during and after cytostatic therapy; for severe infectious-inflammatory and purulent-septic diseases, against the background and after the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics; — for the treatment of acute intestinal infections of bacterial etiology, including dysentery, salmonellosis, foodborne toxic infections, especially in cases of severe intoxication and intolerance to antibiotics; - for the treatment of acute and chronic nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, accompanied by inhibition of the reparative processes of the intestinal mucosa; — to prevent infectious and destructive complications (including necrotizing ulcerative colitis) in neonatal intensive care units, in premature infants with a burdened premorbid background, with mixed pathology (infectious and inflammatory diseases, the threat of sepsis, malnutrition, anemia, exudative diathesis, etc.) . p.), against the background of intensive therapy.

CONTRAINDICATIONS There are no contraindications to the use of the drug.

SIDE EFFECTS The use of Bifiliz does not cause any adverse reactions.

INTERACTION No data available.

METHOD OF APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Bifiliz is intended for oral use 20-30 minutes before meals. Young children can be given the drug immediately before meals or with the first portions of food. The drug is dissolved with boiled water at room temperature immediately before use. The bottle with the drug should be opened, filled to the top with water, closed again with a rubber stopper and left for 2-3 minutes at room temperature; after shaking, the drug is ready for use. In the case when 2.5 doses of the drug are required per dose, you should divide the contents of the bottle into two equal parts with a dry, clean object (the tip of a knife, an eye spatula, a spoon, etc.), transfer one part of the drug into a glass with a small amount water, dilute and use immediately, and keep the remaining amount of the dry drug in the bottle closed in the refrigerator until the next dose. Do not dissolve the drug in hot water and store it in dissolved form. For therapeutic purposes, Bifiliz is used in adults and children, 5 doses (1 bottle) per dose 2-3 times a day. For acute intestinal infections, Bifiliz is prescribed in short courses (5-7 days), sometimes up to 10 days; in the presence of concomitant diseases of the digestive tract, pronounced changes in microbiocenosis and intestinal mucosa, it is advisable to lengthen the course of treatment to 20 days. For dysbacteriosis and persistent intestinal dysfunctions, the drug is used for 10-20 days, depending on the severity of the disease. To prevent dysbacteriosis and intestinal infections, the drug is used for 10 days, 2 times a day: for children in the first 3 months of life, 2.5 doses per dose, for children of other age groups and adults - 2.5-5 doses. If necessary, it is possible to repeat courses of Bifiliz with an interval of 2-3 months.

OVERDOSE No data available.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS In patients with severe allergic conditions, the drug should be used under medical supervision.

STORAGE CONDITIONS Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature of (5 ± 3)°C.

Instructions for use of Bifiliz (Method and dosage)

The lyophilisate is intended for oral administration. To prepare the suspension, add warm boiled water to the bottle, close it with a stopper, leave for about 2-3 minutes and shake well. Take before or during meals. Treatment involves taking 5 doses 2-3 times a day.

Therapy for acute intestinal infections is carried out over a course of 5-7 days, but in some cases treatment can be extended to 20 days.

Prevention of dysbacteriosis or intestinal infections involves taking it twice a day for 10 days. After 2-3 months, you can repeat the treatment.

Rectal suppositories are recommended to be administered after performing hygienic procedures, one piece at night, and also after bowel movements. You can put up to 4 candles per day.


BIFILIZ (VIGEL), lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration, is a biological product containing lysozyme and biomass of living, antagonistically active bifidobacteria strain Bifidumbacterium bifidum No. 1.

Composition: (per dose): active ingredients: live bifidobacteria - at least 10 microbial cells, lysozyme - (10±1) mg.

Description: Porous or crystalline mass of beige or whitish-gray color with a specific odor.

Biological and immunological properties: The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the presence of bifidobacteria in its composition, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the intestinal microflora, and lysozyme as a natural protective factor for the gastrointestinal tract.

Live bifidobacteria with high antagonistic activity against a wide range of opportunistic and enteropathogenic microorganisms displace the latter from the intestinal microbiocenosis, creating favorable conditions for normalizing microflora and improving metabolic processes, preventing the formation of protracted forms of intestinal diseases. Lysozyme has a bifidogenic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates metabolic, reparative processes and erythropoiesis, improves digestion, increases the body's anti-infective and antitoxic resistance, has an antibacterial effect and exhibits synergism with many antibiotics.

The optimal combination of bifidobacteria and lysozyme in bifiliz makes it possible to enhance the therapeutic effect of each component and limit the use of antibiotics for the treatment of intestinal infections and selective decontamination of pathogenic microflora.


BIFILIZ (VIGEL) is intended for use in adults and children of all age groups, starting from the first days of life.

  • for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis of various origins and intestinal dysfunctions: in newborns and infants with early artificial and mixed feeding; in patients with secondary immunodeficiency conditions, including after cytostatic therapy; for severe infectious-inflammatory and purulent-septic diseases, against the background and after the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • for the treatment of acute intestinal infections of bacterial etiology , including dysentery, salmonellosis, foodborne toxic infections, especially with severe symptoms of intoxication and intolerance to antibiotics;
  • for the treatment of acute and chronic nonspecific diseases of the digestive tract , accompanied by inhibition of the reparative processes of the intestinal mucosa;
  • to prevent infectious and destructive complications (including necrotizing ulcerative colitis) in neonatal intensive care units, in premature infants with a burdened premorbid background, with mixed pathology (infectious and inflammatory diseases, threat of sepsis, malnutrition, anemia, atopic dermatitis, etc. .), against the background of intensive therapy.


No contraindications or side effects have been identified.

Use with caution if you have egg white intolerance or other allergic conditions.


BIFILIZ (VIGEL) is intended for oral use 20-30 minutes before meals.

Young children can be given the drug immediately before meals or with the first portions of food.

The drug is dissolved with boiled water at room temperature immediately before use.

The bottle with the drug should be opened, filled to the top with water, closed again with a rubber stopper and left for 2-3 minutes at room temperature; After shaking, the drug is ready for use.

Do not dissolve the drug in hot water and store it in dissolved form.

For therapeutic purposes, BIFILIZ (VIGEL) is prescribed:

  • children of the first six months: 5 doses (1 bottle) 1-2 times a day;
  • children from 6 months to 1 year: 5 doses 2 times a day;
  • adults and older children - 5 doses (1 bottle) 2-3 times a day.

For acute intestinal infections, bifiliz is prescribed in short courses (5-7 days), sometimes up to 10 days; in the presence of concomitant diseases of the digestive tract, pronounced changes in microbiocenosis and intestinal mucosa, it is advisable to lengthen the course of treatment to 20 days.

For dysbacteriosis and persistent intestinal dysfunctions, the drug is used for 10-20 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

For the prevention of dysbacteriosis and intestinal infections BIFILIZ (VIGEL)

apply for 10 days:

  • for children in the first six months of life, 1 dose per dose once a day,
  • children of other age groups and adults: 5 doses 2 times a day.

If necessary, it is possible to repeat courses of BIFILIZA with an interval of 2-3 months.


In bottles of 5 doses. There are 10 bottles in a cardboard box with instructions for use.


Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


2 years.

The drug is not suitable for use:

A drug whose packaging has been damaged.

The drug is not labeled.

A drug with altered physical properties (change in color, shrinkage of biomass), in the presence of foreign inclusions.

The drug has expired.


Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 2 to 10°C. The dissolved drug cannot be stored.

Transported in seven types of covered transport at temperatures from 2 to 10°C

Bifiliz's analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches: Biobacton



Hilak forte


Linex Forte


Florin Forte




Bifidumbacterin Forte







The main analogues of this drug are based on Bifidobacteria bifidum , for example, Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Laktovit Forte, Enterozermina and Lacidofil .

Reviews about Bifiliz

As reviews of Bifiliz show, it is actively used both for infants and older children and adult patients. Therefore, discussions of this drug are found on various websites and forums.

In most cases, reviews of Bifiliz for children are positive. Mothers give this drug to treat dysbiosis and other digestive disorders in their children.

Pediatricians report that they often prescribe this particular drug to their young patients. At the same time, everyone who took Bifiliz for infants left only positive reviews.

This drug is also taken by adult patients. Some of them say that after taking Bifiliz they developed allergic manifestations and diluted stools.

It is known that timely support of intestinal microflora accelerates the patient’s recovery. However, any treatment must be coordinated with a specialist, especially if it is associated with childhood diseases. Only a competent specialist can prescribe correct and adequate treatment.

Bifiliz 10 pcs. vaginal and rectal suppositories

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic effect of Bifiliz suppositories is due to the high antagonistic activity of bifidobacteria against opportunistic and a number of pathogenic microorganisms, which, in combination with the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of lysozyme, creates favorable conditions for the normalization of intestinal and vaginal microflora.

Composition and release form Bifiliz 10 pcs. vaginal and rectal suppositories

Suppositories - 1 supp.: bifidobacterium bifidum (Bifidobacterium bifidum) not less than 10 million CFU, lysozyme 10 mg.

5 pieces. — contour cell packaging (2) — cardboard packs.

Description of the dosage form

Suppositories for vaginal or rectal administration.

Directions for use and doses

Before use, cut the cell packaging of the suppository. The drug is used rectally after defecation or after a cleansing enema (if necessary), intravaginally after performing hygienic procedures.

For intestinal diseases, suppositories are used rectally for adults 3 times a day, 1-2 suppositories per dose. The duration of treatment for acute intestinal infections is 7-10 days, for protracted and chronic forms of the disease, intestinal dysbacteriosis - 10-14 days or more. It is possible to use the drug 1 suppository 2-3 times a day in combination with oral use of the drug Bifiliz lyophilisate 5 doses 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days, if necessary, treatment can be continued for up to 3 weeks. For children, the drug is prescribed 1 suppository 2-3 times a day for 7 days.

In gynecological practice: for vaginal dysbiosis of the vagina and treatment of diseases complicated by vaginal pathology, the drug is prescribed vaginally 1 suppository 3 times a day for 10-15 days.

In order to prevent postoperative infectious complications during planned operations, use 1 suppository 1-2 times a day for 5-10 days before the intended operation.

Indications for use Bifiliz 10 pcs. vaginal and rectal suppositories

Treatment of dysbiosis and inflammatory processes of the vagina. Increased nonspecific resistance of the body in children of all age groups and adults. Used as part of complex therapy.

Rectally for adults and children of all age groups:

  • for acute intestinal infections of established (bacterial, viral) and unidentified etiology in the period of convalescence, to prevent bacterial carriage and the transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • after toxic infections;
  • with intestinal dysbiosis of various etiologies;
  • to increase the effectiveness of complex treatment of nonspecific inflammatory bowel diseases (chronic colitis, enterocolitis, proctitis, etc.);
  • to improve the tolerability of antibacterial, cytostatic and other types of therapy.

Vaginally for adults:

  • with vaginal dysbiosis of various etiologies (bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vaginitis, etc.). The drug is used to restore normal microflora in combination with or after specific antimicrobial, antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy;
  • for the treatment of gynecological diseases complicated by vaginal pathology (chronic salpingoophoritis, colpitis of various etiologies);
  • for preoperative preparation during planned operations in surgical practice in order to prevent postoperative infectious complications.


Children's age (for intravaginal use).

With caution: allergy to chicken egg whites (the drug may be used against the background of desensitizing therapy).

Application Bifiliz 10 pcs. vaginal and rectal suppositories during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated for children (intravaginal use).

special instructions

The drug does not affect the performance of activities requiring special attention and quick reactions (driving vehicles, machinery, etc.).


No cases of drug overdose were observed.

Drug interactions

Clinically significant interactions of the drug with other drugs have not been established. The drug can be used simultaneously with antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy.

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